2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
# include "cbase.h"
# include "asw_campaign_save.h"
# include "asw_campaign_info.h"
# include "asw_gamerules.h"
# include "asw_game_resource.h"
# include "asw_marine_resource.h"
# include "asw_marine_profile.h"
# include "asw_marine.h"
# include "filesystem.h"
# include "asw_medals.h"
# include "asw_medals_shared.h"
# include "asw_player.h"
# include "asw_equipment_list.h"
# include "world.h"
# include "asw_achievements.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
ConVar asw_medal_explosive_kills ( " asw_medal_explosive_kills " , " 6 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How many aliens have to be killed from one explosion to get the explosives merit medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_reckless_explosive_kills ( " asw_medal_reckless_explosive_kills " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How many aliens have to be killed from kicked grenades to get the reckless explosive merit " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_lifesaver_dist ( " asw_medal_lifesaver_dist " , " 100 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How close an alien has to be a fellow marine to count for the lifesaver medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_lifesaver_kills ( " asw_medal_lifesaver_kills " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How many aliens you have to kill that were close to a teammate to get the lifesaver medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_blood_heal_amount ( " asw_medal_blood_heal_amount " , " 150 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How much health must be healed to win the blood halo medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_silver_heal_amount ( " asw_medal_silver_heal_amount " , " 200 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How much health must be healed to win the silver halo medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_mine_burns ( " asw_medal_mine_burns " , " 60 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How many mine kills needed to get the mine medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_accuracy ( " asw_medal_accuracy " , " 0.9 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum accuracy needed to win the accuracy medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_sentry_kills ( " asw_medal_sentry_kills " , " 60 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum kills needed to win the sentry medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_grub_kills ( " asw_medal_grub_kills " , " 10 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum kills needed to get the grub medal, if the team has wiped out all grubs in the map " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_egg_kills ( " asw_medal_egg_kills " , " 10 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum kills needed to get the eggs medal, if the team has wiped out all grubs in the map " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_parasite_kills ( " asw_medal_parasite_kills " , " 50 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum kills needed to get the parasite medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_firefighter ( " asw_medal_firefighter " , " 10 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum fires needed to put out to get the firefighter medal " ) ;
//ConVar asw_medal_last_stand_kills("asw_medal_last_stand_kills", "10", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Minimum kills needed to get the last stand medal");
ConVar asw_medal_melee_hits ( " asw_medal_melee_hits " , " 20 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum kicks needed to get the iron fist medal " ) ;
ConVar asw_medal_barrel_kills ( " asw_medal_barrel_kills " , " 5 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Minimum aliens killed with barrels to get the Collateral damage medal " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
ConVar asw_debug_medals ( " asw_debug_medals " , " 0 " , 0 , " Print debug info about medals " ) ;
// counts needed for persistent stats medals
//#define ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_1 100
//#define ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_2 1000
//#define ASW_CAMPAIGNS_MEDAL_1 10
//#define ASW_CAMPAIGNS_MEDAL_2 100
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_1 5000
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_2 10000
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_3 50000
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_4 100000
int s_nRepeatableMedals [ ] =
} ;
// testing version
//#define ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_1 3
//#define ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_2 6
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_1 50
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_2 100
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_3 150
//#define ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_4 200
void CASW_Medals : : OnStartMission ( )
// count how many eggs there are
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
m_iNumEggs = 0 ;
m_bAwardEggMedal = false ;
m_bAllSurvived = false ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_egg " ) ) ! = NULL )
m_iNumEggs + + ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Medals: %d eggs in the mission \n " , m_iNumEggs ) ;
// count how many grubs there are in the mission at the start
pEntity = NULL ;
ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_iNumGrubs = 0 ;
m_bAwardGrubMedal = false ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_grub " ) ) ! = NULL )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_iNumGrubs + + ; // note: this var will get increased when grub sacs spawn grubs too
m_fStartMissionTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
void CASW_Medals : : AwardMedals ( )
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) | | ! ASWGameResource ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
// did the marines kill all the eggs?
