2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
# include "cbase.h"
# include "asw_player.h"
# include "asw_marine.h"
# include "asw_marine_resource.h"
# include "asw_marine_speech.h"
# include "asw_gamerules.h"
# include "asw_door.h"
# include "asw_spawner.h"
# include "asw_weapon.h"
# include "asw_weapon_ammo_bag_shared.h"
# include "asw_remote_turret_shared.h"
# include "physics_prop_ragdoll.h"
# include "ai_network.h"
# include "asw_util_shared.h"
# include "gib.h"
# include "missionchooser/iasw_mission_chooser.h"
# include "missionchooser/iasw_random_missions.h"
# include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
# include "asw_spawn_manager.h"
# include "fmtstr.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// This file contains various debugging and cheat concommands
void cc_CreatePredictionError_f ( )
CBaseEntity * pEnt = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( 1 ) ;
pEnt - > SetAbsOrigin ( pEnt - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + Vector ( 63 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
ConCommand cc_CreatePredictionError ( " CreatePredictionError " , cc_CreatePredictionError_f , " Create a prediction error " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void MarineHealths ( )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_marine " ) ) ! = NULL )
CASW_Marine * marine = CASW_Marine : : AsMarine ( pEntity ) ;
if ( marine )
Msg ( " Marine health is %d \n " , marine - > GetHealth ( ) ) ;
ConCommand MarineHealthscc ( " MarineHealths " , MarineHealths , " List health of all marines " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void ShootMe ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo ( pPlayer , pPlayer , 3 , DMG_BULLET ) ;
Vector vecDir = RandomVector ( - 1 , 1 ) ;
trace_t tr ;
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > DispatchTraceAttack ( dmgInfo , vecDir , & tr ) ;
ConCommand ShootMecc ( " ShootMe " , ShootMe , " Does DMG_BULLET to marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void SimpleAIPathTestf ( )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ;
if ( g_FirstSimpleAI & & pPlayer )
//int npc_node = g_FirstSimpleAI->GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToNPC();
//int player_node = g_FirstSimpleAI->GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToPoint(pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin());
//Msg("Doing path test between nodes %d and %d\n", npc_node, player_node);
//AI_Waypoint_t* waypoint = g_FirstSimpleAI->GetPathfinder()->FindBestPath(npc_node, player_node);
AI_Waypoint_t * waypoint = g_FirstSimpleAI - > GetPathfinder ( ) - > BuildRoute ( g_FirstSimpleAI - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ,
pPlayer - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , pPlayer , 5 * 12 , NAV_NONE , true ) ;
//BuildRoute( const Vector &vStart, const Vector &vEnd, CBaseEntity *pTarget, float goalTolerance, Navigation_t curNavType = NAV_NONE, bool bLocalSucceedOnWithinTolerance = false );
if ( waypoint )
Msg ( " got a waypoint \n " ) ;
else Msg ( " got no waypoint \n " ) ;
Vector lastpos = g_FirstSimpleAI - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
while ( waypoint )
DebugDrawLine ( lastpos , waypoint - > GetPos ( ) , 255 , 0 , 255 , false , 10.0f ) ;
lastpos = waypoint - > GetPos ( ) ;
waypoint = waypoint - > GetNext ( ) ;
//Msg("got a waypoint, drawing line to it!\n");
//DebugDrawLine(pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector(0,0,50), waypoint->GetPos() + Vector(0,0,50), 255,0,255,false, 10.0f);
Msg ( " Couldn't do path test. player=%d simpleai=%d \n " , pPlayer , g_FirstSimpleAI ) ;
ConCommand SimpleAIPathTest ( " SimpleAIPathTest " , SimpleAIPathTestf , " makes the first simple ai path to the player " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void SimpleAIMoveTestf ( )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ;
if ( g_FirstSimpleAI & & pPlayer )
//g_FirstSimpleAI->StartMoveTest(pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), pPlayer);
g_FirstSimpleAI - > SetSimpleEnemy ( pPlayer ) ;
g_FirstSimpleAI - > SetSimpleAIState ( ASAS_CHASING ) ;
ConCommand SimpleAIMoveTest ( " SimpleAIMoveTest " , SimpleAIMoveTestf , " makes the first simple ai path to the player " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void ShowAntlionVelocityf ( )
CBaseEntity * pAntlion = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( NULL , " npc_antlion " ) ;
while ( pAntlion )
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " x=%f y=%f z=%f " , pAntlion - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) . x ,
pAntlion - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) . y ,
pAntlion - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) . z ) ;
pAntlion - > AddTimedOverlay ( buffer , 3.0f ) ;
pAntlion = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pAntlion , " npc_antlion " ) ;
ConCommand ShowAntlionVelocity ( " ShowAntlionVelocity " , ShowAntlionVelocityf , " show velocity of antlions " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void HurtMyMarinef ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * marine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo damageinfo ( marine , marine ,
Vector ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) , marine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , 10 , DMG_BULLET ) ;
/*vDamagePosition, m_iDamage, DMG_SLASH );
CTakeDamageInfo ( CBaseEntity * pInflictor , CBaseEntity * pAttacker ,
float flDamage , int bitsDamageType , int iKillType = 0 ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo ( CBaseEntity * pInflictor , CBaseEntity * pAttacker ,
const Vector & damageForce , const Vector & damagePosition , float flDamage ,
int bitsDamageType , int iKillType = 0 , Vector * reportedPosition = NULL ) ; */
