[![asciicinema example](https://asciinema.org/a/gPEIEo1NzmDTUu2bEPsUboqmU.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/gPEIEo1NzmDTUu2bEPsUboqmU) # BuildKit [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/moby/buildkit?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/moby/buildkit/client/llb) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/moby/buildkit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/moby/buildkit) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/moby/buildkit)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/moby/buildkit) BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. Key features: - Automatic garbage collection - Extendable frontend formats - Concurrent dependency resolution - Efficient instruction caching - Build cache import/export - Nested build job invocations - Distributable workers - Multiple output formats - Pluggable architecture - Execution without root privileges Read the proposal from https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/32925 Introductory blog post https://blog.mobyproject.org/introducing-buildkit-17e056cc5317 Join `#buildkit` channel on [Docker Community Slack](http://dockr.ly/slack) :information_source: If you are visiting this repo for the usage of experimental Dockerfile features like `RUN --mount=type=(bind|cache|tmpfs|secret|ssh)`, please refer to [`frontend/dockerfile/docs/experimental.md`](frontend/dockerfile/docs/experimental.md). :information_source: [BuildKit has been integrated to `docker build` since Docker 18.06 .](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/build_enhancements/) You don't need to read this document unless you want to use the full-featured standalone version of BuildKit. - [Used by](#used-by) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [Starting the `buildkitd` daemon:](#starting-the-buildkitd-daemon) - [Exploring LLB](#exploring-llb) - [Exploring Dockerfiles](#exploring-dockerfiles) - [Building a Dockerfile with `buildctl`](#building-a-dockerfile-with-buildctl) - [Building a Dockerfile using external frontend:](#building-a-dockerfile-using-external-frontend) - [Building a Dockerfile with experimental features like `RUN --mount=type=(bind|cache|tmpfs|secret|ssh)`](#building-a-dockerfile-with-experimental-features-like-run---mounttypebindcachetmpfssecretssh) - [Output](#output) - [Registry](#registry) - [Local directory](#local-directory) - [Docker tarball](#docker-tarball) - [OCI tarball](#oci-tarball) - [containerd image store](#containerd-image-store) - [Cache](#cache) - [Garbage collection](#garbage-collection) - [Export cache](#export-cache) - [Inline (push image and cache together)](#inline-push-image-and-cache-together) - [Registry (push image and cache separately)](#registry-push-image-and-cache-separately) - [Local directory](#local-directory-1) - [`--export-cache` options](#--export-cache-options) - [`--import-cache` options](#--import-cache-options) - [Consistent hashing](#consistent-hashing) - [Expose BuildKit as a TCP service](#expose-buildkit-as-a-tcp-service) - [Load balancing](#load-balancing) - [Containerizing BuildKit](#containerizing-buildkit) - [Kubernetes](#kubernetes) - [Daemonless](#daemonless) - [Opentracing support](#opentracing-support) - [Running BuildKit without root privileges](#running-buildkit-without-root-privileges) - [Building multi-platform images](#building-multi-platform-images) - [Contributing](#contributing) ## Used by BuildKit is used by the following projects: - [Moby & Docker](https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/37151) (`DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build`) - [img](https://github.com/genuinetools/img) - [OpenFaaS Cloud](https://github.com/openfaas/openfaas-cloud) - [container build interface](https://github.com/containerbuilding/cbi) - [Tekton Pipelines](https://github.com/tektoncd/catalog) (formerly [Knative Build Templates](https://github.com/knative/build-templates)) - [the Sanic build tool](https://github.com/distributed-containers-inc/sanic) - [vab](https://github.com/stellarproject/vab) - [Rio](https://github.com/rancher/rio) - [PouchContainer](https://github.com/alibaba/pouch) - [Docker buildx](https://github.com/docker/buildx) ## Quick start :information_source: For Kubernetes deployments, see [`examples/kubernetes`](./examples/kubernetes). BuildKit is composed of the `buildkitd` daemon