2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
# include "cbase.h"
# include "asw_lag_compensation.h"
# include "asw_player.h"
# include "asw_marine.h"
# include "inetchannelinfo.h"
# include "ai_basenpc.h"
# include "asw_game_resource.h"
# include "asw_marine_resource.h"
# include "asw_lag_compensation.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CUtlVector < CASW_Lag_Compensation * > g_LagCompensatingEntities ;
bool CASW_Lag_Compensation : : s_bInLagCompensation = false ;
CBasePlayer * CASW_Lag_Compensation : : s_pLagCompensatingPlayer = NULL ;
ConVar asw_alien_unlag ( " asw_alien_unlag " , " 1 " , 0 , " Unlag alien positions by player's ping " ) ;
extern ConVar sv_maxunlag ;
extern ConVar sv_showlagcompensation ;
CASW_Lag_Compensation : : CASW_Lag_Compensation ( )
g_LagCompensatingEntities . AddToTail ( this ) ;
m_iPositionHistoryTail = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_LAG_NUM_POSITION_HISTORY_SAMPLES ; i + + )
m_vecPositionHistory [ i ] = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_fPositionHistoryTime [ i ] = 0 ;
m_vecRealPosition = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_bSetRealPosition = false ;
m_fRealSimulationTime = 0 ;
m_hOwnerEntity = NULL ;
CASW_Lag_Compensation : : ~ CASW_Lag_Compensation ( )
g_LagCompensatingEntities . FindAndRemove ( this ) ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : Init ( CBaseAnimating * pOwner )
m_hOwnerEntity = pOwner ;
CAI_BaseNPC * CASW_Lag_Compensation : : GetOwnerNPC ( )
if ( ! m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) | | ! m_hOwnerEntity - > IsNPC ( ) )
return NULL ;
return static_cast < CAI_BaseNPC * > ( m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) ) ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : StorePositionHistory ( )
if ( ! m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) | | ! asw_alien_unlag . GetBool ( ) )
return ;
if ( GetOwnerNPC ( ) & & GetOwnerNPC ( ) - > GetSleepState ( ) ! = AISS_AWAKE )
return ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_fPositionHistoryTime [ m_iPositionHistoryTail ] < ASW_LAG_MIN_SAMPLE_TIME_DIFFERENCE )
return ;
m_iPositionHistoryTail + + ;
if ( m_iPositionHistoryTail > = ASW_LAG_NUM_POSITION_HISTORY_SAMPLES )
m_iPositionHistoryTail = 0 ;
m_vecPositionHistory [ m_iPositionHistoryTail ] = m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
m_fPositionHistoryTime [ m_iPositionHistoryTail ] = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
const Vector & CASW_Lag_Compensation : : GetLaggedPosition ( const float fLaggedTime )
if ( ! m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) )
return vec3_origin ;
if ( GetOwnerNPC ( ) & & GetOwnerNPC ( ) - > GetSleepState ( ) ! = AISS_AWAKE )
return m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
int iCurrentIndex = m_iPositionHistoryTail ;
int iChosenIndex = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_LAG_NUM_POSITION_HISTORY_SAMPLES ; i + + ) // go through all our history samples and find the oldest one that's just past the lagged time requested
if ( m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iCurrentIndex ] = = 0 ) // this isn't a real index
break ;
iChosenIndex = iCurrentIndex ; // it's a real sample, so we might use this one
if ( m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iCurrentIndex ] < = fLaggedTime ) // if the sample is behind our lagged time, then stop, we'll use this one
break ;
iCurrentIndex - - ; // count the index back
if ( iCurrentIndex = = - 1 ) // loop around if we need to
static Vector vecResult ;
vecResult = m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
if ( iChosenIndex ! = - 1 ) // if we found an index, then work out what % of the movement we need to do based on the difference between now and the lagged time
const float base = ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iChosenIndex ] ) ;
if ( base < = 0 ) // if our only sample is 'now' then we can't do any lag compensation
return vecResult ;
const float fFraction = ( gpGlobals - > curtime - fLaggedTime ) / base ;
vecResult = m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) +
( m_vecPositionHistory [ iChosenIndex ] - m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) * fFraction ;
return vecResult ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : MoveToLaggedPosition ( const float fLaggedTime )
if ( ! m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) )
return ;
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// if entity is attached to a marine, don't do lag compensation (fixes parasites detaching when the marine is shot)
if ( m_hOwnerEntity - > GetMoveParent ( ) & & m_hOwnerEntity - > GetMoveParent ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
return ;
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
if ( GetOwnerNPC ( ) & & GetOwnerNPC ( ) - > GetSleepState ( ) ! = AISS_AWAKE )
return ;
int iCurrentIndex = m_iPositionHistoryTail ;
int iChosenIndex = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ASW_LAG_NUM_POSITION_HISTORY_SAMPLES ; i + + ) // go through all our history samples and find the oldest one that's just past the lagged time requested
