"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "Reset" "Reset" "ConfirmReset" "This command will reset all current game configurations to their default values.\n\nThis will also erase any game configurations for user created MODs." "ShowFAQ" "More Info..." "Converted_INI" "Game configuration files have been updated successfully!" "Note" "Note" "Button_Search" "Browse..." "ClickNextWhenFinished" "Click Next when finished, and the files will be copied." "SelectInstallDirectory" "Select an install directory" "CopyingFiles_PleaseWait" "Copying files. Please wait..." "CopyingFiles_Finished" "Finished copying files! Press Next to continue." "ClickFinishToExit" "Click Finish to exit." "Warning" "Warning" "OK" "OK" "Cancel" "Cancel" "Continue" "Continue" "ModifyHalfLife2" "Modify Half-Life 2 Single Player" "ModifyHalfLife2MP" "Modify Half-Life 2 Multiplayer" "StartFromScratch" "Start a mod from scratch (advanced users only)" "StartFromTemplate" "Start a Multiplayer mod from a template (advanced users)" "ModSourceCodeOnly" "Source code only (advanced users only)" "ClickNextToContinue" "Click Next to continue..." "Troubleshooting" "Help..." "Run_Anyway" "Run Anyway" "Game_Not_Updated" "The configuration information for the game you're trying to edit is invalid or missing." "CheckButton_DontShowAgain" "Don't show this message again" "ModWizard_Intro_Title" "Create a Mod" "ModWizard_GetModInfo_Title" "Mod Information" "ModWizard_CopyFiles_Title" "Copying files..." "ModWizard_Finished_Title" "Finished!" "Refresh_Confirm" "This command will refresh all the files under SourceSDK with the latest copies. Writable files will not be modified." "PleaseEnterModName" "Please enter a mod name. This will become the directory that the mod is installed under." "PleaseEnterModPath" "Please enter a path to install the mod." "ModNameInvalidCharacters" "The mod name must only include alphabetical characters, numbers, dashes, and underscores." "ModWizard_IntroText" "Welcome to the Create a Mod wizard. To prepare source code and game content for a new mod, make a selection below and click 'Next' to continue." "InstallDirectoryInfo" "Enter the directory you would like to install the source code into (eg. C:\MyMod). The source code for Alien Swarm will be copied into this directory." "ModNameInfo" "Enter the mod name. This will become a subdirectory in Steam's SourceMods folder, which will contain all of your mod's content files." "ModWizard_FinishedText" "Mod wizard complete. Mod source code is in '%s1'." "ModFinished_OpenReadmeCheckbox" "Open readme file" "URL_Create_Mod_Finished" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Swarm_Mod_wizard_complete" "URL_Reset_Config" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/How_do_I_reset_the_Source_SDK_Game_Configuration%3F" "URL_SDK_FAQ" "http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Alien_Swarm_SDK" // Template Options "ModWizard_TemplateOptions_Title" "Template Options" "ModWizard_TemplateOptionsText" "Choose the default options you'd like to be enabled in your new mod. You will need to build the dlls for it to take effect." "TPOption_Teams" "Use teams (default Red & Blue)" "TPOption_Classes" "Use player classes" "TPOption_Stamina" "Use stamina" "TPOption_Sprinting" "Allow players to sprint" "TPOption_Prone" "Allow players to go prone" "TPOption_ShootSprinting" "Allow shooting while sprinting" "TPOption_ShootLadders" "Allow shooting on ladders" "TPOption_ShootJumping" "Allow shooting while jumping" } }