and the `buildctl` client. While the `buildctl` client is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows, the `buildkitd` daemon is only available for Linux currently. The `buildkitd` daemon requires the following components to be installed: - [runc](https://github.com/opencontainers/runc) - [containerd](https://github.com/containerd/containerd) (if you want to use containerd worker) The latest binaries of BuildKit are available [here](https://github.com/moby/buildkit/releases) for Linux, macOS, and Windows. [Homebrew package](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/buildkit) (unofficial) is available for macOS. ```console $ brew install buildkit ``` To build BuildKit from source, see [`.github/CONTRIBUTING.md`](./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### Starting the `buildkitd` daemon: You need to run `buildkitd` as the root user on the host. ```bash $ sudo buildkitd ``` To run `buildkitd` as a non-root user, see [`docs/rootless.md`](docs/rootless.md). The buildkitd daemon supports two worker backends: OCI (runc) and containerd. By default, the OCI (runc) worker is used. You can set `--oci-worker=false --containerd-worker=true` to use the containerd worker. We are open to adding more backends. The buildkitd daemon listens gRPC API on `/run/buildkit/buildkitd.sock` by default, but you can also use TCP sockets. See [Expose BuildKit as a TCP service](#expose-buildkit-as-a-tcp-service). ### Exploring LLB BuildKit builds are based on a binary intermediate format called LLB that is used for defining the dependency graph for processes running part of your build. tl;dr: LLB is to Dockerfile what LLVM IR is to C. - Marshaled as Protobuf messages - Concurrently executable - Efficiently cacheable - Vendor-neutral (i.e. non-Dockerfile languages can be easily implemented) See [`solver/pb/ops.proto`](./solver/pb/ops.proto) for the format definition, and see [`./examples/README.md`](./examples/README.md) for example LLB applications. Currently, the following high-level languages has been implemented for LLB: - Dockerfile (See [Exploring Dockerfiles](#exploring-dockerfiles)) - [Buildpacks](https://github.com/tonistiigi/buildkit-pack) - [Mockerfile](https://matt-rickard.com/building-a-new-dockerfile-frontend/) - [Gockerfile](https://github.com/po3rin/gockerfile) - (open a PR to add your own language) ### Exploring Dockerfiles Frontends are components that run inside BuildKit and convert any build definition to LLB. There is a special frontend called gateway (`gateway.v0`) that allows using any image as a frontend. During development, Dockerfile frontend (`dockerfile.v0`) is also part of the BuildKit repo. In the future, this will be moved out, and Dockerfiles can be built using an external image. #### Building a Dockerfile with `buildctl` ```bash buildctl build \ --frontend=dockerfile.v0 \ --local context=. \ --local dockerfile=. # or buildctl build \ --frontend=dockerfile.v0 \ --local context=. \ --local dockerfile=. \ --opt target=foo \ --opt build-arg:foo=bar ``` `--local` exposes local source files from client to the builder. `context` and `dockerfile` are the names Dockerfile frontend looks for build context and Dockerfile location. #### Building a Dockerfile using external frontend: External versions of the Dockerfile frontend are pushed to https://hub.docker.com/r/docker/dockerfile-upstream and https://hub.docker.com/r/docker/dockerfile and can be used with the gateway frontend. The source for the external frontend is currently located in `./frontend/dockerfile/cmd/dockerfile-frontend` but will move out of this repository in the future ([#163](https://github.com/moby/buildkit/issues/163)). For automatic build from master branch of this repository `docker/dockerfile-upsteam:master` or `docker/dockerfile-upstream:master-experimental` image can be used. ```bash buildctl build \ --frontend gateway.v0 \ --opt source=docker/dockerfile \ --local context=. \ --local dockerfile=. buildctl build \ --frontend gateway.v0 \ --opt source=docker/dockerfile \ --opt context=git://github.com/moby/moby \ --opt build-arg:APT_MIRROR=cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org ``` #### Building a Dockerfile with experimental features like `RUN --mount=type=(bind|cache|tmpfs|secret|ssh)` See [`frontend/dockerfile/docs/experimental.md`](frontend/dockerfile/docs/experimental.md). ### Output By default, the build result and intermediate cache will only remain internally in BuildKit. An output needs to be specified to retrieve the result. #### Registry ```bash buildctl build ... --output type=image,name=docker.io/username/image,push=true ``` To export and import the cache along with the image, you need to specify `--export-cache type=inline` and `--import-cache type=registry,ref=...