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syntax = "proto3";
package docker.swarmkit.v1;
import "";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// Specs are container objects for user provided input. All creations and
// updates are done through spec types. As a convention, user input from a spec
// is never touched in created objects. This allows one to verify that the
// users intent has not been modified.
// Put differently, spec types can be said to represent the desired state of
// the system. In situations where modifications need to be made to a
// particular component, API objects will either contain a copy of the spec
// component or a different representation to reflect allocation or resolution.
message NodeSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
enum Membership {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
PENDING = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "NodeMembershipPending"];
ACCEPTED = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "NodeMembershipAccepted"];
enum Availability {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
// Active nodes.
ACTIVE = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "NodeAvailabilityActive"];
// Paused nodes won't be considered by the scheduler, preventing any
// further task to run on them.
PAUSE = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "NodeAvailabilityPause"];
// Drained nodes are paused and any task already running on them will
// be evicted.
DRAIN = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "NodeAvailabilityDrain"];
// DesiredRole defines the role the node should have.
NodeRole desired_role = 2;
// Membership controls the admission of the node into the cluster.
Membership membership = 3;
// Availability allows a user to control the current scheduling status of a
// node.
Availability availability = 4;
// ServiceSpec defines the properties of a service.
// A service instructs the cluster in orchestrating repeated instances of a
// template, implemented as tasks. Based on the number of instances, scheduling
// strategy and restart policy, a number of application-level behaviors can be
// defined.
message ServiceSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Task defines the task template this service will spawn.
TaskSpec task = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
oneof mode {
ReplicatedService replicated = 3;
GlobalService global = 4;
ReplicatedJob replicated_job = 10;
GlobalJob global_job = 11;
// Update contains settings which affect updates.
UpdateConfig update = 6;
// Rollback contains settings which affect rollbacks of updates.
UpdateConfig rollback = 9;
// ServiceSpec.Networks has been deprecated and is replaced by
// Networks field in Task (TaskSpec.Networks).
// This field (ServiceSpec.Networks) is kept for compatibility.
// In case TaskSpec.Networks does not exist, ServiceSpec.Networks
// is still honored if it exists.
repeated NetworkAttachmentConfig networks = 7 [deprecated=true];
// Service endpoint specifies the user provided configuration
// to properly discover and load balance a service.
EndpointSpec endpoint = 8;
// ReplicatedService sets the reconciliation target to certain number of replicas.
message ReplicatedService {
uint64 replicas = 1;
// GlobalService represents global service.
message GlobalService {
// Empty message for now.
// ReplicatedJob is a certain type of one-off job which executes many Tasks in
// parallel until the specified number of Tasks have succeeded.
message ReplicatedJob {
// MaxConcurrent indicates the maximum number of Tasks that should be
// executing simultaneously at any given time.
uint64 max_concurrent = 1;
// TotalCompletions sets the total number of Tasks desired to run to
// completion. This is also the absolute maximum number of Tasks that will
// be executed in parallel. That is, if this number is smaller than
// MaxConcurrent, only this many replicas will run.
uint64 total_completions = 2;
// GlobalJob is a type of one-off job which executes one Task on every node
// matching the service's placement constraints.
message GlobalJob {
// Empty message for now.
message TaskSpec {
oneof runtime {
NetworkAttachmentSpec attachment = 8;
ContainerSpec container = 1;
GenericRuntimeSpec generic = 10;
// Resource requirements for the container.
ResourceRequirements resources = 2;
// RestartPolicy specifies what to do when a task fails or finishes.
RestartPolicy restart = 4;
// Placement specifies node selection constraints
Placement placement = 5;
// LogDriver specifies the log driver to use for the task. Any runtime will
// direct logs into the specified driver for the duration of the task.
Driver log_driver = 6;
// Networks specifies the list of network attachment
// configurations (which specify the network and per-network
// aliases) that this task spec is bound to.
repeated NetworkAttachmentConfig networks = 7;
// ForceUpdate is a counter that triggers an update even if no relevant
// parameters have been changed. We do this to allow forced restarts
// using the same reconciliation-based mechanism that performs rolling
// updates.
uint64 force_update = 9;
// ResourceReferences provides a generic way to specify resources that
// are used by this task, and should be sent down to agents along with
// the task. Inside the runtime field there may be more specific
// information about how to use the resource, but ResourceReferences
// establishes the relationship at the store level, and instructs the
// dispatcher to send the related objects.
