This adds support for filtering by network ID, to be
consistent with other filter options.
Note that only *full* matches are returned; this is
consistent with other filters (e.g. volume), that
also return full matches only.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
- Allow to filter containers by volume with `--filter volume=name` and `filter volume=/dest`.
- Show their names in the list with the custom format `{{ .Mounts }}`.
Signed-off-by: David Calavera <>
It is possible to invoke `docker ps -f status=dead`, but the
documentation for docker-ps does not mention `dead` as a valid option.
This commit fixes that.
Signed-off-by: Kareem Khazem <>
* This commit will mark --before and --since as deprecated, but leave their behavior
unchanged until they are removed, then re-implement them as options for --filter.
* And update the related docs.
* Update the integration tests.
Fixes issue #17716
Signed-off-by: Wen Cheng Ma <>
- missing help option in `docs/reference/commandline/*.md` (some files
have it, the other I fixed didn't)
- missing `[OPTIONS]` in Usage description
- missing options
- formatting
- start/stop idempotence
Signed-off-by: Antonio Murdaca <>
Makes it possible to filter containers by image, using
--filter=ancestor=busybox and get all the container running busybox
image and image based on busybox (to the bottom).
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <>
Re-add the docs from @calavera's PR to the moved cli cmd reference docs.
Fix gofmt and vet issues from carried commits
Add integration test for using format with --no-trunc and multi-names
Fix custom_test map order dependency on expected value check
Add docs to reference/commandline/
Remove "-F" flag option from original carried PR content
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Phil Estes <> (github: estesp)