
16 KiB

stack ps

List the tasks in the stack


Name Type Default Description
-f, --filter filter Filter output based on conditions provided
--format string Format output using a custom template:
'table': Print output in table format with column headers (default)
'table TEMPLATE': Print output in table format using the given Go template
'json': Print in JSON format
'TEMPLATE': Print output using the given Go template.
Refer to for more information about formatting output with templates
--no-resolve bool Do not map IDs to Names
--no-trunc bool Do not truncate output
-q, --quiet bool Only display task IDs


Lists the tasks that are running as part of the specified stack.

[!NOTE] This is a cluster management command, and must be executed on a swarm manager node. To learn about managers and workers, refer to the Swarm mode section in the documentation.


List the tasks that are part of a stack

The following command shows all the tasks that are part of the voting stack:

$ docker stack ps voting

ID                  NAME                  IMAGE                                          NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE          ERROR  PORTS
xim5bcqtgk1b        voting_worker.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker:latest   node2  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
q7yik0ks1in6        voting_result.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before   node1  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
rx5yo0866nfx        voting_vote.1         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     node3  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
tz6j82jnwrx7        voting_db.1           postgres:9.4                                   node1  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
w48spazhbmxc        voting_redis.1        redis:alpine                                   node2  Running        Running 3 minutes ago
6jj1m02freg1        voting_visualizer.1   dockersamples/visualizer:stable                node1  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
kqgdmededccb        voting_vote.2         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     node2  Running        Running 2 minutes ago
t72q3z038jeh        voting_redis.2        redis:alpine                                   node3  Running        Running 3 minutes ago

Filtering (--filter)

The filtering flag (-f or --filter) format is a key=value pair. If there is more than one filter, then pass multiple flags (e.g. --filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz"). Multiple filter flags are combined as an OR filter. For example, -f name=redis.1 -f name=redis.7 returns both redis.1 and redis.7 tasks.

The currently supported filters are:


The id filter matches on all or a prefix of a task's ID.

$ docker stack ps -f "id=t" voting

ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE         DESIRED STATE       CURRENTSTATE            ERROR  PORTS
tz6j82jnwrx7        voting_db.1         postgres:9.4        node1        Running             Running 14 minutes ago
t72q3z038jeh        voting_redis.2      redis:alpine        node3        Running             Running 14 minutes ago


The name filter matches on task names.

$ docker stack ps -f "name=voting_redis" voting

ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE         DESIRED STATE       CURRENTSTATE            ERROR  PORTS
w48spazhbmxc        voting_redis.1      redis:alpine        node2        Running             Running 17 minutes ago
t72q3z038jeh        voting_redis.2      redis:alpine        node3        Running             Running 17 minutes ago


The node filter matches on a node name or a node ID.

$ docker stack ps -f "node=node1" voting

ID                  NAME                  IMAGE                                          NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE          ERROR  PORTS
q7yik0ks1in6        voting_result.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before   node1  Running        Running 18 minutes ago
tz6j82jnwrx7        voting_db.1           postgres:9.4                                   node1  Running        Running 18 minutes ago
6jj1m02freg1        voting_visualizer.1   dockersamples/visualizer:stable                node1  Running        Running 18 minutes ago


The desired-state filter can take the values running, shutdown, ready or accepted.

$ docker stack ps -f "desired-state=running" voting

ID                  NAME                  IMAGE                                          NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR  PORTS
xim5bcqtgk1b        voting_worker.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker:latest   node2  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
q7yik0ks1in6        voting_result.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before   node1  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
rx5yo0866nfx        voting_vote.1         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     node3  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
tz6j82jnwrx7        voting_db.1           postgres:9.4                                   node1  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
w48spazhbmxc        voting_redis.1        redis:alpine                                   node2  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
6jj1m02freg1        voting_visualizer.1   dockersamples/visualizer:stable                node1  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
kqgdmededccb        voting_vote.2         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     node2  Running        Running 21 minutes ago
t72q3z038jeh        voting_redis.2        redis:alpine                                   node3  Running        Running 21 minutes ago

Format the output (--format)

The formatting options (--format) pretty-prints tasks output using a Go template.

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:

Placeholder Description
.ID Task ID
.Name Task name
.Image Task image
.Node Node ID
.DesiredState Desired state of the task (running, shutdown, or accepted)
.CurrentState Current state of the task
.Error Error
.Ports Task published ports

When using the --format option, the stack ps command will either output the data exactly as the template declares or, when using the table directive, includes column headers as well.