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > TakeDamage ( damageinfo ) ;
ConCommand HurtMyMarine ( " HurtMyMarine " , HurtMyMarinef , " Gives your marine 1-10 damage " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_LeaveMarinef ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ; ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
pPlayer - > LeaveMarines ( ) ;
ConCommand LeaveMarine ( " asw_LeaveMarine " , asw_LeaveMarinef , " Uninhabits your current marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_StartStimf ( )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > StartStim ( 4.0f , NULL ) ;
ConCommand StartStim ( " asw_StartStim " , asw_StartStimf , " Activates a stim pack " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_ClearHousef ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
// remove all alien NPCs
if ( ASWSpawnManager ( ) )
int nCount = ASWSpawnManager ( ) - > GetNumAlienClasses ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i + + )
engine - > ClientCommand ( pPlayer - > edict ( ) , CFmtStr ( " ent_remove_all %s " , ASWSpawnManager ( ) - > GetAlienClass ( i ) - > m_pszAlienClass ) ) ;
// remove non NPC types
engine - > ClientCommand ( pPlayer - > edict ( ) , " ent_remove_all asw_alien_goo " ) ;
engine - > ClientCommand ( pPlayer - > edict ( ) , " ent_remove_all asw_grub_sac " ) ;
engine - > ClientCommand ( pPlayer - > edict ( ) , " ent_remove_all asw_spawner " ) ;
engine - > ClientCommand ( pPlayer - > edict ( ) , " ent_remove_all asw_egg " ) ;
ConCommand ClearHouse ( " asw_ClearHouse " , asw_ClearHousef , " Removes all Swarm from the map " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_MarineInvulnf ( )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineInvuln ( ) ;
ConCommand MarineInvuln ( " asw_MarineInvuln " , asw_MarineInvulnf , " Makes your marines invulnerable " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void ASW_DropTest_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ; ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( pMarine - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN ) // don't allow this if the marine is frozen
return ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN )
return ;
int c = pMarine - > WeaponCount ( ) ;
int current = - 1 ;
//int target = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon = pMarine - > GetWeapon ( i ) ;
if ( pWeapon = = pMarine - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) )
current = i ;
break ;
if ( current = = - 1 )
return ;
pMarine - > DropWeapon ( current ) ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " player_dropped_weapon " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
ConCommand ASW_Drop ( " ASW_Drop " , ASW_DropTest_f , " Makes your marine drop his current weapon " , 0 ) ;
void ASW_AllowBriefing_f ( )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > AllowBriefing ( ) ;
ConCommand ASW_AllowBriefing ( " ASW_AllowBriefing " , ASW_AllowBriefing_f , " Let's you restart the briefing " , 0 ) ;
void ASW_PhysicsShove_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN ) // don't allow this if the marine is frozen
return ;
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > PhysicsShove ( ) ;
ConCommand ASW_PhysicsShove ( " ASW_PhysicsShove " , ASW_PhysicsShove_f , " Shove objects in front of you " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void ASW_PermaStim_f ( )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > StartStim ( 9000 , NULL ) ;
ConCommand ASW_PermaStim ( " ASW_PermaStim " , ASW_PermaStim_f , " Free long stim " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void ASW_PermaStim_Stop_f ( )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > StopStim ( ) ;
ConCommand ASW_PermaStimStop ( " ASW_PermaStimStop " , ASW_PermaStim_Stop_f , " Free long stim " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_stop_burning_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
pMarine - > Extinguish ( ) ;
ConCommand asw_stop_burning ( " asw_stop_burning " , asw_stop_burning_f , " Makes your marine stop burning " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_flip_door_f ( )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_door " ) ) ! = NULL )
CASW_Door * pDoor = dynamic_cast < CASW_Door * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pDoor )
pDoor - > FlipDoor ( ) ;
ConCommand asw_flip_door ( " asw_flip_door " , asw_flip_door_f , " Flip all door meshes " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_spawn_alien_f ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Please supply a spawner name \n " ) ;
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_spawner " ) ) ! = NULL )
CASW_Spawner * pSpawner = dynamic_cast < CASW_Spawner * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pSpawner & & ! stricmp ( STRING ( pSpawner - > GetEntityName ( ) ) , args [ 1 ] ) )
pSpawner - > SpawnOneAlien ( ) ;
ConCommand asw_spawn_alien ( " asw_spawn_alien " , asw_spawn_alien_f , " Make the named asw_spawner spit out an alien " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_test_turret_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( pMarine - > m_hRemoteTurret . Get ( ) )
pMarine - > m_hRemoteTurret - > StopUsingTurret ( ) ; //m_hUser = NULL;
pMarine - > m_hRemoteTurret = NULL ;
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_remote_turret " ) ) ! = NULL )
CASW_Remote_Turret * pTurret = dynamic_cast < CASW_Remote_Turret * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pTurret )
pTurret - > StartedUsingTurret ( pMarine ) ;
pMarine - > m_hRemoteTurret = pTurret ;
Msg ( " Set turret \n " ) ;
return ;
Msg ( " Failed to find a turret \n " ) ;
ConCommand asw_test_turret ( " asw_test_turret " , asw_test_turret_f , " Test remote turret " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_test_marine_glow_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 10 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_test_marine_glow [scale] [brightness] [r] [g] [b] [a] [r] [g] [b] \n " ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
