2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2003, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
# include "cbase.h"
# include "ai_default.h"
# include "ai_task.h"
# include "ai_schedule.h"
# include "ai_node.h"
# include "ai_hull.h"
# include "ai_hint.h"
# include "ai_squad.h"
# include "ai_senses.h"
# include "ai_navigator.h"
# include "ai_motor.h"
# include "ai_behavior.h"
# include "ai_baseactor.h"
# include "ai_behavior_lead.h"
# include "ai_behavior_follow.h"
# include "ai_behavior_standoff.h"
# include "ai_behavior_assault.h"
# include "soundent.h"
# include "game.h"
# include "npcevent.h"
# include "entitylist.h"
# include "activitylist.h"
# include "vstdlib/random.h"
# include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
# include "sceneentity.h"
# include "asw_marine.h"
# include "asw_player.h"
# include "asw_marine_resource.h"
# include "asw_marine_profile.h"
# include "asw_weapon.h"
# include "asw_marine_speech.h"
//#include "asw_drone.h"
# include "asw_pickup.h"
# include "asw_pickup_weapon.h"
# include "asw_gamerules.h"
# include "asw_gamestats.h"
# include "asw_mission_manager.h"
# include "asw_fail_advice.h"
# include "ammodef.h"
# include "asw_shareddefs.h"
# include "asw_sentry_base.h"
# include "asw_button_area.h"
# include "asw_equipment_list.h"
# include "asw_weapon_parse.h"
# include "asw_fx_shared.h"
# include "asw_parasite.h"
# include "shareddefs.h"
# include "iasw_vehicle.h"
# include "obstacle_pushaway.h"
# include "asw_computer_area.h"
# include "asw_remote_turret_shared.h"
# include "asw_util_shared.h"
# include "EntityFlame.h"
# include "physics_prop_ragdoll.h"
# include "asw_weapon_flashlight_shared.h"
# include "beam_shared.h"
# include "iasw_server_usable_entity.h"
# include "asw_weapon_ammo_bag_shared.h"
# include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
# include "asw_weapon_autogun_shared.h"
# include "asw_burning.h"
# include "asw_door.h"
# include "asw_hack.h"
# include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
# include "asw_trace_filter_melee.h"
# include "ai_moveprobe.h"
# include "asw_ai_senses.h"
# include "particle_parse.h"
# include "asw_director.h"
# include "asw_melee_system.h"
# include "ai_network.h"
# include "asw_weapon_normal_armor.h"
# include "asw_fire.h"
# include "asw_achievements.h"
# include "asw_objective_escape.h"
# include "sendprop_priorities.h"
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
# include "asw_marine_gamemovement.h"
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
# define ASW_DEFAULT_MARINE_MODEL "models / swarm / marine / marine.mdl"
// Marine activities
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS ( asw_marine , CASW_Marine ) ;
void SendProxy_CropMarineFlagsToPlayerFlagBitsLength ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pVarData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
int mask = ( 1 < < PLAYER_FLAG_BITS ) - 1 ;
int data = * ( int * ) pVarData ;
pOut - > m_Int = ( data & mask ) ;
//CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)pProp;
//if (pEntity)
//if (( data & mask ) & FL_ONGROUND)
//Msg(" [S] Transmitting FL_ONGROUND (flags=%d)\n", pEntity->GetFlags());
//Msg(" [S] Not Transmitting FL_ONGROUND (flags=%d)\n", pEntity->GetFlags());
//Msg(" WARNING updated flags without an ent\n");
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseEntity " , " m_angRotation " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimating " , " m_flPoseParameter " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimating " , " m_flPlaybackRate " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimating " , " m_nSequence " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay " , " overlay_vars " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimating " , " m_nNewSequenceParity " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseAnimating " , " m_nResetEventsParity " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseCombatCharacter " , " bcc_localdata " ) ,
// asw_playeranimstate and clientside animation takes care of these on the client
SendPropExclude ( " DT_ServerAnimationData " , " m_flCycle " ) ,
SendPropExclude ( " DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst " , " m_flAnimTime " ) ,
// We need to send a hi-res origin to avoid prediction errors sliding along walls
SendPropExclude ( " DT_BaseEntity " , " m_vecOrigin " ) ,
// send a hi-res origin to the local player for use in prediction
//SendPropVector (SENDINFO(m_vecOrigin), -1, SPROP_NOSCALE|SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN, 0.0f, HIGH_DEFAULT, SendProxy_Origin ),
SendPropVectorXY ( SENDINFO ( m_vecOrigin ) , - 1 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , 0.0f , HIGH_DEFAULT , SendProxy_OriginXY ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecVelocity , 0 ) , 32 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecVelocity , 1 ) , 32 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecVelocity , 2 ) , 32 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN ) ,
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 0 ) , 13 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesX ) ,
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 1 ) , 13 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesY ) ,
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 2 ) , 13 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesZ ) ,
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
# else
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 0 ) , 13 , SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesX ) ,
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 1 ) , 13 , SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesY ) ,
SendPropAngle ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_angRotation , 2 ) , 13 , SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , CBaseEntity : : SendProxy_AnglesZ ) ,
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
# endif
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_fAIPitch ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_fFlags ) , PLAYER_FLAG_BITS , SPROP_UNSIGNED | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , SendProxy_CropMarineFlagsToPlayerFlagBitsLength ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iHealth ) , 10 ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iMaxHealth ) , 10 ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_fInfestedTime ) , 6 , SPROP_UNSIGNED , 0.0f , 64.0f ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_fInfestedStartTime ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_ASWOrders ) , 4 ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_Commander ) ) ,
SendPropArray3 ( SENDINFO_ARRAY3 ( m_iAmmo ) , SendPropInt ( SENDINFO_ARRAY ( m_iAmmo ) , 10 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bSlowHeal ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iSlowHealAmount ) , 10 ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bPreventMovement ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bWalking ) ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_fFFGuardTime ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hUsingEntity ) ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hCurrentHack ) ) ,
SendPropVector ( SENDINFO ( m_vecFacingPointFromServer ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hGroundEntity ) , SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hMarineFollowTarget ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_fStopMarineTime ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_fNextMeleeTime ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_flNextAttack ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iMeleeAttackID ) , 7 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bOnFire ) ) ,
// emotes
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteMedic ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteAmmo ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteSmile ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteStop ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteGo ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteExclaim ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteAnimeSmile ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( bEmoteQuestion ) ) ,
// driving
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hASWVehicle ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bDriving ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bIsInVehicle ) ) ,
// knocked out
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bKnockedOut ) ) ,
// turret
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hRemoteTurret ) ) ,
// We want to send all the marine's weapons to all the other marines
SendPropArray3 ( SENDINFO_ARRAY3 ( m_hMyWeapons ) , SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO_ARRAY ( m_hMyWeapons ) ) ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecViewOffset , 0 ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecViewOffset , 1 ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO_VECTORELEM ( m_vecViewOffset , 2 ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flMeleeHeavyKeyHoldStart ) , 0 , SPROP_NOSCALE ) ,
# endif
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iForcedActionRequest ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bReflectingProjectiles ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_flDamageBuffEndTime ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_flElectrifiedArmorEndTime ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iPowerupType ) ) ,
SendPropTime ( SENDINFO ( m_flPowerupExpireTime ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bPowerupExpires ) ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flKnockdownYaw ) ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flMeleeYaw ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bFaceMeleeYaw ) ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flPreventLaserSightTime ) ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bAICrouch ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iJumpJetting ) ) ,
// Save/Restore
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iSlowHealAmount , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecFacingPointFromServer , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hRemoteTurret , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hRemoteTurret , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fHoldingYaw , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flFirstBurnTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastBurnTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastBurnSoundTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fNextPainSoundTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fStartedFiringTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fNextSlowHealTick , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fInfestedTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fInfestedStartTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fStopFacingPointTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iSlowHealAmount , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fNextMeleeTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fStopMarineTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hLastWeaponSwitchedTo , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
// m_PlayerAnimState - recreated
// m_MarineSpeech - recreated
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_MarineResource , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fMarineAimError , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fOverkillShootTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecOverkillPos , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fUnfreezeTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastStillTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bDoneWoundedRebuke , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecMoveToOrderPos , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fFriendlyFireDamage , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastMobDamageTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bHasBeenMobAttacked , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hInfestationCurer , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastShotAlienTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastShotJunkTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fUsingEngineeringAura , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fCachedIdealSpeed , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fNextAlienWalkDamage , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastFriendlyFireTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fLastAmmoCheckTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecMeleeStartPos , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flMeleeStartTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flMeleeLastCycle , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeCollisionDamage , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeComboKeypressAllowed , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeComboKeyPressed , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeComboTransitionAllowed , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeMadeContact , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iUsableItemsOnMeleePress , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iMeleeAllowMovement , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeKeyReleased , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bPlayedMeleeHitSound , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flMeleeHeavyKeyHoldStart , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeHeavyKeyHeld , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
# endif
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bMeleeChargeActivate , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_AUTO_ARRAY ( m_flPredictedEventTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iNumPredictedEvents , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flNextStumbleTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flDamageBuffEndTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flElectrifiedArmorEndTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastSquadEnemyTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastHurtAlienTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flLastAttributeExplosionSound , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flPowerupExpireTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bPowerupExpires , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
2024-08-29 19:58:34 -04:00
void UpdateMatchmakingTags ( ) ;
static void FriendlyFireCallback ( IConVar * pConVar , const char * pOldValue , float flOldValue )
UpdateMatchmakingTags ( ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
extern ConVar weapon_showproficiency ;
extern ConVar asw_leadership_radius ;
extern ConVar asw_buzzer_poison_duration ;
extern ConVar asw_debug_marine_chatter ;
extern ConVar asw_debug_medals ;
extern ConVar ai_show_hull_attacks ;
extern ConVar asw_medal_melee_hits ;
extern int AE_MARINE_KICK ;
ConVar asw_marine_stumble_on_damage ( " asw_marine_stumble_on_damage " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Marine stumbles when he takes damage " ) ;
ConVar asw_stumble_interval ( " asw_stumble_interval " , " 2.0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Min time between stumbles " ) ;
ConVar asw_knockdown_interval ( " asw_knockdown_interval " , " 3.0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Min time between knockdowns " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_fall_damage ( " asw_marine_fall_damage " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Marines take falling damage " ) ;
ConVar asw_screenflash ( " asw_screenflash " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Alpha of damage screen flash " ) ;
ConVar asw_damage_indicator ( " asw_damage_indicator " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " If set, directional damage indicator is shown " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_server_ragdoll ( " asw_marine_server_ragdoll " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " If set, marines will have server ragdolls instead of clientside ones. " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_death_protection ( " asw_marine_death_protection " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Prevents marines from dying in one hit, unless on 1 health " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_melee_distance ( " asw_marine_melee_distance " , " 50 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How far the marine can kick " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_melee_damage ( " asw_marine_melee_damage " , " 20 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " How much damage the marine's kick does " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_melee_force ( " asw_marine_melee_force " , " 200000 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Marine kick force = this / dist " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_melee_max_force ( " asw_marine_melee_max_force " , " 10000 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Maximum force allowed " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_melee_kick_lift ( " asw_marine_melee_kick_lift " , " 0.2 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Upwards Z-Force given to kicked objects " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_ai_acceleration ( " asw_marine_ai_acceleration " , " 4.0f " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Acceleration boost for marine AI " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_scan_beams ( " asw_marine_scan_beams " , " 0 " , 0 , " Draw scan beams for marines holding position " ) ;
ConVar asw_debug_marine_damage ( " asw_debug_marine_damage " , " 0 " , 0 , " Show damage marines are taking " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_ff ( " asw_marine_ff " , " 1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Marine friendly fire setting (0 = FFGuard, 1 = Normal (based on mission difficulty) , 2 = Always max ) " , true, 0, true, 2) ;
ConVar asw_marine_ff_guard_time ( " asw_marine_ff_guard_time " , " 5.0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time firing is disabled for when activating friendly fire guard " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_ff_dmg_base ( " asw_marine_ff_dmg_base " , " 1.0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of friendly fire damage on mission difficulty 5 " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_ff_dmg_step ( " asw_marine_ff_dmg_step " , " 0.2 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount friendly fire damage is modified per mission difficuly level away from 5 " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:58:34 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_ff_absorption ( " asw_marine_ff_absorption " , " 1 " , FCVAR_NONE , " Friendly fire absorption style (0=none 1=ramp up 2=ramp down) " , FriendlyFireCallback ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_ff_absorption_decay_rate ( " asw_marine_ff_absorption_decay_rate " , " 0.33f " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Rate of FF absorption decay " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_ff_absorption_build_rate ( " asw_marine_ff_absorption_build_rate " , " 0.25f " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Rate of FF absorption decay build up when being shot by friendlies " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_burn_time_easy ( " asw_marine_burn_time_easy " , " 6 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on easy difficulty " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_burn_time_normal ( " asw_marine_burn_time_normal " , " 8 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on normal difficulty " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_burn_time_hard ( " asw_marine_burn_time_hard " , " 12 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on hard difficulty " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_burn_time_insane ( " asw_marine_burn_time_insane " , " 15 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on insane difficulty " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
ConVar asw_marine_time_until_ignite ( " asw_marine_time_until_ignite " , " 0.7f " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Amount of time before a marine ignites from taking repeated burn damage " ) ;
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ConVar asw_mad_firing_break ( " asw_mad_firing_break " , " 4 " , 0 , " Point at which the mad firing counter triggers the mad firing speech " ) ;
ConVar asw_mad_firing_decay ( " asw_mad_firing_decay " , " 0.15 " , 0 , " Tick down rate of the mad firing counter " ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_special_idle_chatter_chance ( " asw_marine_special_idle_chatter_chance " , " 0.25 " , 0 , " Chance of marine doing a special idle chatter " ) ;
ConVar asw_force_ai_fire ( " asw_force_ai_fire " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Forces all AI marines to fire constantly " ) ;
ConVar asw_realistic_death_chatter ( " asw_realistic_death_chatter " , " 0 " , FCVAR_NONE , " If true, only 1 nearby marine will shout about marine deaths " ) ;
ConVar asw_god ( " asw_god " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Set to 1 to make marines invulnerable " ) ;
2024-08-29 19:58:34 -04:00
ConVar asw_sentry_friendly_fire_scale ( " asw_sentry_friendly_fire_scale " , " 0 " , FCVAR_NONE , " Damage scale for sentry gun friendly fire " , FriendlyFireCallback ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
ConVar asw_movement_direction_tolerance ( " asw_movement_direction_tolerance " , " 30.0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar asw_movement_direction_interval ( " asw_movement_direction_interval " , " 0.5 " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
float CASW_Marine : : s_fNextMadFiringChatter = 0 ;
float CASW_Marine : : s_fNextIdleChatterTime = 0 ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoAnimationEvent ( PlayerAnimEvent_t event )
if ( gpGlobals - > maxClients > 1 & &
TE_MarineAnimEventExceptCommander ( this , event ) ; // Send to any clients other than my commander who can see this guy.
TE_MarineAnimEvent ( this , event ) ; // Send to all clients who can see this guy.
m_PlayerAnimState - > DoAnimationEvent ( event ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoAnimationEventToAll ( PlayerAnimEvent_t event )
TE_MarineAnimEvent ( this , event ) ; // Send to all clients who can see this guy.
