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plugin disable the plugin disable command description and usage plugin, disable

plugin disable

Usage:  docker plugin disable PLUGIN

Disable a plugin

  -f, --force   Force the disable of an active plugin
      --help    Print usage

Disables a plugin. The plugin must be installed before it can be disabled, see docker plugin install. Without the -f option, a plugin that has references (eg, volumes, networks) cannot be disabled.

The following example shows that the no-remove plugin is installed and enabled:

$ docker plugin ls

ID                  NAME                  TAG                 DESCRIPTION                ENABLED
69553ca1d123        tiborvass/no-remove   latest              A test plugin for Docker   true

To disable the plugin, use the following command:

$ docker plugin disable tiborvass/no-remove


$ docker plugin ls

ID                  NAME                  TAG                 DESCRIPTION                ENABLED
69553ca1d123        tiborvass/no-remove   latest              A test plugin for Docker   false