static CSprite * pSprite = NULL ;
if ( pSprite = = NULL )
pSprite = CSprite : : SpriteCreate ( " swarm/sprites/light_glow03_no_z.vmt " , pMarine - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) , false ) ;
pSprite - > SetAttachment ( pMarine , pMarine - > LookupAttachment ( " head " ) ) ;
if ( ! pSprite )
return ;
pSprite - > SetTransparency ( kRenderTransAdd , atof ( args [ 3 ] ) , atof ( args [ 4 ] ) , atof ( args [ 5 ] ) , atof ( args [ 5 ] ) , kRenderFxNoDissipation ) ; // 128 0 0 128 kRenderTransAdd kRenderWorldGlow
pSprite - > SetBrightness ( atof ( args [ 2 ] ) , 0.1f ) ; // 164
pSprite - > SetScale ( atof ( args [ 1 ] ) , 0.1f ) ; // 0.1
pSprite - > SetColor ( atof ( args [ 7 ] ) , atof ( args [ 8 ] ) , atof ( args [ 9 ] ) ) ; // 128 0 0
pSprite - > SetAsTemporary ( ) ;
Msg ( " Failed to find a marine \n " ) ;
ConCommand asw_test_marine_glow ( " asw_test_marine_glow " , asw_test_marine_glow_f , " Usage: asw_test_marine_glow [scale] [brightness] [trans r] [trans g] [trans b] [trans a] [r] [g] [b] " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_drones_friendly_f ( )
CBaseCombatCharacter : : SetDefaultRelationship ( ( Class_T ) CLASS_ASW_DRONE , ( Class_T ) CLASS_ASW_MARINE , D_LI , 0 ) ;
ConCommand asw_drones_friendly ( " asw_drones_friendly " , asw_drones_friendly_f , " Makes drones friendly to marines " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_ai_report_specific ( const char * szClass )
int iNormal = 0 ;
int iEfficient = 0 ;
int iVeryEfficient = 0 ;
int iSuperEfficient = 0 ;
int iDormant = 0 ;
int iMoveNormal = 0 ;
int iMoveEfficient = 0 ;
int iAwake = 0 ;
int iWaitingThreat = 0 ;
int iWaitingPVS = 0 ;
int iWaitingInput = 0 ;
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , szClass ) ) ! = NULL )
CAI_BaseNPC * pAI = dynamic_cast < CAI_BaseNPC * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pAI )
if ( pAI - > GetEfficiency ( ) = = AIE_NORMAL )
iNormal + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetEfficiency ( ) = = AIE_EFFICIENT )
iEfficient + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetEfficiency ( ) = = AIE_VERY_EFFICIENT )
iVeryEfficient + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetEfficiency ( ) = = AIE_SUPER_EFFICIENT )
iSuperEfficient + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetEfficiency ( ) = = AIE_DORMANT )
iDormant + + ;
if ( pAI - > GetMoveEfficiency ( ) = = AIME_NORMAL )
iMoveNormal + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetMoveEfficiency ( ) = = AIME_EFFICIENT )
iMoveEfficient + + ;
if ( pAI - > GetSleepState ( ) = = AISS_AWAKE )
iAwake + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetSleepState ( ) = = AISS_WAITING_FOR_THREAT )
iWaitingThreat + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetSleepState ( ) = = AISS_WAITING_FOR_PVS )
iWaitingPVS + + ;
else if ( pAI - > GetSleepState ( ) = = AISS_WAITING_FOR_INPUT )
iWaitingInput + + ;
Msg ( " Alien Class: %s \n " , szClass ) ;
Msg ( " Efficiency: Normal=%d Efficient=%d VeryEfficient=%d SuperEfficient=%d Dormant=%d \n " ,
iNormal , iEfficient , iVeryEfficient , iSuperEfficient , iDormant ) ;
Msg ( " Movement: Normal=%d Efficient=%d \n " , iMoveNormal , iMoveEfficient ) ;
Msg ( " Sleep: Awake=%d WaitingThreat=%d WaitingPVS=%d WaitingInput=%d \n \n " ,
iAwake , iWaitingThreat , iWaitingPVS , iWaitingInput ) ;
void asw_ai_report_f ( )
asw_ai_report_specific ( " asw_drone " ) ;
asw_ai_report_specific ( " asw_drone_jumper " ) ;
asw_ai_report_specific ( " asw_parasite " ) ;
asw_ai_report_specific ( " asw_grub " ) ;
ConCommand asw_ai_report ( " asw_ai_report " , asw_ai_report_f , " Lists various AI and their efficiencies " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_drone_cycle_f ( )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_drone " ) ) ! = NULL )
CAI_BaseNPC * pAI = dynamic_cast < CAI_BaseNPC * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pAI )
Msg ( " [%d:%s] Cycle=%f " , pAI - > entindex ( ) ,
pAI - > GetClassname ( ) ,
pAI - > GetCycle ( ) ) ;
int iLayers = pAI - > GetNumAnimOverlays ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iLayers ; i + + )
Msg ( " L%d: Cycle=%f Weight=%f \n " , i , pAI - > GetLayerCycle ( i ) , pAI - > GetLayerWeight ( i ) ) ;
ConCommand asw_drone_cycle ( " asw_drone_cycle " , asw_drone_cycle_f , " Lists drones along with cycle and weight " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_suicide_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetHealth ( ) > 0 )
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > Suicide ( ) ;
ConCommand asw_suicide ( " asw_suicide " , asw_suicide_f , " Kills your current marine " , 0 ) ;
void asw_hide_marine_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > IsEffectActive ( EF_NODRAW ) )
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > RemoveEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) )
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) - > RemoveEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) )
pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) - > AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
ConCommand asw_hide_marine ( " asw_hide_marine " , asw_hide_marine_f , " Toggle drawing of the current marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_ragdoll_marine_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
static CRagdollProp * s_pRagdoll = NULL ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
pMarine - > SetKnockedOut ( ! pMarine - > m_bKnockedOut ) ;
return ;
if ( pMarine - > IsEffectActive ( EF_NODRAW ) & & s_pRagdoll )
//Calcs the diff between ragdoll worldspace center and victim worldspace center, moves the victim by this diff.
