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context create The context create command description and usage context, create

context create

Usage:  docker context create [OPTIONS] CONTEXT

Create a context

Docker endpoint config:

NAME                DESCRIPTION
from                Copy Docker endpoint configuration from an existing context
host                Docker endpoint on which to connect
ca                  Trust certs signed only by this CA
cert                Path to TLS certificate file
key                 Path to TLS key file
skip-tls-verify     Skip TLS certificate validation


$ docker context create my-context \
      --description "some description" \
      --docker "host=tcp://myserver:2376,ca=~/ca-file,cert=~/cert-file,key=~/key-file"

      --description string                  Description of the context
      --docker stringToString               set the docker endpoint
                                            (default [])
      --from string                         Create the context from an existing context


Creates a new context. This allows you to quickly switch the cli configuration to connect to different clusters or single nodes.


Create a context with a docker endpoint (--docker)

To create a context from scratch provide the docker and, if required, kubernetes options. The example below creates the context my-context with a docker endpoint of /var/run/docker.sock:

$ docker context create \
    --docker host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock \

Create a context based on an existing context (--from)

Use the --from=<context-name> option to create a new context from an existing context. The example below creates a new context named my-context from the existing context existing-context:

$ docker context create --from existing-context my-context

If the --from option is not set, the context is created from the current context:

$ docker context create my-context

This can be used to create a context out of an existing DOCKER_HOST based script:

$ source
$ docker context create my-context

To source the docker endpoint configuration from an existing context use the --docker from=<context-name> option. The example below creates a new context named my-context using the docker endpoint configuration from the existing context existing-context:

$ docker context create \
    --docker from=existing-context \

Docker endpoints configurations, as well as the description can be modified with docker context update.

Refer to the docker context update reference for details.