This wraps the cli stderr stream the same way as stdin and stdout, which
extends the stream with TTY-related methods.
Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <>
full diff:
Updated config to address warnings:
WARN [config_reader] The configuration option `run.skip-files` is deprecated, please use `issues.exclude-files`.
WARN [config_reader] The configuration option `linters.govet.check-shadowing` is deprecated. Please enable `shadow` instead, if you are not using `enable-all`.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
Looks like it's broken, so use a blanket "nolint:gosec" instead;
cli/command/image/build/context.go:238:17: G107: Potential HTTP request made with variable url (gosec)
if resp, err = http.Get(url); err != nil {
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
cli/registry/client/endpoint.go:128:34: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", th.token))
cli/command/telemetry_docker.go:88:14: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", path.Join(u.Host, u.Path))
cli/command/cli_test.go:195:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
opts := &flags.ClientOptions{Hosts: []string{fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", socket)}}
cli/command/registry_test.go:59:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
inputServerAddress: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", testAuthConfigs[1].ServerAddress),
cli/command/container/opts_test.go:338:35: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if config, _, _ := mustParse(t, fmt.Sprintf("--hostname=%s", hostname)); config.Hostname != expectedHostname {
cli/command/context/options.go:79:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: unrecognized config key", k))
cli/command/image/build.go:461:68: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
line = dockerfileFromLinePattern.ReplaceAllLiteralString(line, fmt.Sprintf("FROM %s", reference.FamiliarString(trustedRef)))
cli/command/image/remove_test.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("Error: No such image: %s", n.imageID)
cli/command/image/build/context.go:229:102: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
progReader := progress.NewProgressReader(response.Body, progressOutput, response.ContentLength, "", fmt.Sprintf("Downloading build context from remote url: %s", remoteURL))
cli/command/service/logs.go:215:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", task.ID)
cli/command/service/logs.go:217:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", stringid.TruncateID(task.ID))
cli/command/service/progress/progress_test.go:877:18: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
ID: fmt.Sprintf("task%s", nodeID),
cli/command/stack/swarm/remove.go:61:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove some resources from stack: %s", namespace))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:32:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
arg := fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(vals, ","))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:137:30: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if err := f.Parse([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(test.FlagArg, ","))}); err != nil {
cli/compose/schema/schema.go:105:11: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("must be a %s", humanReadableType(expectedType))
cli/manifest/store/store.go:165:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("No such manifest: %s", n.object)
e2e/image/push_test.go:340:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_ROOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:341:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_TARGETS_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:342:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_SNAPSHOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:343:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:23:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
pluginName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/plugin-content-trust", registryPrefix)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:53:8: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
Out: fmt.Sprintf("Installed plugin %s", pluginName),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:62:57: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.AlpineImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:64:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:68:58: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.BusyboxImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:70:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:36:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:53:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.BusyboxSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:65:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
opts/file.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("poorly formatted environment: %s", e.msg)
opts/hosts_test.go:26:31: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
"tcp://host:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://host:%s", defaultHTTPPort),
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
internal/test/cli.go:175:14: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no notary client available unless defined")
cli/command/cli.go:318:29: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return docker.Endpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("no context store initialized")
cli/command/container/attach.go:161:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf(result.Error.Message)
cli/command/container/opts.go:577:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--health-start-period cannot be negative")
cli/command/container/opts.go:580:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--health-start-interval cannot be negative")
cli/command/container/stats.go:221:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("filtering is not supported when specifying a list of containers")
cli/command/container/attach_test.go:82:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
expectedErr = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error")
cli/command/container/create_test.go:234:40: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.CreateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/container/list_test.go:150:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listing containers")
cli/command/container/rm_test.go:40:31: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return errdefs.NotFound(fmt.Errorf("Error: no such container: " + container))
cli/command/container/run_test.go:138:40: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.CreateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/image/pull_test.go:115:49: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("")), fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/network/connect.go:88:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key/value pair format in driver options")
cli/command/plugin/create_test.go:96:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating plugin")
cli/command/plugin/disable_test.go:32:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error disabling plugin")
cli/command/plugin/enable_test.go:32:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to enable plugin")
cli/command/plugin/inspect_test.go:55:22: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting plugin")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:43:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error installing plugin")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:51:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("(image) when fetching")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:95:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("should not try to install plugin")
cli/command/plugin/list_test.go:35:41: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return types.PluginsListResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error listing plugins")
cli/command/plugin/remove_test.go:27:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error removing plugin")
cli/command/registry/login_test.go:36:46: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return registrytypes.AuthenticateOKBody{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Username or Password")
cli/command/registry/login_test.go:44:46: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return registrytypes.AuthenticateOKBody{}, fmt.Errorf(errUnknownUser)
cli/command/system/info.go:190:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("errors pretty printing info")
cli/command/system/prune.go:77:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf(`ERROR: The "until" filter is not supported with "--volumes"`)
cli/command/system/version_test.go:19:28: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return types.Version{}, fmt.Errorf("no server")
cli/command/trust/key_load.go:112:22: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("could not decrypt key")
cli/command/trust/revoke.go:44:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use a digest reference for IMAGE:TAG")
cli/command/trust/revoke.go:105:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("no signed tags to remove")
cli/command/trust/signer_add.go:56:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("releases is a reserved keyword, please use a different signer name")
cli/command/trust/signer_add.go:60:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("path to a public key must be provided using the `--key` flag")
opts/config.go:71:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("source is required")
opts/mount.go:168:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("type is required")
opts/mount.go:172:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("target is required")
opts/network.go:90:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("network name/id is not specified")
opts/network.go:129:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid key value pair format in driver options")
opts/opts.go:404:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("value is too precise")
opts/opts.go:412:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("empty string specified for links")
opts/parse.go:84:37: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.RestartPolicy{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid restart policy format: no policy provided before colon")
opts/parse.go:89:38: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.RestartPolicy{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid restart policy format: maximum retry count must be an integer")
opts/port.go:105:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("hostip is not supported")
opts/secret.go:70:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("source is required")
opts/env_test.go:57:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid environment variable: =a"),
opts/env_test.go:93:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid environment variable: ="),
cli-plugins/manager/error_test.go:16:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
inner := fmt.Errorf("testing")
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
Rename some variables to prevent shadowing and for clarity.
Also made some minor formatting changes.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
full diff:
- remove deprecated SplitHostname
- refactor splitDockerDomain to include more documentation
- fix typo in readme
- Exclude domain from name length check
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
These are endpoint-specific driver options...
image: myimage
"option1": "value1"
The API has had support for a long time, it's only recently been
added to compose (unreleased right now).
Signed-off-by: Rob Murray <>
The API field `EnableIPv6` was marked as optional in our Swagger docs,
and its default value in the Go client came from that field being a
bool, thus defaulting to its zero value. That's not the case anymore.
This field is now a `*bool` as to let daemon's config define the default
value. IPv6 can still be enabled / disabled by explicitly specifying the
`--ipv6` flag when doing `docker network create`.
Signed-off-by: Albin Kerouanton <> will no longer be maintained by the author,
and is nominated as the endorsed fork.
- v1.x changes since last release from mitchellh:
- v2.0 changes:
Breaking changes
Error is removed in favor of errors.Join (backported from Go 1.20 to preserve
compatibility with earlier versions)
What's Changed
- feat!: update module path
- build: update dev env
- feature: add StringToBasicTypeHookFunc and support complex
- Add an example showing how to use a DecodeHookFunc to parse a custom field.
- Remove exposed error type
- Replace internal joined error with errors.Join
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>