//Sets the victim's angles to 0, ragdoll yaw, 0
QAngle newAngles ( 0 , s_pRagdoll - > GetAbsAngles ( ) [ YAW ] , 0 ) ;
Vector centerDelta = s_pRagdoll - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) - pMarine - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
centerDelta . z = 0 ; // don't put us in the floor
Vector newOrigin = pMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + centerDelta ;
pMarine - > SetAbsOrigin ( newOrigin ) ;
pMarine - > SetAbsAngles ( newAngles ) ;
//DetachAttachedRagdoll( s_pRagdoll ); // unnecessary since we remove it next?
UTIL_Remove ( s_pRagdoll ) ;
pMarine - > RemoveEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
pMarine - > RemoveSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
pMarine - > InvalidateBoneCache ( ) ;
pMarine - > AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info ;
info . SetDamageType ( DMG_GENERIC ) ;
info . SetDamageForce ( vec3_origin ) ;
info . SetDamagePosition ( pMarine - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
s_pRagdoll = ( CRagdollProp * ) CreateServerRagdoll ( pMarine , 0 , info , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ) ;
if ( s_pRagdoll )
s_pRagdoll - > DisableAutoFade ( ) ;
s_pRagdoll - > SetThink ( NULL ) ;
s_pRagdoll - > SetUnragdoll ( pMarine ) ;
pMarine - > AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
//pMarine->SetupBones( m_pRagdollBones, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );
//ConCommand asw_ragdoll_marine( "asw_ragdoll_marine", asw_ragdoll_marine_f, "Toggle ragdolling of the current marine", FCVAR_CHEAT );
void asw_ragdoll_blend_test_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " prop_ragdoll " ) ) ! = NULL )
CRagdollProp * pRagdoll = dynamic_cast < CRagdollProp * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pRagdoll )
pPlayer - > m_pBlendRagdoll = pRagdoll ;
pPlayer - > m_fBlendAmount = 0 ;
pRagdoll - > SetOverlaySequence ( ACT_IDLE ) ;
return ;
ConCommand asw_ragdoll_blend_test ( " asw_ragdoll_blend_test " , asw_ragdoll_blend_test_f , " Ragdoll blending test " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_marine_server_anim_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( pMarine )
Msg ( " [S] Marine playing sequence %d (%s) A:%s \n " , pMarine - > GetSequence ( ) ,
pMarine - > GetSequenceName ( pMarine - > GetSequence ( ) ) ,
pMarine - > GetSequenceActivityName ( pMarine - > GetSequence ( ) ) ) ;
int iLayers = pMarine - > GetNumAnimOverlays ( ) ;
Msg ( " Layers: %d \n " , iLayers ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iLayers ; i + + )
CAnimationLayer * pLayer = pMarine - > GetAnimOverlay ( i ) ;
if ( ! pLayer )
Msg ( " Layer %d is null \n " , i ) ;
int iSeq = pLayer - > m_nSequence ;
Msg ( " Layer %d sequence %d (%s) A:%s W:%f C:%f \n " , i , iSeq , pMarine - > GetSequenceName ( iSeq ) ,
pMarine - > GetSequenceActivityName ( iSeq ) , pLayer - > m_flWeight , pLayer - > m_flCycle ) ;
Msg ( " No Marine to list anims on \n " ) ;
Msg ( " No command player! \n " ) ;
ConCommand asw_marine_server_anim ( " asw_marine_server_anim " , asw_marine_server_anim_f , " Lists animation playing on the player's current marine serverside " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void listmarineresources_server_f ( void )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
if ( pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) = = NULL )
Msg ( " MarineResource %d = empty \n " , i ) ;
Msg ( " MarineResource %d = present, profileindex %d, commander %d commander index %d \n " ,
i , pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > m_MarineProfileIndex ,
pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > GetCommander ( ) ,
pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > m_iCommanderIndex . Get ( ) ) ;
static ConCommand listmarineresources_server ( " listmarineresources_server " , listmarineresources_server_f , " Shows contents of the marine resources array " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void listroster_server_f ( void )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES ; i + + )
Msg ( " [S]Roster %d selected=%d \n " , i , pGameResource - > IsRosterSelected ( i ) ) ;
static ConCommand listroster_server ( " listroster_server " , listroster_server_f , " Shows which marines in the roster are selected " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_check_campaign_f ( void )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
Msg ( " IsInCampaignMap = %d \n " , pGameResource - > IsCampaignGame ( ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_check_campaign ( " asw_check_campaign " , asw_check_campaign_f , " Is this map in campaign mode? " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_mission_complete_f ( )
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
ASWGameRules ( ) - > CheatCompleteMission ( ) ;
static ConCommand asw_mission_complete ( " asw_mission_complete " , asw_mission_complete_f , " Cheat to complete the current mission " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_marine_spectate_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_marine_spectate [marine_num] \n " ) ;
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
int iMarine = atof ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( iMarine < 0 | | iMarine > = pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( iMarine ) ;
if ( ! pMR )
Msg ( " No marine resource in that index \n " ) ;
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
Msg ( " No live marine in that slot \n " ) ;
return ;
pPlayer - > SetSpectatingMarine ( pMarine ) ;
static ConCommand asw_marine_spectate ( " asw_marine_spectate " , asw_marine_spectate_f , " Usage: asw_marine_spectate [marine_num] " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_live_marines_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
Msg ( " Has live marines: %d \n " , pPlayer - > HasLiveMarines ( ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_live_marines ( " asw_live_marines " , asw_live_marines_f , " Reports if you have live marines " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_marine_skill_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
