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service update The service update command description and usage service, update

service update

Usage:  docker service update [OPTIONS] SERVICE

Update a service

      --args string                        Service command args
      --constraint-add stringSlice         Add or update a placement constraint
      --constraint-rm list                 Remove a constraint (default [])
      --container-label-add list           Add or update a container label (default [])
      --container-label-rm list            Remove a container label by its key (default [])
      --endpoint-mode string               Endpoint mode (vip or dnsrr)
      --env-add list                       Add or update an environment variable (default [])
      --env-rm list                        Remove an environment variable (default [])
      --force                              Force update even if no changes require it
      --group-add stringSlice              Add an additional supplementary user group to the container
      --group-rm list                      Remove a previously added supplementary user group from the container (default [])
      --health-cmd string                  Command to run to check health
      --health-interval duration-ptr       Time between running the check (default none)
      --health-retries int                 Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy
      --health-timeout duration-ptr        Maximum time to allow one check to run (default none)
      --help                               Print usage
      --image string                       Service image tag
      --label-add list                     Add or update a service label (default [])
      --label-rm list                      Remove a label by its key (default [])
      --limit-cpu NanoCPUs                 Limit CPUs (default 0.000)
      --limit-memory MemoryBytes           Limit Memory (default 0 B)
      --log-driver string                  Logging driver for service
      --log-opt list                       Logging driver options (default [])
      --mount-add mount                    Add or update a mount on a service
      --mount-rm list                      Remove a mount by its target path (default [])
      --no-healthcheck                     Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK
      --publish-add list                   Add or update a published port (default [])
      --publish-rm list                    Remove a published port by its target port (default [])
      --replicas uint64-ptr                Number of tasks (default none)
      --reserve-cpu NanoCPUs               Reserve CPUs (default 0.000)
      --reserve-memory MemoryBytes         Reserve Memory (default 0 B)
      --restart-condition string           Restart when condition is met (none, on-failure, or any)
      --restart-delay duration-ptr         Delay between restart attempts (default none)
      --restart-max-attempts uint64-ptr    Maximum number of restarts before giving up (default none)
      --restart-window duration-ptr        Window used to evaluate the restart policy (default none)
      --rollback                           Rollback to previous specification
      --stop-grace-period duration-ptr     Time to wait before force killing a container (default none)
  -t, --tty                                Allocate a pseudo-TTY
      --update-delay duration              Delay between updates
      --update-failure-action string       Action on update failure (pause|continue) (default "pause")
      --update-max-failure-ratio float32   Failure rate to tolerate during an update
      --update-monitor duration            Duration after each task update to monitor for failure
      --update-parallelism uint            Maximum number of tasks updated simultaneously (0 to update all at once) (default 1)
  -u, --user string                        Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
      --with-registry-auth                 Send registry authentication details to swarm agents
  -w, --workdir string                     Working directory inside the container

Updates a service as described by the specified parameters. This command has to be run targeting a manager node. The parameters are the same as docker service create. Please look at the description there for further information.

Normally, updating a service will only cause the service's tasks to be replaced with new ones if a change to the service requires recreating the tasks for it to take effect. For example, only changing the --update-parallelism setting will not recreate the tasks, because the individual tasks are not affected by this setting. However, the --force flag will cause the tasks to be recreated anyway. This can be used to perform a rolling restart without any changes to the service parameters.


Update a service

$ docker service update --limit-cpu 2 redis

Perform a rolling restart with no parameter changes

$ docker service update --force --update-parallelism 1 --update-delay 30s redis

In this example, the --force flag causes the service's tasks to be shut down and replaced with new ones even though none of the other parameters would normally cause that to happen. The --update-parallelism 1 setting ensures that only one task is replaced at a time (this is the default behavior). The --update-delay 30s setting introduces a 30 second delay between tasks, so that the rolling restart happens gradually.

Adding and removing mounts

Use the --mount-add or --mount-rm options add or remove a service's bind-mounts or volumes.

The following example creates a service which mounts the test-data volume to /somewhere. The next step updates the service to also mount the other-volume volume to /somewhere-elsevolume, The last step unmounts the /somewhere mount point, effectively removing the test-data volume. Each command returns the service name.

  • The --mount-add flag takes the same parameters as the --mount flag on service create. Refer to the volumes and bind-mounts section in the service create reference for details.

  • The --mount-rm flag takes the target path of the mount.

$ docker service create \
    --name=myservice \
    --mount \
      type=volume,source=test-data,target=/somewhere \
    nginx:alpine \


$ docker service update \
    --mount-add \
      type=volume,source=other-volume,target=/somewhere-else \


$ docker service update --mount-rm /somewhere myservice