m_PlayerAnimState - > DoAnimationEvent ( event ) ;
Msg ( " CASW_Marine::DoAnimationEventToAll %d \n " , ( int ) event ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : HandleAnimEvent ( animevent_t * pEvent )
int nEvent = pEvent - > Event ( ) ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) & & nEvent = = AE_MELEE_DAMAGE )
float flYawStart , flYawEnd ;
flYawStart = flYawEnd = 0.0f ;
const char * options = pEvent - > options ;
const char * p = options ;
char token [ 256 ] ;
if ( options [ 0 ] )
// Read in yaw start
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
if ( token )
flYawStart = atof ( token ) ;
// Read in yaw end
p = nexttoken ( token , p , ' ' ) ;
if ( token )
flYawEnd = atof ( token ) ;
DoMeleeDamageTrace ( flYawStart , flYawEnd ) ;
return ;
if ( GetCurrentMeleeAttack ( ) )
if ( ! GetCurrentMeleeAttack ( ) - > AllowNormalAnimEvent ( this , nEvent ) )
return ;
if ( nEvent = = AE_MARINE_UNFREEZE )
Msg ( " AE_MARINE_UNFREEZE \n " ) ;
RemoveFlag ( FL_FROZEN ) ;
return ;
else if ( nEvent = = AE_ASW_FOOTSTEP | | nEvent = = AE_MARINE_FOOTSTEP )
// footsteps are played clientside
return ;
BaseClass : : HandleAnimEvent ( pEvent ) ;
CASW_Marine : : CASW_Marine ( ) : m_RecentMeleeHits ( 16 , 16 )
m_flLastEnemyYaw = 0 ;
m_flLastEnemyYawTime = 0 ; ;
m_flAIYawOffset = 0 ;
m_flNextYawOffsetTime = 0 ;
m_bAICrouch = false ;
m_MarineResource = NULL ;
m_fUnfreezeTime = 0 ;
m_PlayerAnimState = CreatePlayerAnimState ( this , this , LEGANIM_9WAY , false ) ;
UseClientSideAnimation ( ) ;
m_HackedGunPos = Vector ( 0 , 0 , ASW_MARINE_GUN_OFFSET_Z ) ;
m_nOldButtons = 0 ;
m_MarineSpeech = new CASW_MarineSpeech ( this ) ;
m_flHealRateScale = 1.0f ;
m_fNextSlowHealTick = 0 ;
m_fLastASWThink = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
m_fInfestedTime = 0 ;
m_fInfestedStartTime = 0 ;
m_iInfestCycle = 0 ;
m_flFirstBurnTime = 0 ;
m_flLastBurnTime = 0 ;
m_flLastBurnSoundTime = 0 ;
m_fNextPainSoundTime = 0 ;
m_fStopFacingPointTime = 0 ;
m_fHoldingYaw = 0 ;
m_hKnockedOutRagdoll = NULL ;
m_fKickTime = 0 ;
m_fNextMeleeTime = 0 ;
m_flMeleeHeavyKeyHoldStart = 0 ;
# endif
m_fMadFiringCounter = 0 ;
m_fUsingEngineeringAura = 0 ;
m_bDoneOrderChatter = false ;
m_szInitialCommanderNetworkID [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
m_bWaitingForWeld = false ;
m_flBeginWeldTime = 0.0f ;
// ai control of firing
m_bWantsToFire = false ;
m_bWantsToFire2 = false ;
m_fMarineAimError = 0 ;
m_fStopMarineTime = 0 ;
m_flTimeNextScanPing = 0 ;
m_flPreventLaserSightTime = 0 ;
m_fLastStuckTime = 0 ;
m_flFirstStuckTime = 0 ;
m_fIdleChatterDelay = random - > RandomInt ( 20 , 30 ) ;
m_fRandomFacing = 0 ;
m_fNewRandomFacingTime = 0 ;
m_fCachedIdealSpeed = 300.0f ;
m_flNextBreadcrumbTime = 0 ;
m_flNextAmmoScanTime = 0 ;
m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime = 0 ;
m_iPowerupType = - 1 ;
m_flPowerupExpireTime = - 1 ;
m_bPowerupExpires = false ;
m_flLastSquadEnemyTime = 0.0f ;
m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime = 0.0f ;
m_flLastHurtAlienTime = 0.0f ;
m_flLastGooScanTime = 0.0f ;
m_fLastAmmoCheckTime = 0.0f ;
m_nFastReloadsInARow = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_MARINE_HISTORY_POSITIONS ; i + + )
m_PositionHistory [ i ] . vecPosition = vec3_origin ;
m_PositionHistory [ i ] . flTime = 0.0f ;
m_nPositionHistoryTail = - 1 ;
// rappel
m_hLine = NULL ;
m_bWaitingToRappel = false ;
m_bOnGround = true ;
m_vecRopeAnchor = vec3_origin ;
CASW_Marine : : ~ CASW_Marine ( )
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetMarineEntity ( NULL ) ;
m_PlayerAnimState - > Release ( ) ;
delete m_MarineSpeech ;
// create our custom senses class
CAI_Senses * CASW_Marine : : CreateSenses ( )
CAI_Senses * pSenses = new CASW_Marine_AI_Senses ;
pSenses - > SetOuter ( this ) ;
return pSenses ;
void CASW_Marine : : SetHeightLook ( float flHeightLook )
CAI_Senses * pSenses = GetSenses ( ) ;
Assert ( pSenses ) ;
if ( pSenses )
CASW_Marine_AI_Senses * pMarineSenses = dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine_AI_Senses * > ( GetSenses ( ) ) ;
if ( pMarineSenses )
pMarineSenses - > SetHeightLook ( flHeightLook ) ;
// Purpose:
void CASW_Marine : : SelectModel ( )
SelectModelFromProfile ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : UpdateOnRemove ( void )
BaseClass : : UpdateOnRemove ( ) ;
StopUsing ( ) ;
// Purpose:
void CASW_Marine : : Spawn ( void )
Precache ( ) ;
BaseClass : : Spawn ( ) ;
SelectModel ( ) ;
SetModel ( STRING ( GetModelName ( ) ) ) ;
SetHullType ( HULL_HUMAN ) ;
SetHullSizeNormal ( ) ;
SetSolid ( SOLID_BBOX ) ;
SetBloodColor ( BLOOD_COLOR_RED ) ;
m_flFieldOfView = 0.02 ;
CapabilitiesClear ( ) ;
CapabilitiesAdd ( bits_CAP_MOVE_GROUND ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_STEP ) ;
m_HackedGunPos = Vector ( 0 , 0 , ASW_MARINE_GUN_OFFSET_Z ) ;
// Marines collide/moveprobe as players.
CapabilitiesRemove ( bits_CAP_FRIENDLY_DMG_IMMUNE | bits_CAP_NO_HIT_PLAYER ) ;
SetCollisionGroup ( COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER ) ;
// join the marines team
ChangeFaction ( FACTION_MARINES ) ;
SetHealth ( 100 ) ;
NPCInit ( ) ;
SetInhabited ( false ) ;
m_Commander = NULL ;
m_bWasFollowing = true ;
m_flDistTooFar = 1024.0f ;
SetAIWalkable ( false ) ;
// bias the box south a bit - this feels better for FF collisions with the tilted cam
Vector vecSurroundingMins ( - 16 , - 18 , 0 ) ;
Vector vecSurroundingMaxs ( 16 , 14 , 70 ) ;
CollisionProp ( ) - > SetSurroundingBoundsType ( USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS , & vecSurroundingMins , & vecSurroundingMaxs ) ;
// make sure his move_x/y pose parameters are at full moving forwards, so the AI follow movement will detect some sequence motion when calculating goal speed
SetPoseParameter ( " move_x " , 1.0f ) ;
SetPoseParameter ( " move_y " , 0.0f ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : NPCInit ( )
BaseClass : : NPCInit ( ) ;
m_LagCompensation . Init ( this ) ;
unsigned int CASW_Marine : : PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity ( void ) const
void CASW_Marine : : Precache ( )
SelectModel ( ) ;
BaseClass : : Precache ( ) ;
PrecacheSpeech ( ) ;
PrecacheModel ( " models/swarm/shouldercone/shouldercone.mdl " ) ;
PrecacheModel ( " models/swarm/shouldercone/lasersight.mdl " ) ;
PrecacheModel ( " cable/cable.vmt " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineMeleeAttack " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineMeleeAttackFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarinePowerFistAttack " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarinePowerFistAttackFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Weapon_Flamer.FlameLoop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Weapon_Flamer.FlameStop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWFlashlight.FlashlightToggle " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Flare.IgniteFlare " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle1 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle2 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle3 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle4 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle5 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle6 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle7 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle8 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle9 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle10 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle11 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle12 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Idle13 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning1 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning2 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning3 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning4 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning5 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning6 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning7 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning8 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Warning9 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWScanner.Drawing " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Weapon.Reload3 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASWInterface.Button3 " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " Marine.DeathBeep " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineImpactFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineImpact " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineImpactHeavyFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineImpactHeavy " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineMeleeAttack " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Weapon.LowAmmoClick " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_ElectrifiedSuit.TurnOn " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_ElectrifiedSuit.Loop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_ElectrifiedSuit.LoopFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_ElectrifiedSuit.OffFP " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW.MarineBurnPain_NoIgnite " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Extinguisher.OnLoop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Extinguisher.Stop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_JumpJet.Activate " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_JumpJet.Loop " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_JumpJet.Impact " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Blink.Blink " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Blink.Teleport " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_XP.LevelUp " ) ;
PrecacheScriptSound ( " ASW_Weapon.InvalidDestination " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " smallsplat " ) ; // shot
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_bloodsplat_light " ) ; // small shot
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_bloodsplat_heavy " ) ; // heavy shot
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_hit_blood_ff " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_hit_blood " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " thorns_marine_buff " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_gib " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " marine_death_ragdoll " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " piercing_spark " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " jj_trail_small " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " jj_ground_pound " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " invalid_destination " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( " Blink " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : PrecacheSpeech ( )
if ( m_MarineSpeech & & GetMarineResource ( ) )
m_MarineSpeech - > Precache ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : PhysicsSimulate ( void )
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = gpGlobals - > maxClients ; i + + )
CASW_Player * player = ToASW_Player ( UTIL_PlayerByIndex ( i ) ) ;
if ( player & & player - > GetMarine ( ) = = this )
InhabitedPhysicsSimulate ( ) ;
return ;
BaseClass : : PhysicsSimulate ( ) ;
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) ;
if ( pWeapon )
pWeapon - > ItemPostFrame ( ) ;
// check if offhand weapon needs postframe
CASW_Weapon * pExtra = GetASWWeapon ( 2 ) ;
if ( pExtra & & pExtra ! = pWeapon & & pExtra - > m_bShotDelayed )
pExtra - > ItemPostFrame ( ) ;
// think only occurs when uninhabited (in singleplayer at least, not sure about multi)
// this is because we're not calling BaseClass::PhysicsSimulate
void CASW_Marine : : Think ( void )
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
BaseClass : : Think ( ) ;
ASWThinkEffects ( ) ;
m_fCachedIdealSpeed = MaxSpeed ( ) ;
CBaseCombatWeapon * CASW_Marine : : ASWAnim_GetActiveWeapon ( )
return GetActiveWeapon ( ) ;
CASW_Marine_Profile * CASW_Marine : : GetMarineProfile ( )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( ! pMR )
return NULL ;
return pMR - > GetProfile ( ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : IsCurTaskContinuousMove ( )
const Task_t * pTask = GetTask ( ) ;
// This bit of logic strikes me funny, but the case does exist. (sjb)
if ( ! pTask )
return true ;
switch ( pTask - > iTask )
return true ;
break ;
default :
return BaseClass : : IsCurTaskContinuousMove ( ) ;
break ;
bool CASW_Marine : : ASWAnim_CanMove ( )
return true ;
// sets which player commands this marine
void CASW_Marine : : SetCommander ( CASW_Player * player )
if ( m_Commander . Get ( ) = = player )
return ;
m_Commander = player ;
if ( player )
player - > OnMarineCommanded ( this ) ;
// store ASWNetworkID of first commander
void CASW_Marine : : SetInitialCommander ( CASW_Player * player )
Q_snprintf ( m_szInitialCommanderNetworkID , sizeof ( m_szInitialCommanderNetworkID ) , " %s " , player ? player - > GetASWNetworkID ( ) : " None " ) ;
Msg ( " Marine %d:%s SetInitialCommander id to %s \n " , entindex ( ) , GetEntityName ( ) , m_szInitialCommanderNetworkID ) ;
// called when a player takes direct control of this marine
void CASW_Marine : : InhabitedBy ( CASW_Player * player )
m_vecSmoothedVelocity = vec3_origin ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
m_vecSmoothedVelocity . z = GetAbsVelocity ( ) . z ;
SetInhabited ( true ) ;
// stop the AI firing
m_bWantsToFire = m_bWantsToFire2 = false ;
m_fMarineAimError = 0 ;
ClearForcedActionRequest ( ) ;
GetSquadFormation ( ) - > Remove ( this , true ) ;
// always interrupt our current task when inhabiting a marine
TaskFail ( FAIL_NO_PLAYER ) ;
// set his schedule to holding position
NPCThink ( ) ;
GetNavigator ( ) - > StopMoving ( false ) ;
SetPoseParameter ( " move_x " , 0.0f ) ;
SetPoseParameter ( " move_y " , 0.0f ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_WALK ) ;
Teleport ( & GetAbsOrigin ( ) , NULL , & m_vecSmoothedVelocity ) ;
m_iLightLevel = 255 ; // reset light level - will get set correctly by first usercmd after this marine is inhabited
// called when a player stops direct control of this marine
void CASW_Marine : : UninhabitedBy ( CASW_Player * player )
SetInhabited ( false ) ;
if ( GetActiveWeapon ( ) )
OnUpdateShotRegulator ( ) ;
// clear any forward momentum
Vector vel = GetLocalVelocity ( ) ;
vel . x * = 0.8f ;
vel . y * = 0.8f ;
SetLocalVelocity ( vel ) ;
// stop the AI firing
m_bWantsToFire = m_bWantsToFire2 = false ;
m_fMarineAimError = 0 ;
// tell the marine to hold position here
OrdersFromPlayer ( player , ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION , this , true , GetLocalAngles ( ) . y ) ;
//SetCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS );
// make sure his move_x/y pose parameters are at full moving fowards, so the AI follow movement will detect some sequence motion when calculating goal speed
SetPoseParameter ( " move_x " , 1.0f ) ;
SetPoseParameter ( " move_y " , 0.0f ) ;
// make sure he thinks almost immediately
if ( GetHealth ( ) > 0 )
SetThink ( & CAI_BaseNPC : : CallNPCThink ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
// set his schedule to holding position
//Teleport(&GetAbsOrigin(), NULL, &vec3_origin);
ClearForcedActionRequest ( ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_STEP ) ;
m_iLightLevel = 255 ; // reset light level - will get set correctly by first usercmd after this marine is inhabited
m_nLastThinkTick = gpGlobals - > tickcount - 1 ;
void CASW_Marine : : SetInhabited ( bool bInhabited )
if ( ! GetMarineResource ( ) )
return ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetInhabited ( bInhabited ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : SetMarineResource ( CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR )
if ( pMR ! = m_MarineResource )
m_MarineResource = pMR ;
PrecacheSpeech ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoImpactEffect ( trace_t & tr , int nDamageType )
// don't do impact effects, they're simulated clientside by the tracer usermessage
return ;
BaseClass : : DoImpactEffect ( tr , nDamageType ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoMuzzleFlash ( )
return ; // asw - muzzle flashes are triggered by tracer usermessages instead to save bandwidth
// Our weapon takes our muzzle flash command
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon ( ) ;
if ( pWeapon )
pWeapon - > DoMuzzleFlash ( ) ;
//NOTENOTE: We do not chain to the base here
//m_nMuzzleFlashParity = (m_nMuzzleFlashParity+1) & ((1 << EF_MUZZLEFLASH_BITS) - 1);
BaseClass : : BaseClass : : DoMuzzleFlash ( ) ;
BaseClass : : DoMuzzleFlash ( ) ;
int CASW_Marine : : OnTakeDamage_Alive ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
// make marines immune to crush damage
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_CRUSH | | asw_god . GetBool ( ) )
return 0 ;
CTakeDamageInfo newInfo ( info ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Marine taking premodified damage of %f \n " , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
// scale sentry gun damage
if ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) & & IsSentryClass ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) ) )
if ( asw_sentry_friendly_fire_scale . GetFloat ( ) < = 0 )
return 0 ;
newInfo . ScaleDamage ( asw_sentry_friendly_fire_scale . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
// AI marines take much less damage from explosive barrels since they're too dumb to not get near them
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) & & info . GetAttacker ( ) & & info . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_EXPLOSIVE_BARREL )
newInfo . ScaleDamage ( 0.1f ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Scaled AI taking damage from explosive barrel down to %f \n " , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
// don't allow FF from melee attacks
bool bFriendlyFire = newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) & & newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE ;
if ( bFriendlyFire )
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine * > ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine - > GetMarineResource ( ) )
pOtherMarine - > GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iAliensKilledSinceLastFriendlyFireIncident = 0 ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & ! pOtherMarine - > IsInhabited ( ) & & ! ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_DIRECT ) )
// don't allow any damage if it's an AI firing: NOTE: This isn't 100% accurate, since the AI could've fired the shot, then a player switched into the marine while the projectile was in the air
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " but all ignored, since it's from an AI \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_CLUB )
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " but all ignored, since it's FF meleee dmg \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
// drop the damage down by our absorption buffer
bool bFlamerDot = ! ! ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_BURN | DMG_DIRECT ) ) ;
if ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) > 0 & & newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ! = this & & ! bFlamerDot )
bool bHardcoreMode = ASWGameRules ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > IsHardcoreMode ( ) ;
if ( ! bHardcoreMode & & asw_marine_ff_absorption . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 )
float flNewDamage = info . GetDamage ( ) * GetFFAbsorptionScale ( ) ;
newInfo . SetDamage ( flNewDamage ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " FF damage (%f) reduced to %f from FF absorption (%f) \n " , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) , flNewDamage , GetFFAbsorptionScale ( ) ) ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > QueueChatter ( CHATTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE , gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.4f , gpGlobals - > curtime + 1.0f ) ;
m_fLastFriendlyFireTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// don't kill the marine in one hit unless he's on 1 health
bool bKillProtection = false ;
if ( asw_marine_death_protection . GetBool ( ) & & ! ( ASWGameRules ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > IsHardcoreMode ( ) ) ) // no 1 hit protection in hardcore mode
if ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ! = DMG_CRUSH & & newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ! = DMG_FALL
& & newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ! = DMG_INFEST & & GetHealth ( ) > 1 )
if ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) > GetHealth ( ) )
bKillProtection = true ;
if ( newInfo . GetInflictor ( ) & & newInfo . GetInflictor ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_DOOR & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) < 3 )
// Don't crush the player on easier difficulties
Vector vDir = newInfo . GetDamageForce ( ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vDir ) ;
newInfo . SetDamageForce ( vDir * 20.0f ) ;
Vector vNewPos = newInfo . GetDamagePosition ( ) + newInfo . GetDamageForce ( ) ;
vNewPos . z = GetAbsOrigin ( ) . z + 15.0f ;
Vector vNewVel = vDir * 5.0f ;
Teleport ( & vNewPos , NULL , & vNewVel ) ;
newInfo . SetDamage ( 5.0f ) ;
// reduce damage thanks to leadership
// see if we pass the chance
float fChance = MarineSkills ( ) - > GetHighestSkillValueNearby ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ,
asw_leadership_radius . GetFloat ( ) ,
static int iLeadershipResCount = 0 ;
if ( random - > RandomFloat ( ) < fChance )
float fNewDamage = newInfo . GetDamage ( ) * 0.5f ;
if ( fNewDamage < = 0 )
return 0 ;
newInfo . SetDamage ( fNewDamage ) ;
iLeadershipResCount + + ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Damage reduced by nearby leadership to %f (leadership resistance applied %d times so far) \n " , fNewDamage , iLeadershipResCount ) ;
if ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) )
// store FF damage dealt based on adjusted damage
if ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine * > ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine - > GetMarineResource ( ) )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pOtherMarine - > GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
pMR - > m_fFriendlyFireDamageDealt + = newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ;
pMR - > m_TimelineFriendlyFire . RecordValue ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
if ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ! = this )
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnFriendlyFire ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
ApplyPassiveArmorEffects ( newInfo ) ;
// reduce damage and shock alien if we have electrified armour on
if ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_SLASH )
if ( IsElectrifiedArmorActive ( ) )
CASW_Alien * pAlien = dynamic_cast < CASW_Alien * > ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( pAlien )
const float flDamageReturn = 20.0f ;
Vector vecToTarget = pAlien - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) - WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
vecToTarget . z = 0 ;
VectorNormalize ( vecToTarget ) ;
Vector vecForce = vecToTarget * 20 + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) * 10 ;
CTakeDamageInfo returninfo ( this , this ,
vecForce , newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) , flDamageReturn , DMG_SHOCK | DMG_BLAST ) ;
pAlien - > TakeDamage ( returninfo ) ;
//pAlien->ElectroShockBig( vecForce, WorldSpaceCenter() );
CRecipientFilter filter ;
filter . AddAllPlayers ( ) ;
UserMessageBegin ( filter , " ASWEnemyZappedByThorns " ) ;
WRITE_SHORT ( entindex ( ) ) ;
WRITE_SHORT ( pAlien - > entindex ( ) ) ;
MessageEnd ( ) ;
newInfo . ScaleDamage ( 0.25f ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Damage reduced by electrified armor to %f \n " , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
else // if ( newInfo.GetAttacker() )
if ( ! m_bHasBeenMobAttacked )
if ( m_fLastMobDamageTime > 0.0f & & m_fLastMobDamageTime + 1.5f < gpGlobals - > curtime )
// It's been a while, reset
m_pRecentAttackers [ 0 ] = newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) ;
for ( int nAttackers = 1 ; nAttackers < ASW_MOB_VICTIM_SIZE ; + + nAttackers )
m_pRecentAttackers [ nAttackers ] = 0 ;
int nAttackers ;
for ( nAttackers = 0 ; nAttackers < ASW_MOB_VICTIM_SIZE ; + + nAttackers )
if ( m_pRecentAttackers [ nAttackers ] = = newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) )
break ;
if ( m_pRecentAttackers [ nAttackers ] = = 0 )
m_pRecentAttackers [ nAttackers ] = newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) ;
break ;
if ( nAttackers > = ASW_MOB_VICTIM_SIZE )
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineMobAttacked ( ) ;
m_bHasBeenMobAttacked = true ;
m_fLastMobDamageTime = 0.0f ;
m_fLastMobDamageTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
int iPreDamageHealth = GetHealth ( ) ;
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineTookDamage ( this , newInfo ) ;
int result = BaseClass : : OnTakeDamage_Alive ( newInfo ) ;
int iDamageTaken = iPreDamageHealth - GetHealth ( ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) & & result > 0 )
Msg ( " Marine took final damage: %f of type %d \n " , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) , newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ) ;
// notify weapons of damage
if ( GetASWWeapon ( 0 ) )
GetASWWeapon ( 0 ) - > OnMarineDamage ( newInfo ) ;
if ( GetASWWeapon ( 1 ) )
GetASWWeapon ( 1 ) - > OnMarineDamage ( newInfo ) ;
if ( GetASWWeapon ( 2 ) )
GetASWWeapon ( 2 ) - > OnMarineDamage ( newInfo ) ;
if ( ASWDirector ( ) )
ASWDirector ( ) - > MarineTookDamage ( this , newInfo , bFriendlyFire ) ;
if ( m_iHealth < = 0 )
CASW_Door * pDoor = dynamic_cast < CASW_Door * > ( newInfo . GetInflictor ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pDoor ) // can't survive damage from a falling door, even with kill protection or die hard
if ( bKillProtection )
m_iHealth = 1 ;
if ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) > 0 )
if ( m_hCurrentHack . Get ( ) )
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnHackerHurt ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
bool bShowFFIcon = bFriendlyFire ;
if ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_hurt " ) ;
if ( event )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetCommander ( ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , ( pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetFloat ( " health " , static_cast < float > ( MAX ( 0.0f , GetHealth ( ) ) ) / GetMaxHealth ( ) ) ;
CBasePlayer * pAttackPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAttackPlayer )
CASW_Marine * pAttackMarine = dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine * > ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( pAttackMarine )
pAttackPlayer = pAttackMarine - > GetCommander ( ) ;
if ( pAttackMarine = = this )
bShowFFIcon = false ;
if ( pAttackPlayer )
event - > SetInt ( " attacker " , pAttackPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) ) ; // hurt by other player
event - > SetInt ( " attackerindex " , newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) ) ; // hurt by entity
event - > SetInt ( " attacker " , 0 ) ; // hurt by entity
event - > SetInt ( " attackerindex " , newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) ) ; // hurt by entity
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
if ( IsInhabited ( ) )
//Msg("took %f damage\n", info.GetDamage());
CASW_Player * player = GetCommander ( ) ;
if ( player )
if ( asw_screenflash . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
color32 flash_col = { 128 , 0 , 0 , 192 } ;
flash_col . a = asw_screenflash . GetInt ( ) ;
UTIL_ScreenFade ( player , flash_col , 1.0f , 0.1f , FFADE_IN ) ;
if ( asw_damage_indicator . GetBool ( ) )
// Tell the player's client that he's been hurt.