CASW_Marine_Profile * pProfile = NULL ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( pMarine )
pProfile = pMarine - > GetMarineProfile ( ) ;
// find the first marine info that belongs to us
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( pMR & & pMR - > GetCommander ( ) = = pPlayer )
pProfile = pMR - > GetProfile ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! pProfile )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_marine_skill [SkillSlot] - reports the number of skill points of the current marine in that skill \n asw_marine_skill [SkillSlot] [x] - sets that skill to the specified number of skill points (0-5) \n " ) ;
Msg ( " SkillSlot goes from 0 to 4 for your skills, slot 5 is spare skill points. \n " ) ;
return ;
int nSkillSlot = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( nSkillSlot < 0 | | nSkillSlot > = ASW_NUM_SKILL_SLOTS )
Msg ( " nSkillSlot out of bounds \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 3 )
int iSkillPoints = ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetMarineSkill ( pProfile - > m_ProfileIndex , nSkillSlot ) ;
Msg ( " Marine skill[%d] is %s = %d \n " , nSkillSlot , SkillToString ( pProfile - > GetSkillMapping ( nSkillSlot ) ) , iSkillPoints ) ;
int iNewPoints = atoi ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
ASWGameResource ( ) - > SetMarineSkill ( pProfile - > m_ProfileIndex , nSkillSlot , iNewPoints ) ;
int iSkillPoints = ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetMarineSkill ( pProfile - > m_ProfileIndex , nSkillSlot ) ;
Msg ( " Marine skill[%d] is now %s = %d \n " , nSkillSlot , SkillToString ( pProfile - > GetSkillMapping ( nSkillSlot ) ) , iSkillPoints ) ;
static ConCommand asw_marine_skill ( " asw_marine_skill " , asw_marine_skill_f , " Usage: asw_marine_skill [nSkillSlot] - reports the number of skill points of the current marine in that skill \n asw_marine_speed [nSkillSlot] [x] - sets that skill to the specified number of skill points (0-5) " , FCVAR_CHEAT) ;
extern ConVar asw_marine_nearby_angle ;
void asw_test_marinenearby_f ( const CCommand & args )
Msg ( " 0.5 as float = %f \n " , 0.5f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.5f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.5f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.51f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.51f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.52f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.52f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.6f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.6f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.56f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.56f ) ;
Msg ( " 0.49f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 0.49f ) ;
Msg ( " 1.99f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 1.99f ) ;
Msg ( " 2.01f as int = %d \n " , ( int ) 2.01f ) ;
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 4 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_test_marinenearby [0|1] [grid step] [grid count] \n " ) ;
int iWide = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
float fGridStep = atof ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
int iGridCount = atoi ( args [ 3 ] ) ;
//Msg("Wide = %d, step = %f, count = %d\n", iWide, fGridStep, iGridCount);
Vector asw_default_camera_dir_2 ;
QAngle test_angle ( asw_marine_nearby_angle . GetFloat ( ) , 90 , 0 ) ;
AngleVectors ( test_angle , & asw_default_camera_dir_2 ) ;
Vector asw_default_camera_offset_2 = asw_default_camera_dir_2 * - 405.0f ;
for ( int x = - iGridCount ; x < iGridCount ; x + + )
for ( int y = - iGridCount ; y < iGridCount * 3 ; y + + )
Vector pos = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + Vector ( x * fGridStep , y * fGridStep , 10 ) ;
//Msg("Testing pos %f, %f, %f\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
bool bCorpseCanSee = false ;
UTIL_ASW_AnyMarineCanSee ( pos ,
iWide , bCorpseCanSee ) ;
Vector pos = ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + asw_default_camera_offset_2 ) ;
//NDebugOverlay::Line(pos, pos + asw_default_camera_dir_2 * 410, 0,0,255,true, 30);
static ConCommand asw_test_marinenearby ( " asw_test_marinenearby " , asw_test_marinenearby_f , " Tests the marine nearby util shared function " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_set_drone_skin_f ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_set_drone_skin [skin index] \n " ) ;
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
int iSkin = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_drone_advanced " ) ) ! = NULL )
CBaseAnimating * pAnim = dynamic_cast < CBaseAnimating * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pAnim )
pAnim - > m_nSkin = iSkin ;
pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_simple_drone " ) ) ! = NULL )
CBaseAnimating * pAnim = dynamic_cast < CBaseAnimating * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pAnim )
pAnim - > m_nSkin = iSkin ;
static ConCommand asw_set_drone_skin ( " asw_set_drone_skin " , asw_set_drone_skin_f , " Sets skin index of all drones and simple drones " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_report_difficulty_f ( )
Msg ( " Skill level = %d \n " , ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Mission Difficulty level = %d \n " , ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionDifficulty ( ) ) ;
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
CPASAttenuationFilter filter ( pPlayer ) ;
CSoundParameters params ;
if ( CBaseEntity : : GetParametersForSound ( " crash.selection " , params , NULL ) )
EmitSound_t ep ( params ) ;
ep . m_flVolume = 1.0f ;
ep . m_nChannel = CHAN_AUTO ;
ep . m_pOrigin = & pPlayer - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
ep . m_nPitch = params . pitch * random - > RandomFloat ( 0.5 , 3.0 ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( filter , 0 , ep ) ;
static ConCommand asw_report_difficulty ( " asw_report_difficulty " , asw_report_difficulty_f , " Reports current skill and mission difficulty level " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_conv_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetMarineProfile ( ) )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_conv [conv num] " ) ;
