//--- OBJECT WRITE BEGIN --- new SimGroup(MissionGroup) { new ScriptObject(MissionInfo) { type = "Intermediate"; startHelpText = "Collect the gems"; desc = "Welcome to the jungle!"; goldTime = "50000"; name = "Jungle"; level = "3"; }; new MissionArea(MissionArea) { Area = "-360 -648 720 1296"; flightCeiling = "300"; flightCeilingRange = "20"; locked = "true"; }; new Sky(Sky) { position = "336 136 0"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; materialList = "~/data/skies/intermediate/sky_day.dml"; cloudHeightPer[0] = "0"; cloudHeightPer[1] = "0"; cloudHeightPer[2] = "0"; cloudSpeed1 = "0.0001"; cloudSpeed2 = "0.0002"; cloudSpeed3 = "0.0003"; visibleDistance = "500"; fogDistance = "300"; fogColor = "0.600000 0.600000 0.600000 1.000000"; fogStorm1 = "0"; fogStorm2 = "0"; fogStorm3 = "0"; fogVolume1 = "-1 7.45949e-31 1.3684e-38"; fogVolume2 = "-1 1.07208e-14 8.756e-14"; fogVolume3 = "-1 5.1012e-10 2.05098e-08"; fogVolumeColor1 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000"; fogVolumeColor2 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000004"; fogVolumeColor3 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 14435505.000000"; windVelocity = "1 0 0"; windEffectPrecipitation = "0"; SkySolidColor = "0.600000 0.600000 0.600000 1.000000"; useSkyTextures = "1"; renderBottomTexture = "1"; noRenderBans = "1"; }; new Sun() { direction = "0.545417 -0.358918 -0.757428"; color = "1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 1.000000"; ambient = "0.300000 0.300000 0.400000 1.000000"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "0 0 0"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "~/data/interiors/xbox/urban_jungle_xbox.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new StaticShape(StartPoint) { position = "-83 -17 22"; rotation = "0 0 1 90"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StartPad"; }; new StaticShape(EndPoint) { position = "-83 -23 22"; rotation = "0 0 -1 90"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "EndPad"; }; new Item() { position = "83 7 -16"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GemItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "11 17 2"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GemItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "28 33 -12"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GemItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "-15 -31 10"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GemItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "-50 -20 14"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SuperJumpItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "34 -34 -4"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GemItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "65 -11 -16"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SuperJumpItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "27 -27 16"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "HelicopterItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Trigger(Bounds) { position = "-89.5 41.5 -21.5837"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "179 83 131.096"; dataBlock = "InBoundsTrigger"; polyhedron = "0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000"; }; new Trigger() { position = "-99.6667 52.1628 -20.0655"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "90.4598 90.6029 18.3236"; dataBlock = "OutOfBoundsTrigger"; polyhedron = "0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "-82.7298 -23.3251 28.0223"; rotation = "0 0 1 55.0039"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SignFinish"; }; new Item() { position = "-2.01179 -8.92377 28.5687"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "1.5308 -5.07765 28.617"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "60.8952 13.124 8.52161"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "64.7587 17.201 8.53144"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "70.9778 15.1011 31.9171"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "HelicopterItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "46.5026 -11.38 -0.553632"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "34.6709 -10.8193 -0.407708"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TimeTravelItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new ScriptObject() { time = "0"; gemCount = "0"; powerUp = "0"; penaltyTime = "0"; pad = "1980"; bonusTime = "0"; }; new ScriptObject() { time = "0"; gemCount = "0"; powerUp = "0"; penaltyTime = "0"; pad = "10497"; bonusTime = "0"; }; new Item() { position = "33.4013 8.37694 -2.23392"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "HelicopterItem"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; new AudioProfile(MusicProfile) { fileName = "~/data/sound/Shell.ogg"; description = "AudioMusic"; preload = "0"; }; new Item() { position = "0.206897 -6.64824 27.2633"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "EasterEgg"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "1"; }; }; //--- OBJECT WRITE END ---