//--- OBJECT WRITE BEGIN --- new GuiControl(WorldEditorSettingsDlg) { profile = "GuiModelessDialogProfile"; horizSizing = "right"; vertSizing = "bottom"; position = "0 0"; extent = "640 480"; minExtent = "8 8"; visible = "1"; helpTag = "0"; new GuiWindowCtrl() { profile = "GuiWindowProfile"; horizSizing = "center"; vertSizing = "center"; position = "90 55"; extent = "459 370"; minExtent = "8 8"; visible = "1"; helpTag = "0"; text = "WorldEditor Settings"; maxLength = "255"; resizeWidth = "0"; resizeHeight = "0"; canMove = "1"; canClose = "0"; canMinimize = "0"; canMaximize = "0"; minSize = "50 50"; closeCommand = "Canvas.popDialog(WorldEditorSettingsDlg);"; new GuiButtonCtrl() { profile = "GuiButtonProfile"; horizSizing = "right"; vertSizing = "bottom"; position = "307 332"; extent = "80 20"; minExtent = "8 8"; visible = "1"; command = "Canvas.popDialog(WorldEditorSettingsDlg);"; helpTag = "0"; text = "OK"; groupNum = "-1"; buttonType = "PushButton"; }; new GuiControl(WESettingsGeneralTab) { profile = "GuiWindowProfile"; 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