// ResourceReferences is a list of ResourceReferences used by the task.
repeated ResourceReference resource_references = 11 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message ResourceReference {
string resource_id = 1;
ResourceType resource_type = 2;
message GenericRuntimeSpec {
string kind = 1;
google.protobuf.Any payload = 2;
// NetworkAttachmentSpec specifies runtime parameters required to attach
// a container to a network.
message NetworkAttachmentSpec {
// ContainerID specifies a unique ID of the container for which
// this attachment is for.
string container_id = 1;
// Container specifies runtime parameters for a container.
message ContainerSpec {
// image defines the image reference, as specified in the
// distribution/reference package. This may include a registry host, name,
// tag or digest.
// The field will be directly passed to the engine pulling. Well-behaved
// service definitions will used immutable references, either through tags
// that don't change or verifiable digests.
string image = 1;
// Labels defines labels to be added to the container at creation time. If
// collisions with system labels occur, these labels will be overridden.
// This field *must* remain compatible with the Labels field of
// Annotations.
map<string, string> labels = 2;
// Command to run the the container. The first element is a path to the
// executable and the following elements are treated as arguments.
// If command is empty, execution will fall back to the image's entrypoint.
// Command should only be used when overriding entrypoint.
repeated string command = 3;
// Args specifies arguments provided to the image's entrypoint.
// If Command and Args are provided, Args will be appended to Command.
repeated string args = 4;
// Hostname specifies the hostname that will be set on containers created by docker swarm.
// All containers for a given service will have the same hostname
string hostname = 14;
// Env specifies the environment variables for the container in NAME=VALUE
// format. These must be compliant with [IEEE Std
// 1003.1-2001](
repeated string env = 5;
// Dir defines the working directory to set for the container process.
string dir = 6;
// User specifies the user that should be employed to run the container.
// Note that the primary group may be specified by appending the group name
// or id to the user name, separated by a `:`. This syntax is
// `<user>:<group>`.
string user = 7;
// Groups specifies supplementary groups available to the user.
repeated string groups = 11;
// Privileges specifies security configuration/permissions.
Privileges privileges = 22;
// Init declares that a custom init will be running inside the container, if null, use the daemon's configured settings
google.protobuf.BoolValue init = 23;
// TTY declares that a TTY should be attached to the standard streams,
// including stdin if it is still open.
bool tty = 13 [(gogoproto.customname) = "TTY"];
// OpenStdin declares that the standard input (stdin) should be open.
bool open_stdin = 18;
// ReadOnly declares that the container root filesystem is read-only.
// This only impacts the root filesystem, not additional mounts (including
// tmpfs). For additional mounts that are not part of the initial rootfs,
// they will be decided by the modes passed in the mount definition.
bool read_only = 19;
// StopSignal defines the signal to stop the container.
string stop_signal = 20;
repeated Mount mounts = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// StopGracePeriod the grace period for stopping the container before
// forcefully killing the container.
// Note: Can't use stdduration here because this needs to be nullable.
google.protobuf.Duration stop_grace_period = 9;
// PullOptions allows one to parameterize an image pull.
message PullOptions {
// RegistryAuth is the registry auth token obtained from the client, required
// to pull private images. This is the unmodified JSON used as part of
// the `X-Registry-Auth` header.
// TODO(nishanttotla): This field will later be deprecated
string registry_auth = 64;
// PullOptions parameterize the behavior of image pulls.
PullOptions pull_options = 10;
// SecretReference contains references to zero or more secrets that
// will be exposed to the container.
repeated SecretReference secrets = 12;
// ConfigReference contains references to zero or more configs that
// will be exposed to the container.
repeated ConfigReference configs = 21;
// Hosts allow additional entries to be specified in /etc/hosts
// that associates IP addresses with hostnames.
// Detailed documentation is available in:
// IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
// The format of the Hosts in swarmkit follows the same as
// above.