`. See [Export cache](#export-cache). ```bash buildctl build ...\ --output type=image,name=docker.io/username/image,push=true \ --export-cache type=inline \ --import-cache type=registry,ref=docker.io/username/image ``` If credentials are required, `buildctl` will attempt to read Docker configuration file `$DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json`. `$DOCKER_CONFIG` defaults to `~/.docker`. #### Local directory The local client will copy the files directly to the client. This is useful if BuildKit is being used for building something else than container images. ```bash buildctl build ... --output type=local,dest=path/to/output-dir ``` To export specific files use multi-stage builds with a scratch stage and copy the needed files into that stage with `COPY --from`. ```dockerfile ... FROM scratch as testresult COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/testresult.xml . ... ``` ```bash buildctl build ... --opt target=testresult --output type=local,dest=path/to/output-dir ``` Tar exporter is similar to local exporter but transfers the files through a tarball. ```bash buildctl build ... --output type=tar,dest=out.tar buildctl build ... --output type=tar > out.tar ``` #### Docker tarball ```bash # exported tarball is also compatible with OCI spec buildctl build ... --output type=docker,name=myimage | docker load ``` #### OCI tarball ```bash buildctl build ... --output type=oci,dest=path/to/output.tar buildctl build ... --output type=oci > output.tar ``` #### containerd image store The containerd worker needs to be used ```bash buildctl build ... --output type=image,name=docker.io/username/image ctr --namespace=buildkit images ls ``` To change the containerd namespace, you need to change `worker.containerd.namespace` in [`/etc/buildkit/buildkitd.toml`](./docs/buildkitd.toml.md). ## Cache To show local build cache (`/var/lib/buildkit`): ```bash buildctl du -v ``` To prune local build cache: ```bash buildctl prune ``` ### Garbage collection See [`./docs/buildkitd.toml.md`](./docs/buildkitd.toml.md). ### Export cache BuildKit supports the following cache exporters: * `inline`: embed the cache into the image, and push them to the registry together * `registry`: push the image and the cache separately * `local`: export to a local directory In most case you want to use the `inline` cache exporter. However, note that the `inline` cache exporter only supports `min` cache mode. To enable `max` cache mode, push the image and the cache separately by using `registry` cache exporter. #### Inline (push image and cache together) ```bash buildctl build ... \ --output type=image,name=docker.io/username/image,push=true \ --export-cache type=inline \ --import-cache type=registry,ref=docker.io/username/image ``` Note that the inline cache is not imported unless `--import-cache type=registry,ref=...` is provided. :information_source: Docker-integrated BuildKit (`DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build`) and `docker buildx`requires `--build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1` to be specified to enable the `inline` cache exporter. However, the standalone `buildctl` does NOT require `--opt build-arg:BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1` and the build-arg is simply ignored. #### Registry (push image and cache separately) ```bash buildctl build ... \ --output type=image,name=localhost:5000/myrepo:image,push=true \ --export-cache type=registry,ref=localhost:5000/myrepo:buildcache \ --import-cache type=registry,ref=localhost:5000/myrepo:buildcache \ ``` #### Local directory ```bash buildctl build ... --export-cache type=local,dest=path/to/output-dir buildctl build ... --import-cache type=local,src=path/to/input-dir,digest=sha256:deadbeef ``` The directory layout conforms to OCI Image Spec v1.0. Currently, you need to specify the `digest` of the manifest list to import for `local` cache importer. This is planned to default to the digest of "latest" tag in `index.json` in future. #### `--export-cache` options - `type`: `inline`, `registry`, or `local` - `mode=min` (default): only export layers for the resulting image - `mode=max`: export all the layers of all intermediate steps. Not supported for `inline` cache exporter. - `ref=docker.io/user/image:tag`: reference for `registry` cache exporter - `dest=path/to/output-dir`: directory for `local` cache exporter #### `--import-cache` options - `type`: `registry` or `local`. Use `registry` to import `inline` cache. - `ref=docker.io/user/image:tag`: reference for `registry` cache importer - `src=path/to/input-dir`: directory for `local` cache importer - `digest=sha256:deadbeef`: digest of the manifest list to import for `local` cache importer. ### Consistent hashing If you have multiple BuildKit daemon instances but you don't want to use registry for sharing cache across the cluster, consider client-side load balancing using consistent hashing. See [`./examples/kubernetes/consistenthash`](./examples/kubernetes/consistenthash). ## Expose BuildKit as a TCP service The `buildkitd` daemon can listen the gRPC API on a TCP socket. It is highly recommended to create TLS certificates for both the daemon and the client (mTLS). Enabling TCP without mTLS is dangerous because the executor containers (aka Dockerfile `RUN` containers) can call BuildKit API as well. ```bash buildkitd \ --addr tcp:// \ --tlscacert /path/to/ca.pem \ --tlscert /path/to/cert.pem \ --tlskey /path/to/key.pem ``` ```bash buildctl \ --addr tcp://example.com:1234 \ --tlscacert /path/to/ca.pem \ --tlscert /path/to/clientcert.pem \ --tlskey /path/to/clientkey.pem \ build ... ``` ### Load balancing `buildctl build` can be called against randomly load balanced the `buildkitd` daemon. See also [Consistent hashing](#consistenthashing) for client-side load balancing. ## Containerizing BuildKit BuildKit can also be used by running the `buildkitd` daemon inside a Docker container and accessing it remotely. We provide the container images as [`moby/buildkit`](https://hub.docker.com/r/moby/buildkit/tags/): - `moby/buildkit:latest`: built from the latest regular [release](https://github.com/moby/buildkit/releases) - `moby/buildkit:rootless`: same as `latest` but runs as an unprivileged user, see [`docs/rootless.md`](docs/rootless.md) - `moby/buildkit:master`: built from the master branch - `moby/buildkit:master-rootless`: same as master but runs as an unprivileged user, see [`docs/rootless.md`](docs/rootless.md) To run daemon in a container: ```bash docker run -d --name buildkitd --privileged moby/buildkit:latest export BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkitd buildctl build --help ``` ### Kubernetes For Kubernetes deployments, see [`examples/kubernetes`](./examples/kubernetes). ### Daemonless To run client and an ephemeral daemon in a single container ("daemonless mode"): ```bash docker run \ -it \ --rm \ --privileged \ -v /path/to/dir:/tmp/work \ --entrypoint buildctl-daemonless.sh \ moby/buildkit:master \ build \ --frontend dockerfile.v0 \ --local context=/tmp/work \ --local dockerfile=/tmp/work ``` or ```bash docker run \ -it \ --rm \ --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \ --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \ -e BUILDKITD_FLAGS=--oci-worker-no-process-sandbox \ -v /path/to/dir:/tmp/work \ --entrypoint buildctl-daemonless.sh \ moby/buildkit:master-rootless \ build \ --frontend \ dockerfile.v0 \ --local context=/tmp/work \ --local dockerfile=/tmp/work ``` ## Opentracing support BuildKit supports opentracing for buildkitd gRPC API and buildctl commands. To capture the trace to [Jaeger](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger), set `JAEGER_TRACE` environment variable to the collection address. ```bash docker run -d -p6831:6831/udp -p16686:16686 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest export JAEGER_TRACE= # restart buildkitd and buildctl so they know JAEGER_TRACE # any buildctl command should be traced to ``` ## Running BuildKit without root privileges Please refer to [`docs/rootless.md`](docs/rootless.md). ## Building multi-platform images See [`docker buildx` documentation](https://github.com/docker/buildx#building-multi-platform-images) ## Contributing Want to contribute to BuildKit? Awesome! You can find information about contributing to this project in the [CONTRIBUTING.md](/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)