
72 lines
7.2 KiB

"Language" "English"
"Reset" "Reset"
"ConfirmReset" "This command will reset all current game configurations to their default values.\n\nThis will also erase any game configurations for user created MODs."
"ShowFAQ" "More Info..."
"Converted_INI" "Game configuration files have been updated successfully!"
"Note" "Note"
"Button_Search" "Browse..."
"ClickNextWhenFinished" "Click Next when finished, and the files will be copied."
"SelectInstallDirectory" "Select an install directory"
"CopyingFiles_PleaseWait" "Copying files. Please wait..."
"CopyingFiles_Finished" "Finished copying files! Press Next to continue."
"ClickFinishToExit" "Click Finish to exit."
"Warning" "Warning"
"OK" "OK"
"Cancel" "Cancel"
"Continue" "Continue"
"ModifyHalfLife2" "Modify Half-Life 2 Single Player"
"ModifyHalfLife2MP" "Modify Half-Life 2 Multiplayer"
"StartFromScratch" "Start a mod from scratch (advanced users only)"
"StartFromTemplate" "Start a Multiplayer mod from a template (advanced users)"
"ModSourceCodeOnly" "Source code only (advanced users only)"
"ClickNextToContinue" "Click Next to continue..."
"Troubleshooting" "Help..."
"Run_Anyway" "Run Anyway"
"Game_Not_Updated" "The configuration information for the game you're trying to edit is invalid or missing."
"CheckButton_DontShowAgain" "Don't show this message again"
"ModWizard_Intro_Title" "Create a Mod"
"ModWizard_GetModInfo_Title" "Mod Information"
"ModWizard_CopyFiles_Title" "Copying files..."
"ModWizard_Finished_Title" "Finished!"
"Refresh_Confirm" "This command will refresh all the files under SourceSDK with the latest copies. Writable files will not be modified."
"PleaseEnterModName" "Please enter a mod name. This will become the directory that the mod is installed under."
"PleaseEnterModPath" "Please enter a path to install the mod."
"ModNameInvalidCharacters" "The mod name must only include alphabetical characters, numbers, dashes, and underscores."
"ModWizard_IntroText" "Welcome to the Create a Mod wizard. To prepare source code and game content for a new mod, make a selection below and click 'Next' to continue."
"InstallDirectoryInfo" "Enter the directory you would like to install the source code into (eg. C:\MyMod). The source code for Alien Swarm will be copied into this directory."
"ModNameInfo" "Enter the mod name. This will become a subdirectory in Steam's SourceMods folder, which will contain all of your mod's content files."
"ModWizard_FinishedText" "Mod wizard complete. Mod source code is in '%s1'."
"ModFinished_OpenReadmeCheckbox" "Open readme file"
"URL_Create_Mod_Finished" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Swarm_Mod_wizard_complete"
"URL_Reset_Config" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/How_do_I_reset_the_Source_SDK_Game_Configuration%3F"
"URL_SDK_FAQ" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Alien_Swarm_SDK"
// Template Options
"ModWizard_TemplateOptions_Title" "Template Options"
"ModWizard_TemplateOptionsText" "Choose the default options you'd like to be enabled in your new mod. You will need to build the dlls for it to take effect."
"TPOption_Teams" "Use teams (default Red & Blue)"
"TPOption_Classes" "Use player classes"
"TPOption_Stamina" "Use stamina"
"TPOption_Sprinting" "Allow players to sprint"
"TPOption_Prone" "Allow players to go prone"
"TPOption_ShootSprinting" "Allow shooting while sprinting"
"TPOption_ShootLadders" "Allow shooting on ladders"
"TPOption_ShootJumping" "Allow shooting while jumping"