// This is different from `docker run --add-host <hostname>:<ip>`
// where format is `<hostname>:<ip>`
repeated string hosts = 17;
// DNSConfig specifies DNS related configurations in resolver configuration file (resolv.conf)
// Detailed documentation is available in:
// TODO: domain is not supported yet
message DNSConfig {
// Nameservers specifies the IP addresses of the name servers
repeated string nameservers = 1;
// Search specifies the search list for host-name lookup
repeated string search = 2;
// Options allows certain internal resolver variables to be modified
repeated string options = 3;
// DNSConfig allows one to specify DNS related configuration in resolv.conf
DNSConfig dns_config = 15 [(gogoproto.customname) = "DNSConfig"];
// Healthcheck describes how to check the container is healthy. If the
// container is considered unhealthy, it will be destroyed, its creating
// task will exit and a new task will be rescheduled elsewhere. A container
// is considered unhealthy after `Retries` number of consecutive failures.
HealthConfig healthcheck = 16;
enum Isolation {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
// ISOLATION_DEFAULT uses whatever default value from the container runtime
ISOLATION_DEFAULT = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ContainerIsolationDefault"];
// ISOLATION_PROCESS forces windows container isolation
ISOLATION_PROCESS = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ContainerIsolationProcess"];
// ISOLATION_HYPERV forces Hyper-V isolation
ISOLATION_HYPERV = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ContainerIsolationHyperV"];
// Isolation defines the isolation level for windows containers (default, process, hyperv).
// Runtimes that don't support it ignore that field
Isolation isolation = 24;
// PidsLimit prevents from OS resource damage by applications inside the container
// using fork bomb attack.
int64 pidsLimit = 25;
// Sysctls sets namespaced kernel parameters (sysctls) in the container. This
// option is equivalent to passing --sysctl to docker run.
// Note that while options are subject to the same restrictions as arguments
// passed to the --sysctl flag on docker run, those options are not further
// validated to ensure that they are safe or sensible in a clustered
// environment.
// Additionally, sysctls are not validated for support in the underlying
// daemon. For information about supported options, refer to the
// documentation at:
map<string, string> sysctls = 26;
// CapabilityAdd sets the list of capabilities to add to the default capability list
repeated string capability_add = 27;
// CapabilityDrop sets the list of capabilities to drop from the default capability list
repeated string capability_drop = 28;
message Ulimit {
string name = 1;
int64 soft = 2;
int64 hard = 3;
// Ulimits defines the list of ulimits to set in the container. This option
// is equivalent to passing --ulimit to docker run.
repeated Ulimit ulimits = 29;
// OOmScoreAdj defines the relative value used for destroying a container during an OOM
// Values are between -1000 and 1000
int64 oom_score_adj = 30;
// EndpointSpec defines the properties that can be configured to
// access and loadbalance the service.
message EndpointSpec {
// ResolutionMode specifies the mode of resolution to use for
// internal loadbalancing between tasks which are all within
// the cluster. This is sometimes calls east-west data path.
enum ResolutionMode {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
// VIP resolution mode specifies that the
// service resolves to a logical IP and the requests
// are sent to that logical IP. Packets hitting that
// logical IP are load balanced to a chosen backend.
VIP = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ResolutionModeVirtualIP"];
// DNSRR resolution mode specifies that the
// service directly gets resolved to one of the
// backend IP and the client directly initiates a
// request towards the actual backend. This requires
// that the client does not cache the DNS responses
// when the DNS response TTL is 0.
DNSRR = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ResolutionModeDNSRoundRobin"];
ResolutionMode mode = 1;
// List of exposed ports that this service is accessible from
// external to the cluster.
repeated PortConfig ports = 2;
// NetworkSpec specifies user defined network parameters.
message NetworkSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// DriverConfig specific configuration consumed by the network driver.
Driver driver_config = 2;
// IPv6Enabled enables support for IPv6 on the network.
bool ipv6_enabled = 3;
// internal restricts external access to the network. This may be
// accomplished by disabling the default gateway or through other means.
bool internal = 4;
IPAMOptions ipam = 5 [(gogoproto.customname) = "IPAM"];
// Attachable allows external(to swarm) entities to manually
// attach to this network. With this flag enabled, external
// entities such as containers running in an worker node in
// the cluster can manually attach to this network and access
// the services attached to this network. If this flag is not
// enabled(default case) no manual attachment to this network
// can happen.
bool attachable = 6;
// Ingress indicates this network will provide the routing-mesh.