CSingleUserRecipientFilter user ( player ) ;
UserMessageBegin ( user , " Damage " ) ;
WRITE_SHORT ( clamp ( ( int ) newInfo . GetDamage ( ) , 0 , 32000 ) ) ;
WRITE_LONG ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ) ;
// Tell the client whether they should show it in the indicator
if ( ! ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_DROWN | DMG_FALL | DMG_BURN | DMG_INFEST | DMG_RADIATION ) ) )
WRITE_BOOL ( true ) ;
WRITE_VEC3COORD ( newInfo . GetDamagePosition ( ) ) ;
WRITE_BOOL ( bShowFFIcon ) ;
WRITE_BOOL ( false ) ;
MessageEnd ( ) ;
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_BLURPOISON )
float duration = asw_buzzer_poison_duration . GetFloat ( ) ;
// affect duration by mission difficulty
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) )
duration = duration + ( duration * ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionDifficulty ( ) / 10.0f ) ) ;
if ( duration > 0 )
UTIL_ASW_PoisonBlur ( player , duration ) ;
bool bBurnDamage = ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_BURN | DMG_DIRECT ) ) ! = 0 ;
bool bElectrifiedArmorAbsorbed = ( ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_SLASH ) & & IsElectrifiedArmorActive ( ) ) ;
// play a meaty hit sound when attacked by aliens or FF
if ( ( ! bBurnDamage & & ! bElectrifiedArmorAbsorbed ) ) //|| bFriendlyFire )
//UTIL_ASW_ScreenShake( GetAbsOrigin(), 4.0f, 30.0f, 0.25f, 128.0f, SHAKE_START );
if ( ! info . GetInflictor ( ) )
ASW_TransmitShakeEvent ( player , 2.0f , 40.0f , 0.2f , SHAKE_START ) ;
ASW_TransmitShakeEvent ( player , 20.0f , 1.0f , 0.3f , SHAKE_START , ( info . GetInflictor ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) - GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) . Normalized ( ) ) ;
// this is the sound that's played for the local player only
CSingleUserRecipientFilter localfilter ( player ) ;
localfilter . MakeReliable ( ) ;
// this is the sound that's played for all other players, but the local player
CPASAttenuationFilter othersfilter ( this , " ASW.MarineImpact " ) ;
othersfilter . RemoveRecipient ( player ) ;
// if they take more than 10% damage in one hit or their health is below 20%, play a bigger sound
if ( float ( iDamageTaken ) / float ( GetMaxHealth ( ) ) > 0.1 | | float ( m_iHealth ) / float ( GetMaxHealth ( ) ) < 0.25 )
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( localfilter , entindex ( ) , " ASW.MarineImpactHeavyFP " ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( othersfilter , entindex ( ) , " ASW.MarineImpactHeavy " ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( localfilter , entindex ( ) , " ASW.MarineImpactFP " ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( othersfilter , entindex ( ) , " ASW.MarineImpact " ) ;
// AI's being hurt, check he has a weapon (and maybe switch if it's not selected)
CheckAutoWeaponSwitch ( ) ;
// if they take more than 10% damage in one hit or their health is below 20%, play a bigger sound
if ( float ( iDamageTaken ) / float ( GetMaxHealth ( ) ) > 0.1 | | float ( m_iHealth ) / float ( GetMaxHealth ( ) ) < 0.25 )
EmitSound ( " ASW.MarineImpactHeavy " ) ;
EmitSound ( " ASW.MarineImpact " ) ;
if ( result > 0 )
// update our stats
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
if ( newInfo . GetDamage ( ) > 0 )
pMR - > m_bHurt = true ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Total damage taken is %f and taking damage %f " , pMR - > m_fDamageTaken , newInfo . GetDamage ( ) ) ;
pMR - > m_fDamageTaken + = iDamageTaken ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
pMR - > m_TimelineHealth . RecordValue ( MAX ( 0 , GetHealth ( ) ) ) ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " so new total is %f (%d/%d) %d lost \n " , pMR - > m_fDamageTaken , GetHealth ( ) , GetMaxHealth ( ) , GetMaxHealth ( ) - GetHealth ( ) ) ;
if ( info . GetAttacker ( ) & & info . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
m_fFriendlyFireDamage + = iDamageTaken ;
// check for flagging as wounded
float fWoundDamageThreshold = 0.5f ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) )
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) = = 1 )
fWoundDamageThreshold = 0.4f ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) > = 3 )
fWoundDamageThreshold = 0.6f ;
float fWoundPoint = GetMaxHealth ( ) * fWoundDamageThreshold ;
if ( m_iHealth < fWoundPoint )
pMR - > m_bTakenWoundDamage = true ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " marine took damage %f (total taken %f, ff taken %f) \n " ,
newInfo . GetDamage ( ) , pMR - > m_fDamageTaken , m_fFriendlyFireDamage ) ;
// if we take fire damage, catch on fire
float fPainInterval = 0.7f ;
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_BURN )
ASW_Ignite ( 1.0f , 0 , newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) , info . GetWeapon ( ) ) ;
// short stumbles on damage
if ( ! ( newInfo . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_BURN | DMG_DIRECT | DMG_RADIATION ) ) & & asw_marine_stumble_on_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Stumble ( newInfo . GetAttacker ( ) , newInfo . GetDamageForce ( ) , true ) ;
// flinch
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fNextPainSoundTime )
if ( info . GetDamage ( ) > 35.0f )
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > PersonalChatter ( CHATTER_PAIN_LARGE ) ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > PersonalChatter ( CHATTER_PAIN_SMALL ) ;
m_fNextPainSoundTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + fPainInterval ;
return result ;
// you can assume there is an attacker when this function is called.
void CASW_Marine : : ApplyPassiveArmorEffects ( CTakeDamageInfo & dmgInfo ) RESTRICT
Assert ( dmgInfo . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
return ;
// do I have ordinary (non zappy) armor?
CASW_Weapon_Normal_Armor * pArmor = NULL ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_MAX_MARINE_WEAPONS ; + + i )
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWep = m_hMyWeapons [ i ] . Get ( ) ;
if ( pWep & & pWep - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_NORMAL_ARMOR )
pArmor = assert_cast < CASW_Weapon_Normal_Armor * > ( pWep ) ;
break ;
if ( pArmor )
dmgInfo . ScaleDamage ( pArmor - > GetDamageScaleFactor ( ) ) ;
CASW_Weapon * CASW_Marine : : GetActiveASWWeapon ( void ) const
return dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon * > ( GetActiveWeapon ( ) ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : IsWounded ( ) const
return ( ( float ( GetHealth ( ) ) / float ( GetMaxHealth ( ) ) ) < 0.6f ) ;
// asw todo: fix this!
bool CASW_Marine : : IsAlienNear ( )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity , " asw_drone " ) ) ! = NULL )
CASW_Drone * drone = dynamic_cast < CASW_Drone * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( drone & & drone - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) < 1220.0f )
return true ;
} */
int count = AimTarget_ListCount ( ) ;
if ( count )
CBaseEntity * * pList = ( CBaseEntity * * ) stackalloc ( sizeof ( CBaseEntity * ) * count ) ;
AimTarget_ListCopy ( pList , count ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = pList [ i ] ;
// Don't shoot yourself
if ( pEntity = = this )
continue ;
if ( ! pEntity - > IsAlive ( ) | | ! pEntity - > edict ( ) )
continue ;
// is it something we dislike?
Disposition_t rel = CBaseCombatCharacter : : IRelationType ( pEntity ) ;
if ( rel ! = D_HT & & rel ! = D_FR )
continue ;
// if it's nearby then let's do a reload shout
if ( pEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistToSqr ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) < 1440000 )
return true ;
return false ;
void CASW_Marine : : HurtJunkItem ( CBaseEntity * pEnt , const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
// increase our shot timer, so shooting barrels/crates etc doesn't reduce our accuracy
if ( ! ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_DIRECT ) ) // ignore flame DoT
m_fLastShotJunkTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
void CASW_Marine : : HurtAlien ( CBaseEntity * pAlien , const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
bool bMeleeDamage = ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_CLUB ) ! = 0 ;
if ( ! bMeleeDamage )
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_bDealtNonMeleeDamage = true ;
m_flLastHurtAlienTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) ;
if ( pWeapon & & pAlien )
IASW_Spawnable_NPC * pNPC = dynamic_cast < IASW_Spawnable_NPC * > ( pAlien ) ;
if ( pNPC & & ! ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_BURN | DMG_BLAST | DMG_SHOCK | DMG_DIRECT ) ) )
// TODO: Make sure flamer and stun grenades still work
float flIgniteChance = 0 ;
CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT_ON_OTHER ( pWeapon , flIgniteChance , mod_ignite ) ;
if ( RandomFloat ( ) < flIgniteChance )
pNPC - > ASW_Ignite ( 5.0f , 0 , info . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
float flElectroChance = 0 ;
CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT_ON_OTHER ( pWeapon , flElectroChance , mod_electro_stun ) ;
if ( RandomFloat ( ) < flElectroChance )
pNPC - > ElectroStun ( 5.0f ) ;
// don't do any chatter effects if this alien is being hurt by a burn DoT
CASW_Burning * pBurning = dynamic_cast < CASW_Burning * > ( info . GetInflictor ( ) ) ;
if ( pBurning )
return ;
if ( ! ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_DIRECT ) ) // ignore flame DoT
m_fLastShotAlienTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// don't do any hurt alien affects against the little grubs or eggs
if ( pAlien & &
( pAlien - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_GRUB | |
pAlien - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_ALIEN_GOO | |
pAlien - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_EGG ) )
return ;
bool bMadFiring = false ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > s_fNextMadFiringChatter )
if ( ! ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & ( DMG_BURN | DMG_BLAST | DMG_SHOCK ) ) )
if ( pWeapon )
//Msg("Alien hurt by a %s\n", pWeapon->GetClassname());
m_fMadFiringCounter + = pWeapon - > GetMadFiringBias ( ) * ( pWeapon - > GetFireRate ( ) / pWeapon - > GetNumPellets ( ) ) ; // add more per shot for slower weapons
if ( m_fMadFiringCounter > = asw_mad_firing_break . GetInt ( ) )
bMadFiring = true ;
m_fMadFiringCounter = 0 ;
//s_fNextMadFiringChatter = gpGlobals->curtime + // need this?
if ( bMadFiring )
// check for autogun kill convos
bool bSkipChatter = false ;
bool bAutogun = false ;
if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) )
if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_WILDCAT | | GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_WOLFE ) // wildcat or wolfe
// check we're using an autogun
bAutogun = ( dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Autogun * > ( GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) ) ! = NULL ) ;
if ( bAutogun )
if ( CASW_MarineSpeech : : StartConversation ( CONV_AUTOGUN , this ) )
bSkipChatter = true ;
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iMadFiringAutogun + + ;
if ( ! bSkipChatter )
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_MAD_FIRING ) ;
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) & & ! bAutogun )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iMadFiring + + ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_FIRING_AT_ALIEN ) ;
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_CLUB & & GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iAliensKicked + + ;
if ( IsInhabited ( ) & & GetCommander ( ) & & GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iAliensKicked > asw_medal_melee_hits . GetInt ( ) )
GetCommander ( ) - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_MELEE_KILLS ) ;
// don't send angles when this marine is inhabited
void SendProxy_Angles ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
if ( IsInhabited ( ) )
return NULL ;
return BaseClass : : SendProxy_Angles ( pProp , pStruct , pData , pOut , iElement , objectID ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : InhabitedPhysicsSimulate ( )
BaseClass : : InhabitedPhysicsSimulate ( ) ;
// check for deleting this
if ( m_pfnThink = = ( BASEPTR ) & CBaseEntity : : SUB_Remove )
if ( GetNextThink ( ) > 0 & & GetNextThink ( ) < gpGlobals - > curtime )
SUB_Remove ( ) ;
// post think only happens when inhabited
void CASW_Marine : : PostThink ( )
//Msg("[S] Marine Postthink, sl=%d amount=%d tick=%f\n",
//m_bSlowHeal, m_iSlowHealAmount, m_fNextSlowHealTick);
BaseClass : : PostThink ( ) ;
DispatchAnimEvents ( this ) ;
// is this correct here? should happen during/before think, not after?
m_PlayerAnimState - > Update ( GetAbsAngles ( ) [ YAW ] , GetAbsAngles ( ) [ PITCH ] ) ;
if ( IsInhabited ( ) )
StudioFrameAdvance ( ) ;
ASWThinkEffects ( ) ;
if ( NeedToUpdateSquad ( ) )
GetSquadFormation ( ) - > UpdateFollowPositions ( ) ;
// check for pushing out phys props jammed inside us
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > UpdateShadow ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , vec3_angle , false , gpGlobals - > frametime ) ;
# else
//if ( !VectorCompare( oldOrigin, GetAbsOrigin() ) )
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime < = m_fLastStuckTime + 1.0f ) // if we were stuck in the last second, make sure our shadow is on
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > SetVelocity ( & vec3_origin , NULL ) ;
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > SetVelocityInstantaneous ( & vec3_origin , & vec3_origin ) ;
//IPhysicsShadowController *pController = VPhysicsGetObject()->GetShadowController();
//float teleport_dist = pController ? VPhysicsGetObject()->GetTeleportDistance() : 0;
//if (pController)
//VPhysicsGetObject()->SetTeleportDistance(0.1f); // make sure the shadow teleports to its new position
// move the marine's vphys shadow to our current position
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > SetPosition ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , vec3_angle , true ) ;
//VPhysicsGetObject()->UpdateShadow( GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, false, gpGlobals->frametime );
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > EnableCollisions ( true ) ;
// clear its velocity, so the marine doesn't wake up phys objects - doesn't work :/
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > SetVelocityInstantaneous ( & vec3_origin , & vec3_origin ) ;
//if (pController)
else // no vphysics shadow enabled if we're not stuck
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > EnableCollisions ( false ) ;
# endif
if ( m_bCheckContacts )
CheckPhysicsContacts ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : ASWThinkEffects ( )
float fDeltaTime = gpGlobals - > curtime - m_fLastASWThink ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_flNextPositionHistoryTime )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
pMR - > m_TimelinePosX . RecordValue ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . x ) ;
pMR - > m_TimelinePosY . RecordValue ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . y ) ;
AddPositionHistory ( ) ;
m_flNextPositionHistoryTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + asw_movement_direction_interval . GetFloat ( ) ;
if ( gpGlobals - > maxClients > 1 )
m_LagCompensation . StorePositionHistory ( ) ;
UpdatePowerupDuration ( ) ;
UpdateCombatStatus ( ) ;
// general timer for healing/infestation
if ( ( m_bSlowHeal | | IsInfested ( ) ) & & GetHealth ( ) > 0 )
while ( gpGlobals - > curtime > = m_fNextSlowHealTick )
if ( m_fNextSlowHealTick = = 0 )
m_fNextSlowHealTick = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
m_fNextSlowHealTick + = ( ASW_MARINE_HEALTICK_RATE * ( 1.0f / m_flHealRateScale ) ) ;
// check slow heal isn't over out cap
if ( m_bSlowHeal )
//m_iSlowHealAmount = GetMaxHealth() - GetHealth();
if ( GetHealth ( ) > = GetMaxHealth ( ) & & ! IsInfested ( ) ) // clear all slow healing once we're at max health
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineOverhealed ( m_iSlowHealAmount ) ;
m_iSlowHealAmount = 0 ; // (and not infested - infestation means we'll be constantly dropping health, so we can keep the heal around)
int amount = MIN ( 4 , m_iSlowHealAmount ) ;
if ( GetHealth ( ) + amount > GetMaxHealth ( ) )
amount = GetMaxHealth ( ) - GetHealth ( ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " SH %f: marine applied slow heal of %d \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , amount ) ;
// change the health
SetHealth ( GetHealth ( ) + amount ) ;
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_TimelineHealth . RecordValue ( GetHealth ( ) ) ;
m_iSlowHealAmount - = amount ;
if ( m_iSlowHealAmount < = 0 )
m_bSlowHeal = false ;
if ( IsInfested ( ) )
m_iInfestCycle + + ;
if ( m_iInfestCycle > = 3 ) // only do the infest damage once per second
float DamagePerTick = ASWGameRules ( ) - > TotalInfestDamage ( ) / 20.0f ; // this is also damage per second (based on standard 20 second infest time, slow heal interval of 0.33f and us only applying this every 1 in 3)
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " SH %f: Infest DamagePerTick %f (infest time left = %f) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , DamagePerTick , m_fInfestedTime ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info ( NULL , NULL , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , DamagePerTick , DMG_INFEST ) ;
TakeDamage ( info ) ;
if ( IsElectrifiedArmorActive ( ) )
// Do some serious hurt to that bug each time he bites!