return ;
CASW_MarineSpeech : : StartConversation ( atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) , pMarine ) ;
static ConCommand asw_conv ( " asw_conv " , asw_conv_f , " Test a conversation " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_medal_info_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_medal_info [marine info num from 0-3] " ) ;
return ;
int i = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) )
pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > DebugMedalStats ( ) ;
static ConCommand asw_medal_info ( " asw_medal_info " , asw_medal_info_f , " Give medal info on a particular marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_build_speech_durations_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! MarineProfileList ( ) | | ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
return ;
Msg ( " Saving speech durations... " ) ;
MarineProfileList ( ) - > SaveSpeechDurations ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Done! \n " ) ;
static ConCommand asw_build_speech_durations ( " asw_build_speech_durations " , asw_build_speech_durations_f , " Measures speech durations and saves to file for use in async client speech " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_network_id_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
//Msg("Your network ID is %s userID is %s\n", pPlayer->GetNetworkIDString(), pPlayer->GetUserID());
// integer tests
Msg ( " 1/10 = %d \n " , int ( 1 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 4/10 = %d \n " , int ( 4 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 5/10 = %d \n " , int ( 5 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 6/10 = %d \n " , int ( 6 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 9/10 = %d \n " , int ( 9 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 10/10 = %d \n " , int ( 10 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 11/10 = %d \n " , int ( 11 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 14/10 = %d \n " , int ( 14 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 15/10 = %d \n " , int ( 15 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 16/10 = %d \n " , int ( 16 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 19/10 = %d \n " , int ( 19 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
Msg ( " 20/10 = %d \n " , int ( 20 ) / int ( 10 ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_network_id ( " asw_network_id " , asw_network_id_f , " returns network id " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_corpse_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
return ;
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetMarineProfile ( ) )
return ;
QAngle facing = pMarine - > GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
Vector forward ;
AngleVectors ( facing , & forward ) ;
Vector pos = pMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + forward * 100.0f ;
//CBaseEntity *pGib =
CreateRagGib ( " models/swarm/colonist/male/malecolonist.mdl " , pos , facing , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_corpse ( " asw_corpse " , asw_corpse_f , " Test create a clientside corpse " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_gimme_ammo_f ( void )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
if ( pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ! = NULL & & pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > GetMarineEntity ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > GetMarineEntity ( ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < ASW_MAX_MARINE_WEAPONS ; k + + )
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = pMarine - > GetASWWeapon ( k ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
continue ;
// refill bullets in the gun
pWeapon - > m_iClip1 = pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ;
pWeapon - > m_iClip2 = pWeapon - > GetMaxClip2 ( ) ;
// give the marine a load of ammo of that type
pMarine - > GiveAmmo ( 10000 , pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) ;
pMarine - > GiveAmmo ( 10000 , pWeapon - > GetSecondaryAmmoType ( ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_gimme_ammo ( " asw_gimme_ammo " , asw_gimme_ammo_f , " Refills all marine ammo " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_drop_ammo_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
int iBagSlot = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * pBag = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * > ( pMarine - > GetWeapon ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( pBag )
if ( pBag - > DropAmmoPickup ( iBagSlot ) )
return ;
pBag = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * > ( pMarine - > GetWeapon ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( pBag )
if ( pBag - > DropAmmoPickup ( iBagSlot ) )
return ;
static ConCommand asw_drop_ammo ( " asw_drop_ammo " , asw_drop_ammo_f , " Drops ammo from an ammo bag " , 0 ) ;
void asw_conversation_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Usage: asw_conversation [conversation number] \n " ) ;
int iConv = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
CASW_MarineSpeech : : StartConversation ( iConv , pMarine ) ;
static ConCommand asw_conversation ( " asw_conversation " , asw_conversation_f , " Triggers a conversation " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_show_game_stats_f ( void )
if ( ASWGameStats ( ) )
ASWGameStats ( ) - > DebugContents ( ) ;
static ConCommand asw_show_game_stats ( " asw_show_game_stats " , asw_show_game_stats_f , " Outputs contents of the asi_gamestats.dat file for debugging " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_debug_spectator_server_f ( void )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
Msg ( " Server: m_bRequestedSpectator=%d \n " , pPlayer - > m_bRequestedSpectator ) ;
static ConCommand asw_debug_spectator_server ( " asw_debug_spectator_server " , asw_debug_spectator_server_f , " Prints whether a player wants to spectate " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CC_asw_teleport ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
Vector vTargetPos = pPlayer - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