The following example uses a template without headers and outputs the Name and Image entries separated by a colon (:) for all tasks:

$ docker stack ps --format "{{.Name}}: {{.Image}}" voting

voting_worker.1: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker:latest
voting_result.1: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before
voting_vote.1: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before
voting_db.1: postgres:9.4
voting_redis.1: redis:alpine
voting_visualizer.1: dockersamples/visualizer:stable
voting_vote.2: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before
voting_redis.2: redis:alpine

To list all tasks in JSON format, use the json directive:

$ docker stack ps --format json myapp
{"CurrentState":"Preparing 23 seconds ago","DesiredState":"Running","Error":"","ID":"2ufjubh79tn0","Image":"localstack/localstack:latest","Name":"myapp_localstack.1","Node":"docker-desktop","Ports":""}
{"CurrentState":"Running 20 seconds ago","DesiredState":"Running","Error":"","ID":"roee387ngf5r","Image":"redis:6.0.9-alpine3.12","Name":"myapp_redis.1","Node":"docker-desktop","Ports":""}
{"CurrentState":"Preparing 13 seconds ago","DesiredState":"Running","Error":"","ID":"yte68ouq7glh","Image":"postgres:13.2-alpine","Name":"myapp_repos-db.1","Node":"docker-desktop","Ports":""}

Do not map IDs to Names (--no-resolve)

The --no-resolve option shows IDs for task name, without mapping IDs to Names.

$ docker stack ps --no-resolve voting

ID                  NAME                          IMAGE                                          NODE                        DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE            ERROR  PORTS
xim5bcqtgk1b        10z9fjfqzsxnezo4hb81p8mqg.1   dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker:latest   qaqt4nrzo775jrx6detglho01   Running        Running 30 minutes ago
q7yik0ks1in6        hbxltua1na7mgqjnidldv5m65.1   dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before   mxpaef1tlh23s052erw88a4w5   Running        Running 30 minutes ago
rx5yo0866nfx        qyprtqw1g5nrki557i974ou1d.1   dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     kanqcxfajd1r16wlnqcblobmm   Running        Running 31 minutes ago
tz6j82jnwrx7        122f0xxngg17z52be7xspa72x.1   postgres:9.4                                   mxpaef1tlh23s052erw88a4w5   Running        Running 31 minutes ago
w48spazhbmxc        tg61x8myx563ueo3urmn1ic6m.1   redis:alpine                                   qaqt4nrzo775jrx6detglho01   Running        Running 31 minutes ago
6jj1m02freg1        8cqlyi444kzd3panjb7edh26v.1   dockersamples/visualizer:stable                mxpaef1tlh23s052erw88a4w5   Running        Running 31 minutes ago
kqgdmededccb        qyprtqw1g5nrki557i974ou1d.2   dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before     qaqt4nrzo775jrx6detglho01   Running        Running 31 minutes ago
t72q3z038jeh        tg61x8myx563ueo3urmn1ic6m.2   redis:alpine                                   kanqcxfajd1r16wlnqcblobmm   Running        Running 31 minutes ago

Do not truncate output (--no-trunc)

When deploying a service, docker resolves the digest for the service's image, and pins the service to that digest. The digest is not shown by default, but is printed if --no-trunc is used. The --no-trunc option also shows the non-truncated task IDs, and error-messages, as can be seen below:

$ docker stack ps --no-trunc voting

ID                          NAME                  IMAGE                                                                                                                 NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURREN STATE           ERROR  PORTS
xim5bcqtgk1bxqz91jzo4a1s5   voting_worker.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker:latest@sha256:3e4ddf59c15f432280a2c0679c4fc5a2ee5a797023c8ef0d3baf7b1385e9fed   node2  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
q7yik0ks1in6kv32gg6y6yjf7   voting_result.1       dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before@sha256:83b56996e930c292a6ae5187fda84dd6568a19d97cdb933720be15c757b7463   node1  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
rx5yo0866nfxc58zf4irsss6n   voting_vote.1         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before@sha256:8e64b182c87de902f2b72321c89b4af4e2b942d76d0b772532ff27ec4c6ebf6     node3  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
tz6j82jnwrx7n2offljp3mn03   voting_db.1           postgres:9.4@sha256:6046af499eae34d2074c0b53f9a8b404716d415e4a03e68bc1d2f8064f2b027                                   node1  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
w48spazhbmxcmbjfi54gs7x90   voting_redis.1        redis:alpine@sha256:9cd405cd1ec1410eaab064a1383d0d8854d1ef74a54e1e4a92fb4ec7bdc3ee7                                   node2  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
6jj1m02freg1n3z9n1evrzsbl   voting_visualizer.1   dockersamples/visualizer:stable@sha256:f924ad66c8e94b10baaf7bdb9cd491ef4e982a1d048a56a17e02bf5945401e5                node1  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
kqgdmededccbhz2wuc0e9hx7g   voting_vote.2         dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before@sha256:8e64b182c87de902f2b72321c89b4af4e2b942d76d0b772532ff27ec4c6ebf6     node2  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago
t72q3z038jehe1wbh9gdum076   voting_redis.2        redis:alpine@sha256:9cd405cd1ec1410eaab064a1383d0d8854d1ef74a54e1e4a92fb4ec7bdc3ee7                                   node3  Running        Runnin 32 minutes ago

Only display task IDs (-q, --quiet)

The -q or --quiet option only shows IDs of the tasks in the stack. This example outputs all task IDs of the voting stack:

$ docker stack ps -q voting

This option can be used to perform batch operations. For example, you can use the task IDs as input for other commands, such as docker inspect. The following example inspects all tasks of the voting stack:

$ docker inspect $(docker stack ps -q voting)

        "ID": "xim5bcqtgk1b1gk0krq1",
        "Version": {