CureInfestation ( NULL , 0.4f ) ;
m_iInfestCycle = 0 ;
m_fInfestedTime - = 1.0f ;
if ( m_fInfestedTime < = 0 )
m_fInfestedTime = 0 ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
DoEmote ( 2 ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetInfested ( false ) ;
if ( ! m_bPlayedCureScream ) // play some effects of the parasite dying
m_bPlayedCureScream = true ;
CSoundParameters params ;
if ( CBaseEntity : : GetParametersForSound ( " ASW_Parasite.Death " , params , NULL ) )
Vector vecOrigin = WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
CPASAttenuationFilter filter ( vecOrigin , params . soundlevel ) ;
EmitSound_t ep ;
ep . m_nChannel = CHAN_AUTO ;
ep . m_pSoundName = params . soundname ;
ep . m_flVolume = params . volume ;
ep . m_SoundLevel = params . soundlevel ;
ep . m_nPitch = params . pitch ;
ep . m_pOrigin = & vecOrigin ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( filter , 0 /*sound.entityIndex*/ , ep ) ;
UTIL_ASW_DroneBleed ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) , 4 ) ;
if ( m_hInfestationCurer . Get ( ) & & m_hInfestationCurer - > GetMarineResource ( ) )
if ( m_hInfestationCurer - > GetCommander ( ) & & m_hInfestationCurer - > IsInhabited ( ) )
m_hInfestationCurer - > GetCommander ( ) - > AwardAchievement ( ACHIEVEMENT_ASW_INFESTATION_CURING ) ;
m_hInfestationCurer - > GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iCuredInfestation + + ;
m_hInfestationCurer = NULL ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_infested_cured " ) ;
if ( event )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = NULL ;
if ( m_hInfestationCurer . Get ( ) )
pPlayer = m_hInfestationCurer - > GetCommander ( ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , ( pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
// check for FFGuard time running out
if ( m_fFFGuardTime ! = 0 & & gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fFFGuardTime )
// power up weapons again (play a sound?)
if ( m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) )
IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * pUsable = dynamic_cast < IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * > ( m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) ) ;
if ( pUsable )
if ( ! pUsable - > IsUsable ( this ) )
StopUsing ( ) ;
pUsable - > MarineUsing ( this , fDeltaTime ) ;
if ( m_vecFacingPointFromServer . Get ( ) ! = vec3_origin & & gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fStopFacingPointTime )
m_vecFacingPointFromServer = vec3_origin ;
// update emotes
TickEmotes ( fDeltaTime ) ;
// update this marine's resource
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) & & GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) )
//Msg("Updating firing for %s\n", GetMarineResource()->GetProfile()->m_ShortName);
if ( GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) - > IsFiring ( ) )
if ( GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) - > IsRapidFire ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetFiring ( 1 ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetFiring ( 2 ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetFiring ( 0 ) ;
else if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetFiring ( 0 ) ;
// unfreeze the marine sometime after he's started getting up
if ( ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN ) & & m_fUnfreezeTime ! = 0 )
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > = m_fUnfreezeTime )
m_fUnfreezeTime = 0 ;
RemoveFlag ( FL_FROZEN ) ;
// check for kicking
if ( m_fKickTime ! = 0 & & gpGlobals - > curtime > = m_fKickTime )
m_fKickTime = 0 ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fLastFriendlyFireTime + 2.0f )
m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime = MAX ( 0 , m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime - fDeltaTime * asw_marine_ff_absorption_decay_rate . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime = MIN ( 1.0f , m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime + fDeltaTime * asw_marine_ff_absorption_build_rate . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fLastAmmoCheckTime + 2.0f )
CheckAndRequestAmmo ( ) ;
if ( m_fMadFiringCounter > 0 & & GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) & & ! GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) - > IsReloading ( ) ) // don't tick down the mad firing counter while you're reloading
m_fMadFiringCounter - = fDeltaTime * asw_mad_firing_decay . GetFloat ( ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
float fFraction = m_fMadFiringCounter / asw_mad_firing_break . GetFloat ( ) ;
//char buffer[256];
//Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), );
engine - > Con_NPrintf ( 1 , " MadFiringCounter: (%f) %f/%f " , fFraction ,
m_fMadFiringCounter , asw_mad_firing_break . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
//if (GetAbsVelocity() != vec3_origin || (GetMarineResource() && GetMarineResource()->IsFiring())
bool bMoving = IsInhabited ( ) ? GetAbsVelocity ( ) ! = vec3_origin : GetSmoothedVelocity ( ) . Length ( ) > 1.0f ;
if ( bMoving | | ( GetMarineResource ( ) & & GetMarineResource ( ) - > IsFiring ( ) )
| | m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) )
m_fLastStillTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_fLastStillTime + m_fIdleChatterDelay & & m_fLastStillTime ! = 0 )
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " %s trying to idle chatter (cur=%f snextidle=%f idlechatdelay=%f(%f) \n " ,
GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ,
gpGlobals - > curtime , s_fNextIdleChatterTime , m_fIdleChatterDelay , m_fLastStillTime + m_fIdleChatterDelay
) ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > s_fNextIdleChatterTime & & GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > AllowCalmConversations ( - 1 ) ) // check no-one else idle chatted recently
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " and there's a free gap, woot! \n " ) ;
bool bDidIdle = false ;
// do a special idle?
if ( random - > RandomFloat ( ) < asw_marine_special_idle_chatter_chance . GetFloat ( ) )
int iTryConversation = CONV_NONE ;
if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_SARGE )
if ( random - > RandomFloat ( ) < 0.5f )
iTryConversation = CONV_SARGE_IDLE ;
iTryConversation = CONV_SARGE_JAEGER_CONV1 ;
else if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_JAEGER )
if ( random - > RandomFloat ( ) < 0.5f )
iTryConversation = CONV_STILL_BREATHING ;
iTryConversation = CONV_SARGE_JAEGER_CONV2 ;
else if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_CRASH )
if ( random - > RandomFloat ( ) < 0.5f )
iTryConversation = CONV_CRASH_COMPLAIN ;
iTryConversation = CONV_CRASH_IDLE ;
else if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_WOLFE )
iTryConversation = CONV_WOLFE_BEST ;
else if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_VoiceType = = ASW_VOICE_VEGAS )
iTryConversation = CONV_TEQUILA ;
if ( iTryConversation ! = CONV_NONE & & CASW_MarineSpeech : : StartConversation ( iTryConversation , this ) )
bDidIdle = true ;
else if ( GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_IDLE ) ) // fall back to regular idle if the conversation failed to start
bDidIdle = true ;
else if ( GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_IDLE ) )
bDidIdle = true ;
if ( bDidIdle )
s_fNextIdleChatterTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + random - > RandomInt ( 15 , 25 ) ;
//s_fNextIdleChatterTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomInt(30, 60);
//m_fIdleChatterDelay = random->RandomInt(10, 20);
m_fIdleChatterDelay = random - > RandomInt ( 25 , 40 ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " but we can't cos someone else did an idle chat recently \n " ) ;
//m_fIdleChatterDelay = random->RandomInt(5, 10);
m_fIdleChatterDelay = random - > RandomInt ( 20 , 35 ) ;
m_fLastStillTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Update ( ) ;
if ( asw_debug_medals . GetBool ( ) & & IsInhabited ( ) & & gpGlobals - > maxClients < = 1 )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > DebugMedalStatsOnScreen ( ) ;
// network down if we're applying our engineering aura
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_bUsingEngineeringAura = ( m_fUsingEngineeringAura > = gpGlobals - > curtime - 0.2f ) ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
// uninhabited ticking of the hacking puzzles
if ( m_hCurrentHack . Get ( ) )
CUserCmd ucmd ;
m_hCurrentHack - > ASWPostThink ( NULL , this , & ucmd , fDeltaTime ) ; // todo send deltatime parameter
// uninhabited post frame for offhand equip
CASW_Weapon * pExtra = GetASWWeapon ( 2 ) ;
if ( pExtra & & pExtra ! = GetActiveWeapon ( ) & & pExtra - > WantsOffhandPostFrame ( ) )
float flSavedFrameTime = gpGlobals - > frametime ;
gpGlobals - > frametime = fDeltaTime ;
pExtra - > ItemPostFrame ( ) ;
gpGlobals - > frametime = flSavedFrameTime ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > m_flNextBreadcrumbTime )
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineBreadcrumb ( this ) ;
m_flNextBreadcrumbTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + ASW_BREADCRUMB_INTERVAL ;
// we've been burned relatively recently
if ( m_flFirstBurnTime > 0 )
float flGraceTime = asw_marine_time_until_ignite . GetFloat ( ) ;
// if we haven't been burned in the last chunk of the total time-to-ignite, reset the timer
// additionally, if our initial burn time is over the time-to-ignite time, reset
if ( ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_flFirstBurnTime ) > flGraceTime + 1.0f )
m_flFirstBurnTime = 0 ;
m_fLastASWThink = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
void CASW_Marine : : Activate ( void )
BaseClass : : Activate ( ) ;
// Find all drones
CBaseEntity * pObject = NULL ;
while ( ( pObject = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( pObject , " asw_drone " ) ) ! = NULL )
// Tell the AI sensing list that we want to consider this
g_AI_SensedObjectsManager . AddEntity ( pObject ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : AIWantsToFire ( )
return m_bWantsToFire | | ( asw_force_ai_fire . GetBool ( ) ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : AIWantsToFire2 ( )
return m_bWantsToFire2 ;
bool CASW_Marine : : AIWantsToReload ( )
return false ;
void CASW_Marine : : FlashlightToggle ( )
if ( IsEffectActive ( EF_DIMLIGHT ) )
FlashlightTurnOff ( ) ;
FlashlightTurnOn ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : FlashlightTurnOn ( void )
if ( ! IsEffectActive ( EF_DIMLIGHT ) )
AddEffects ( EF_DIMLIGHT ) ;
EmitSound ( " ASWFlashlight.FlashlightToggle " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : FlashlightTurnOff ( void )
if ( IsEffectActive ( EF_DIMLIGHT ) )
EmitSound ( " ASWFlashlight.FlashlightToggle " ) ;
RemoveEffects ( EF_DIMLIGHT ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : HasFlashlight ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; + + i )
CASW_Weapon_Flashlight * pFlashlight = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Flashlight * > ( m_hMyWeapons [ i ] . Get ( ) ) ;
if ( pFlashlight )
return true ;
return false ;
// player (and player controlled marines) always avoid marines
bool CASW_Marine : : ShouldPlayerAvoid ( void )
return true ;
// as basecombat char, but we don't allow picking up of ammo unless we are
// holding a gun that uses it
// also allow double the max if we're carrying two guns of that type
int CASW_Marine : : GiveAmmo ( int iCount , int iAmmoIndex , bool bSuppressSound )
int iGuns = GetNumberOfWeaponsUsingAmmo ( iAmmoIndex ) ;
if ( iGuns < = 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( iCount < = 0 )
return 0 ;
//if ( !g_pGameRules->CanHaveAmmo( this, iAmmoIndex ) )
// game rules say I can't have any more of this ammo type.
//return 0;
if ( iAmmoIndex < 0 | | iAmmoIndex > = MAX_AMMO_SLOTS )
return 0 ;
int iMax = GetAmmoDef ( ) - > MaxCarry ( iAmmoIndex , this ) * iGuns ;
int iAdd = MIN ( iCount , iMax - m_iAmmo [ iAmmoIndex ] ) ;
if ( iAdd < 1 )
return 0 ;
// Ammo pickup sound
if ( ! bSuppressSound )
EmitSound ( " BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup " ) ;
m_iAmmo . Set ( iAmmoIndex , m_iAmmo [ iAmmoIndex ] + iAdd ) ;
return iAdd ;
int CASW_Marine : : GiveAmmoToAmmoBag ( int iCount , int iAmmoIndex , bool bSuppressSound )
if ( iCount < = 0 )
return 0 ;
//if ( !g_pGameRules->CanHaveAmmo( this, iAmmoIndex ) )
// game rules say I can't have any more of this ammo type.
// return 0;
if ( iAmmoIndex < 0 | | iAmmoIndex > = MAX_AMMO_SLOTS )
return 0 ;
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * pBag = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * > ( GetWeapon ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! pBag | | ! pBag - > HasRoomForAmmo ( iAmmoIndex ) )
pBag = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * > ( GetWeapon ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( ! pBag | | ! pBag - > HasRoomForAmmo ( iAmmoIndex ) )
return 0 ;
// Ammo pickup sound
if ( ! bSuppressSound )
EmitSound ( " BaseCombatCharacter.AmmoPickup " ) ;
int iAdd = pBag - > AddAmmo ( iCount , iAmmoIndex ) ;
return iAdd ;
bool CASW_Marine : : CanGiveAmmoTo ( CASW_Marine * pMarine )
// iterate over my weapons to find ammo bag(s)
for ( int iWeapon = 0 ; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS ; iWeapon + + )
CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag * > ( GetASWWeapon ( iWeapon ) ) ;
if ( pAmmoBag )
// see if the ammo bag can give ammo for any weapons the recipient has
for ( int iRecipientWeapon = 0 ; iRecipientWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS ; iRecipientWeapon + + )
CASW_Weapon * pRecipientWeapon = pMarine - > GetASWWeapon ( iRecipientWeapon ) ;
if ( pAmmoBag - > CanGiveAmmoToWeapon ( pRecipientWeapon ) )
return true ;
return false ;
bool CASW_Marine : : CarryingAGunThatUsesAmmo ( int iAmmoIndex )
int n = WeaponCount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon = GetWeapon ( i ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
continue ;
if ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) = = iAmmoIndex
| | pWeapon - > GetSecondaryAmmoType ( ) = = iAmmoIndex )
return true ;
return false ;
void CASW_Marine : : Weapon_Equip ( CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon )
// Add the weapon to my weapon inventory
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; i + + )
if ( ! m_hMyWeapons [ i ] )
m_hMyWeapons . Set ( i , pWeapon ) ;
break ;
Weapon_Equip_Post ( pWeapon ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : Weapon_Equip_In_Index ( CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon , int index )
if ( GetWeapon ( index ) = = NULL )
m_hMyWeapons . Set ( index , pWeapon ) ;
Weapon_Equip_Post ( pWeapon ) ;
// some things to do on the weapon after it's been put into the array
void CASW_Marine : : Weapon_Equip_Post ( CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon )
// Weapon is now on my team
pWeapon - > ChangeTeam ( GetTeamNumber ( ) ) ;
// ----------------------
// Give Primary Ammo
// ----------------------
// If gun doesn't use clips, just give ammo
if ( pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) = = - 1 )
GiveAmmo ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip1 ( ) , pWeapon - > m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) ;
// If default ammo given is greater than clip
// size, fill clips and give extra ammo
else if ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip1 ( ) > pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) )
pWeapon - > m_iClip1 = pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ;
GiveAmmo ( ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip1 ( ) - pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ) , pWeapon - > m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) ;
// ----------------------
// Give Secondary Ammo
// ----------------------
// If gun doesn't use clips, just give ammo
if ( pWeapon - > GetMaxClip2 ( ) = = - 1 )
GiveAmmo ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip2 ( ) , pWeapon - > m_iSecondaryAmmoType ) ;
// If default ammo given is greater than clip
// size, fill clips and give extra ammo
else if ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip2 ( ) > pWeapon - > GetMaxClip2 ( ) )
pWeapon - > m_iClip2 = pWeapon - > GetMaxClip2 ( ) ;
GiveAmmo ( ( pWeapon - > GetDefaultClip2 ( ) - pWeapon - > GetMaxClip2 ( ) ) , pWeapon - > m_iSecondaryAmmoType ) ;
pWeapon - > Equip ( this ) ;
// Gotta do this *after* Equip because it may whack maxRange
if ( IsPlayer ( ) = = false )
// If SF_NPC_LONG_RANGE spawn flags is set let weapon work from any distance
if ( HasSpawnFlags ( SF_NPC_LONG_RANGE ) )
m_hActiveWeapon - > m_fMaxRange1 = 999999999 ;
m_hActiveWeapon - > m_fMaxRange2 = 999999999 ;
WeaponProficiency_t proficiency ;
proficiency = CalcWeaponProficiency ( pWeapon ) ;
if ( weapon_showproficiency . GetBool ( ) ! = 0 )
Msg ( " %s equipped with %s, proficiency is %s \n " , GetClassname ( ) , pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) , GetWeaponProficiencyName ( proficiency ) ) ;
SetCurrentWeaponProficiency ( proficiency ) ;
// Pass the lighting origin over to the weapon if we have one
pWeapon - > SetLightingOrigin ( GetLightingOrigin ( ) ) ;
// all marines will send all their weapons to everyone
// since it's only 3 weapons per marine and knowing the other players' stuff will be handy
void CASW_Marine : : SetTransmit ( CCheckTransmitInfo * pInfo , bool bAlways )
// Skip this work if we're already marked for transmission.
if ( pInfo - > m_pTransmitEdict - > Get ( entindex ( ) ) )
return ;
BaseClass : : SetTransmit ( pInfo , bAlways ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; i + + )
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon = m_hMyWeapons [ i ] ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
continue ;
// The local player is sent all of his weapons.
pWeapon - > SetTransmit ( pInfo , bAlways ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : TookAmmoPickup ( CBaseEntity * pAmmoPickup )
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineTookPickup ( this , pAmmoPickup , NULL ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : TakeWeaponPickup ( CASW_Weapon * pWeapon )
if ( ! pWeapon )
return false ;
// find the index this weapon is meant to go in
int index = GetWeaponPositionForPickup ( pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
// is there already a weapon in this slot?
