
783 lines
26 KiB

//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "icommandline.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "vgui/ilocalize.h"
#include "achievement_notification_panel.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
#include "asw_gamerules.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
int g_nAchivementBitchCount = 0;
CBaseAchievementHelper *CBaseAchievementHelper::s_pFirst = NULL;
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFailableAchievement )
// Purpose: constructor
m_iFlags = 0;
m_iGoal = 0;
m_iProgressMsgIncrement = 0;
m_iProgressMsgMinimum = 0;
m_iAchievementID = 0;
m_iPointValue = 0;
m_bHideUntilAchieved = false;
m_bStoreProgressInSteam = false;
m_pVictimClassNameFilter = NULL;
m_pAttackerClassNameFilter = NULL;
m_pInflictorClassNameFilter = NULL;
m_pInflictorEntityNameFilter = NULL;
m_pMapNameFilter = NULL;
m_pGameDirFilter = NULL;
m_pszComponentNames = NULL;
m_pszComponentPrefix = NULL;
m_iNumComponents = 0;
m_iComponentPrefixLen = 0;
m_iComponentBits = 0;
m_iCount = 0;
m_iProgressShown = 0;
m_bAchieved = false;
m_pAchievementMgr = NULL;
m_nUserSlot = 0;
// Purpose: sets flags
void CBaseAchievement::SetFlags( int iFlags )
// must always specify a save method
Assert( iFlags & ( ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME | ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ) );
m_iFlags = iFlags;
// Purpose: called when a game event being listened for is dispatched
void CBaseAchievement::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
// Perform common filtering to make it simpler to write achievements
if ( !IsActive() )
// if the achievement only applies to a specific map, and it's not the current map, skip it
if ( m_pMapNameFilter && ( 0 != Q_strcmp( m_pAchievementMgr->GetMapName(), m_pMapNameFilter ) ) )
const char *name = event->GetName();
if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( name, "teamplay_round_win" ) )
// if this is a round win and the achievement wants full round events only, filter this out
// if this is not the end of a full round
if ( ( m_iFlags & ACH_FILTER_FULL_ROUND_ONLY ) && ( false == event->GetBool( "full_round" ) ) )
// let the achievement handle the event
FireGameEvent_Internal( event );
// Purpose: sets victim class to filter with
void CBaseAchievement::SetVictimFilter( const char *pClassName )
m_pVictimClassNameFilter = pClassName;
// Purpose: sets attacker class to filter with
void CBaseAchievement::SetAttackerFilter( const char *pClassName )
m_pAttackerClassNameFilter = pClassName;
// Purpose: sets inflictor class to filter with
void CBaseAchievement::SetInflictorFilter( const char *pClassName )
m_pInflictorClassNameFilter = pClassName;
// Purpose: sets inflictor entity name to filter with
void CBaseAchievement::SetInflictorEntityNameFilter( const char *pEntityName )
m_pInflictorEntityNameFilter = pEntityName;
// Purpose: sets map name to filter with
void CBaseAchievement::SetMapNameFilter( const char *pMapName )
m_pMapNameFilter = pMapName;
// Purpose: sets game dir to filter with. Note: in general, achievements should
// only be compiled into products they pertain to. But if there are
// any game-specific achievements which need to be in a binary shared
// across products (e.g. Ep1 & Ep2), use the game dir as a runtime
// filter.
void CBaseAchievement::SetGameDirFilter( const char *pGameDir )
m_pGameDirFilter = pGameDir;
// Purpose: sets prefix to look for in map event string to identify a component
// for this achievement
void CBaseAchievement::SetComponentPrefix( const char *pPrefix )
m_pszComponentPrefix = pPrefix;
m_iComponentPrefixLen = Q_strlen( pPrefix );
// Purpose: called when a kill that passes filter critera occurs. This
// is the default implementation, achievements can override to
// do special handling
void CBaseAchievement::Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event )
// extra paranoid check: should only get here if registered as a kill event listener
Assert( GetFlags() & ACH_LISTEN_KILL_EVENTS );
if ( !( GetFlags() & ACH_LISTEN_KILL_EVENTS ) )
// default implementation is just to increase count when filter criteria pass
// Purpose: called when an event that counts toward an achievement occurs
void CBaseAchievement::IncrementCount()
#ifndef _DEBUG
// No incrementing if they cheated!
if ( ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->m_bCheated )
if ( g_nAchivementBitchCount++ < 10 )
DevMsg( "Achievements can't be earned if SV_CHEATS was used in this mission!\n", GetName() );
if ( !IsAchieved() )
if ( !m_pAchievementMgr->CheckAchievementsEnabled() )
#ifndef _DEBUG
if ( g_nAchivementBitchCount++ < 10 )
DevMsg( "Achievements disabled, ignoring achievement progress for %s\n", GetName() );
// on client, where the count is kept, increment count
// if this achievement gets saved w/global state, flag our global state as dirty
if ( GetFlags() & ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL )
m_pAchievementMgr->SetDirty( true, m_nUserSlot );
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Achievement count increased for %s: %d/%d\n", GetName(), m_iCount, m_iGoal );
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
// if this achievement's progress should be stored in Steam, set the steam stat for it
if ( StoreProgressInSteam() && steamapicontext->SteamUserStats() )
// Set the Steam stat with the same name as the achievement. Only cached locally until we upload it.
char pszProgressName[1024];
Q_snprintf( pszProgressName, 1024, "%s_STAT", GetName() );
bool bRet = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->SetStat( pszProgressName, m_iCount );
if ( !bRet )
DevMsg( "ISteamUserStats::GetStat failed to set progress value in Steam for achievement %s\n", pszProgressName );
if ( HasComponents() )
Q_snprintf( pszProgressName, 1024, "%s_COMP", GetName() );
int32 bits = (int32) GetComponentBits();
bool bRet = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->SetStat( pszProgressName, bits );
if ( !bRet )
DevMsg( "ISteamUserStats::GetStat failed to set component value in Steam for achievement %s\n", pszProgressName );
// Upload user data to commit the change to Steam so if the client crashes, progress isn't lost.
// Only upload if we haven't uploaded recently, to keep us from spamming Steam with uploads. If we don't
// upload now, it will get uploaded no later than level shutdown.
if ( ( m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() == 0 ) || ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() > 60 * 15 )
|| ( ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->GetGameState() != ASW_GS_INGAME && ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() > 0 ) ) ) // allow achievements to update each second if in the briefing/debrief
m_pAchievementMgr->UploadUserData( m_nUserSlot );
if ( ( m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() == 0 ) || ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() > 60 * 15 ) )
m_pAchievementMgr->UploadUserData( m_nUserSlot );
// if we've hit goal, award the achievement
if ( m_iGoal > 0 )
if ( m_iCount >= m_iGoal )
void CBaseAchievement::HandleProgressUpdate()
// if we've hit the right # of progress steps to show a progress notification, show it
if ( ( m_iProgressMsgIncrement > 0 ) && m_iCount >= m_iProgressMsgMinimum && ( 0 == ( m_iCount % m_iProgressMsgIncrement ) ) )
// which notification is this
int iProgress = m_iCount / m_iProgressMsgIncrement;
// if we haven't already shown this progress step, show it
if ( iProgress > m_iProgressShown )
// remember progress step shown so we don't show it again if the player loads an earlier save game
// and gets past this point again
m_iProgressShown = iProgress;
m_pAchievementMgr->SetDirty( true, m_nUserSlot );
// Purpose: calculates at how many steps we should show a progress notification
void CBaseAchievement::CalcProgressMsgIncrement()
// by default, show progress at every 25%
m_iProgressMsgIncrement = m_iGoal / 4;
// if goal is not evenly divisible by 4, try some other values
if ( 0 != ( m_iGoal % 4 ) )
if ( 0 == ( m_iGoal % 3 ) )
// if evenly divisible by 3, use that
m_iProgressMsgIncrement = m_iGoal / 3;
else if ( 0 == ( m_iGoal % 5 ) )
// if evenly divisible by 5, use that
m_iProgressMsgIncrement = m_iGoal / 5;
// otherwise stick with divided by 4, rounded off
// don't show progress notifications for less than 5 things
if ( m_iProgressMsgIncrement < 5 )
m_iProgressMsgIncrement = 0;
// Purpose: see if we should award an achievement based on what just happened
void CBaseAchievement::EvaluateNewAchievement()
if ( !IsAchieved() && m_iGoal > 0 && m_iCount >= m_iGoal )
// Purpose: determine if we should set this achievement to be achieved based
// on other state. Used at init time.
void CBaseAchievement::EvaluateIsAlreadyAchieved()
if ( !IsAchieved() && m_iGoal > 0 && m_iCount >= m_iGoal )
m_bAchieved = true;
// Purpose: called a map event for this achievement occurs
void CBaseAchievement::OnMapEvent( const char *pEventName )
Assert( m_iFlags & ACH_LISTEN_MAP_EVENTS );
if ( 0 == Q_stricmp( pEventName, GetName() ) )
// Purpose: called when an achievement is awarded
void CBaseAchievement::AwardAchievement()
#ifndef _DEBUG
// No awarding if they cheated!
if ( ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->m_bCheated )
if ( g_nAchivementBitchCount++ < 10 )
DevMsg( "Achievements can't be earned if SV_CHEATS was used in this mission!\n", GetName() );
Assert( !IsAchieved() );
if ( IsAchieved() )
m_pAchievementMgr->AwardAchievement( m_iAchievementID, m_nUserSlot );
// Purpose: called when a component of a multi-component event is found
void CBaseAchievement::OnComponentEvent( const char *pchComponentName )
// find the component name in our list
for ( int i = 0; i < m_iNumComponents; i++ )
if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( pchComponentName, m_pszComponentNames[i] ) )
EnsureComponentBitSetAndEvaluate( i );
// Purpose: sets the specified component bit # if it is not already.
// If it does get set, evaluate if this satisfies an achievement
void CBaseAchievement::EnsureComponentBitSetAndEvaluate( int iBitNumber )
#ifndef _DEBUG
// No incrementing if they cheated!
if ( ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->m_bCheated )
if ( g_nAchivementBitchCount++ < 10 )
DevMsg( "Achievements can't be earned if SV_CHEATS was used in this mission!\n", GetName() );
Assert( iBitNumber < 64 ); // this is bit #, not a bit mask
if ( IsAchieved() )
// calculate which bit this component corresponds to
uint64 iBitMask = ( (uint64) 1 ) << iBitNumber;
// see if we already have gotten this component
if ( 0 == ( iBitMask & m_iComponentBits ) )
if ( !m_pAchievementMgr->CheckAchievementsEnabled() )
Msg( "Achievements disabled, ignoring achievement component for %s\n", GetName() );
// new component, set the bit and increment the count
SetComponentBits( m_iComponentBits | iBitMask );
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
// if this achievement's progress should be stored in Steam, set the steam stat for it
if ( StoreProgressInSteam() && steamapicontext->SteamUserStats() )
// Set the Steam stat with the same name as the achievement. Only cached locally until we upload it.
char pszProgressName[1024];
Q_snprintf( pszProgressName, 1024, "%s_STAT", GetName() );
bool bRet = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->SetStat( pszProgressName, m_iCount );
if ( !bRet )
DevMsg( "ISteamUserStats::GetStat failed to set progress value in Steam for achievement %s\n", pszProgressName );
if ( HasComponents() )
Q_snprintf( pszProgressName, 1024, "%s_COMP", GetName() );
int32 bits = (int32) GetComponentBits();
bool bRet = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->SetStat( pszProgressName, bits );
if ( !bRet )
DevMsg( "ISteamUserStats::GetStat failed to set component value in Steam for achievement %s\n", pszProgressName );
// Upload user data to commit the change to Steam so if the client crashes, progress isn't lost.
// Only upload if we haven't uploaded recently, to keep us from spamming Steam with uploads. If we don't
// upload now, it will get uploaded no later than level shutdown.
if ( ( m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() == 0 ) || ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_pAchievementMgr->GetTimeLastUpload() > 60 * 15 ) )
m_pAchievementMgr->UploadUserData( m_nUserSlot );
Assert( m_iCount <= m_iGoal );
if ( m_iCount == m_iGoal )
// all components found, award the achievement (and save state)
// save our state at the next good opportunity
m_pAchievementMgr->SetDirty( true, m_nUserSlot );
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Component %d for achievement %s found\n", iBitNumber, GetName() );
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Component %d for achievement %s found, but already had that component\n", iBitNumber, GetName() );
// Purpose: displays achievement progress notification in the HUD
void CBaseAchievement::ShowProgressNotification()
if ( !ShouldShowProgressNotification() )
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "achievement_event" );
if ( event )
event->SetString( "achievement_name", GetName() );
event->SetInt( "cur_val", m_iCount );
event->SetInt( "max_val", m_iGoal );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event );
// Purpose: clears dynamic state for this achievement
void CBaseAchievement::PreRestoreSavedGame()
// if this achievement gets saved with the game, clear its state
if ( m_iFlags & ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME )
m_iCount = 0;
// Purpose: called after the data in this achievement has been restored from saved game
void CBaseAchievement::PostRestoreSavedGame()
// Purpose: sets component bits for this achievement
void CBaseAchievement::SetComponentBits( uint64 iComponentBits )
