
184 lines
5.0 KiB

new SimGroup(MissionGroup) {
new ScriptObject(MissionInfo) {
artist = "Kevin";
name = "Kevin\'s Powerup Course";
level = "2";
type = "Beginner";
startHelpText = "Use the Gyrocopter to collect a gem then roll to the finish with the Super speed";
goldTime = "15000";
desc = "Use the powerups to collect the gems then head to the finish";
new MissionArea(MissionArea) {
Area = "-360 -648 720 1296";
flightCeiling = "300";
flightCeilingRange = "20";
locked = "true";
new Sky(Sky) {
position = "336 136 0";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
materialList = "~/data/skies/sky_day.dml";
cloudHeightPer[0] = "0.349971";
cloudHeightPer[1] = "0.3";
cloudHeightPer[2] = "0.199973";
cloudSpeed1 = "0.0005";
cloudSpeed2 = "0.001";
cloudSpeed3 = "0.0003";
visibleDistance = "500";
fogDistance = "300";
fogColor = "0.600000 0.600000 0.600000 1.000000";
fogStorm1 = "0";
fogStorm2 = "0";
fogStorm3 = "0";
fogVolume1 = "0 0 0";
fogVolume2 = "0 0 0";
fogVolume3 = "0 0 0";
fogVolumeColor1 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 -222768174765569861149077900047473967104.000000";
fogVolumeColor2 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000";
fogVolumeColor3 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 -170698929442160049016675429178998259712.000000";
windVelocity = "1 1 0";
windEffectPrecipitation = "1";
SkySolidColor = "0.600000 0.600000 0.600000 1.000000";
useSkyTextures = "1";
renderBottomTexture = "1";
noRenderBans = "1";
locked = "true";
new Sun() {
direction = "-0.473121 -0.225982 -0.851521";
color = "1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 1.000000";
ambient = "0.300000 0.300000 0.400000 1.000000";
locked = "true";
scale = "1 1 1";
position = "0 0 0";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
new SimGroup(CheckPoints) {
new StaticShape(StartPoint) {
position = "35.7087 -0.988139 497.097";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "StartPad";
new StaticShape(EndPoint) {
position = "1.36303 -61.2232 480.72";
rotation = "0 0 1 229.366";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "EndPad";
new Item() {
position = "35.6683 -3.68907 497.753";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new InteriorInstance() {
position = "23.6907 2.98635 496.879";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
interiorFile = "~/data/interiors/beginner/training_jewel.dif";
showTerrainInside = "0";
locked = "true";
new Item() {
position = "1.8584 -8.45332 497.27";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "SuperSpeedItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new Item() {
position = "3.97823 12.0277 496.941";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "HelicopterItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new Item() {
position = "4.21199 7.61776 499.849";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "GemItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new InteriorInstance() {
position = "1.41073 -60.4028 480.509";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
interiorFile = "~/data/interiors/addon/smallplatform.dif";
showTerrainInside = "0";
new ScriptObject() {
pad = "1918";
bonusTime = "0";
time = "0";
gemCount = "0";
powerUp = "0";
penaltyTime = "0";
new Item() {
position = "-1.15599 7.60256 500.165";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "GemItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new Item() {
position = "10.9432 0.198442 497.474";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "SuperJumpItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new Item() {
position = "11.0185 -2.26371 505.634";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "GemItem";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";
new ScriptObject() {
pad = "2596";
bonusTime = "0";
time = "0";
gemCount = "0";
powerUp = "0";
penaltyTime = "0";
new AudioProfile(MusicProfile) {
fileName = "~/data/sound/Shell.ogg";
description = "AudioMusic";
preload = "0";
new Item() {
position = "12.0778 4.07168 513.848";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "EasterEgg";
collideable = "0";
static = "1";
rotate = "1";