go1.10.3 (released 2018/06/05) includes fixes to the go command, and the
crypto/tls, crypto/x509, and strings packages. In particular, it adds minimal
support to the go command for the vgo transition. See the Go 1.10.3 milestone
on our issue tracker for details;
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
github.com/gotestyourself/gotestyourself moved to gotest.tools with
version 2.0.0. Moving to that one, bumping it to v2.1.0.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <vincent@sbr.pm>
… discovered recently that our very own Sebastiaan was not even listed
in the maintainers, so fixing this mistake !
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <vincent@sbr.pm>
* Kubernetes native filtering (server side) is an exact match, now filtering on name is made client-side to add prefix-matching
Signed-off-by: Silvin Lubecki <silvin.lubecki@docker.com>
This patch adds annotations to mark the checkpoint commands as Linux only, which
hides them if the daemon is running a non-matching operating-system type;
Usage: docker COMMAND
A self-sufficient runtime for containers
Management Commands:
config Manage Docker configs
container Manage containers
image Manage images
Usage: docker COMMAND
A self-sufficient runtime for containers
Management Commands:
checkpoint Manage checkpoints
config Manage Docker configs
container Manage containers
image Manage images
This change also prints errors when attempting to use checkpoint commands or
flags if the feature is not supported by the Daemon's operating system;
$ docker checkpoint --help
docker checkpoint is only supported on a Docker daemon running on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
$ docker checkpoint create --help
docker checkpoint create is only supported on a Docker daemon running on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
$ docker checkpoint ls --help
docker checkpoint ls is only supported on a Docker daemon running on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
$ docker checkpoint rm --help
docker checkpoint rm is only supported on a Docker daemon running on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
$ docker container start --checkpoint=foo mycontainer
"--checkpoint" requires the Docker daemon to run on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
$ docker container start --checkpoint-dir=/foo/bar mycontainer
"--checkpoint-dir" requires the Docker daemon to run on linux, but the Docker daemon is running on windows
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
As for top-level key, any 3rd-level key which starts with `x-` will be
ignored by compose. This allows for users to:
* include additional metadata in their compose files
* create YAML anchor objects that can be re-used in other parts of the config
This matches a similar feature in the swagger spec definition:
This means a composefile like the following is valid
verison: "3.7"
image: foo/bar
x-foo: bar
x-bar: baz
It concerns services, volumes, networks, configs and secrets.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <vincent@sbr.pm>
- Build image that contains everything needed to run e2e tests
- Add ability to run e2e tests against an endpoint
Signed-off-by: Christopher Crone <christopher.crone@docker.com>
Add validation for stack names to prevent an empty name resulting in _all_
stacks to be returned after filtering, which can result in removal of services
for all stacks if `--prune`, or `docker stack rm` is used.
Before this change;
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml one
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml two
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml three
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml --prune ''
Removing service one_web
Removing service two_web
Removing service three_web
After this change:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml one
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml two
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml three
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml --prune ''
invalid stack name: ""
Other stack commands were updated as well:
Before this change;
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml ''
Creating network _default
failed to create network _default: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = name must be valid as a DNS name component
docker stack ps ''
nothing found in stack:
docker stack rm ''
Removing service one_web
Removing service three_web
Removing service two_web
After this change:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml ''
invalid stack name: ""
docker stack ps ''
invalid stack name: ""
docker stack rm ''
invalid stack name: ""
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
- Don't wrap the code to be slightly more readable
- Rename `getServiceFilter()` to `getStackServiceFilter()` to be
consistent with other helper functions.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
* Add "kubernetes" struct in config file with "allNamespaces" option, to opt-out this behavior when set as "disabled"
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Champlon <mathieu.champlon@docker.com>