int iNumEggsKilled = 0 ;
int iNumGrubsKilled = 0 ;
m_bAllSurvived = true ;
int nMarineResources = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( pMR )
iNumEggsKilled + = pMR - > m_iEggKills ;
iNumGrubsKilled + = pMR - > m_iGrubKills ;
if ( pMR - > GetHealthPercent ( ) < = 0.0f )
m_bAllSurvived = false ;
nMarineResources + + ;
m_bAwardEggMedal = iNumEggsKilled > = m_iNumEggs ;
m_bAwardGrubMedal = iNumGrubsKilled > = ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_iNumGrubs ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Marines killed %d out of %d eggs \n " , iNumEggsKilled , m_iNumEggs ) ;
// go through each marine
bool bTechAlive = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( pMR )
AwardMedalsTo ( pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > GetProfile ( ) & & pMR - > IsAlive ( ) & & pMR - > GetHealthPercent ( ) > 0.0f )
if ( pMR - > GetProfile ( ) - > GetMarineClass ( ) = = MARINE_CLASS_TECH )
bTechAlive = true ;
// award player medals to each player
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = gpGlobals - > maxClients ; i + + )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = dynamic_cast < CASW_Player * > ( UTIL_PlayerByIndex ( i ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > IsConnected ( ) )
AwardPlayerMedalsTo ( pPlayer ) ;
# endif
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) )
if ( bTechAlive )
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_TECH_SURVIVES ) ;
void CASW_Medals : : AwardMedalsTo ( CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pMR | | ! pGameResource )
return ;
if ( pGameResource - > IsOfflineGame ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pMR - > IsInhabited ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Player * pPlayer = pMR - > GetCommander ( ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
pMR - > m_bAwardedMedals = true ;
//CASW_Marine *pMarine = pMR->GetMarineEntity();
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) & & pMR - > GetProfile ( ) )
Msg ( " Awarding medals to %s \n " , pMR - > GetProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ) ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetInt ( ) = = 2 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( s_nRepeatableMedals [ RandomInt ( 0 , NELEMS ( s_nRepeatableMedals ) - 1 ) ] , pMR ) ;
return ;
// add achievements to the medal string
char achievement_buffer [ 255 ] ;
achievement_buffer [ 0 ] = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pMR - > m_aAchievementsEarned . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( i > 0 )
Q_strncat ( achievement_buffer , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %d " , - pMR - > m_aAchievementsEarned [ i ] ) , sizeof ( achievement_buffer ) , COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ) ;
Q_strncat ( achievement_buffer , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %d " , - pMR - > m_aAchievementsEarned [ i ] ) , sizeof ( achievement_buffer ) , COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ) ;
Q_snprintf ( pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . GetForModify ( ) , 255 , " %s " , achievement_buffer ) ;
// todo: some of these medals should only be awarded if all marines are alive by the end?
// award campaign completion medals?
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > IsCampaignGame ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) & &
ASWGameRules ( ) - > CampaignMissionsLeft ( ) < = 1 ) // 1 mission left, because medals get awarded before the save is updated with the last mission complete
int iSkill = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetLowestSkillLevelPlayed ( ) ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) < iSkill ) // check they didn't just complete the last mission on a low skill
iSkill = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
bool bJacobCampaign = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignInfo ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignInfo ( ) - > IsJacobCampaign ( ) ;
if ( iSkill > = 2 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignSave ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignSave ( ) - > m_iNumDeaths < = 0 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignSave ( ) - > m_iInitialNumMissionsComplete = = 0 & & bJacobCampaign )
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_CAMPAIGN_NO_DEATHS ) ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) > = 2 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) )
if ( m_bAllSurvived & & pGameResource - > GetNumMarines ( NULL , true ) > = 4 )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_ALL_SURVIVE_A_MISSION , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_MISSION_NO_DEATHS ) ;
// Clear Firing - awarded for having no friendly fire incidents
if ( pMR - > m_fFriendlyFireDamageDealt < = 0 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) & & pMR - > m_iAliensKilled > = 25
& & pMR - > m_iPlayerShotsFired > = 25 )
if ( ASWGameResource ( ) & & ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetNumMarines ( NULL ) > = 4 )
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE ) ;
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_CLEAR_FIRING , pMR ) ;
// Shieldbug Assassin - awarded for killing a shieldbug
if ( pMR - > m_iShieldbugsKilled > 0 )
// Explosives Merit - awarded for killing a number of aliens in one explosion
if ( pMR - > m_iSingleGrenadeKills > = asw_medal_explosive_kills . GetInt ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_EXPLOSIVES_MERIT , pMR ) ;
// Perfect - awarded for finishing a mission taking no damage
if ( ! pMR - > m_bHurt & & pMR - > m_iAliensKilled > = 25 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) > = 2 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_PERFECT , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_NO_DAMAGE_TAKEN ) ;
// Old medals! To reinable you'll need to uncomment this code as well as adding them to the repeatable list, s_nRepeatableMedals!