// fires a command from the console
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
trace_t tr ;
Vector vPlayerForward ;
pPlayer - > EyeVectors ( & vPlayerForward , NULL , NULL ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pPlayer - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , pPlayer - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) + vPlayerForward * 10000.0f , MASK_SOLID , pPlayer , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . DidHit ( ) )
vTargetPos = tr . endpos ;
// find the named entity
CBaseEntity * target = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! target )
int i = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( i ! = 0 )
target = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( i ) ;
if ( ! target )
Msg ( " Couldn't find entity! \n " ) ;
return ;
Msg ( " Couldn't find entity! \n " ) ;
return ;
vTargetPos = target - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; + + i )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( ! pMR )
continue ;
if ( pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) & & pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) - > GetCommander ( ) = = pPlayer )
pMarine = pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) ;
break ;
if ( pMarine )
// Teleport the dude under our control
Vector vecPos = vTargetPos ; //pNearest->GetOrigin();
pMarine - > Teleport ( & vecPos , NULL , NULL ) ;
static int CC_asw_teleport_autocomplete ( char const * partial , char commands [ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ] [ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] )
if ( ! g_pGameRules )
return 0 ;
char const * cmdname = " asw_teleport " ;
char * substring = ( char * ) partial ;
if ( Q_strstr ( partial , cmdname ) )
substring = ( char * ) partial + strlen ( cmdname ) + 1 ;
int checklen = Q_strlen ( substring ) ;
CUtlSymbolTable entries ( 0 , 0 , true ) ;
CUtlVector < CUtlSymbol > symbols ;
CBaseEntity * pos = NULL ;
while ( ( pos = gEntList . NextEnt ( pos ) ) ! = NULL )
// Check target name against partial string
if ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) = = NULL_STRING )
continue ;
if ( Q_strnicmp ( STRING ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) ) , substring , checklen ) )
continue ;
CUtlSymbol sym = entries . AddString ( STRING ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ;
int idx = symbols . Find ( sym ) ;
if ( idx = = symbols . InvalidIndex ( ) )
symbols . AddToTail ( sym ) ;
// Too many
if ( symbols . Count ( ) > = COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS )
break ;
// Now fill in the results
for ( int i = 0 ; i < symbols . Count ( ) ; i + + )
char const * name = entries . String ( symbols [ i ] ) ;
char buf [ 512 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( buf , name , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
Q_strlower ( buf ) ;
Q_snprintf ( commands [ i ] , COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH , " %s %s " ,
cmdname , buf ) ;
return symbols . Count ( ) ;
static ConCommand asw_teleport ( " asw_teleport " , CC_asw_teleport , " Usage: \n asw_teleport <target entity> \n Teleports your current marine to the named entity " , FCVAR_CHEAT , CC_asw_teleport_autocomplete ) ;
void asw_solid_info_f ( void )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer = = NULL )
Msg ( " Couldn't find local player. " ) ;
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
int solid0 = pMarine - > GetSolid ( ) ;
int nSolidFlags0 = pMarine - > GetSolidFlags ( ) ;
int movetype0 = pMarine - > GetMoveType ( ) ;
Msg ( " Marine(%d} solid=%d solidflags=%d movetype=%d \n " , pMarine - > entindex ( ) , solid0 , nSolidFlags0 , movetype0 ) ;
static ConCommand asw_solid_info ( " asw_solid_info " , asw_solid_info_f , " Shows solid status of current marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_set_solid_f ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer = = NULL )
Msg ( " Couldn't find local player. " ) ;
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
pMarine - > SetSolid ( ( SolidType_t ) atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
static ConCommand asw_set_solid ( " asw_set_solid " , asw_set_solid_f , " Sets solid status of current marine " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose: Create an NPC of the given type
void CC_ASW_Ent_Create ( const CCommand & args )
bool allowPrecache = CBaseEntity : : IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( true ) ;
// Try to create entity
CBaseEntity * entity = dynamic_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( CreateEntityByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( entity )
entity - > Precache ( ) ;
// Now attempt to drop into the world
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pPlayer - > GetCrosshairTracePos ( ) + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 30 ) ,
pPlayer - > GetCrosshairTracePos ( ) , MASK_SOLID ,
pPlayer , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 0.0 )
// Raise the end position a little up off the floor, place the npc and drop him down
tr . endpos . z + = 12 ;
entity - > Teleport ( & tr . endpos , NULL , NULL ) ;
// this was causing aliens to spawn under ground
//UTIL_DropToFloor( entity, MASK_SOLID );
DispatchSpawn ( entity ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( allowPrecache ) ;
static ConCommand asw_ent_create ( " asw_ent_create " , CC_ASW_Ent_Create , " Creates an entity of the given type in front of the current marine. " , FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// This is used by the PlayerListPanel when the player clicks the restart mission button
void asw_restart_mission_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer | | ! ASWGameResource ( ) )
return ;
if ( ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetLeader ( ) ! = pPlayer )
return ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) )
if ( gpGlobals - > maxClients > 1 )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > RestartMissionCountdown ( pPlayer ) ;
// restart instantly in singleplayer
ASWGameRules ( ) - > RestartMission ( pPlayer ) ;
ConCommand asw_restart_mission ( " asw_restart_mission " , asw_restart_mission_f , " Restarts the current mission " , 0 ) ;
