
341 lines
11 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "obstacle_pushaway.h"
#include "props_shared.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar sv_pushaway_force( "sv_pushaway_force", "30000", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server." );
ConVar sv_pushaway_min_player_speed( "sv_pushaway_min_player_speed", "75", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things)." );
ConVar sv_pushaway_max_force( "sv_pushaway_max_force", "1000", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players." );
ConVar sv_pushaway_clientside( "sv_pushaway_clientside", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)" );
ConVar sv_pushaway_player_force( "sv_pushaway_player_force", "200000", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance)." );
ConVar sv_pushaway_max_player_force( "sv_pushaway_max_player_force", "10000", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects." );
ConVar sv_turbophysics( "sv_turbophysics", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Turns on turbo physics" );
extern ConVar sv_turbophysics;
bool IsPushAwayEntity( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
if ( pEnt == NULL )
return false;
if ( pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_PUSHAWAY )
// Try backing away from doors that are currently rotating, to prevent blocking them
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( FClassnameIs( pEnt, "func_door_rotating" ) )
CBaseDoor *door = dynamic_cast<CBaseDoor *>(pEnt);
if ( !door )
return false;
if ( door->m_toggle_state != TS_GOING_UP && door->m_toggle_state != TS_GOING_DOWN )
return false;
else if ( FClassnameIs( pEnt, "prop_door_rotating" ) )
CBasePropDoor *door = dynamic_cast<CBasePropDoor *>(pEnt);
if ( !door )
return false;
if ( !door->IsDoorOpening() && !door->IsDoorClosing() )
return false;
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
return false;
return true;
bool IsPushableEntity( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
if ( pEnt == NULL )
return false;
if ( sv_turbophysics.GetBool() )
if ( pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() == COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
if ( FClassnameIs( pEnt, "class CPhysicsPropMultiplayer" ) )
if ( FClassnameIs( pEnt, "prop_physics_multiplayer" ) )
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
return true;
return false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
bool IsBreakableEntity( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
if ( pEnt == NULL )
return false;
// If we won't be able to break it, don't try
if ( pEnt->m_takedamage != DAMAGE_YES )
return false;
if ( pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_PUSHAWAY && pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS && pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
return false;
if ( pEnt->m_iHealth > 200 )
return false;
IMultiplayerPhysics *pPhysicsInterface = dynamic_cast< IMultiplayerPhysics * >( pEnt );
if ( pPhysicsInterface )
if ( pPhysicsInterface->GetMultiplayerPhysicsMode() != PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_SOLID )
return false;
if ((FClassnameIs( pEnt, "func_breakable" ) || FClassnameIs( pEnt, "func_breakable_surf" )))
if (FClassnameIs( pEnt, "func_breakable_surf" ))
// don't try to break it if it has already been broken
CBreakableSurface *surf = static_cast< CBreakableSurface * >( pEnt );
if ( surf->m_bIsBroken )
return false;
else if ( pEnt->PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity() & CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP )
// hostages and players use CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, so we can use it to ignore them
return false;
IBreakableWithPropData *pBreakableInterface = dynamic_cast< IBreakableWithPropData * >( pEnt );
if ( pBreakableInterface )
// Bullets don't damage it - ignore
if ( pBreakableInterface->GetDmgModBullet() <= 0.0f )
return false;
CBreakableProp *pProp = dynamic_cast< CBreakableProp * >( pEnt );
if ( pProp )
// It takes a large amount of damage to even scratch it - ignore
if ( pProp->m_iMinHealthDmg >= 50 )
return false;
return true;
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
int GetPushawayEnts( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPushingEntity, CBaseEntity **ents, int nMaxEnts, float flPlayerExpand, int PartitionMask, CPushAwayEnumerator *enumerator )
Vector vExpand( flPlayerExpand, flPlayerExpand, flPlayerExpand );
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( pPushingEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pPushingEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pPushingEntity->GetCollideable()->OBBMins() - vExpand, pPushingEntity->GetCollideable()->OBBMaxs() + vExpand );
CPushAwayEnumerator *physPropEnum = NULL;
if ( !enumerator )
physPropEnum = new CPushAwayEnumerator( ents, nMaxEnts );
enumerator = physPropEnum;
partition->EnumerateElementsAlongRay( PartitionMask, ray, false, enumerator );
int numHit = enumerator->m_nAlreadyHit;
if ( physPropEnum )
delete physPropEnum;
return numHit;
void AvoidPushawayProps( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, CUserCmd *pCmd )
// Figure out what direction we're moving and the extents of the box we're going to sweep
// against physics objects.
