
259 lines
11 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
// Phys prop spawnflags
#define SF_PHYSPROP_DONT_TAKE_PHYSICS_DAMAGE 0x000002 // this prop can't be damaged by physics collisions
#define SF_PHYSPROP_DEBRIS 0x000004
#define SF_PHYSPROP_MOTIONDISABLED 0x000008 // motion disabled at startup (flag only valid in spawn - motion can be enabled via input)
#define SF_PHYSPROP_TOUCH 0x000010 // can be 'crashed through' by running player (plate glass)
#define SF_PHYSPROP_PRESSURE 0x000020 // can be broken by a player standing on it
#define SF_PHYSPROP_ENABLE_ON_PHYSCANNON 0x000040 // enable motion only if the player grabs it with the physcannon
#define SF_PHYSPROP_NO_ROTORWASH_PUSH 0x000080 // The rotorwash doesn't push these
#define SF_PHYSPROP_ENABLE_PICKUP_OUTPUT 0x000100 // If set, allow the player to +USE this for the purposes of generating an output
#define SF_PHYSPROP_PREVENT_PICKUP 0x000200 // If set, prevent +USE/Physcannon pickup of this prop
#define SF_PHYSPROP_PREVENT_PLAYER_TOUCH_ENABLE 0x000400 // If set, the player will not cause the object to enable its motion when bumped into
#define SF_PHYSPROP_HAS_ATTACHED_RAGDOLLS 0x000800 // Need to remove attached ragdolls on enable motion/etc
#define SF_PHYSPROP_FORCE_TOUCH_TRIGGERS 0x001000 // Override normal debris behavior and respond to triggers anyway
#define SF_PHYSPROP_FORCE_SERVER_SIDE 0x002000 // Force multiplayer physics object to be serverside
#define SF_PHYSPROP_RADIUS_PICKUP 0x004000 // For Xbox, makes small objects easier to pick up by allowing them to be found
#define SF_PHYSPROP_DISABLE_MOTION_ON_FREEZE 0x010000 // Phys prop disables motion the first time it comes to rest
#define SF_PHYSPROP_ALWAYS_PICK_UP 0x100000 // Physcannon can always pick this up, no matter what mass or constraints may apply.
#define SF_PHYSPROP_NO_COLLISIONS 0x200000 // Don't enable collisions on spawn
#define SF_PHYSPROP_IS_GIB 0x400000 // Limit # of active gibs
// Any barrel farther away than this is ignited rather than exploded.
// ParsePropData returns
PARSE_SUCCEEDED, // Parsed propdata. Prop must be a prop_physics.
PARSE_SUCCEEDED_ALLOWED_STATIC, // Parsed propdata. Prop allowed to be prop_physics or prop_dynamic/prop_static.
PARSE_FAILED_NO_DATA, // Parse failed, no propdata in model. Prop must be prop_dynamic/prop_static.
PARSE_FAILED_BAD_DATA, // Parse failed, found propdata but it had bad data.
// Propdata defined interactions
enum propdata_interactions_t
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_WORLD_STICK, // "onworldimpact" "stick"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_FIRST_BREAK, // "onfirstimpact" "break"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_FIRST_PAINT, // "onfirstimpact" "paintsplat"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_FIRST_IMPALE, // "onfirstimpact" "impale"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_LAUNCH_SPIN_NONE, // "onlaunch" "spin_none"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_LAUNCH_SPIN_Z, // "onlaunch" "spin_zaxis"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_BREAK_EXPLODE, // "onbreak" "explode_fire"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_BREAK_EXPLODE_ICE, // "onbreak" "explode_ice"
PROPINTER_FIRE_FLAMMABLE, // "flammable" "yes"
PROPINTER_FIRE_EXPLOSIVE_RESIST, // "explosive_resist" "yes"
PROPINTER_FIRE_IGNITE_HALFHEALTH, // "ignite" "halfhealth"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_CREATE_FLARE, // "onpickup" "create_flare"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_ALLOW_OVERHEAD, // "allow_overhead" "yes"
PROPINTER_WORLD_BLOODSPLAT, // "onworldimpact", "bloodsplat"
PROPINTER_PHYSGUN_NOTIFY_CHILDREN, // "onfirstimpact" cause attached flechettes to explode
PROPINTER_MELEE_IMMUNE, // "melee_immune" "yes"
// If we get more than 32 of these, we'll need a different system
// Entities using COLLISION_GROUP_SPECIAL_PHYSICS should support this interface.