// Blood heart - awarded when a marine is wounded in a mission
/*if (pMR->m_bTakenWoundDamage)
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_BLOOD_HEART , pMR ) ; */
// Reckless Explosives Merit - awarded for kicking a grenade into an alien
/*if (pMR->m_iKickedGrenadeKills >= asw_medal_reckless_explosive_kills.GetInt())
// Lifesaver - awarded for killing a bug that was close to a teammate
/*if (pMR->m_iSavedLife >= asw_medal_lifesaver_kills.GetInt())
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_LIFESAVER , pMR ) ; */
// Killing spree - awarded for killing x bugs in y seconds (i.e. doing the mad firing speech)
/*if (pMR->m_iMadFiring > 0)
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_KILLING_SPREE , pMR ) ; */
// Swarm Suppression - awarded for killing x bugs in y seconds with the autogun (i.e. doing the mad firing speech holding an autogun)
/*if (pMR->m_iMadFiringAutogun > 0)
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SWARM_SUPPRESSION , pMR ) ; */
// mine medal awarded for killing X bugs with incendiary mines
/*if (pMR->m_iMineKills >= asw_medal_mine_burns.GetInt())
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_INCENDIARY_DEFENCE , pMR ) ; */
// sentry medal awarded for killing X bugs with a sentry gun
/*if (pMR->m_iSentryKills >= asw_medal_sentry_kills.GetInt())
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_STATIC_DEFENSE , pMR ) ; */
// awarded for putting out a number of fires
/*if (pMR->m_iFiresPutOut >= asw_medal_firefighter.GetInt() && ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess())
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_FIREFIGHTER , pMR ) ; */
// awarded for killing aliens during the last stand time
/*if ( pMR->m_iLastStandKills >= asw_medal_last_stand_kills.GetInt() && pMR->GetHealthPercent() <= 0 )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_LAST_STAND , pMR ) ; */
// awarded for hacking a door quickly
/*if ( pMR->m_iFastDoorHacks >= 3 )
// awarded for hacking a computer quickly
/*if ( pMR->m_iFastComputerHacks > 0 )
// grub medal awarded for killing all grubs on a map, at least X
//if (m_bAwardGrubMedal)
// // check there's no unpopped grub sacs left
// CBaseEntity* pEntity = NULL;
// int iNumSacs = 0;
// while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "asw_grub_sac" )) != NULL)
// {
// iNumSacs++;
// }
// if (iNumSacs <= 0)
// {
// if (m_bAwardGrubMedal && pMR->m_iGrubKills > asw_medal_grub_kills.GetInt() && ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess())
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_BUGSTOMPER, pMR);
// }
float accuracy = 0 ;
if ( pMR - > m_iPlayerShotsFired > 0 )
accuracy = float ( pMR - > m_iPlayerShotsFired - pMR - > m_iPlayerShotsMissed ) / float ( pMR - > m_iPlayerShotsFired ) ;
// Old medals!