Vector currentdir;
Vector rightdir;
if (g_pGameRules->IsTopDown())
AngleVectors( g_pGameRules->GetTopDownMovementAxis(), &currentdir, &rightdir, NULL );
AngleVectors( pCmd->viewangles, &currentdir, &rightdir, NULL );
CBaseEntity *props[512];
int nEnts = GetPushawayEnts( pPlayer, props, ARRAYSIZE( props ), 0.0f, PARTITION_CLIENT_SOLID_EDICTS, NULL );
int nEnts = GetPushawayEnts( pPlayer, props, ARRAYSIZE( props ), 0.0f, PARTITION_ENGINE_SOLID_EDICTS, NULL );
const Vector & ourCenter = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter();
Vector nearestPropPoint;
Vector nearestPlayerPoint;
for ( int i=0; i < nEnts; i++ )
// Don't respond to this entity on the client unless it has PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_FULL set.
IMultiplayerPhysics *pInterface = dynamic_cast<IMultiplayerPhysics*>( props[i] );
if ( pInterface && pInterface->GetMultiplayerPhysicsMode() != PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_SOLID )
const float minMass = 10.0f; // minimum mass that can push a player back
const float maxMass = 30.0f; // cap at a decently large value
float mass = maxMass;
if ( pInterface )
mass = pInterface->GetMass();
mass = clamp( mass, minMass, maxMass );
mass = MAX( mass, 0 );
mass /= maxMass; // bring into a 0..1 range
// Push away from the collision point. The closer our center is to the collision point,
// the harder we push away.
props[i]->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( ourCenter, &nearestPropPoint );
pPlayer->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( nearestPropPoint, &nearestPlayerPoint );
Vector vPushAway = (nearestPlayerPoint - nearestPropPoint);
float flDist = VectorNormalize( vPushAway );
const float MaxPushawayDistance = 5.0f;
if ( flDist > MaxPushawayDistance && !pPlayer->CollisionProp()->IsPointInBounds( nearestPropPoint ) )
// If we're not pushing, try from our center to the nearest edge of the prop
if ( vPushAway.IsZero() )
vPushAway = (ourCenter - nearestPropPoint);
flDist = VectorNormalize( vPushAway );
// If we're still not pushing, try from our center to the center of the prop
if ( vPushAway.IsZero() )
vPushAway = (ourCenter - props[i]->WorldSpaceCenter());
flDist = VectorNormalize( vPushAway );
flDist = MAX( flDist, 1 );
float flForce = sv_pushaway_player_force.GetFloat() / flDist * mass;
flForce = MIN( flForce, sv_pushaway_max_player_force.GetFloat() );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
pPlayer->PushawayTouch( props[i] );
// We can get right up next to rotating doors before they start to move, so scale back our force so we don't go flying
if ( FClassnameIs( props[i], "func_door_rotating" ) || FClassnameIs( props[i], "prop_door_rotating" ) )
flForce *= 0.25f;
vPushAway *= flForce;
pCmd->forwardmove += vPushAway.Dot( currentdir );
pCmd->sidemove += vPushAway.Dot( rightdir );
void PerformObstaclePushaway( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPushingEntity )
if ( pPushingEntity->m_lifeState != LIFE_ALIVE )
// Give a push to any barrels that we're touching.
// The client handles adjusting our usercmd to push us away.
CBaseEntity *props[256];
// if sv_pushaway_clientside is disabled, clientside phys objects don't bounce away
if ( sv_pushaway_clientside.GetInt() == 0 )
// if sv_pushaway_clientside is 1, only local player can push them
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pPushingEntity->IsPlayer() ? (dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer * >(pPushingEntity)) : NULL;
if ( (sv_pushaway_clientside.GetInt() == 1) && (!pPlayer || !C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pPlayer )) )
int nEnts = GetPushawayEnts( pPushingEntity, props, ARRAYSIZE( props ), 3.0f, PARTITION_CLIENT_RESPONSIVE_EDICTS, NULL );
int nEnts = GetPushawayEnts( pPushingEntity, props, ARRAYSIZE( props ), 3.0f, PARTITION_ENGINE_SOLID_EDICTS, NULL );
for ( int i=0; i < nEnts; i++ )
// If this entity uas PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_FULL set (ie: it's not just debris), and we're moving too slow, don't push it away.
// Instead, let the client bounce off it. This allows players to get close to and duck behind things without knocking them over.
IMultiplayerPhysics *pInterface = dynamic_cast<IMultiplayerPhysics*>( props[i] );
if ( pInterface && pInterface->GetMultiplayerPhysicsMode() == PHYSICS_MULTIPLAYER_SOLID )
if ( pPushingEntity->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() < sv_pushaway_min_player_speed.GetFloat() )
IPhysicsObject *pObj = props[i]->VPhysicsGetObject();
if ( pObj )
Vector vPushAway = (props[i]->WorldSpaceCenter() - pPushingEntity->WorldSpaceCenter());
vPushAway.z = 0;
float flDist = VectorNormalize( vPushAway );
flDist = MAX( flDist, 1 );
float flForce = sv_pushaway_force.GetFloat() / flDist;
flForce = MIN( flForce, sv_pushaway_max_force.GetFloat() );
pObj->ApplyForceOffset( vPushAway * flForce, pPushingEntity->WorldSpaceCenter() );