This checks for the equivalent WSL mount path on windows. WSL will mount
the windows drives at `/mnt/c` (or whichever drive is being used).
This is done by parsing a UNC path with forward slashes from the unix
socket URL.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan A. Sternberg <>
cli/registry/client/endpoint.go:128:34: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", th.token))
cli/command/telemetry_docker.go:88:14: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", path.Join(u.Host, u.Path))
cli/command/cli_test.go:195:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
opts := &flags.ClientOptions{Hosts: []string{fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", socket)}}
cli/command/registry_test.go:59:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
inputServerAddress: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", testAuthConfigs[1].ServerAddress),
cli/command/container/opts_test.go:338:35: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if config, _, _ := mustParse(t, fmt.Sprintf("--hostname=%s", hostname)); config.Hostname != expectedHostname {
cli/command/context/options.go:79:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: unrecognized config key", k))
cli/command/image/build.go:461:68: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
line = dockerfileFromLinePattern.ReplaceAllLiteralString(line, fmt.Sprintf("FROM %s", reference.FamiliarString(trustedRef)))
cli/command/image/remove_test.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("Error: No such image: %s", n.imageID)
cli/command/image/build/context.go:229:102: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
progReader := progress.NewProgressReader(response.Body, progressOutput, response.ContentLength, "", fmt.Sprintf("Downloading build context from remote url: %s", remoteURL))
cli/command/service/logs.go:215:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", task.ID)
cli/command/service/logs.go:217:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
taskName += fmt.Sprintf(".%s", stringid.TruncateID(task.ID))
cli/command/service/progress/progress_test.go:877:18: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
ID: fmt.Sprintf("task%s", nodeID),
cli/command/stack/swarm/remove.go:61:24: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove some resources from stack: %s", namespace))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:32:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
arg := fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(vals, ","))
cli/command/swarm/ipnet_slice_test.go:137:30: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
if err := f.Parse([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--cidrs=%s", strings.Join(test.FlagArg, ","))}); err != nil {
cli/compose/schema/schema.go:105:11: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("must be a %s", humanReadableType(expectedType))
cli/manifest/store/store.go:165:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("No such manifest: %s", n.object)
e2e/image/push_test.go:340:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_ROOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:341:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_TARGETS_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:342:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
fmt.Sprintf("NOTARY_SNAPSHOT_PASSPHRASE=%s", pwd),
e2e/image/push_test.go:343:4: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:23:16: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
pluginName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/plugin-content-trust", registryPrefix)
e2e/plugin/trust_test.go:53:8: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
Out: fmt.Sprintf("Installed plugin %s", pluginName),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:62:57: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.AlpineImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:64:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v1", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:68:58: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.RunCommand("docker", "tag", fixtures.BusyboxImage, fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)).Assert(t, icmd.Success)
e2e/trust/revoke_test.go:70:49: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
icmd.Command("docker", "-D", "trust", "sign", fmt.Sprintf("%s:v2", revokeRepo)),
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:36:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:53:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.BusyboxSha)))
e2e/trust/sign_test.go:65:47: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(result.Stdout(), fmt.Sprintf("v1: digest: sha256:%s", fixtures.AlpineSha)))
opts/file.go:21:9: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
return fmt.Sprintf("poorly formatted environment: %s", e.msg)
opts/hosts_test.go:26:31: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
"tcp://host:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://host:%s", defaultHTTPPort),
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
This is needed because the project does not have a `go.mod` file and
gets sent to go 1.16 semantics whenever it's imported by another project
and `any` doesn't exist in go 1.16, but the linter requires us to use
`any` here.
Setting the `go:build` tag forces the per-file language to the go
version specified.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan A. Sternberg <>
This adds the code used by buildx and compose into the default CLI
program to help normalize the usage of these APIs and allow code reuse
between projects. It also allows these projects to benefit from
improvements or changes that may be made by another team.
At the moment, these APIs are a pretty thin layer on the OTEL SDK. It
configures an additional exporter to a docker endpoint that's used for
usage collection and is only active if the option is configured in
docker desktop.
This also upgrades the OTEL version to v1.19 which is the one being used
by buildkit, buildx, compose, etc.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan A. Sternberg <>