abstract_class IMultiplayerPhysics
virtual int GetMultiplayerPhysicsMode() = 0;
virtual float GetMass() = 0;
virtual bool IsAsleep() = 0;
#define PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_AUTODETECT 0 // use multiplayer physics mode as defined in model prop data
#define PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_SOLID 1 // soild, pushes player away
#define PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_NON_SOLID 2 // nonsolid, but pushed by player
#define PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_CLIENTSIDE 3 // Clientside only, nonsolid
enum mp_break_t
enum PerformanceMode_t
// Purpose: Derive your entity from this if you want your entity to parse propdata
abstract_class IBreakableWithPropData
// Damage modifiers
virtual void SetDmgModBullet( float flDmgMod ) = 0;
virtual void SetDmgModClub( float flDmgMod ) = 0;
virtual void SetDmgModExplosive( float flDmgMod ) = 0;
virtual float GetDmgModBullet( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetDmgModClub( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetDmgModExplosive( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetDmgModFire( void ) = 0;
// Explosive
virtual void SetExplosiveRadius( float flRadius ) = 0;
virtual void SetExplosiveDamage( float flDamage ) = 0;
virtual float GetExplosiveRadius( void ) = 0;
virtual float GetExplosiveDamage( void ) = 0;
// Physics damage tables
virtual void SetPhysicsDamageTable( string_t iszTableName ) = 0;
virtual string_t GetPhysicsDamageTable( void ) = 0;
// Breakable chunks
virtual void SetBreakableModel( string_t iszModel ) = 0;
virtual string_t GetBreakableModel( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetBreakableSkin( int iSkin ) = 0;
virtual int GetBreakableSkin( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetBreakableCount( int iCount ) = 0;
virtual int GetBreakableCount( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetMaxBreakableSize( int iSize ) = 0;
virtual int GetMaxBreakableSize( void ) = 0;
// LOS blocking
virtual void SetPropDataBlocksLOS( bool bBlocksLOS ) = 0;
virtual void SetPropDataIsAIWalkable( bool bBlocksLOS ) = 0;
// Interactions
virtual void SetInteraction( propdata_interactions_t Interaction ) = 0;
virtual bool HasInteraction( propdata_interactions_t Interaction ) = 0;
// Multiplayer physics mode
virtual void SetPhysicsMode(int iMode) = 0;
virtual int GetPhysicsMode() = 0;
// Multiplayer breakable spawn behavior
virtual void SetMultiplayerBreakMode( mp_break_t mode ) = 0;
virtual mp_break_t GetMultiplayerBreakMode( void ) const = 0;
// Used for debugging
virtual void SetBasePropData( string_t iszBase ) = 0;
virtual string_t GetBasePropData( void ) = 0;
// Purpose: Gamesystem that parses the prop data file
class CPropData : public CAutoGameSystem
CPropData( void );
// Inherited from IAutoServerSystem
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity( void );
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity( void );
// Read in the data from the prop data file
void ParsePropDataFile( void );
// Parse a keyvalues section into the prop
int ParsePropFromKV( CBaseEntity *pProp, KeyValues *pSection, KeyValues *pInteractionSection );
// Fill out a prop's with base data parsed from the propdata file
int ParsePropFromBase( CBaseEntity *pProp, const char *pszPropData );
// Get a random chunk in the specified breakable section
const char *GetRandomChunkModel( const char *pszBreakableSection, int iMaxSize = -1 );
KeyValues *m_pKVPropData;
bool m_bPropDataLoaded;
struct propdata_breakablechunk_t
string_t iszChunkType;
CUtlVector<string_t> iszChunkModels;
CUtlVector<propdata_breakablechunk_t> m_BreakableChunks;
extern CPropData g_PropDataSystem;
struct breakmodel_t
Vector offset;
char modelName[512];
char placementName[512];
float fadeTime;
float fadeMinDist;
float fadeMaxDist;
float health;
float burstScale;
int collisionGroup;
bool isRagdoll;
bool placementIsBone;
bool isMotionDisabled;
mp_break_t mpBreakMode;
struct breakablepropparams_t
breakablepropparams_t( const Vector &_origin, const QAngle &_angles, const Vector &_velocity, const AngularImpulse &_angularVelocity )
: origin(_origin), angles(_angles), velocity(_velocity), angularVelocity(_angularVelocity)
impactEnergyScale = 0;
defBurstScale = 0;
defCollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_NONE;
useThisRawVelocity = false;
const Vector &origin;
const QAngle &angles;
const Vector &velocity;
const AngularImpulse &angularVelocity;
float impactEnergyScale;
float defBurstScale;
int defCollisionGroup;
bool useThisRawVelocity;
const char *GetMassEquivalent(float flMass);
int GetAutoMultiplayerPhysicsMode( Vector size, float mass );
void BreakModelList( CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> &list, int modelindex, float defBurstScale, int defCollisionGroup );
void PropBreakableCreateAll( int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const breakablepropparams_t &params, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPrecomputedBreakableCount, bool bIgnoreGibLImit, bool defaultLocation = true );
void PropBreakableCreateAll( int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const Vector &origin, const QAngle &angles, const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angularVelocity, float impactEnergyScale, float burstScale, int collisionGroup, CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL, bool defaultLocation = true );
// Player gibs.
void PrecacheGibsForModel( int iModel );
void BuildGibList( CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> &list, int modelindex, float defBurstScale, int defCollisionGroup );
CBaseEntity *CreateGibsFromList( CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> &list, int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const breakablepropparams_t &params, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPrecomputedBreakableCount, bool bIgnoreGibLImit, bool defaultLocation = true, CUtlVector<EHANDLE> *pGibList = NULL, bool bBurning = false );
#endif // PROPS_SHARED_H