FROM golang:1.14.1-alpine RUN apk add --update git gcc libc-dev ENV GO111MODULE=on ARG MIGRATE_VER=v4.6.2 RUN go get -tags 'mysql postgres file'${MIGRATE_VER} && mv /go/bin/cli /go/bin/migrate ENV GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor ENV NOTARYPKG # Copy the local repo to the expected go path COPY . /go/src/${NOTARYPKG} WORKDIR /go/src/${NOTARYPKG} RUN chmod 0600 ./fixtures/database/* ENV SERVICE_NAME=notary_server EXPOSE 4443 # Install notary-server RUN go install \ -tags pkcs11 \ -ldflags "-w -X ${NOTARYPKG}/version.GitCommit=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` -X ${NOTARYPKG}/version.NotaryVersion=`cat NOTARY_VERSION`" \ ${NOTARYPKG}/cmd/notary-server && apk del git gcc libc-dev && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* ENTRYPOINT [ "notary-server" ] CMD [ "-config=fixtures/server-config-local.json" ]