CASW_Weapon * pOldWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( index ) ;
// check we're allowed to take this item
bool bAllowed = true ;
if ( pOldWeapon ) // we're swapping with an existing weapon
bAllowed = ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineCanPickup ( GetMarineResource ( ) , pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) , pOldWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
else // we're putting it into an empty slot
bAllowed = ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineCanPickup ( GetMarineResource ( ) , pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
if ( ! bAllowed )
return false ;
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineTookPickup ( this , pWeapon , pOldWeapon ) ;
bool bReplace = ( pOldWeapon ! = NULL ) ;
// if we're swapping with a current weapon, drop it
if ( bReplace )
if ( ! DropWeapon ( index , true ) ) // todo: set the pickup denial error
return false ;
// If I have a name, make my weapon match it with "_weapon" appended
if ( GetEntityName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING )
const char * weapon_name = UTIL_VarArgs ( " %s_weapon " , STRING ( GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ;
pWeapon - > SetName ( AllocPooledString ( weapon_name ) ) ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " item_pickup " ) ;
if ( event )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = GetCommander ( ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , ( pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , pWeapon - > entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetString ( " classname " , pWeapon - > GetWeaponInfo ( ) - > szClassName ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " slot " , index ) ;
event - > SetBool ( " replace " , bReplace ) ;
event - > SetBool ( " offhand " , pWeapon - > GetWeaponInfo ( ) - > m_bOffhandActivate ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
// equip the weapon
Weapon_Equip_In_Index ( pWeapon , index ) ;
// set the number of clips
if ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ! = - 1 )
GiveAmmo ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoCount ( ) , pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) ;
//maybe switch to this weapon, if current is none
if ( GetActiveWeapon ( ) = = NULL )
Weapon_Switch ( pWeapon ) ;
pWeapon - > SetWeaponVisible ( false ) ;
CheckAndRequestAmmo ( ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > UpdateWeaponIndices ( ) ;
return true ;
bool CASW_Marine : : TakeWeaponPickup ( CASW_Pickup_Weapon * pPickup )
// find the index this weapon is meant to go in
int index = GetWeaponPositionForPickup ( pPickup - > GetWeaponClass ( ) ) ;
// is there already a weapon in this slot?
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( index ) ;
// check we're allowed to take this item
bool bAllowed = true ;
if ( pWeapon ) // we're swapping with an existing weapon
bAllowed = ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineCanPickup ( GetMarineResource ( ) , pPickup - > GetWeaponClass ( ) , pWeapon - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
else // we're putting it into an empty slot
bAllowed = ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineCanPickup ( GetMarineResource ( ) , pPickup - > GetWeaponClass ( ) ) ;
if ( ! bAllowed )
return false ;
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineTookPickup ( this , pPickup , pWeapon ) ;
// if we're swapping with a current weapon, drop it
bool bReplace = ( pWeapon ! = NULL ) ;
if ( bReplace )
if ( ! DropWeapon ( index , true ) ) // todo: set the pickup denial error
return false ;
// give ourselves this weapon, in the right slot
//Msg("CASW_Marine::TakeWeaponPickup calling Weapon_Create %s\n", pPickup->GetWeaponClass());
pWeapon = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon * > ( Weapon_Create ( pPickup - > GetWeaponClass ( ) ) ) ;
if ( pWeapon )
// If I have a name, make my weapon match it with "_weapon" appended
if ( GetEntityName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING )
const char * weapon_name = UTIL_VarArgs ( " %s_weapon " , STRING ( GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ;
pWeapon - > SetName ( AllocPooledString ( weapon_name ) ) ;
// set + take ammo accordingly
pPickup - > InitWeapon ( this , pWeapon ) ;
//maybe switch to this weapon, if current is none
if ( GetActiveWeapon ( ) = = NULL )
Weapon_Switch ( pWeapon ) ;
pWeapon - > SetWeaponVisible ( false ) ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " item_pickup " ) ;
if ( event )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = GetCommander ( ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , ( pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , pWeapon - > entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetString ( " classname " , pWeapon - > GetWeaponInfo ( ) - > szClassName ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " slot " , index ) ;
event - > SetBool ( " replace " , bReplace ) ;
event - > SetBool ( " offhand " , pWeapon - > GetWeaponInfo ( ) - > m_bOffhandActivate ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
// destroy the pickup
pPickup - > Remove ( ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > UpdateWeaponIndices ( ) ;
CheckAndRequestAmmo ( ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! GetASWWeapon ( index ) )
SwitchToNextBestWeapon ( NULL ) ;
return false ; // todo: clear the pickup denial error
bool CASW_Marine : : DropWeapon ( int iWeaponIndex , bool bNoSwap )
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( iWeaponIndex ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
return false ;
RemoveWeaponPowerup ( pWeapon ) ;
return DropWeapon ( pWeapon , bNoSwap ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : DropWeapon ( CASW_Weapon * pWeapon , bool bNoSwap , const Vector * pvecTarget /* = NULL */ , const Vector * pVelocity /* = NULL */ )
RemoveWeaponPowerup ( pWeapon ) ;
// dropping the weapon entity itself
// set clips in the dropped weapon
int iAmmoIndex = pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ;
int bullets_on_player = GetAmmoCount ( iAmmoIndex ) ;
int iClips = bullets_on_player / pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ;
if ( GetNumberOfWeaponsUsingAmmo ( iAmmoIndex ) > 1 )
// need to leave at least X clips with the marine, since he has a gun using this ammo
int iMax = GetAmmoDef ( ) - > MaxCarry ( iAmmoIndex , this ) ;
int iKeep = MAX ( 0 , ( bullets_on_player - iMax ) ) ;
iClips = iKeep / pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ;
pWeapon - > SetPrimaryAmmoCount ( iClips * pWeapon - > GetMaxClip1 ( ) ) ;
// remove ammo from the marine correspondingly
if ( iAmmoIndex ! = - 1 )
int current_bullets = GetAmmoCount ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) ;
current_bullets - = pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoCount ( ) ;
if ( current_bullets < 0 )
current_bullets = 0 ;
SetAmmoCount ( current_bullets , pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) ;
// throw the weapon a bit
Vector vecForward = BodyDirection2D ( ) ;
QAngle gunAngles ;
VectorAngles ( vecForward , gunAngles ) ;
// Teleport the weapon to the player's hand
int iBIndex = - 1 ;
int iWeaponBoneIndex = - 1 ;
CStudioHdr * hdr = pWeapon - > GetModelPtr ( ) ;
// If I have a hand, set the weapon position to my hand bone position.
if ( hdr & & hdr - > numbones ( ) > 0 )
// Assume bone zero is the root
for ( iWeaponBoneIndex = 0 ; iWeaponBoneIndex < hdr - > numbones ( ) ; + + iWeaponBoneIndex )
iBIndex = LookupBone ( hdr - > pBone ( iWeaponBoneIndex ) - > pszName ( ) ) ;
// Found one!
if ( iBIndex ! = - 1 )
break ;
if ( iBIndex = = - 1 )
iBIndex = LookupBone ( " ValveBiped.bip01_R_Hand " ) ;
iBIndex = LookupBone ( " ValveBiped.bip01_R_Hand " ) ;
if ( iBIndex ! = - 1 )
Vector origin ;
QAngle angles ;
matrix3x4_t transform ;
// Get the transform for the weapon bonetoworldspace in the NPC
GetBoneTransform ( iBIndex , transform ) ;
// find offset of root bone from origin in local space
// Make sure we're detached from hierarchy before doing this!!!
pWeapon - > StopFollowingEntity ( ) ;
pWeapon - > SetAbsOrigin ( Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
pWeapon - > SetAbsAngles ( QAngle ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
pWeapon - > InvalidateBoneCache ( ) ;
matrix3x4_t rootLocal ;
if ( iWeaponBoneIndex < hdr - > numbones ( ) )
pWeapon - > GetBoneTransform ( iWeaponBoneIndex , rootLocal ) ;
SetIdentityMatrix ( rootLocal ) ;
// invert it
matrix3x4_t rootInvLocal ;
MatrixInvert ( rootLocal , rootInvLocal ) ;
matrix3x4_t weaponMatrix ;
ConcatTransforms ( transform , rootInvLocal , weaponMatrix ) ;
MatrixAngles ( weaponMatrix , angles , origin ) ;
// Ensure this position isn't through a wall.
Vector vMarineCenter = WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
trace_t tr ;
Ray_t ray ;
ray . Init ( vMarineCenter , origin , pWeapon - > ScriptGetBoundingMins ( ) , pWeapon - > ScriptGetBoundingMaxs ( ) ) ;
UTIL_TraceRay ( ray , MASK_SOLID , this , COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . DidHit ( ) )
// We hit something... shove it back toward the marine
Vector vTraceDir = origin - vMarineCenter ;
float fLength = VectorNormalize ( vTraceDir ) ;
origin = GetAbsOrigin ( ) + vTraceDir * fLength * tr . fraction - vTraceDir * 0.5f * pWeapon - > ScriptGetBoundingMaxs ( ) . DistTo ( pWeapon - > ScriptGetBoundingMins ( ) ) ;
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
if ( origin . z < vMarineCenter . z )
// Prevent stuff falling out of the world when the marines hands are very low (they're doing a bending down anim)
origin . z = vMarineCenter . z ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
pWeapon - > Teleport ( & origin , & angles , NULL ) ;
//Have to teleport the physics object as well
IPhysicsObject * pWeaponPhys = pWeapon - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( pWeaponPhys )
Vector vPos ;
QAngle vAngles ;
pWeaponPhys - > GetPosition ( & vPos , & vAngles ) ;
pWeaponPhys - > SetPosition ( vPos , angles , true ) ;
AngularImpulse angImp ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector vecAdd = GetAbsVelocity ( ) ;
pWeaponPhys - > AddVelocity ( & vecAdd , & angImp ) ;
pWeapon - > SetAbsOrigin ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) + vecForward * 80.0f ) ;
Vector vecThrow ;
ThrowDirForWeaponStrip ( pWeapon , vecForward , & vecThrow ) ;
// apply the desired velocity, if any
if ( pvecTarget )
// I've been told to throw it somewhere specific.
vecThrow = VecCheckToss ( this , pWeapon - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , * pvecTarget , 0.2 , 1.0 , false ) ;
if ( pVelocity )
vecThrow = * pVelocity ;
float flLen = vecThrow . Length ( ) ;
if ( flLen > 400 )
VectorNormalize ( vecThrow ) ;
vecThrow * = 400 ;
// Nowhere in particular; just drop it.
float throwForce = ( IsPlayer ( ) ) ? 400.0f : random - > RandomInt ( 64 , 128 ) ;
vecThrow = BodyDirection3D ( ) * throwForce ;
pWeapon - > Drop ( vecThrow ) ;
pWeapon - > MarineDropped ( this ) ;
Weapon_Detach ( pWeapon ) ;
// switch to the next weapon, if any
if ( ! bNoSwap )
if ( SwitchToNextBestWeapon ( NULL ) )
// explicitly tell this client to play the weapon switch anim, since he didn't predict this change
TE_MarineAnimEventJustCommander ( this , PLAYERANIMEVENT_WEAPON_SWITCH ) ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > UpdateWeaponIndices ( ) ;
return true ;
void CASW_Marine : : Weapon_Drop ( CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon , const Vector * pvecTarget /* = NULL */ , const Vector * pVelocity /* = NULL */ )
CASW_Weapon * pASWWeapon = dynamic_cast < CASW_Weapon * > ( pWeapon ) ;
if ( ! pASWWeapon )
return ;
DropWeapon ( pASWWeapon , false , pvecTarget , pVelocity ) ;
// healing
void CASW_Marine : : AddSlowHeal ( int iHealAmount , float flHealRateScale , CASW_Marine * pMedic , CBaseEntity * pHealingWeapon /*= NULL */ )
if ( GetHealth ( ) < = 0 )
return ;
if ( iHealAmount > 0 )
m_flHealRateScale = flHealRateScale ;
if ( ! m_bSlowHeal )
m_bSlowHeal = true ;
m_fNextSlowHealTick = gpGlobals - > curtime + ( ASW_MARINE_HEALTICK_RATE * ( 1.0f / m_flHealRateScale ) ) ;
m_iSlowHealAmount + = iHealAmount ;
//if (!m_bSlowHeal)
// m_bSlowHeal = true;
// m_fNextSlowHealTick = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.33f;
//m_iSlowHealAmount += iHealAmount;
// subtract FF from the amount healed, before storing it in the medic's healing stats
int iMedicMedalHealed = iHealAmount ;
// don't give credit for healing more than the marine's max health
if ( GetHealth ( ) + iHealAmount > GetMaxHealth ( ) )
iMedicMedalHealed = GetMaxHealth ( ) - GetHealth ( ) ;
//Msg(" healing more than we have health for, so cutting down to %d\n", iMedicMedalHealed);
//Msg("healing marine for %d, ff damage is %f\n", iMedicMedalHealed, m_fFriendlyFireDamage);
if ( m_fFriendlyFireDamage > 0 )
iMedicMedalHealed - = m_fFriendlyFireDamage ;
m_fFriendlyFireDamage - = iHealAmount ;
if ( m_fFriendlyFireDamage < 0 )
m_fFriendlyFireDamage = 0 ;
//Msg(" So new medic medal healed is %d and new m_fFriendlyFireDamage is %f\n", iMedicMedalHealed, m_fFriendlyFireDamage);
if ( iMedicMedalHealed > 0 & & pMedic ! = this & & pMedic & & pMedic - > GetMarineResource ( ) )
pMedic - > GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iMedicHealing + = iMedicMedalHealed ;
// healing puts out fires
if ( IsOnFire ( ) )
Extinguish ( ) ;
CEntityFlame * pFireChild = dynamic_cast < CEntityFlame * > ( GetEffectEntity ( ) ) ;
if ( pFireChild )
SetEffectEntity ( NULL ) ;
UTIL_Remove ( pFireChild ) ;
Extinguish ( ) ;
// count heal for stats
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_iHealCount + + ;
// Fire heal event for stat tracking
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineHealed ( this , iHealAmount , pHealingWeapon ) ;
// using entities over time
bool CASW_Marine : : StartUsing ( CBaseEntity * pEntity )
if ( GetHealth ( ) < = 0 )
return false ;
IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * pUsable = dynamic_cast < IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pUsable )
if ( ! pUsable - > IsUsable ( this ) )
return false ;
if ( ! pUsable - > RequirementsMet ( this ) )
return false ;
pUsable - > MarineStartedUsing ( this ) ;
m_hUsingEntity = pEntity ;
return true ;
return false ;
void CASW_Marine : : StopUsing ( )
if ( ! m_hUsingEntity )
return ;
IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * pUsable = dynamic_cast < IASW_Server_Usable_Entity * > ( m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) ) ;
if ( pUsable )
pUsable - > MarineStoppedUsing ( this ) ;
m_hUsingEntity = NULL ;
m_hAreaToUse = NULL ; // FIXME: This might accidently clear new orders if the marine was just ordered to a new area!
