Tests mocking the output of GET images/json with fakeClient used an
array with one empty element as an empty response.
Change it to just an empty array.
Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <pawel.gronowski@docker.com>
(cherry picked from commit a1953e19b2)
Since go 1.7, "context" is a standard package. Since go 1.9,
x/net/context merely provides some types aliased to those in
the standard context package.
The changes were performed by the following script:
for f in $(git ls-files \*.go | grep -v ^vendor/); do
sed -i 's|golang.org/x/net/context|context|' $f
goimports -w $f
for i in 1 2; do
awk '/^$/ {e=1; next;}
/\t"context"$/ {e=0;}
{if (e) {print ""; e=0}; print;}' < $f > $f.new && \
mv $f.new $f
goimports -w $f
[v2: do awk/goimports fixup twice]
Signed-off-by: Kir Kolyshkin <kolyshkin@gmail.com>