
7.2 KiB

system df

Show docker disk usage


Name Type Default Description
--format string Format output using a custom template:
'table': Print output in table format with column headers (default)
'table TEMPLATE': Print output in table format using the given Go template
'json': Print in JSON format
'TEMPLATE': Print output using the given Go template.
Refer to for more information about formatting output with templates
-v, --verbose bool Show detailed information on space usage


The docker system df command displays information regarding the amount of disk space used by the Docker daemon.


By default the command displays a summary of the data used:

$ docker system df

TYPE                TOTAL               ACTIVE              SIZE                RECLAIMABLE
Images              5                   2                   16.43 MB            11.63 MB (70%)
Containers          2                   0                   212 B               212 B (100%)
Local Volumes       2                   1                   36 B                0 B (0%)

Use the -v, --verbose flag to get more detailed information:

$ docker system df -v

Images space usage:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE                SHARED SIZE         UNIQUE SIZE         CONTAINERS
my-curl             latest              b2789dd875bf        6 minutes ago       11 MB               11 MB               5 B                 0
my-jq               latest              ae67841be6d0        6 minutes ago       9.623 MB            8.991 MB            632.1 kB            0
<none>              <none>              a0971c4015c1        6 minutes ago       11 MB               11 MB               0 B                 0
alpine              latest              4e38e38c8ce0        9 weeks ago         4.799 MB            0 B                 4.799 MB            1
alpine              3.3                 47cf20d8c26c        9 weeks ago         4.797 MB            4.797 MB            0 B                 1

Containers space usage:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             LOCAL VOLUMES       SIZE                CREATED             STATUS                      NAMES
4a7f7eebae0f        alpine:latest       "sh"                1                   0 B                 16 minutes ago      Exited (0) 5 minutes ago    hopeful_yalow
f98f9c2aa1ea        alpine:3.3          "sh"                1                   212 B               16 minutes ago      Exited (0) 48 seconds ago   anon-vol

Local Volumes space usage:

NAME                                                               LINKS               SIZE
07c7bdf3e34ab76d921894c2b834f073721fccfbbcba792aa7648e3a7a664c2e   2                   36 B
my-named-vol                                                       0                   0 B
  • SHARED SIZE is the amount of space that an image shares with another one (i.e. their common data)
  • UNIQUE SIZE is the amount of space that's only used by a given image
  • SIZE is the virtual size of the image, it's the sum of SHARED SIZE and UNIQUE SIZE

[!NOTE] Network information isn't shown, because it doesn't consume disk space.


Running the system df command can be resource-intensive. It traverses the filesystem of every image, container, and volume in the system. You should be careful running this command in systems with lots of images, containers, or volumes or in systems where some images, containers, or volumes have large filesystems with many files. You should also be careful not to run this command in systems where performance is critical.

Format the output (--format)

The formatting option (--format) pretty prints the disk usage output using a Go template.

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:

Placeholder Description
.Type Images, Containers and Local Volumes
.TotalCount Total number of items
.Active Number of active items
.Size Available size
.Reclaimable Reclaimable size

When using the --format option, the system df command outputs the data exactly as the template declares or, when using the table directive, includes column headers as well.

The following example uses a template without headers and outputs the Type and TotalCount entries separated by a colon (:):

$ docker system df --format "{{.Type}}: {{.TotalCount}}"

Images: 2
Containers: 4
Local Volumes: 1

To list the disk usage with size and reclaimable size in a table format you can use:

$ docker system df --format "table {{.Type}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.Reclaimable}}"

TYPE                SIZE                RECLAIMABLE
Images              2.547 GB            2.342 GB (91%)
Containers          0 B                 0 B
Local Volumes       150.3 MB            150.3 MB (100%)

To list all information in JSON format, use the json directive:

$ docker system df --format json
{"Active":"2","Reclaimable":"2.498GB (94%)","Size":"2.631GB","TotalCount":"6","Type":"Images"}
{"Active":"1","Reclaimable":"1.114kB (49%)","Size":"2.23kB","TotalCount":"7","Type":"Containers"}
{"Active":"0","Reclaimable":"256.5MB (100%)","Size":"256.5MB","TotalCount":"1","Type":"Local Volumes"}
{"Active":"0","Reclaimable":"158B","Size":"158B","TotalCount":"17","Type":"Build Cache"}

The format option has no effect when the --verbose option is used.