// have we only fired 1 weapon type throughout the mission? award special medals if so
// requires some minimum number of kills, mission success, 90% accuracy and hard difficulty
//if (pMR->m_iOnlyWeaponEquipIndex >= 0 && ASWEquipmentList()
// && pMR->m_iAliensKilled >= 10 && ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess()
// && accuracy >= 0.9f && ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() >= 3)
// if (!pMR->m_bOnlyWeaponExtra)
// {
// CASW_EquipItem *pItem = ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular(pMR->m_iOnlyWeaponEquipIndex);
// if (pItem)
// {
// if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_rifle")
// || !Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_prifle"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_IRON_DAGGER, pMR);
// else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_flamer"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_PYROMANIAC, pMR);
// else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_shotgun"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_HUNTER, pMR);
// //else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_railgun"))
// else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_pdw"))
// else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_autogun"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_IRON_SWORD, pMR);
// else if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_vindicator"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_IRON_HAMMER, pMR);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// CASW_EquipItem *pItem = ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra(pMR->m_iOnlyWeaponEquipIndex);
// if (pItem)
// {
// if (!Q_strcmp(STRING(pItem->m_EquipClass), "asw_weapon_pistol"))
// AwardSingleMedalTo(MEDAL_GUNFIGHTER, pMR);
// }
// }
// accuracy medal awarded for achieving X hits with shots fired from guns
if ( accuracy > asw_medal_accuracy . GetFloat ( ) & & pMR - > m_iAliensKilled > = 10 & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SHARPSHOOTER , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_ACCURACY ) ;
// halo medals, awarded for different amounts of healing alien damage from marines
bool bMedic = ( pMR - > GetProfile ( ) & & pMR - > GetProfile ( ) - > CanUseFirstAid ( ) ) ;
if ( bMedic )
// Old medals!
/*bool bAwardedSilverHalo = false;
if ( pMR - > m_iMedicHealing > = asw_medal_silver_heal_amount . GetInt ( ) )
bAwardedSilverHalo = AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SILVER_HALO , pMR ) ;
if ( ! bAwardedSilverHalo & & pMR - > m_iMedicHealing > = asw_medal_blood_heal_amount . GetInt ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_BLOOD_HALO , pMR ) ; */
// golden halo awarded for healing a marine so he survives Infestation
if ( pMR - > m_iCuredInfestation > 0 )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_GOLDEN_HALO , pMR ) ;
const int iAllMedicHealAmount = 300 ;
if ( pMR - > m_iMedicHealing > = iAllMedicHealAmount & & ! pMR - > m_bDealtNonMeleeDamage )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_BLOOD_HALO , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_ALL_HEALING ) ;
if ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iStartingEggsInMap > 5 & & ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iEggsKilled > = ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iStartingEggsInMap & & ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iEggsHatched < = 0 )
// No eggs hatched FTW!
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_PEST_CONTROL , pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > m_bMeleeParasiteKill )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_EXTERMINATOR , pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > m_bProtectedTech )
if ( pMR - > m_bDidFastReloadsInARow )
if ( pMR - > m_bDamageAmpMedal )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_GUNFIGHTER , pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > m_bKilledBoomerEarly )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_BUGSTOMPER , pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > m_bStunGrenadeMedal )
if ( pMR - > m_bDodgedRanger )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_LIFESAVER , pMR ) ;
if ( pMR - > m_bFreezeGrenadeMedal )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_HUNTER , pMR ) ;
// awarded for kicking X aliens
if ( pMR - > m_iAliensKicked > = asw_medal_melee_hits . GetInt ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_IRON_FIST , pMR ) ;
// awarded for killing X aliens with barrels
if ( pMR - > m_iBarrelKills > = asw_medal_barrel_kills . GetInt ( ) )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_COLLATERAL_DAMAGE , pMR ) ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionSuccess ( ) )
if ( m_bAllSurvived )
// speed runs
int iCompleteSeconds = gpGlobals - > curtime - m_fStartMissionTime ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Mission complete, took %d seconds \n " , iCompleteSeconds ) ;
const char * mapName = STRING ( gpGlobals - > mapname ) ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Medal checking mapname: %s \n " , mapName ) ;
int speedrun_time = 240 ;
if ( GetWorldEntity ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSpeedrunTime ( ) > 0 )