Assert( m_iFlags & ACH_HAS_COMPONENTS );
// set the bit field
m_iComponentBits = iComponentBits;
// count how many bits are set and save that as the count
m_iCount = UTIL_CountNumBitsSet( iComponentBits );
// Purpose: returns whether we should save this achievement with a save game
bool CBaseAchievement::ShouldSaveWithGame()
// save if we should get saved with the game, have a non-zero count, and have not
// been achieved (at which point the achievement state gets saved globally)
return ( ( m_iFlags & ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ) > 0 && ( GetCount() > 0 ) && !IsAchieved() );
// Purpose: returns whether we should save this achievement to the global file
bool CBaseAchievement::ShouldSaveGlobal()
// save if we should get saved globally and have a non-zero count, or if we have been achieved
return ( ( ( m_iFlags & ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ) > 0 && ( GetCount() > 0 ) ) || IsAchieved() || ( m_iProgressShown > 0 ) );
// Purpose: returns whether this achievement is active
bool CBaseAchievement::IsActive()
// we're not active if already achieved
if ( IsAchieved() )
return false;
// if there's a map filter and we're not on the specified map, we're not active
if ( ( m_pMapNameFilter ) && ( 0 != Q_strcmp( m_pAchievementMgr->GetMapName(), m_pMapNameFilter ) ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Clears achievement data
void CBaseAchievement::ClearAchievementData()
SetCount( 0 );
if ( this->HasComponents() )
this->SetComponentBits( 0 );
SetAchieved( false );
// Purpose: Constructor
CFailableAchievement::CFailableAchievement() : CBaseAchievement()
m_bFailed = false;
m_bActivated = false;
// Purpose: returns whether we should save this achievement with a save game
bool CFailableAchievement::ShouldSaveWithGame()
// save if we should get saved with the game, and are active or have failed
return ( ( ( m_iFlags & ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ) > 0 ) && ( m_bActivated || m_bFailed ) );
// Purpose: clears dynamic state for this achievement
void CFailableAchievement::PreRestoreSavedGame()
m_bFailed = false;
m_bActivated = false;
// Purpose: called after the data in this achievement has been restored from saved game
void CFailableAchievement::PostRestoreSavedGame()
// if there is no activation event set for this achievement, it is always active, activate it now
if ( !m_bFailed && !GetActivationEventName()[0] )
m_bActivated = true;
if ( m_bActivated )
// Purpose: called when a map event occurs
void CFailableAchievement::OnMapEvent( const char *pEventName )
// if we're not activated and we got the activation event, activate
if ( !m_bActivated && ( 0 == Q_stricmp( pEventName, GetActivationEventName() ) ) )
// if this is the evaluation event, see if we've failed or not
else if ( m_bActivated && 0 == Q_stricmp( pEventName, GetEvaluationEventName() ) )
// Purpose: Called when this failable achievement is activated
void CFailableAchievement::Activate()
m_bActivated = true;
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Failable achievement %s now active\n", GetName() );
// Purpose: Called when this failable achievement should be evaluated
void CFailableAchievement::OnEvaluationEvent()
if ( !m_bFailed )
// we haven't failed and we reached the evaluation point, we've succeeded
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Failable achievement %s has been evaluated (%s), now inactive\n", GetName(), m_bFailed ? "FAILED" : "AWARDED" );
// Purpose: Sets this achievement to failed
void CFailableAchievement::SetFailed()
if ( !m_bFailed )
m_bFailed = true;
if ( cc_achievement_debug.GetInt() )
Msg( "Achievement failed: %s (%s)\n", GetName(), GetName() );
void CAchievement_AchievedCount::Init()
SetGoal( 1 );
SetAchievementsRequired( 0, 0, 0 );
// Count how many achievements have been earned in our range
void CAchievement_AchievedCount::OnSteamUserStatsStored( void )
int iAllAchievements = m_pAchievementMgr->GetAchievementCount();
int iAchieved = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<iAllAchievements; ++i )
IAchievement* pCurAchievement = (IAchievement*)m_pAchievementMgr->GetAchievementByIndex( i, STEAM_PLAYER_SLOT );
Assert ( pCurAchievement );
int iAchievementID = pCurAchievement->GetAchievementID();
if ( iAchievementID < m_iLowRange || iAchievementID > m_iHighRange )
if ( pCurAchievement->IsAchieved() )
if ( iAchieved >= m_iNumRequired )
void CAchievement_AchievedCount::SetAchievementsRequired( int iNumRequired, int iLowRange, int iHighRange )
m_iNumRequired = iNumRequired;
m_iLowRange = iLowRange;
m_iHighRange = iHighRange;