This wraps the cli stderr stream the same way as stdin and stdout, which
extends the stream with TTY-related methods.
Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <>
The `Config` field returned by this endpoint (used for "image inspect") returns
additional fields that are not part of the image's configuration and not part of
the [Docker Image Spec] and the [OCI Image Spec].
These additional fields are included in the response, due to an
implementation detail, where the [api/types.ImageInspec] type used
for the response is using the [container.Config] type.
The [container.Config] type is a superset of the image config, and while the
image's Config is used as a _template_ for containers created from the image,
the additional fields are set at runtime (from options passed when creating
the container) and not taken from the image Config.
These fields are never set (and always return the default value for the type),
but are not omitted in the response when left empty. As these fields were not
intended to be part of the image configuration response, they are deprecated,
and will be removed from the API.
The following fields are currently included in the API response, but
are not part of the underlying image's Config, and deprecated:
- `Hostname`
- `Domainname`
- `AttachStdin`
- `AttachStdout`
- `AttachStderr`
- `Tty`
- `OpenStdin`
- `StdinOnce`
- `Image`
- `NetworkDisabled` (already omitted unless set)
- `MacAddress` (already omitted unless set)
- `StopTimeout` (already omitted unless set)
[Docker image spec]:
[OCI Image Spec]:
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
full diff:
Updated config to address warnings:
WARN [config_reader] The configuration option `run.skip-files` is deprecated, please use `issues.exclude-files`.
WARN [config_reader] The configuration option `linters.govet.check-shadowing` is deprecated. Please enable `shadow` instead, if you are not using `enable-all`.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
Looks like it's broken, so use a blanket "nolint:gosec" instead;
cli/command/image/build/context.go:238:17: G107: Potential HTTP request made with variable url (gosec)
if resp, err = http.Get(url); err != nil {
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
cli/registry/client/endpoint.go:128:34: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", th.token))
cli/command/telemetry_docker.go:88:14: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", path.Join(u.Host, u.Path))
cli/command/cli_test.go:195:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
opts := &flags.ClientOptions{Hosts: []string{fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", socket)}}
cli/command/registry_test.go:59:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
inputServerAddress: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", testAuthConfigs[1].ServerAddress),
cli/command/container/opts_test.go:338:35: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if config, _, _ := mustParse(t, fmt.Sprintf("--hostname=%s", hostname)); config.Hostname != expectedHostname {
cli/command/context/options.go:79:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: unrecognized config key", k))
cli/command/image/build.go:461:68: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
line = dockerfileFromLinePattern.ReplaceAllLiteralString(line, fmt.Sprintf("FROM %s", reference.FamiliarString(trustedRef)))
cli/command/image/remove_test.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("Error: No such image: %s", n.imageID)
cli/command/image/build/context.go:229:102: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
progReader := progress.NewProgressReader(response.Body, progressOutput, response.ContentLength, "", fmt.Sprintf("Downloading build context from remote url: %s", remoteURL))
cli/command/service/logs.go:215:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", task.ID)
cli/command/service/logs.go:217:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", stringid.TruncateID(task.ID))
cli/command/service/progress/progress_test.go:877:18: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
ID: fmt.Sprintf("task%s", nodeID),
cli/command/stack/swarm/remove.go:61:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove some resources from stack: %s", namespace))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:32:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
arg := fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(vals, ","))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:137:30: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if err := f.Parse([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(test.FlagArg, ","))}); err != nil {
cli/compose/schema/schema.go:105:11: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("must be a %s", humanReadableType(expectedType))
cli/manifest/store/store.go:165:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("No such manifest: %s", n.object)
e2e/image/push_test.go:340:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_ROOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:341:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_TARGETS_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:342:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_SNAPSHOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:343:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:23:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
pluginName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/plugin-content-trust", registryPrefix)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:53:8: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
Out: fmt.Sprintf("Installed plugin %s", pluginName),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:62:57: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.AlpineImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:64:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:68:58: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.BusyboxImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:70:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:36:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:53:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.BusyboxSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:65:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
opts/file.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("poorly formatted environment: %s", e.msg)
opts/hosts_test.go:26:31: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
"tcp://host:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://host:%s", defaultHTTPPort),
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
internal/test/cli.go:175:14: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no notary client available unless defined")
cli/command/cli.go:318:29: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return docker.Endpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("no context store initialized")