// marine has been hit by a melee attack
void CASW_Marine : : MeleeBleed ( CTakeDamageInfo * info )
Vector vecDir = vec3_origin ;
if ( info - > GetAttacker ( ) )
// don't bleed from melee coming from other marines, as they can't hurt us
if ( info - > GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
return ;
vecDir = info - > GetAttacker ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) - GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vecDir ) ;
vecDir = RandomVector ( - 1 , 1 ) ;
//UTIL_ASW_BloodDrips( GetAbsOrigin()+Vector(0,0,60)+vecDir*3, vecDir, BloodColor(), 5 );
Vector vecInflictorPos = info - > GetDamagePosition ( ) ;
if ( info - > GetInflictor ( ) )
vecInflictorPos = info - > GetInflictor ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
CRecipientFilter filter ;
filter . AddAllPlayers ( ) ;
UserMessageBegin ( filter , " ASWMarineHitByMelee " ) ;
WRITE_SHORT ( entindex ( ) ) ;
WRITE_FLOAT ( vecInflictorPos . x ) ;
WRITE_FLOAT ( vecInflictorPos . y ) ;
WRITE_FLOAT ( vecInflictorPos . z ) ;
MessageEnd ( ) ;
/// issue any special effects or sounds on resurrection
void CASW_Marine : : PerformResurrectionEffect ( void ) RESTRICT
DispatchParticleEffect ( " marine_resurrection " , PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW , this ) ;
this - > EmitSound ( " Marine.Resurrect " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : BecomeInfested ( CASW_Alien * pAlien )
if ( ! GetMarineResource ( ) )
return ;
m_fInfestedTime = 20.0f ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > ForceChatter ( CHATTER_INFESTED , ASW_CHATTER_TIMER_TEAM ) ;
if ( ! IsInfested ( ) )
// do some damage to us immediately (unless we were already infested)
float DamagePerTick = ASWGameRules ( ) - > TotalInfestDamage ( ) / 20.0f ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " %f: Infest DamagePerTick %f (infest time left = %f) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , DamagePerTick , m_fInfestedTime ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info ( NULL , NULL , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , DamagePerTick , DMG_INFEST ) ;
TakeDamage ( info ) ;
m_fInfestedStartTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// Give them 3 free cycles (.9 seconds) to panic before we do the first real bite!
m_iInfestCycle = - 3 ;
GetMarineResource ( ) - > SetInfested ( true ) ;
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineInfested ( ) ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_infested " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
DoEmote ( 0 ) ;
if ( m_fNextSlowHealTick < gpGlobals - > curtime )
m_fNextSlowHealTick = gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.33f ;
m_bPlayedCureScream = false ;
void CASW_Marine : : CureInfestation ( CASW_Marine * pHealer , float fCureFraction )
if ( ! GetMarineResource ( ) )
return ;
if ( m_fInfestedTime ! = 0 )
m_fInfestedTime = m_fInfestedTime * fCureFraction ;
if ( pHealer )
m_hInfestationCurer = pHealer ;
if ( m_fInfestedTime < 0.0f )
m_fInfestedTime = 0.0f ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
DoEmote ( 2 ) ;
// if we died from infestation, then gib
bool CASW_Marine : : ShouldGib ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_INFEST )
return true ;
return BaseClass : : ShouldGib ( info ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : CorpseGib ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
EmitSound ( " BaseCombatCharacter.CorpseGib " ) ;
QAngle vecAngles ;
VectorAngles ( - info . GetDamageForce ( ) , vecAngles ) ;
CBaseEntity * pHelpHelpImBeingSupressed = ( CBaseEntity * ) te - > GetSuppressHost ( ) ;
te - > SetSuppressHost ( NULL ) ;
DispatchParticleEffect ( " marine_gib " , PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW , this ) ;
te - > SetSuppressHost ( pHelpHelpImBeingSupressed ) ;
return true ;
// if we gibbed from infestation damage, spawn some parasites
bool CASW_Marine : : Event_Gibbed ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
if ( info . GetDamageType ( ) & DMG_INFEST )
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " marine infest gibbed at loc %f, %f, %f \n " , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . x , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . y , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . z ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
NDebugOverlay : : EntityBounds ( this , 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 , 15.0f ) ;
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineInfestedGibbed ( ) ;
int iNumParasites = 3 + RandomInt ( 0 , 2 ) ;
QAngle angParasiteFacing [ 5 ] ;
float fJumpDistance [ 5 ] ;
// for some reason if we calculate these inside the loop, the random numbers all come out the same. Worrying.
angParasiteFacing [ 0 ] = GetAbsAngles ( ) ; angParasiteFacing [ 0 ] . y = RandomFloat ( - 180.0f , 180.0f ) ;
angParasiteFacing [ 1 ] = GetAbsAngles ( ) ; angParasiteFacing [ 1 ] . y = RandomFloat ( - 180.0f , 180.0f ) ;
angParasiteFacing [ 2 ] = GetAbsAngles ( ) ; angParasiteFacing [ 2 ] . y = RandomFloat ( - 180.0f , 180.0f ) ;
angParasiteFacing [ 3 ] = GetAbsAngles ( ) ; angParasiteFacing [ 3 ] . y = RandomFloat ( - 180.0f , 180.0f ) ;
angParasiteFacing [ 4 ] = GetAbsAngles ( ) ; angParasiteFacing [ 4 ] . y = RandomFloat ( - 180.0f , 180.0f ) ;
fJumpDistance [ 0 ] = RandomFloat ( 30.0f , 70.0f ) ;
fJumpDistance [ 1 ] = RandomFloat ( 30.0f , 70.0f ) ;
fJumpDistance [ 2 ] = RandomFloat ( 30.0f , 70.0f ) ;
fJumpDistance [ 3 ] = RandomFloat ( 30.0f , 70.0f ) ;
fJumpDistance [ 4 ] = RandomFloat ( 30.0f , 70.0f ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iNumParasites ; i + + )
bool bBlocked = true ;
int k = 0 ;
Vector vecSpawnPos = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
float fCircleDegree = ( static_cast < float > ( i ) / iNumParasites ) * 2.0f * M_PI ;
vecSpawnPos . x + = sinf ( fCircleDegree ) * RandomFloat ( 3.0f , 20.0f ) ;
vecSpawnPos . y + = cosf ( fCircleDegree ) * RandomFloat ( 3.0f , 20.0f ) ;
vecSpawnPos . z + = RandomFloat ( 20.0f , 40.0f ) ;
while ( bBlocked & & k < 6 )
if ( k > 0 )
// Scooch it up
vecSpawnPos . z + = NAI_Hull : : Maxs ( HULL_TINY ) . z - NAI_Hull : : Mins ( HULL_TINY ) . z ;
// check if there's room at this position
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceHull ( vecSpawnPos , vecSpawnPos + Vector ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ,
NAI_Hull : : Mins ( HULL_TINY ) + Vector ( - 4.0f , - 4.0f , - 4.0f ) , NAI_Hull : : Maxs ( HULL_TINY ) + Vector ( 4.0f , 4.0f , 4.0f ) ,
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
NDebugOverlay : : Box ( vecSpawnPos , NAI_Hull : : Mins ( HULL_TINY ) , NAI_Hull : : Maxs ( HULL_TINY ) , 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 , 15.0f ) ;
if ( tr . fraction = = 1.0 )
bBlocked = false ;
k + + ;
if ( bBlocked )
continue ; // couldn't find room for parasites
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Found an unblocked pos for this entity, trying to spawn it there %f, %f, %f \n " , vecSpawnPos . x ,
vecSpawnPos . y , vecSpawnPos . z ) ;
CASW_Parasite * pParasite = dynamic_cast < CASW_Parasite * > ( CreateNoSpawn ( " asw_parasite " ,
vecSpawnPos , angParasiteFacing [ i ] , this ) ) ;
if ( pParasite )
PhysDisableEntityCollisions ( pParasite , this ) ;
DispatchSpawn ( pParasite ) ;
pParasite - > SetSleepState ( AISS_WAITING_FOR_INPUT ) ;
pParasite - > SetJumpFromEgg ( true , fJumpDistance [ i ] ) ;
pParasite - > Wake ( ) ;
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ; // make the model invisible.
SetSolid ( SOLID_NONE ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 2.0f ) ;
SetThink ( & CASW_Marine : : SUB_Remove ) ;
return CorpseGib ( info ) ;
float CASW_Marine : : GetIdealSpeed ( ) const
return m_fCachedIdealSpeed ;
CRagdollProp * CASW_Marine : : GetRagdollProp ( )
return dynamic_cast < CRagdollProp * > ( m_hKnockedOutRagdoll . Get ( ) ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : Event_Killed ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
bool bAllDead = false ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionManager ( ) )
bAllDead = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionManager ( ) - > AllMarinesDead ( ) ;
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineKilled ( this , info ) ;
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineKilled ( ) ;
float flPosition = - 1.0f ;
UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine ( this , flPosition ) ;
if ( ! bAllDead )
if ( flPosition ! = - 1.0f & & flPosition > 1000.0f )
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineKilledAlone ( ) ;
if ( m_hCurrentHack . Get ( ) )
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnHackerDied ( ) ;
CASW_Player * pPlayer = GetCommander ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) = = this )
if ( UTIL_ASW_NumCommandedMarines ( pPlayer ) > = 1 )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " player_should_switch " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
if ( IsInfested ( ) )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_infested_killed " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " marine " , entindex ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > MarineKilled ( this , info ) ;
// Start up the death cam
ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_fMarineDeathTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_vMarineDeathPos = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_nMarineForDeathCam = ASWGameResource ( ) - > GetMarineResourceIndex ( GetMarineResource ( ) ) ; // TODO: Is this ok!?
// Check mission status
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionManager ( ) )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionManager ( ) - > MarineKilled ( this ) ;
if ( m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) )
StopUsing ( ) ;
// store off our death position
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
pMR - > m_vecDeathPosition = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
pMR - > m_fDeathTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
pMR - > SetFiring ( 0 ) ;
pMR - > m_TimelineAmmo . RecordValue ( 0.0f ) ;
pMR - > m_TimelineHealth . RecordValue ( 0.0f ) ;
// drop all of our equipment
// Calculate death force
Vector forceVector = CalcDeathForceVector ( info ) ;
float flMagnitude = forceVector . Length ( ) ;
if ( flMagnitude > 20000 )
forceVector * = 20000 / flMagnitude ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_MAX_MARINE_WEAPONS ; i + + )
CBaseCombatWeapon * pDroppedWeapon = GetWeapon ( i ) ;
if ( pDroppedWeapon )
// Drop any weapon that I own
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
Vector weaponForce = forceVector * VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetInvMass ( ) ;
Weapon_Drop ( pDroppedWeapon , NULL , & weaponForce ) ;
Weapon_Drop ( pDroppedWeapon , NULL , & forceVector ) ;
// see if any other marines are nearby to shout out about us
if ( ASWGameResource ( ) )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( pGameResource )
if ( asw_realistic_death_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
int iNumNearby = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) : NULL ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine ! = this
& & pOtherMarine - > GetHealth ( ) > 0
& & GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( pOtherMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) < 800 )
iNumNearby + + ;
if ( iNumNearby > 0 )
int iChosen = random - > RandomInt ( 1 , iNumNearby ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) & & iChosen > 0 ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) : NULL ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine ! = this
& & pOtherMarine - > GetHealth ( ) > 0
& & GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( pOtherMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) < 800 )
iChosen - - ;
if ( iChosen < = 0 )
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " making marine CHATTER_MARINE_DOWN %s \n " , pOtherMarine - > GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ) ;
pOtherMarine - > GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > QueueChatter ( CHATTER_MARINE_DOWN , gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.5f , gpGlobals - > curtime + 1.50f ) ;
// pick one marine for each player to shout about the marine death
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = gpGlobals - > maxClients ; i + + )
CASW_Player * pOtherPlayer = dynamic_cast < CASW_Player * > ( UTIL_PlayerByIndex ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! pOtherPlayer )
continue ;
Vector vecPlayerPos = vec3_origin ;
if ( pOtherPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) )
vecPlayerPos = pOtherPlayer - > GetMarine ( ) - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
// tell all other marines to shout about this death
CASW_Marine * pChosenMarine = NULL ;
// count how many marines this player has
int iNumMarines = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) : NULL ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine ! = this
& & pOtherMarine - > GetHealth ( ) > 0
& & ( vecPlayerPos = = vec3_origin | | pOtherMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( vecPlayerPos ) < 800 ) )
iNumMarines + + ;
// now choose one to play the sound
int iChosen = random - > RandomInt ( 1 , iNumMarines ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR - > GetMarineEntity ( ) : NULL ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & pOtherMarine ! = this
& & pOtherMarine - > GetHealth ( ) > 0
& & ( vecPlayerPos = = vec3_origin | | pOtherMarine - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( vecPlayerPos ) < 800 ) )
iChosen - - ;
if ( iChosen < = 0 )
pChosenMarine = pOtherMarine ;
break ;
if ( pChosenMarine )
// do private full volume chatter
pChosenMarine - > GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > QueueChatter ( CHATTER_MARINE_DOWN , gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.5f , gpGlobals - > curtime + 1.50f , pOtherPlayer ) ;
BaseClass : : Event_Killed ( info ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_chatter . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " making marine CHATTER_DIE %s \n " , GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ) ;
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > ForceChatter ( CHATTER_DIE , ASW_CHATTER_TIMER_NONE ) ;
if ( IsInhabited ( ) & & GetCommander ( ) )
// play death beep to the person controlling this marine
GetCommander ( ) - > EmitPrivateSound ( " Marine.DeathBeep " ) ;
// check if this mission has a tech req
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > m_bMissionRequiresTech )
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
if ( pGameResource )
// count number of live techs
bool bTech = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( pMR & & pMR - > GetHealthPercent ( ) > 0 & & pMR - > GetProfile ( ) & & pMR - > GetProfile ( ) - > CanHack ( ) )
bTech = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bTech & & pGameResource - > CountAllAliveMarines ( ) > 0 )
ASWGameRules ( ) - > ScheduleTechFailureRestart ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 1.5f ) ;
// print a message if marine was killed by another marine
if ( info . GetAttacker ( ) & & info . GetAttacker ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
CASW_Marine * pOtherMarine = dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine * > ( info . GetAttacker ( ) ) ;
if ( pOtherMarine & & GetMarineProfile ( ) & & pOtherMarine - > GetMarineProfile ( ) )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
char szName [ 256 ] ;
pMR - > GetDisplayName ( szName , sizeof ( szName ) ) ;
if ( pOtherMarine = = this )
if ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_bFemale )
UTIL_ClientPrintAll ( ASW_HUD_PRINTTALKANDCONSOLE , " #asw_suicide_female " , szName ) ;
UTIL_ClientPrintAll ( ASW_HUD_PRINTTALKANDCONSOLE , " #asw_suicide_male " , GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName ) ;
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMROther = pOtherMarine - > GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMROther )
char szNameOther [ 256 ] ;
pMROther - > GetDisplayName ( szNameOther , sizeof ( szNameOther ) ) ;
UTIL_ClientPrintAll ( ASW_HUD_PRINTTALKANDCONSOLE , " #asw_team_killed " , szName , szNameOther ) ;
m_bSlowHeal = false ; // no healing if we're dead!
void CASW_Marine : : AimGun ( )
BaseClass : : AimGun ( ) ;
if ( ! IsInhabited ( ) )
m_fAIPitch = GetPoseParameter ( " aim_pitch " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoEmote ( int iEmote )
if ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN | | ! GetMarineSpeech ( ) ) // don't allow this if the marine is frozen
return ;
switch ( iEmote )
case 0 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_MEDIC ) ;
bEmoteMedic = true ;
break ;
case 1 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_NEED_AMMO ) ;
bEmoteAmmo = true ;
break ;
case 2 :
bEmoteSmile = true ;
break ;
case 3 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_HOLD_POSITION ) ;
bEmoteStop = true ;
break ;
case 4 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_FOLLOW_ME ) ;
DoAnimationEvent ( PLAYERANIMEVENT_GO ) ;
bEmoteGo = true ;
break ;
case 5 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_WATCH_OUT ) ;
bEmoteExclaim = true ;
break ;
case 7 :
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_QUESTION ) ;
bEmoteQuestion = true ;
break ;
default :
bEmoteAnimeSmile = true ;
break ;
bool CASW_Marine : : IsPlayerAlly ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer )
return true ;
IASW_Vehicle * CASW_Marine : : GetASWVehicle ( )
//IASW_Vehicle* pEnt = m_hASWVehicle.Get();
//return dynamic_cast<IASW_Vehicle*>(pEnt);
return dynamic_cast < IASW_Vehicle * > ( m_hASWVehicle . Get ( ) ) ;
// make the marine start driving a particular vehicle
void CASW_Marine : : StartDriving ( IASW_Vehicle * pVehicle )
if ( ! pVehicle | | IsDriving ( ) | | IsInVehicle ( ) | | pVehicle - > ASWGetDriver ( ) ! = NULL )
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt = pVehicle - > GetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! pEnt )
return ;
//Must be able to stow our weapon
CBaseCombatWeapon * pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon ( ) ;
if ( ( pWeapon ! = NULL ) & & ( pWeapon - > Holster ( NULL ) = = false ) )
return ;
pVehicle - > ASWSetDriver ( this ) ;
pVehicle - > ASWStartEngine ( ) ;
m_bDriving = true ;
m_bIsInVehicle = true ;
m_hASWVehicle = pEnt ;
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO ;
void CASW_Marine : : StopDriving ( IASW_Vehicle * pVehicle )
if ( ! pVehicle | | ! IsDriving ( ) )
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt = pVehicle - > GetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! pEnt )
return ;
// try and place the marine outside the vehicle
Vector v = pEnt - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) - UTIL_YawToVector ( pEnt - > GetAbsAngles ( ) . y ) * 50 ;
trace_t tr ;
Ray_t ray ;
ray . Init ( v + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) , v , CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMins ( ) , CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMaxs ( ) ) ;
if ( tr . fraction < 1.0 )
return ; // blocked
SetAbsOrigin ( v ) ;
// todo: get weapon out again?
pVehicle - > ASWStopEngine ( ) ;
pVehicle - > ASWSetDriver ( NULL ) ;
m_bDriving = false ;
m_bIsInVehicle = false ;
m_hASWVehicle = NULL ;
RemoveEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
SetCollisionGroup ( COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER ) ;
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES ;
int CASW_Marine : : UpdateTransmitState ( )
// always call ShouldTransmit() for maines
//return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK );
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) ;
int CASW_Marine : : ShouldTransmit ( const CCheckTransmitInfo * pInfo )
// asw temp
// always transmit if we're inhabited by the target client
if ( GetCommander ( ) & & IsInhabited ( ) & & pInfo - > m_pClientEnt = = GetCommander ( ) - > edict ( ) )
return BaseClass : : ShouldTransmit ( pInfo ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : PhysicsShove ( )
Vector forward , up , right ;
AngleVectors ( EyeAngles ( ) , & forward , & right , & up ) ;
trace_t tr ;
// Search for objects in a sphere (tests for entities that are not solid, yet still useable)
Vector searchCenter = WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( searchCenter , searchCenter + forward * 96.0f , MASK_SOLID , this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( ! tr . m_pEnt )
UTIL_TraceLine ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 25 ) , searchCenter + forward * 96.0f , MASK_SOLID , this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
//UTIL_AddDebugLine(searchCenter, searchCenter + forward * 96.0f, false, false);
// try the hit entity if there is one, or the ground entity if there isn't.
