# Introduction `OUT` is a command introduced with [MSNP2](../versions/msnp2.md). It exists in all servers, without either a request or response payload. It disconnects either the server or the client gracefully. This command does not require a Transaction ID. # Client/Request `OUT` # Server/Response `OUT {reason}` Where `reason` can be: * `OTH`: Other client logged in to this account. * `SSD`: Server is shutting down. * `MIG`: [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) and higher: Contact list has been migrated. * `TOU`: [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) and higher: You need to accept the Terms Of Use. * `RCT`: [MSNP11](../versions/msnp11.md) and higher: Temporary server closure, please reconnect in (parameter 2) minutes. `OUT RCT {minutes}` Where `minutes` is the amount of minutes the client should wait before trying to log in automatically again. # Examples ## Client-initiated ``` C: OUT S: OUT ``` Server disconnects client. ## Logged in from another client ``` S: OUT OTH ``` ## Server is shutting down ``` S: OUT SSD ``` ## ABCH Migration *This can only happen in [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) exclusively.* ``` S: OUT MIG ``` ## Terms of Use update *This can only happen since [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md).* ``` S: OUT TOU ``` ## Forced Reconnect *This can only happen since [MSNP11](../versions/msnp11.md).* ``` S: OUT RCT 6 ```