speedrun_time = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSpeedrunTime ( ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac1-LandingBay_01 " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_LANDING_BAY , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_LANDING_BAY ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac1-LandingBay_02 " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_DESCENT , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_DESCENT ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac2-Deima " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_OUTSIDE , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_DEIMA ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac3-Rydberg " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_PLANT , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_RYDBERG ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac4-Residential " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_OFFICE , pMR ) ;
/*else if ( !Q_stricmp( mapName, "ASI-Jac5-BioResearch" ) && iCompleteSeconds <= speedrun_time)
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_LABS , pMR ) ;
} */
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac6-SewerJunction " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_SEWERS , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_SEWER ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac7-TimorStation " ) & & iCompleteSeconds < = speedrun_time )
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_MINE , pMR ) ;
pPlayer - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_SPEEDRUN_TIMOR ) ;
/*else if ( !Q_stricmp( mapName, "ASI-Jac8-LastRites" ) && iCompleteSeconds <= speedrun_time)
AwardSingleMedalTo ( MEDAL_SPEED_RUN_QUEEN_LAIR , pMR ) ;
} */
// Old medals
// outstanding execution - requires insane difficulty
/*if (ASWGameRules()->IsCampaignGame() && ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignSave()
& & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) > = 4 )
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignSave ( ) - > GetRetries ( ) < = 1 )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac1-LandingBay " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac2-Deima " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac3-Rydberg " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac4-Residential " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac5-BioResearch " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac6-SewerJunction " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac7-TimorStation " ) )
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapName , " ASI-Jac8-LastRites " ) )
} */
bool CASW_Medals : : AwardSingleMedalTo ( int iMedal , CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR )
if ( iMedal < = 0 | | iMedal > = LAST_MEDAL )
return false ;
// most medals have been replaced with achievements. Only support a subset of repeatable ones.
bool bSupported = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NELEMS ( s_nRepeatableMedals ) ; i + + )
if ( s_nRepeatableMedals [ i ] = = iMedal )
bSupported = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bSupported )
return false ;
// check he doesn't have it already
if ( HasMedal ( iMedal , pMR ) )
return false ;
// add the new medal to the end of the current medals this marine has been awarded
char buffer [ 255 ] ;
if ( Q_strlen ( pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ) < = 0 )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %d " , iMedal ) ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %s %d " , pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) , iMedal ) ;
// copy new string into the marine info
Q_snprintf ( pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . GetForModify ( ) , 255 , " %s " , buffer ) ;
//Msg("Awarding medal, setting medal string to:%s\n", buffer);
// update char array of medal used for uploading stats
pMR - > m_CharMedals . AddToTail ( iMedal ) ;
return true ;
void CASW_Medals : : DebugMedals ( CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR )
const char * p = pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ;
char token [ 128 ] ;
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
Msg ( " Marine %s has medals (p=%s token=%s): \n " , pMR - > GetProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ,
p , token ) ;
// list all the medals
while ( Q_strlen ( token ) > 0 )
int iHasMedal = atoi ( token ) ;
Msg ( " %d " , iHasMedal ) ;
if ( p )
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
token [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
Msg ( " \n " ) ;
bool CASW_Medals : : HasMedal ( int iMedal , CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR , bool bOnlyThisMission )
if ( ! pMR )
return false ;
// check in the medals awarded so far this mission
const char * p = pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ;
char token [ 128 ] ;
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
//p = nexttoken( token, p, ' ' );
while ( Q_strlen ( token ) > 0 )
int iHasMedal = atoi ( token ) ;
if ( iHasMedal = = iMedal )
//Msg("Marine already has medal %d, so can't award it\n", iMedal);
return true ;
if ( iHasMedal < 0 & & MedalMatchesAchievement ( iMedal , - iHasMedal ) )
return true ;
if ( p )
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
token [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( bOnlyThisMission )
return false ;
// check in the medals awarded in previous missions
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > IsCampaignGame ( ) )
CASW_Campaign_Save * pSave = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetCampaignSave ( ) ;
int iProfileIndex = pMR - > GetProfileIndex ( ) ;