CBaseEntity * entity = tr . m_pEnt ;
if ( entity & & entity - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
IPhysicsObject * pObj = entity - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
Vector vPushAway = ( entity - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) - WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
vPushAway . z = 0 ;
float flDist = VectorNormalize ( vPushAway ) ;
flDist = MAX ( flDist , 1 ) ;
float flForce = MarineSkills ( ) - > GetSkillBasedValueByMarine ( this , ASW_MARINE_SKILL_MELEE , ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_MELEE_FORCE ) ;
//flForce /= flDist;
flForce = MIN ( flForce , asw_marine_melee_max_force . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
if ( asw_debug_marine_damage . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Kicking with force %f \n " , flForce ) ;
pObj - > ApplyForceOffset ( vPushAway * flForce , WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
CASW_Marine_Resource * CASW_Marine : : GetMarineResource ( ) const
return dynamic_cast < CASW_Marine_Resource * > ( m_MarineResource . Get ( ) ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : Suicide ( )
if ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_FROZEN ) // don't allow this if the marine is frozen
return ;
m_iHealth = 1 ;
if ( IsInfested ( ) )
CTakeDamageInfo info ( this , this , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , 100 ,
TakeDamage ( info ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info ( this , this , Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , 100 ,
TakeDamage ( info ) ;
SetThink ( & CBaseEntity : : SUB_Remove ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 2.0f ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : BecomeRagdollOnClient ( const Vector & force )
if ( ! CanBecomeRagdoll ( ) )
return false ;
// Become server-side ragdoll if we're flagged to do it
if ( asw_marine_server_ragdoll . GetBool ( ) )
CTakeDamageInfo info ;
// Fake the info
info . SetDamageType ( DMG_GENERIC ) ;
info . SetDamageForce ( force ) ;
info . SetDamagePosition ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
IPhysicsObject * pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( pPhysics )
VPhysicsDestroyObject ( ) ;
CBaseEntity * pRagdoll = CreateServerRagdoll ( this , m_nForceBone , info , COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS , true ) ;
FixupBurningServerRagdoll ( pRagdoll ) ;
PhysSetEntityGameFlags ( pRagdoll , FVPHYSICS_NO_SELF_COLLISIONS ) ;
//CBaseEntity *pRagdoll = CreateServerRagdoll( this, 0, info, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
// Transfer our name to the new ragdoll
pRagdoll - > SetName ( GetEntityName ( ) ) ;
//pRagdoll->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS );
// Get rid of our old body
RemoveDeferred ( ) ;
return true ;
return BaseClass : : BecomeRagdollOnClient ( force ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : SelectModelFromProfile ( )
CASW_Marine_Profile * pProfile = GetMarineProfile ( ) ;
if ( pProfile )
SetModelName ( MAKE_STRING ( pProfile - > m_ModelName ) ) ;
m_nSkin = pProfile - > m_SkinNum ;
//Msg("%s Setting skin number to %d\n", pProfile->m_ShortName, m_nSkin);
SetModelName ( AllocPooledString ( ASW_DEFAULT_MARINE_MODEL ) ) ;
//Msg("Warning (SelectModelFromProfile) couldn't get model from profile as profile doesn't exist yet\n");
void CASW_Marine : : SetModelFromProfile ( )
CASW_Marine_Profile * pProfile = GetMarineProfile ( ) ;
if ( pProfile )
SetModelName ( MAKE_STRING ( pProfile - > m_ModelName ) ) ;
SetModel ( pProfile - > m_ModelName ) ;
m_nSkin = pProfile - > m_SkinNum ;
//set the backpack bodygroup
SetBodygroup ( 1 , m_nSkin ) ;
//Msg("%s Setting skin number to %d\n", pProfile->m_ShortName, m_nSkin);
SetModelName ( AllocPooledString ( ASW_DEFAULT_MARINE_MODEL ) ) ;
Msg ( " Warning (SetModelFromProfile) couldn't get model from profile as profile doesn't exist yet \n " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : SetKnockedOut ( bool bKnockedOut )
if ( m_bKnockedOut = = bKnockedOut )
return ;
m_bKnockedOut = bKnockedOut ;
if ( m_bKnockedOut ) // make the marine fall over
FlashlightTurnOff ( ) ;
InvalidateBoneCache ( ) ;
AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info ;
info . SetDamageType ( DMG_GENERIC ) ;
info . SetDamageForce ( vec3_origin ) ;
info . SetDamagePosition ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
m_hKnockedOutRagdoll = ( CRagdollProp * ) CreateServerRagdoll ( this , 0 , info , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ) ;
if ( GetRagdollProp ( ) )
GetRagdollProp ( ) - > DisableAutoFade ( ) ;
GetRagdollProp ( ) - > SetThink ( NULL ) ;
GetRagdollProp ( ) - > SetUnragdoll ( this ) ;
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
AddFlag ( FL_FROZEN ) ;
Msg ( " %s has been knocked unconcious! \n " , GetMarineProfile ( ) ? GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName : " UnknownMarine " ) ;
else // marine is already knocked out, let's make him get up again
Assert ( IsEffectActive ( EF_NODRAW ) ) ;
Assert ( GetRagdollProp ( ) ) ;
SetStopTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 2.0f ) ; // make sure he can't move for a while
DoAnimationEvent ( PLAYERANIMEVENT_GETUP ) ; // animate him standing up
//Calcs the diff between ragdoll worldspace center and victim worldspace center, moves the victim by this diff.
//Sets the victim's angles to 0, ragdoll yaw, 0
QAngle newAngles ( 0 , GetRagdollProp ( ) - > GetAbsAngles ( ) [ YAW ] , 0 ) ;
Vector centerDelta = GetRagdollProp ( ) - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) - WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
centerDelta . z = 0 ; // don't put us in the floor
Vector newOrigin = GetAbsOrigin ( ) + centerDelta ;
SetAbsOrigin ( newOrigin ) ;
SetAbsAngles ( newAngles ) ;
//GetRagdollProp()->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
RemoveEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
RemoveSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
if ( HasFlashlight ( ) )
FlashlightTurnOn ( ) ;
m_fUnfreezeTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + 3.0f ;
UTIL_Remove ( GetRagdollProp ( ) ) ;
m_hKnockedOutRagdoll = NULL ;
Msg ( " %s has got back up. \n " , GetMarineProfile ( ) ? GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_ShortName : " UnknownMarine " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : DoKickEffect ( )
bool bHasBayonet = false ;
// bayonet disabled at this time
//GetActiveASWWeapon() && GetActiveASWWeapon()->SupportsBayonet() &&
//(MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(this, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_EDGED) > 0);
//CBaseEntity *pHurt =
float flForce = MarineSkills ( ) - > GetSkillBasedValueByMarine ( this , ASW_MARINE_SKILL_MELEE , ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_MELEE_FORCE ) ;
// add a bit of randomness
// flForce *= random->RandomFloat(0.8f, 1.2f);
int iDamage = 1 ;
if ( bHasBayonet )
// bayonet disabled at this time
//int iDamage = MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(this, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_EDGED);
iDamage = MarineSkills ( ) - > GetSkillBasedValueByMarine ( this , ASW_MARINE_SKILL_MELEE , ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_MELEE_DMG ) ;
const CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
if ( g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
// temp remove suppress host
ent = te - > GetSuppressHost ( ) ;
te - > SetSuppressHost ( NULL ) ;
CheckTraceHullAttack ( asw_marine_melee_distance . GetFloat ( ) , - Vector ( 16 , 16 , 32 ) , Vector ( 16 , 16 , 32 ) , iDamage , DMG_CLUB , flForce , true ) ;
if ( g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
te - > SetSuppressHost ( ( CBaseEntity * ) ent ) ;
CBaseEntity * CASW_Marine : : CheckTraceHullAttack ( float flDist , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , int iDamage , int iDmgType , float forceScale , bool bDamageAnyNPC )
// If only a length is given assume we want to trace in our facing direction
Vector forward ;
AngleVectors ( GetAbsAngles ( ) , & forward ) ;
Vector vStart = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
// The ideal place to start the trace is in the center of the attacker's bounding box.
// however, we need to make sure there's enough clearance. Some of the smaller monsters aren't
// as big as the hull we try to trace with. (SJB)
float flVerticalOffset = WorldAlignSize ( ) . z * 0.5 ;
if ( flVerticalOffset < maxs . z )
// There isn't enough room to trace this hull, it's going to drag the ground.
// so make the vertical offset just enough to clear the ground.
flVerticalOffset = maxs . z + 1.0 ;
vStart . z + = flVerticalOffset ;
Vector vEnd = vStart + ( forward * flDist ) ;
// asw - make melee attacks trace below us too, so it's possible hard to hit things just below you on a slope
Vector low_mins = mins ;
low_mins . z - = 30 ;
return CheckTraceHullAttack ( vStart , vEnd , low_mins , maxs , iDamage , iDmgType , forceScale , bDamageAnyNPC ) ;
// asw note: same as CBaseCombatCharacter version, but we use our custom melee trace filter so the victim can bleed and we can kick our own grenades
CBaseEntity * CASW_Marine : : CheckTraceHullAttack ( const Vector & vStart , const Vector & vEnd , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , int iDamage , int iDmgType , float flForceScale , bool bDamageAnyNPC )
// Handy debuging tool to visualize HullAttack trace
if ( ai_show_hull_attacks . GetBool ( ) )
float length = ( vEnd - vStart ) . Length ( ) ;
Vector direction = ( vEnd - vStart ) ;
VectorNormalize ( direction ) ;
Vector hullMaxs = maxs ;
hullMaxs . x = length + hullMaxs . x ;
NDebugOverlay : : BoxDirection ( vStart , mins , hullMaxs , direction , 100 , 255 , 255 , 20 , 1.0 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : BoxDirection ( vStart , mins , maxs , direction , 255 , 0 , 0 , 20 , 1.0 ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo ( this , this , iDamage , iDmgType ) ;
CASW_Trace_Filter_Melee traceFilter ( this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & dmgInfo , flForceScale , bDamageAnyNPC ) ;
Ray_t ray ;
ray . Init ( vStart , vEnd , mins , maxs ) ;
trace_t tr ;
enginetrace - > TraceRay ( ray , MASK_SHOT_HULL , & traceFilter , & tr ) ;
CBaseEntity * pEntity = traceFilter . m_pHit ;
// do an impact effect for kicking some things
if ( traceFilter . m_hBestHit . Get ( ) )
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) , traceFilter . m_hBestHit - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) , // check center to center
if ( tr . DidHit ( ) )
CASW_Door * pDoor = dynamic_cast < CASW_Door * > ( tr . m_pEnt ) ; // doors make their own bash sounds, so skip an impact trace vs them
if ( ! pDoor & & ! traceFilter . m_hBestHit - > IsNPC ( ) )
UTIL_ImpactTrace ( & tr , iDmgType ) ;
else // didn't hit anything, just do a general trace
Vector forward , right , up , v ;
v = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
QAngle ang = GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
AngleVectors ( ang , & forward , & right , & up ) ;
v = v + up * 45 ;
Vector vecKickSrc = v
- forward * 1
+ right * 1 ;
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecKickSrc , vecKickSrc + forward * 50 ,
if ( tr . DidHit ( ) )
CASW_Door * pDoor = dynamic_cast < CASW_Door * > ( tr . m_pEnt ) ; // doors make their own bash sounds, so skip an impact trace vs them
if ( ! pDoor & & ! tr . m_pEnt - > IsNPC ( ) )
UTIL_ImpactTrace ( & tr , iDmgType ) ;
return pEntity ;
} */
// marines always move efficiently`
void CASW_Marine : : UpdateEfficiency ( bool bInPVS )
// Sleeping NPCs always dormant
if ( GetSleepState ( ) ! = AISS_AWAKE )
SetEfficiency ( AIE_DORMANT ) ;
return ;
SetEfficiency ( AIE_NORMAL ) ;
SetMoveEfficiency ( AIME_NORMAL ) ;
float CASW_Marine : : GetIdealAccel ( ) const
return GetIdealSpeed ( ) * asw_marine_ai_acceleration . GetFloat ( ) ;
float CASW_Marine : : MaxYawSpeed ( void )
if ( GetEnemy ( ) )
return 45.0f ;
if ( m_vecFacingPointFromServer . Get ( ) ! = vec3_origin | | m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) )
return 24.0f ;
return 8.0f ;
# define GROUNDTURRET_BEAM_SPRITE "materials / effects / bluelaser2.vmt"
void CASW_Marine : : Scan ( )
if ( IsInhabited ( ) | | GetASWOrders ( ) ! = ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION | | ! asw_marine_scan_beams . GetBool ( ) )
return ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > = m_flTimeNextScanPing )
m_flTimeNextScanPing = gpGlobals - > curtime + 1.0f ;
QAngle scanAngle ;
Vector forward ;
Vector vecEye = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ; // + m_vecLightOffset;
// Draw the outer extents
scanAngle = GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
scanAngle . y + = ( GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f ) ;
AngleVectors ( scanAngle , & forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
ProjectBeam ( vecEye , forward , 1 , 30 , 0.1 ) ;
scanAngle = GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
scanAngle . y - = ( GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f ) ;
AngleVectors ( scanAngle , & forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
ProjectBeam ( vecEye , forward , 1 , 30 , 0.1 ) ;
// Draw a sweeping beam
scanAngle = GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
scanAngle . y + = ( GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f ) * sin ( gpGlobals - > curtime * 3.0f ) ;
AngleVectors ( scanAngle , & forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
ProjectBeam ( vecEye , forward , 1 , 30 , 0.3 ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : ProjectBeam ( const Vector & vecStart , const Vector & vecDir , int width , int brightness , float duration )
CBeam * pBeam ;
pBeam = CBeam : : BeamCreate ( GROUNDTURRET_BEAM_SPRITE , width ) ;
if ( ! pBeam )
return ;
trace_t tr ;
AI_TraceLine ( vecStart , vecStart + vecDir * 768.0f , MASK_SHOT , this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
pBeam - > SetStartPos ( tr . endpos ) ;
pBeam - > SetEndPos ( tr . startpos ) ;
pBeam - > SetWidth ( width ) ;
pBeam - > SetEndWidth ( 0.1 ) ;
pBeam - > SetFadeLength ( 16 ) ;
pBeam - > SetBrightness ( brightness ) ;
pBeam - > SetColor ( 0 , 145 + random - > RandomInt ( - 16 , 16 ) , 255 ) ;
pBeam - > RelinkBeam ( ) ;
pBeam - > LiveForTime ( duration ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : ASW_Ignite ( float flFlameLifetime , float flSize , CBaseEntity * pAttacker , CBaseEntity * pDamagingWeapon /*= NULL */ )
if ( ! ASWGameRules ( ) )
return ;
// set flame life time by the game difficulty
int iDiff = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetSkillLevel ( ) ;
if ( iDiff = = 1 )
flFlameLifetime * = asw_marine_burn_time_easy . GetFloat ( ) ;
else if ( iDiff = = 2 )
flFlameLifetime * = asw_marine_burn_time_normal . GetFloat ( ) ;
else if ( iDiff = = 3 )
flFlameLifetime * = asw_marine_burn_time_hard . GetFloat ( ) ;
else if ( iDiff = = 4 )
flFlameLifetime * = asw_marine_burn_time_insane . GetFloat ( ) ;
if ( m_flFirstBurnTime = = 0 )
m_flFirstBurnTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// if this is an env_fire trying to burn us, ignore the grace period that the AllowedToIgnite function does
// we want env_fires to always ignite the marine immediately so they can be used as dangerous blockers in levels
CFire * pFire = dynamic_cast < CFire * > ( pAttacker ) ;
if ( AllowedToIgnite ( ) | | pFire )
if ( IsOnFire ( ) )
return ;
// scream about being on fire
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > PersonalChatter ( CHATTER_ON_FIRE ) ;
AddFlag ( FL_ONFIRE ) ;
m_bOnFire = true ;
if ( ASWBurning ( ) )
ASWBurning ( ) - > BurnEntity ( this , pAttacker , flFlameLifetime , 0.4f , 10.0f * 0.4f , pDamagingWeapon ) ; // 10 dps, applied every 0.4 seconds
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_ignited " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
m_OnIgnite . FireOutput ( this , this ) ;
m_flLastBurnTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
void CASW_Marine : : Ignite ( float flFlameLifetime , bool bNPCOnly , float flSize , bool bCalledByLevelDesigner )
return ; // use ASW_Ignite instead;
void CASW_Marine : : Extinguish ( )
if ( m_bOnFire )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_extinguished " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
m_bOnFire = false ;
if ( ASWBurning ( ) )
ASWBurning ( ) - > Extinguish ( this ) ;
RemoveFlag ( FL_ONFIRE ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : AllowedToIgnite ( void )
if ( m_iJumpJetting . Get ( ) ! = 0 )
return false ;
if ( m_flFirstBurnTime > 0 & & ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_flFirstBurnTime ) > = asw_marine_time_until_ignite . GetFloat ( ) )
return true ;
// don't ignite, but play a flesh burn sound if we aren't on fire already
if ( ! m_bOnFire & & ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_flLastBurnSoundTime ) > 1.0f )
CASW_Player * player = GetCommander ( ) ;
if ( player )
CSingleUserRecipientFilter localfilter ( player ) ;
localfilter . MakeReliable ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( localfilter , entindex ( ) , " ASW.MarineBurnPain_NoIgnite " ) ;
m_flLastBurnSoundTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
return false ;
int CASW_Marine : : DrawDebugTextOverlays ( )
int text_offset = BaseClass : : DrawDebugTextOverlays ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT )
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " Using: %d (%s) \n " ,
m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) , m_hUsingEntity . Get ( ) ? m_hUsingEntity - > GetClassname ( ) : " " ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : EntityText ( entindex ( ) , text_offset , buffer , 0 ) ;
text_offset + + ;
if ( GetASWOrders ( ) = = ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " ASWOrders: ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION \n " ) ;
else if ( GetASWOrders ( ) = = ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " ASWOrders: ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW \n " ) ;
else if ( GetASWOrders ( ) = = ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " ASWOrders: ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO \n " ) ;
else if ( GetASWOrders ( ) = = ASW_ORDER_USE_OFFHAND_ITEM )
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " ASWOrders: ASW_ORDER_USE_OFFHAND_ITEM \n " ) ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " ASWOrders: Unknown \n " ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : EntityText ( entindex ( ) , text_offset , buffer , 0 ) ;
text_offset + + ;
Q_snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , " FF scale: %f \n " , m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : EntityText ( entindex ( ) , text_offset , buffer , 0 ) ;
text_offset + + ;
return text_offset ;
float CASW_Marine : : GetReceivedDamageScale ( CBaseEntity * pAttacker )
float flScale = 1 ;
// if we've been shot by another marine...
