# Introduction `FND` is a command introduced with [MSNP2](../versions/msnp2.md). It is a Notification Server command, without either a request or response payload. Searches for other users on the Network Directory. # Client/Request `FND TrID fname=first lname=last city=city state=ST country=CC` Where `first` is the URL-encoded string representation of the first name to search users for. Where `last` is the URL-encoded string representation of the last name to search users for. Where `city` is the URL-encoded string representation of the city to search users in (`*` is allowed, and required for countries outside of `US`.). Where `ST` is a 2-character string representation of the state to search users in (`*` is allowed, and required for countries outside of `US`.). Where `CC` is a 2-character string representation of the country to search users in (`*` is allowed). # Server/Response `FND TrID 1 1 fname=Example lname=Name city=Somewhere state=OK country=US` This command, despite having an iterator, cannot span across multiple packets. Instead, error 301 is returned in cases where the result would be too large to respond as one packet. # Examples ## Valid, with users ``` C: FND 1 fname=Another lname=User city=* state=* country=US S: FND 1 1 2 fname=Another lname=User city=New%20York state=NY country=US FND 1 2 2 fname=Another lname=User city=Stillwater state=OK country=US ``` ## Valid, no users ``` C: FND 2 fname=Another lname=User city=* state=* country=DE S: FND 2 0 0 ``` ## Invalid parameter ``` C: FND 3 fname=Another lname=* city=* state=* country=* S: 201 3 ``` ## Too many users ``` C: FND 4 fname=Another lname=User city=* state=* country=* S: 301 4 ``` ## Removed ``` C: FND 5 fname=Another lname=User city=* state=* country=US S: 502 5 ``` # Known changes * [MSNP5](../versions/msnp5.md): Changed related SND command to SDC. * Soft-removed in April 2003, uses error 502, which was added in [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md).