cli/command/container/attach.go:161:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf(result.Error.Message)
cli/command/container/opts.go:577:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--health-start-period cannot be negative")
cli/command/container/opts.go:580:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--health-start-interval cannot be negative")
cli/command/container/stats.go:221:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("filtering is not supported when specifying a list of containers")
cli/command/container/attach_test.go:82:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
expectedErr = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error")
cli/command/container/create_test.go:234:40: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.CreateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/container/list_test.go:150:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listing containers")
cli/command/container/rm_test.go:40:31: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return errdefs.NotFound(fmt.Errorf("Error: no such container: " + container))
cli/command/container/run_test.go:138:40: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.CreateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/image/pull_test.go:115:49: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("")), fmt.Errorf("shouldn't try to pull image")
cli/command/network/connect.go:88:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key/value pair format in driver options")
cli/command/plugin/create_test.go:96:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating plugin")
cli/command/plugin/disable_test.go:32:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error disabling plugin")
cli/command/plugin/enable_test.go:32:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to enable plugin")
cli/command/plugin/inspect_test.go:55:22: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting plugin")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:43:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error installing plugin")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:51:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("(image) when fetching")
cli/command/plugin/install_test.go:95:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("should not try to install plugin")
cli/command/plugin/list_test.go:35:41: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return types.PluginsListResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error listing plugins")
cli/command/plugin/remove_test.go:27:12: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("Error removing plugin")
cli/command/registry/login_test.go:36:46: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return registrytypes.AuthenticateOKBody{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Username or Password")
cli/command/registry/login_test.go:44:46: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return registrytypes.AuthenticateOKBody{}, fmt.Errorf(errUnknownUser)
cli/command/system/info.go:190:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("errors pretty printing info")
cli/command/system/prune.go:77:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf(`ERROR: The "until" filter is not supported with "--volumes"`)
cli/command/system/version_test.go:19:28: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return types.Version{}, fmt.Errorf("no server")
cli/command/trust/key_load.go:112:22: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("could not decrypt key")
cli/command/trust/revoke.go:44:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use a digest reference for IMAGE:TAG")
cli/command/trust/revoke.go:105:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("no signed tags to remove")
cli/command/trust/signer_add.go:56:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("releases is a reserved keyword, please use a different signer name")
cli/command/trust/signer_add.go:60:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("path to a public key must be provided using the `--key` flag")
opts/config.go:71:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("source is required")
opts/mount.go:168:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("type is required")
opts/mount.go:172:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("target is required")
opts/network.go:90:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("network name/id is not specified")
opts/network.go:129:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid key value pair format in driver options")
opts/opts.go:404:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("value is too precise")
opts/opts.go:412:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("empty string specified for links")
opts/parse.go:84:37: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.RestartPolicy{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid restart policy format: no policy provided before colon")
opts/parse.go:89:38: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return container.RestartPolicy{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid restart policy format: maximum retry count must be an integer")
opts/port.go:105:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("hostip is not supported")
opts/secret.go:70:10: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
return fmt.Errorf("source is required")
opts/env_test.go:57:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid environment variable: =a"),
opts/env_test.go:93:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid environment variable: ="),
cli-plugins/manager/error_test.go:16:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
inner := fmt.Errorf("testing")
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
Rename some variables to prevent shadowing and for clarity.
Also made some minor formatting changes.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
full diff:
- remove deprecated SplitHostname
- refactor splitDockerDomain to include more documentation
- fix typo in readme
- Exclude domain from name length check
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
These are endpoint-specific driver options...
image: myimage
"option1": "value1"
The API has had support for a long time, it's only recently been
added to compose (unreleased right now).
Signed-off-by: Rob Murray <>
The API field `EnableIPv6` was marked as optional in our Swagger docs,
and its default value in the Go client came from that field being a
bool, thus defaulting to its zero value. That's not the case anymore.
This field is now a `*bool` as to let daemon's config define the default
value. IPv6 can still be enabled / disabled by explicitly specifying the
`--ipv6` flag when doing `docker network create`.
Signed-off-by: Albin Kerouanton <>