if ( pAttacker & & pAttacker - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
CASW_Marine * pMarine = CASW_Marine : : AsMarine ( pAttacker ) ;
if ( pMarine )
if ( ASWGameRules ( ) & & ASWGameRules ( ) - > IsHardcoreMode ( ) )
// full damage in hardcore mode
flScale = 1 ;
else if ( asw_marine_ff . GetInt ( ) = = 0 ) // FF Guard
flScale = 0.01f ;
pMarine - > ActivateFriendlyFireGuard ( this ) ;
else if ( asw_marine_ff . GetInt ( ) = = 1 ) // normal
// allow friendly fire through based on difficulty level
int diff = ASWGameRules ( ) - > GetMissionDifficulty ( ) - 5 ;
flScale = ( asw_marine_ff_dmg_base . GetFloat ( ) + asw_marine_ff_dmg_step . GetFloat ( ) * diff ) ;
else // full
// allow max friendly fire damage through, as though on mission difficulty +5
flScale = ( asw_marine_ff_dmg_base . GetFloat ( ) + asw_marine_ff_dmg_step . GetFloat ( ) * 5.0f ) ;
return flScale * BaseClass : : GetReceivedDamageScale ( pAttacker ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : ActivateFriendlyFireGuard ( CASW_Marine * pVictim )
// stops the marine from being able to fire
// todo: make wepaons check this time isn't 0, to prevent firing
m_fFFGuardTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + asw_marine_ff_guard_time . GetFloat ( ) ;
// todo: play a sound warning the player of FF
int CASW_Marine : : GetAlienMeleeFlinch ( )
return MarineSkills ( ) - > GetSkillBasedValueByMarine ( this , ASW_MARINE_SKILL_MELEE , ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_MELEE_FLINCH ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : AddPowerup ( int iType , float flExpireTime )
RemoveAllPowerups ( ) ;
// if a powerup doesn't expire, we tell the current weapon that it has the powerup
// if we want powerups that don't expire and aren't tied to a weapon's clip, we'll need to rethink this
if ( flExpireTime > gpGlobals - > curtime )
m_bPowerupExpires = true ;
m_flPowerupExpireTime = flExpireTime ;
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
return ;
pWeapon - > MakePoweredUp ( true ) ;
m_iPowerupType = iType ;
bool CASW_Marine : : HasPowerup ( int iType )
if ( m_iPowerupType = = iType )
return true ;
return false ;
void CASW_Marine : : RemoveWeaponPowerup ( CASW_Weapon * pWeapon )
if ( ! pWeapon )
return ;
if ( pWeapon - > m_bPoweredUp )
m_bPowerupExpires = false ;
pWeapon - > MakePoweredUp ( false ) ;
m_iPowerupType = - 1 ;
void CASW_Marine : : RemoveAllPowerups ( void )
m_bPowerupExpires = false ;
m_iPowerupType = - 1 ;
m_flPowerupExpireTime = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( i ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon )
continue ;
pWeapon - > MakePoweredUp ( false ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : UpdatePowerupDuration ( void )
if ( m_iPowerupType > = 0 )
if ( m_bPowerupExpires & & m_flPowerupExpireTime < = gpGlobals - > curtime )
RemoveAllPowerups ( ) ;
// test: always avoid..
void CASW_Marine : : SetPlayerAvoidState ( )
m_bPlayerAvoidState = ShouldPlayerAvoid ( ) ;
m_bPerformAvoidance = true ;
void CASW_Marine : : CheckAndRequestAmmo ( )
m_fLastAmmoCheckTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
bool bAllWeaponsOutOfAmmo = true ;
CASW_Marine * pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate = NULL ;
CASW_Marine * pActiveWpnAmmoBagSquadmate = NULL ; // send high-priority message to player that can resupply active
for ( int iWeapon = 0 ; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS ; iWeapon + + )
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( iWeapon ) ;
if ( ! pWeapon | | ! pWeapon - > IsOffensiveWeapon ( ) )
continue ;
bool bWeaponHasAmmo = ( pWeapon - > Clip1 ( ) > 0 | | GetAmmoCount ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) > 0 ) ;
bool bWeaponLowOnAmmo = ( pWeapon - > Clip1 ( ) = = 0 & & GetAmmoCount ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) < = 1 ) | |
( GetAmmoCount ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) = = 0 ) ;
bool bActiveWeapon = ( GetActiveASWWeapon ( ) = = pWeapon ) ;
if ( bWeaponHasAmmo )
bAllWeaponsOutOfAmmo = false ;
// if we have some ammo, only request it if marine is player controlled, the weapon is active, and we're low on ammo
if ( bWeaponHasAmmo & & ( ! IsInhabited ( ) | | ! bActiveWeapon | | ! bWeaponLowOnAmmo ) )
continue ;
float fClosestAmmoBagDistSqr = FLT_MAX ;
// find the closest marine who can resupply this weapon
CASW_Game_Resource * pGameResource = ASWGameResource ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pGameResource - > GetMaxMarineResources ( ) ; i + + )
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMarineResource = pGameResource - > GetMarineResource ( i ) ;
if ( ! pMarineResource )
continue ;
CASW_Marine * pSquadmate = pMarineResource - > GetMarineEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! pSquadmate | | ( pSquadmate = = this ) )
continue ;
if ( pSquadmate - > CanGiveAmmoTo ( this ) )
float fAmmoBagDistSqr = pSquadmate - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistToSqr ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
if ( fAmmoBagDistSqr < fClosestAmmoBagDistSqr )
fClosestAmmoBagDistSqr = fAmmoBagDistSqr ;
pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate = pSquadmate ; // need to save for later use
if ( pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate )
// if player controlled, we NEED ammo rather than simply wanting it
pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate - > SetCondition ( IsInhabited ( ) ? COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO : COND_SQUADMATE_WANTS_AMMO ) ;
if ( bActiveWeapon )
pActiveWpnAmmoBagSquadmate = pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate ;
if ( pActiveWpnAmmoBagSquadmate )
// if anyone can resupply our active weapon, they get the higher priority NEED condition
pActiveWpnAmmoBagSquadmate - > SetCondition ( COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO ) ;
else if ( pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate & & bAllWeaponsOutOfAmmo )
// otherwise, if we're all out of ammo, send a higher priority NEED request
pClosestAmmoBagSquadmate - > SetCondition ( COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : IsOutOfAmmo ( )
for ( int iWeapon = 0 ; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS ; iWeapon + + )
CASW_Weapon * pWeapon = GetASWWeapon ( iWeapon ) ;
if ( pWeapon & & pWeapon - > IsOffensiveWeapon ( ) & & ( pWeapon - > Clip1 ( ) > 0 | | GetAmmoCount ( pWeapon - > GetPrimaryAmmoType ( ) ) > 0 ) )
return false ;
return true ;
void CASW_Marine : : OnWeaponOutOfAmmo ( bool bChatter )
if ( bChatter & & GetMarineSpeech ( ) )
GetMarineSpeech ( ) - > Chatter ( CHATTER_NO_AMMO ) ;
bEmoteAmmo = true ;
CASW_Marine_Resource * pMR = GetMarineResource ( ) ;
if ( pMR )
char szName [ 256 ] ;
pMR - > GetDisplayName ( szName , sizeof ( szName ) ) ;
UTIL_ClientPrintAll ( ASW_HUD_PRINTTALKANDCONSOLE , " #asw_out_of_ammo " , szName ) ;
CheckAndRequestAmmo ( ) ;
// check to see if completely out of ammo on all weapons
if ( ! IsOutOfAmmo ( ) )
return ;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " marine_no_ammo " ) ;
if ( event )
CASW_Player * pPlayer = GetCommander ( ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " userid " , ( pPlayer ? pPlayer - > GetUserID ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " count " , ( pPlayer ? UTIL_ASW_NumCommandedMarines ( pPlayer ) : 0 ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
ASWFailAdvice ( ) - > OnMarineOutOfAmmo ( ) ;
// if marine has no ammo in any offensive weapon, log the position for stats
if ( GetMarineResource ( ) )
GetMarineResource ( ) - > m_vecOutOfAmmoSpot = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : PhysicsLandedOnGround ( float fFallSpeed )
float fFallVel = fabs ( fFallSpeed ) * 1.17f ; // add 17% onto the fall speed - this makes the fall speeds of AI roughly match up with the ones done by player movement
if ( GetGroundEntity ( ) ! = NULL & & GetHealth ( ) > 0 & & fFallVel > = PLAYER_FALL_PUNCH_THRESHOLD )
bool bAlive = true ;
float fvol = 0.5 ;
if ( GetWaterLevel ( ) > 0 )
// They landed in water.
// Scale it down if we landed on something that's floating...
if ( GetGroundEntity ( ) - > IsFloating ( ) )
// They hit the ground.
// If they hit the ground going this fast they may take damage (and die).
//bAlive = MoveHelper( )->PlayerFallingDamage();
# ifndef CLIENT_DLL
float fFallVelMod = fFallVel ;
float flFallDamage = fFallVelMod * DAMAGE_FOR_FALL_SPEED ;
//Msg("Marine fell with speed %f modded to %f damage is %f\n", fFallVel, fFallVelMod, flFallDamage);
if ( flFallDamage > 0 )
TakeDamage ( CTakeDamageInfo ( GetContainingEntity ( INDEXENT ( 0 ) ) , GetContainingEntity ( INDEXENT ( 0 ) ) , flFallDamage , DMG_FALL ) ) ;
CRecipientFilter filter ;
filter . AddRecipientsByPAS ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSound ( filter , entindex ( ) , " Player.FallDamage " ) ;
bAlive = GetHealth ( ) > 0 ;
# endif
fvol = 1.0 ;
else if ( fFallVel > PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED / 2 )
fvol = 0.85 ;
else if ( fFallVel < PLAYER_MIN_BOUNCE_SPEED )
fvol = 0 ;
if ( fvol > 0.0 )
// asw todo?
// Play landing sound right away.
//player->m_flStepSoundTime = 400;
// Play step sound for current texture.
//PlayStepSound( mv->m_vecAbsOrigin, m_pSurfaceData, fvol, true );
float CASW_Marine : : GetFFAbsorptionScale ( )
float fScale = 1.0f ;
if ( asw_marine_ff_absorption . GetInt ( ) = = 1 ) // ramp damage up over time
fScale = m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime * m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime ;
else if ( asw_marine_ff_absorption . GetInt ( ) = = 2 ) // ramp damage down over time
fScale = 1.0f - ( m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime * m_fFriendlyFireAbsorptionTime ) ;
fScale = 0.05f + 0.95f * fScale ; // always do a minimum % damage
return fScale ;
void CASW_Marine : : Stumble ( CBaseEntity * pSource , const Vector & vecStumbleDir , bool bShort )
if ( ! pSource | | GetForcedActionRequest ( ) ! = 0 )
return ;
if ( pSource - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_SHIELDBUG ) // don't stumble from shieldbugs, they do knockdowns instead
return ;
if ( pSource - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE ) // don't stumble from friendly fire
return ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime < m_flNextStumbleTime )
return ;
//vecStumbleDir.z = 0;
QAngle staggerAngles ;
VectorAngles ( vecStumbleDir , staggerAngles ) ;
float yawDelta = AngleNormalize ( GetAbsAngles ( ) [ YAW ] - staggerAngles [ YAW ] ) ;
if ( yawDelta < = 45 & & yawDelta > = - 45 )
else if ( yawDelta > 45 & & yawDelta < 135 )
else if ( yawDelta < - 45 & & yawDelta > - 135 )
SetNextStumbleTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime + asw_stumble_interval . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : Knockdown ( CBaseEntity * pSource , const Vector & vecImpulse , bool bForce )
if ( ! pSource )
return ;
// already knocked down
if ( GetForcedActionRequest ( ) > = FORCED_ACTION_KNOCKDOWN_FORWARD & & GetForcedActionRequest ( ) < = FORCED_ACTION_KNOCKDOWN_BACKWARD )
return ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime < m_flNextStumbleTime & & ! bForce )
return ;
Vector vecKnockdownDir = vecImpulse . Normalized ( ) ;
QAngle staggerAngles ;
VectorAngles ( vecKnockdownDir , staggerAngles ) ;
float yawDelta = AngleNormalize ( GetAbsAngles ( ) [ YAW ] - staggerAngles [ YAW ] ) ;
//Msg( "yawDelta = %f marine angles = %f staggerangles = %f\n", yawDelta, GetAbsAngles()[YAW], staggerAngles[YAW] );
if ( yawDelta < = 90 & & yawDelta > = - 90 )
ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse ( vecImpulse ) ;
m_flKnockdownYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw ( vecKnockdownDir ) ;
SetNextStumbleTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime + asw_knockdown_interval . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : ModifyOrAppendCriteria ( AI_CriteriaSet & set )
BaseClass : : ModifyOrAppendCriteria ( set ) ;
set . AppendCriteria ( " who " , GetResponseRulesName ( ) ) ;
const char * CASW_Marine : : GetResponseRulesName ( )
// a little roundabout for now because we amateurishly
// have to store criteria values as strings (argh)
return AI_CriteriaSet : : SymbolToStr ( GetMarineProfile ( ) - > m_nResponseRulesName ) ;
CASW_Marine * CASW_Marine : : GetSquadLeader ( )
CASW_SquadFormation * RESTRICT psquad = GetSquadFormation ( ) ;
return ( psquad ? psquad - > Leader ( ) : NULL ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : OnWeaponFired ( const CBaseEntity * pWeapon , int nShotsFired , bool bIsSecondary /*= false */ )
if ( ! pWeapon )
return ;
// Fire weapon fired event for gamestats
CASW_GameStats . Event_MarineWeaponFired ( pWeapon , this , nShotsFired , bIsSecondary ) ;
ConVar asw_marine_debug_movement ( " asw_marine_debug_movement " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Debug overall marine movement direction " ) ;
void CASW_Marine : : AddPositionHistory ( )
const float flToleranceSqr = asw_movement_direction_tolerance . GetFloat ( ) * asw_movement_direction_tolerance . GetFloat ( ) ;
// check we don't have an entry for this spot already
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_MARINE_HISTORY_POSITIONS ; i + + )
if ( m_PositionHistory [ i ] . flTime ! = 0.0f & & m_PositionHistory [ i ] . vecPosition . DistToSqr ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) < flToleranceSqr )
if ( asw_marine_debug_movement . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " too near pos history %d distsq %f \n " , i , m_PositionHistory [ i ] . vecPosition . DistToSqr ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ) ;
float flMoveYaw = GetOverallMovementDirection ( ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : YawArrow ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 10 ) , flMoveYaw , 64 , 16 , 255 , 255 , 64 , 0 , true , asw_movement_direction_interval . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Moveyaw = %f \n " , flMoveYaw ) ;
return ;
m_nPositionHistoryTail + + ;
if ( m_nPositionHistoryTail > = ASW_MARINE_HISTORY_POSITIONS )
m_nPositionHistoryTail = 0 ;
m_PositionHistory [ m_nPositionHistoryTail ] . vecPosition = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
m_PositionHistory [ m_nPositionHistoryTail ] . flTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
if ( asw_marine_debug_movement . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Stored positioned [%d] = %f %f %f \n " , m_nPositionHistoryTail , VectorExpand ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Cross ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , 10 , 255 , 255 , 0 , false , asw_movement_direction_interval . GetFloat ( ) * 5.0f ) ;
float flMoveYaw = GetOverallMovementDirection ( ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : YawArrow ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 10 ) , flMoveYaw , 64 , 16 , 255 , 255 , 64 , 0 , true , asw_movement_direction_interval . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Moveyaw = %f \n " , flMoveYaw ) ;
float CASW_Marine : : GetOverallMovementDirection ( )
// take average of position histories
int nCount = 0 ;
Vector vecPos = vec3_origin ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_MARINE_HISTORY_POSITIONS ; i + + )
if ( m_PositionHistory [ i ] . flTime ! = 0.0f )
vecPos + = m_PositionHistory [ i ] . vecPosition ;
nCount + + ;
if ( nCount = = 0 )
return 90.0f ;
Vector vecSmoothedPosition = vecPos / ( float ) nCount ;
if ( asw_marine_debug_movement . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Found %d positions in history. total vec = %f %f %f \n " , nCount , VectorExpand ( vecPos ) ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) , vecSmoothedPosition , 255 , 0 , 0 , false , 1.0f ) ;
return UTIL_VecToYaw ( ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) - vecSmoothedPosition ) . Normalized ( ) ) ;
bool CASW_Marine : : TeleportStuckMarine ( )
2024-08-29 19:27:02 -04:00
// Aim in the direction of the last saved position
Vector vToPrev = m_PositionHistory [ m_nPositionHistoryTail ] . vecPosition - GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vToPrev ) ;
// Add some upward push
vToPrev . z = 1.0f ;
VectorNormalize ( vToPrev ) ;
Vector vOldPos = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
bool bSuccess = UTIL_FindClosestPassableSpace ( this , vToPrev , MASK_PLAYERSOLID , NULL , FL_AXIS_DIRECTION_NZ ) ;
if ( bSuccess )
DevMsg ( " Unstuck marine from (%.2f %.2f %.2f) to (%.2f %.2f %.2f). \n " , vOldPos . x , vOldPos . y , vOldPos . z , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . x , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . y , GetAbsOrigin ( ) . z ) ;
trace_t tr ;
Ray_t ray ;
ray . Init ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMins ( ) , CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMaxs ( ) ) ;
if ( ( tr . contents & MASK_PLAYERSOLID ) & & tr . m_pEnt )
// still stuck
return TeleportToFreeNode ( ) ;
return bSuccess ;
bool CASW_Marine : : TeleportToFreeNode ( )
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
// now find the nearest clear info node
CAI_Node * pNode = NULL ;
CAI_Node * pNearest = NULL ;
float fNearestDist = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetNavigator ( ) - > GetNetwork ( ) - > NumNodes ( ) ; i + + )
pNode = GetNavigator ( ) - > GetNetwork ( ) - > GetNode ( i ) ;
if ( ! pNode )
continue ;
float dist = GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistTo ( pNode - > GetOrigin ( ) ) ;
if ( dist < fNearestDist | | fNearestDist = = - 1 )
// check the spot is clear
Vector vecPos = pNode - > GetOrigin ( ) ;
trace_t tr ;
UTIL_TraceHull ( vecPos ,
vecPos + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ,
CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMins ( ) ,
CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMaxs ( ) ,
this ,
& tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction = = 1.0 )
fNearestDist = dist ;
pNearest = pNode ;
// found a valid node, teleport there
if ( pNearest )
Vector vecPos = pNearest - > GetOrigin ( ) ;
Teleport ( & vecPos , NULL , & vec3_origin ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
CBaseTrigger * CASW_Marine : : IsInEscapeVolume ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_aEscapeObjectives . Count ( ) ; i + + )
CBaseTrigger * pTrigger = g_aEscapeObjectives [ i ] - > GetTrigger ( ) ;
if ( pTrigger & & pTrigger - > IsTouching ( this ) )
return pTrigger ;
return NULL ;