if ( pSave & & iProfileIndex > = 0 & & iProfileIndex < ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES )
p = STRING ( pSave - > m_Medals [ iProfileIndex ] ) ;
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
//p = nexttoken( token, p, ' ' );
while ( Q_strlen ( token ) > 0 )
int iHasMedal = atoi ( token ) ;
if ( iHasMedal = = iMedal )
Msg ( " Marine already has medal %d, so can't award it \n " , iMedal ) ;
return true ;
if ( p )
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
token [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
# endif
//Msg("Marine doesn't have medal %d, so awarding it\n", iMedal);
return false ;
void CASW_Medals : : AddMedalsToCampaignSave ( CASW_Campaign_Save * pSave )
if ( ! ASWGameResource ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
// go through each marine
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( ! pMR )
continue ;
int iProfileIndex = pMR - > GetProfileIndex ( ) ;
if ( iProfileIndex < 0 | | iProfileIndex > = ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES )
continue ;
if ( Q_strlen ( pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ) < = 0 )
continue ;
// add the new medal to the end of the current medals this marine has been awarded
char buffer [ 255 ] ;
if ( Q_strlen ( STRING ( pSave - > m_Medals [ iProfileIndex ] ) ) < = 0 )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %s " , pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %s %s " , STRING ( pSave - > m_Medals [ iProfileIndex ] ) , pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . Get ( ) ) ;
// copy new string into the campaign save
pSave - > m_Medals . Set ( iProfileIndex , AllocPooledString ( buffer ) ) ;
//Q_snprintf(pMR->m_MedalsAwarded.GetForModify(), 255, "%s", buffer);
Msg ( " [p%d] Added medals to campaign save:%s \n " , iProfileIndex , buffer ) ;
// clear the medals our the marine info now
pMR - > m_MedalsAwarded . GetForModify ( ) [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// ================ Player Medals =======================
void CASW_Medals : : AwardPlayerMedalsTo ( CASW_Player * pPlayer )
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
// don't award player medals to spectators
if ( pGameResource - > GetNumMarines ( pPlayer ) < = 0 )
return ;
//Msg("Awarding medals to player %d\n", pPlayer->entindex());
// give him some random medals
//int iNumMedals = random->RandomInt(5, 5);
//for (int i=0;i<iNumMedals;i++)
//AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(random->RandomInt(MEDAL_BLOOD_HEART, MEDAL_OUTSTANDING_EXECUTION_QUEEN_LAIR), pPlayer);
// Old medals!
//if (ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess())
// //char mapName[255];
// //Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapName, sizeof(mapName) );
// const char *mapName = STRING(gpGlobals->mapname);
// if ( !Q_strncmp( mapName, "tutorial", 8 ) )
// {
// AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(MEDAL_IAF_TRAINING, pPlayer);
// }
// // check for X missions medals
// if (ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() >= 2) // minimum normal difficulty
// {
// int iOldMissions = pPlayer->m_iClientMissionsCompleted;
// if (iOldMissions == ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_1 -1)
// {
// AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(MEDAL_IAF_COMBAT_HONORS, pPlayer);
// }
// if (iOldMissions == ASW_MISSIONS_MEDAL_2 - 1)
// {
// AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(MEDAL_IAF_BATTLE_HONORS, pPlayer);
// }
// // if this is the last mission in the campaign, check if any players are 1 campaign away from a campaign medal
// if (ASWGameRules()->IsCampaignGame() && ASWGameRules()->CampaignMissionsLeft() == 1)
// {
// int iOldCampaigns = pPlayer->m_iClientCampaignsCompleted;
// if (iOldCampaigns == ASW_CAMPAIGNS_MEDAL_1 - 1)
// {
// AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(MEDAL_IAF_CAMPAIGN_HONORS, pPlayer);
// }
// if (iOldCampaigns == ASW_CAMPAIGNS_MEDAL_2 - 1)
// {
// AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo(MEDAL_IAF_WARTIME_SERVICE, pPlayer);
// }
// }
// }
// check for X kills medals
/*int iOldKills = pPlayer->m_iClientKills;
int iNewKills = iOldKills ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( pMR & & pMR - > GetCommander ( ) = = pPlayer )
iNewKills + = pMR - > m_iAliensKilled ;
if ( iOldKills < ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_1 & & iNewKills > = ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_1 )
AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo ( MEDAL_PROFESSIONAL , pPlayer ) ;
if ( iOldKills < ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_2 & & iNewKills > = ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_2 )
AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo ( MEDAL_NEMESIS , pPlayer ) ;
if ( iOldKills < ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_3 & & iNewKills > = ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_3 )
AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo ( MEDAL_RETRIBUTION , pPlayer ) ;
if ( iOldKills < ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_4 & & iNewKills > = ASW_KILLS_MEDAL_4 )
AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo ( MEDAL_IAF_HERO , pPlayer ) ;
} */
bool CASW_Medals : : AwardSinglePlayerMedalTo ( int iMedal , CASW_Player * pPlayer )
if ( iMedal < = 0 | | iMedal > = LAST_MEDAL )
return false ;
// most medals have been replaced with achievements. Only support a subset of repeatable ones.
