Fix Windows LDFLAGS to use cli version package

Signed-off-by: Stefan Scherer <>
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Scherer 2019-03-20 15:33:17 -07:00
parent 774d78fcb8
commit 69754ea952
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 505AF50C5D02E697
1 changed files with 65 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,29 @@ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$pushed=$False # To restore the directory if we have temporarily pushed to one.
# Utility function to get the commit ID of the repository
Function Get-GitCommit() {
if (-not (Test-Path ".\.git")) {
# If we don't have a .git directory, but we do have the environment
# variable DOCKER_GITCOMMIT set, that can override it.
if ($env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT.Length -eq 0) {
Throw ".git directory missing and DOCKER_GITCOMMIT environment variable not specified."
Write-Host "INFO: Git commit ($env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT) assumed from DOCKER_GITCOMMIT environment variable"
$gitCommit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
if ($(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no).Length -ne 0) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Warning "This version is unsupported because there are uncommitted file(s)."
Write-Warning "Either commit these changes, or add them to .gitignore."
git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no | Write-Warning
Write-Host ""
return $gitCommit
# Build a binary (client or daemon)
Function Execute-Build($additionalBuildTags, $directory) {
# Generate the build flags
@ -69,20 +92,53 @@ Function Execute-Build($additionalBuildTags, $directory) {
if ($NoOpt) { $optParm=" -gcflags "+""""+"-N -l"+"""" }
if ($additionalBuildTags -ne "") { $buildTags += $(" " + $additionalBuildTags) }
# Get the git commit. This will also verify if we are in a repo or not. Then add a custom string if supplied.
if ($CommitSuffix -ne "") { $gitCommit += "-"+$CommitSuffix -Replace ' ', '' }
if (Test-Path Env:\DOCKER_GITCOMMIT) {$gitCommit=$env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT}
# Get the version of docker (eg 17.04.0-dev)
if (Test-Path Env:\VERSION) {$dockerVersion=$env:VERSION}
# Do the go build in the appropriate directory
# Note -linkmode=internal is required to be able to debug on Windows.
Write-Host "INFO: Building..."
$env:LDFLAGS="-linkmode=internal `
-X \""$dockerVersion\"" `
-X \""$gitCommit\"" `
-X \""$buildTime\"""
if ($env:PLATFORM) {
$env:LDFLAGS="$env:LDFLAGS -X \""$env:PLATFORM\"""
# Generate a version in the form major,minor,patch,build
$versionQuad=$dockerVersion -replace "[^0-9.]*" -replace "\.", ","
# If you really want to understand this madness below, search the Internet for powershell variables after verbatim arguments... Needed to get double-quotes passed through to the compiler options.
# Generate the .syso files containing all the resources and manifest needed to compile the final docker binaries. Both 32 and 64-bit clients.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path .\tmp | Out-Null
windres -i scripts/winresources/docker.rc -o cli/winresources/rsrc_amd64.syso -F pe-x86-64 --use-temp-file -I ./tmp -D DOCKER_VERSION_QUAD=$versionQuad --% -D DOCKER_VERSION=\"%_ag_dockerVersion%\" -D DOCKER_COMMIT=\"%_ag_gitCommit%\"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed to compile client 64-bit resources" }
windres -i scripts/winresources/docker.rc -o cli/winresources/rsrc_386.syso -F pe-i386 --use-temp-file -I ./tmp -D DOCKER_VERSION_QUAD=$versionQuad --% -D DOCKER_VERSION=\"%_ag_dockerVersion%\" -D DOCKER_COMMIT=\"%_ag_gitCommit%\"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed to compile client 32-bit resources" }
Remove-Item .\tmp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Push-Location $root\cmd\$directory; $global:pushed=$True
$buildCommand = "go build" + `
$raceParm + `
$verboseParm + `
$allParm + `
$optParm + `
" -tags """ + $buildTags + """" + `
" -ldflags """ + "-linkmode=internal" + """" + `
" -o $root\build\"+$directory+".exe"
Invoke-Expression $buildCommand
# By using --% we can use \"key=%foo%\" and have a environment variable foo that contains spaces
go build $raceParm $verboseParm $allParm $optParm -tags "$buildTags" `
-o "$root\build\$directory.exe" `
-ldflags --% "%LDFLAGS%"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed to compile" }
Pop-Location; $global:pushed=$False