void asw_NextMarinef ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
pPlayer - > SelectNextMarine ( false ) ;
ConCommand ASW_NextMarine ( " ASW_NextMarine " , asw_NextMarinef , " Select your next marine " , 0 ) ;
void asw_PrevMarinef ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
pPlayer - > SelectNextMarine ( true ) ;
ConCommand ASW_PrevMarine ( " ASW_PrevMarine " , asw_PrevMarinef , " Select your previous marine " , 0 ) ;
void asw_room_info_f ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) & & missionchooser & & missionchooser - > RandomMissions ( ) )
IASW_Room_Details * pRoom = missionchooser - > RandomMissions ( ) - > GetRoomDetails ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pRoom )
Msg ( " Couldn't find room \n " ) ;
char buf [ MAX_PATH ] ;
pRoom - > GetFullRoomName ( buf , MAX_PATH ) ;
Msg ( " Room name: %s \n " , buf ) ;
Msg ( " Room tags: " ) ;
int nNumTags = pRoom - > GetNumTags ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNumTags ; + + i )
Msg ( " %s " , pRoom - > GetTag ( i ) ) ;
Msg ( " \n " ) ;
ConCommand asw_room_info ( " asw_room_info " , asw_room_info_f , " Shows details about the current room in a randomly generated map " , 0 ) ;
void asw_debug_server_cursor_f ( const CCommand & args )
// Now attempt to drop into the world
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
NDebugOverlay : : Cross3D ( pPlayer - > GetCrosshairTracePos ( ) , 20.0f , 255 , 128 , 0 , true , 1.0f ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
static ConCommand asw_debug_server_cursor ( " asw_debug_server_cursor " , asw_debug_server_cursor_f , " Server shows a marker where it thinks your cursor is " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
// Purpose: Teleport a specified entity to where the player is looking
bool CC_ASW_GetCommandEnt ( const CCommand & args , CBaseEntity * * ent , Vector * vecTargetPoint , QAngle * vecPlayerAngle )
// Find the entity
* ent = NULL ;
// First try using it as an entindex
int iEntIndex = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( iEntIndex )
* ent = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( iEntIndex ) ;
// Try finding it by name
* ent = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! * ent )
// Finally, try finding it by classname
* ent = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( NULL , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! * ent )
Msg ( " Couldn't find any entity named '%s' \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return false ;
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( vecTargetPoint )
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pPlayer - > GetCrosshairTracePos ( ) + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 30 ) ,
pPlayer - > GetCrosshairTracePos ( ) - Vector ( 0 , 0 , 10 ) , MASK_SOLID ,
pPlayer , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0 )
* vecTargetPoint = tr . endpos ;
if ( vecPlayerAngle )
* vecPlayerAngle = pPlayer - > EyeAngles ( ) ;
return true ;
// Purpose: Teleport a specified entity to where the player is looking
void CC_ASW_Ent_Teleport ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Format: ent_teleport <entity name> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt ;
Vector vecTargetPoint ;
if ( CC_ASW_GetCommandEnt ( args , & pEnt , & vecTargetPoint , NULL ) )
pEnt - > Teleport ( & vecTargetPoint , NULL , NULL ) ;
static ConCommand asw_ent_teleport ( " asw_ent_teleport " , CC_ASW_Ent_Teleport , " Teleport the specified entity to the crosshair location. \n \t Format: ent_teleport <entity name> " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void cc_asw_inventory ( )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > WeaponCount ( ) ; i + + )
CBaseEntity * pWeapon = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetWeapon ( i ) ;
if ( pWeapon )
Msg ( " Inventory[%d] = %s (%d) \n " , i , pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) , pWeapon - > entindex ( ) ) ;
ConCommand asw_inventory ( " asw_inventory " , cc_asw_inventory , " Lists marine's inventory " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void cc_stuck ( const CCommand & args )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
if ( ! pMarine - > TeleportStuckMarine ( ) )
Msg ( " Error, couldn't find a valid free info_node to teleport to! \n " ) ;
ConCommand stuck ( " stuck " , cc_stuck , " Teleports marine to the nearest free node " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void asw_gimme_health_f ( void )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pGameResource )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
if ( pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ! = NULL & & pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > GetMarineEntity ( ) )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) - > GetMarineEntity ( ) ;
pMarine - > AddSlowHeal ( pMarine - > GetMaxHealth ( ) - pMarine - > GetHealth ( ) , 3 , NULL ) ;
static ConCommand asw_gimme_health ( " asw_gimme_health " , asw_gimme_health_f , " Refills all marine health " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void SpawnBuzzerAboveMe ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Format: asw_spawn_buzzer <z height above marine> \n " ) ;
return ;
bool allowPrecache = CBaseEntity : : IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( true ) ;
// Try to create entity
CBaseEntity * entity = dynamic_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( CreateEntityByName ( " asw_buzzer " ) ) ;
if ( entity )
entity - > Precache ( ) ;
// Now attempt to drop into the world
CASW_Player * pPlayer = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) ;
if ( ! pMarine )
return ;
Vector vecPos = pMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
vecPos . z + = atof ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
entity - > Teleport ( & vecPos , NULL , NULL ) ;
DispatchSpawn ( entity ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( allowPrecache ) ;
static ConCommand asw_spawn_buzzer ( " asw_spawn_buzzer " , SpawnBuzzerAboveMe , " Refills all marine health " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;