bool bSupported = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NELEMS ( s_nRepeatableMedals ) ; i + + )
if ( s_nRepeatableMedals [ i ] = = iMedal )
bSupported = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bSupported )
return false ;
// check he doesn't have it already
if ( HasPlayerMedal ( iMedal , pPlayer ) )
return false ;
if ( ! ASWGameResource ( ) )
return false ;
int iPlayerIndex = pPlayer - > entindex ( ) - 1 ;
if ( iPlayerIndex < 0 | | iPlayerIndex > = ASW_MAX_READY_PLAYERS )
return false ;
// add the new medal to the end of the current medals this marine has been awarded
char buffer [ 255 ] ;
if ( Q_strlen ( STRING ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iszPlayerMedals [ iPlayerIndex ] ) ) < = 0 )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %d " , iMedal ) ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " %s %d " , STRING ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iszPlayerMedals [ iPlayerIndex ] ) , iMedal ) ;
// copy new string into the game resource
ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iszPlayerMedals . Set ( iPlayerIndex , AllocPooledString ( buffer ) ) ;
//Msg("Awarding player medal, setting medal string to:%s\n", buffer);
// update char array of medal used for uploading stats
pPlayer - > m_CharMedals . AddToTail ( iMedal ) ;
return true ;
void CASW_Medals : : DebugMedals ( CASW_Player * pPlayer )
int iPlayerIndex = pPlayer - > entindex ( ) - 1 ;
if ( iPlayerIndex < 0 | | iPlayerIndex > = ASW_MAX_READY_PLAYERS )
return ;
const char * p = STRING ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iszPlayerMedals [ iPlayerIndex ] ) ;
char token [ 128 ] ;
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
//p = nexttoken( token, p, ' ' );
Msg ( " Player %d has medals (p=%s token=%s): \n " , iPlayerIndex ,
p , token ) ;
// list all the medals
while ( Q_strlen ( token ) > 0 )
int iHasMedal = atoi ( token ) ;
Msg ( " %d " , iHasMedal ) ;
if ( p )
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
token [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
Msg ( " \n " ) ;
bool CASW_Medals : : HasPlayerMedal ( int iMedal , CASW_Player * pPlayer )
if ( ! pPlayer )
return false ;
int iPlayerIndex = pPlayer - > entindex ( ) - 1 ;
if ( iPlayerIndex < 0 | | iPlayerIndex > = ASW_MAX_READY_PLAYERS )
return false ;
// check in the medals awarded so far this mission
const char * p = STRING ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > m_iszPlayerMedals [ iPlayerIndex ] ) ;
char token [ 128 ] ;
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
//p = nexttoken( token, p, ' ' );
while ( Q_strlen ( token ) > 0 )
int iHasMedal = atoi ( token ) ;
if ( iHasMedal = = iMedal )
Msg ( " Player already has medal %d, so can't award it \n " , iMedal ) ;
return true ;
if ( p )
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
token [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
Msg ( " Player doesn't have medal %d, so awarding it \n " , iMedal ) ;
return false ;