#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Build plugins examples for the host OS/ARCH # set -eu -o pipefail # Disable CGO - we don't need it for these plugins. # # Important: this must be done before sourcing "./scripts/build/.variables", # because some other variables are conditionally set whether CGO is enabled. export CGO_ENABLED=0 source ./scripts/build/.variables for p in cli-plugins/examples/* "$@" ; do [ -d "$p" ] || continue n=$(basename "$p") TARGET_PLUGIN="$(dirname "${TARGET}")/plugins-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}/docker-${n}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${TARGET_PLUGIN}")" echo "Building $GO_LINKMODE $(basename "${TARGET_PLUGIN}")" (set -x ; GO111MODULE=auto go build -o "${TARGET_PLUGIN}" -tags "${GO_BUILDTAGS}" -ldflags "${GO_LDFLAGS}" "github.com/docker/cli/${p}") done