# Introduction The Contact Sharing Service (SharingService) is a SOAP (XML) Web Service. Introduced with [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md). It manages the Messenger Service's Allow List (AL), Block List (BL), Reverse List (RL), and Pending List (PL) members. It's default HTTP URL is `http://byrdr.omega.contacts.msn.com/abservice/SharingService.asmx`. It's default HTTPS URL is `https://byrdr.omega.contacts.msn.com/abservice/SharingService.asmx`. This service requires Passport authentication. Related: [Address Book Service](abservice.md) (for Forward List (PL) members). # Actions *All actions listed have the prefix of `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/`.* * FindMembership (internal name: `Sharing.Pull.Membership`) * AddMember (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Member.Add`) * DeleteMember (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Member.Delete`) * UpdateMember (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Member.Edit`) ## Actions that we don't know much about * AddService (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Service.Add`) * UpdateService (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Service.Edit`) * FindInverseService (internal name: `Sharing.Pull.InverseServices`) * DeleteInverseService (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Document.Delete`) * AcceptInvitation (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Invitation.Accept`) * DeclineInvitation (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Invitation.Decline`) * AddNamespace (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Namespace.Add`) * DeleteNamespace (internal name: `Sharing.Push.Namespace.Delete`)