if ( m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iCurrentIndex ] = = 0 ) // this isn't a real index
break ;
iChosenIndex = iCurrentIndex ; // it's a real sample, so we might use this one
if ( m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iCurrentIndex ] < = fLaggedTime ) // if the sample is behind our lagged time, then stop, we'll use this one
break ;
iCurrentIndex - - ; // count the index back
if ( iCurrentIndex = = - 1 ) // loop around if we need to
if ( iChosenIndex ! = - 1 ) // if we found an index, then work out what % of the movement we need to do based on the difference between now and the lagged time
const float base = ( gpGlobals - > curtime - m_fPositionHistoryTime [ iChosenIndex ] ) ;
if ( base < = 0 ) // if our only sample is 'now' then we can't do any lag compensation
return ;
const float fFraction = ( gpGlobals - > curtime - fLaggedTime ) / base ;
m_vecRealPosition = m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ; // store our real position, so we can restore it once lag compensation is done
m_fRealSimulationTime = m_hOwnerEntity - > GetSimulationTime ( ) ;
const Vector vecNewPos = m_vecRealPosition +
( m_vecPositionHistory [ iChosenIndex ] - m_vecRealPosition ) * fFraction ;
m_bSetRealPosition = true ;
if ( asw_alien_unlag . GetInt ( ) < 2 )
m_hOwnerEntity - > SetAbsOrigin ( vecNewPos ) ; // move us to the lagged position
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : UndoLaggedPosition ( )
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if ( ! m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) )
return ;
// if entity is attached to a marine, don't do lag compensation (fixes parasites detaching when the marine is shot)
if ( m_hOwnerEntity - > GetMoveParent ( ) & & m_hOwnerEntity - > GetMoveParent ( ) - > Classify ( ) = = CLASS_ASW_MARINE )
return ;
if ( m_bSetRealPosition )
2024-08-29 19:18:30 -04:00
m_hOwnerEntity - > SetAbsOrigin ( m_vecRealPosition ) ;
m_hOwnerEntity - > SetSimulationTime ( m_fRealSimulationTime ) ;
m_bSetRealPosition = false ;
Vector CASW_Lag_Compensation : : GetLagCompensationOffset ( )
if ( ! m_bSetRealPosition )
return vec3_origin ;
return m_vecRealPosition - m_hOwnerEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : AllowLagCompensation ( CBasePlayer * player )
s_pLagCompensatingPlayer = player ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : RequestLagCompensation ( CASW_Player * player , const CUserCmd * cmd )
if ( player ! = s_pLagCompensatingPlayer )
return ;
if ( ! player
| | ! player - > m_bLagCompensation // Player not wanting lag compensation
| | ( gpGlobals - > maxClients < = 1 ) // no lag compensation in single player
| | ! asw_alien_unlag . GetBool ( ) // disabled by server admin
| | player - > IsBot ( ) // not for bots
//|| player->IsObserver() // not for spectators
return ;
if ( s_bInLagCompensation )
return ;
s_bInLagCompensation = true ;
// Get true latency
// correct is the amout of time we have to correct game time
float correct = 0.0f ;
INetChannelInfo * nci = engine - > GetPlayerNetInfo ( player - > entindex ( ) ) ;
if ( nci )
// add network latency
correct + = nci - > GetLatency ( FLOW_OUTGOING ) ;
// calc number of view interpolation ticks - 1
int lerpTicks = TIME_TO_TICKS ( player - > m_fLerpTime ) ;
// add view interpolation latency see C_BaseEntity::GetInterpolationAmount()
correct + = TICKS_TO_TIME ( lerpTicks ) ;
// check bouns [0,sv_maxunlag]
correct = clamp ( correct , 0.0f , sv_maxunlag . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
// correct tick send by player
int targettick = cmd - > tick_count - lerpTicks ;
// calc difference between tick send by player and our latency based tick
float deltaTime = correct - TICKS_TO_TIME ( gpGlobals - > tickcount - targettick ) ;
if ( fabs ( deltaTime ) > 0.2f )
// difference between cmd time and latency is too big > 200ms, use time correction based on latency
// DevMsg("StartLagCompensation: delta too big (%.3f)\n", deltaTime );
targettick = gpGlobals - > tickcount - TIME_TO_TICKS ( correct ) ;
// check the player has enough lag to warrant doing the work of lag compensation
const float fLaggedTime = TICKS_TO_TIME ( targettick ) ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime - fLaggedTime < ASW_MIN_LAG_TIME )
return ;
CASW_Marine * pMarine = player - > GetMarine ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_LagCompensatingEntities . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( g_LagCompensatingEntities [ i ] - > m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) = = pMarine ) // don't lag compensate my own marine
continue ;
g_LagCompensatingEntities [ i ] - > MoveToLaggedPosition ( fLaggedTime ) ;
if ( sv_showlagcompensation . GetInt ( ) = = 1 )
CBaseAnimating * pAnim = g_LagCompensatingEntities [ i ] - > m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) ;
if ( pAnim )
pAnim - > DrawServerHitboxes ( 4 , true ) ;
void CASW_Lag_Compensation : : FinishLagCompensation ( )
if ( ! s_bInLagCompensation )
return ;
s_bInLagCompensation = false ;
s_pLagCompensatingPlayer = NULL ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_LagCompensatingEntities . Count ( ) ; i + + )
g_LagCompensatingEntities [ i ] - > UndoLaggedPosition ( ) ;