// In older versions, the network providing the routing mesh was
// swarm internally created only and it was identified by the name
// "ingress" and the label "com.docker.swarm.internal": "true".
bool ingress = 7;
// ConfigFrom is the source of the configuration for this network.
oneof config_from {
// Network is the name of a network that provides the network
// specific configuration for this network, locally on the node
// where this network is being plumbed.
string network = 8;
// ClusterSpec specifies global cluster settings.
message ClusterSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// DEPRECATED: AcceptancePolicy defines the certificate issuance policy.
// Acceptance policy is no longer customizable, and secrets have been
// replaced with join tokens.
AcceptancePolicy acceptance_policy = 2 [deprecated=true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Orchestration defines cluster-level orchestration settings.
OrchestrationConfig orchestration = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Raft defines the cluster's raft settings.
RaftConfig raft = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Dispatcher defines cluster-level dispatcher settings.
DispatcherConfig dispatcher = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// CAConfig defines cluster-level certificate authority settings.
CAConfig ca_config = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.customname) = "CAConfig"];
// TaskDefaults specifies the default values to use for task creation.
TaskDefaults task_defaults = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// EncryptionConfig defines the cluster's encryption settings.
EncryptionConfig encryption_config = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// SecretSpec specifies a user-provided secret.
message SecretSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Data is the secret payload - the maximum size is 500KB (that is, 500*1024 bytes)
bytes data = 2;
// Templating controls whether and how to evaluate the secret payload as
// a template. If it is not set, no templating is used.
// The currently recognized values are:
// - golang: Go templating
Driver templating = 3;
// Driver is the the secret driver that is used to store the specified secret
Driver driver = 4;
// ConfigSpec specifies user-provided configuration files.
message ConfigSpec {
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Data is the config payload - the maximum size is 500KB (that is, 500*1024 bytes)
// TODO(aaronl): Do we want to revise this to include multiple payloads in a single
// ConfigSpec? Define this to be a tar? etc...
bytes data = 2;
// Templating controls whether and how to evaluate the secret payload as
// a template. If it is not set, no templating is used.
// The currently recognized values are:
// - golang: Go templating
Driver templating = 3;
message VolumeSpec {
// Annotations includes the name and labels of a volume. The name used in the
// spec's Annotations will be passed to the Plugin as the "Name" in the
// CreateVolume request.
Annotations annotations = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Group defines the volume group this particular volume belongs to. When
// requesting volumes for a workload, the group name can be used instead of
// the volume's name, which tells swarmkit to pick one from the many volumes
// belonging to that group.
string group = 2;
// Driver represents the CSI Plugin object and its configuration parameters.
// The "options" field of the Driver object is passed in the CSI
// CreateVolumeRequest as the "parameters" field. The Driver must be
// specified; there is no default CSI Plugin.
Driver driver = 3;
// AccessMode is similar to, and used to determine, the volume access mode as
// defined in the CSI spec, as well as the volume type (block vs mount). In
// this way, it is more similar to the VolumeCapability message in the CSI
// spec.
VolumeAccessMode access_mode = 4;
// Secrets represents a set of key/value pairs to pass to the CSI plugin. The
// keys of the secrets can be anything, but the values refer to swarmkit
// Secret objects. See the "Secrets Requirements" section of the CSI Plugin
// Spec for more information.
repeated VolumeSecret secrets = 5;
// AccessibilityRequirements specifies where a volume must be accessible
// from.
// This field must be empty if the plugin does not support
// VOLUME_ACCESSIBILITY_CONSTRAINTS capabilities. If it is present but the
// plugin does not support it, volume will not be created.
// If AccessibilityRequirements is empty, but the plugin does support
// VOLUME_ACCESSIBILITY_CONSTRAINTS, then Swarmkit will assume the entire
// cluster is a valid target for the volume.
TopologyRequirement AccessibilityRequirements = 6;
// CapacityRange is the capacity this volume should be created with. If nil,
// the plugin will decide the capacity.
CapacityRange capacity_range = 7;
enum VolumeAvailability {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
// Active allows a volume to be used and scheduled to. This is the
// default state.
ACTIVE = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VolumeAvailabilityActive"];
// Pause prevents volumes from having new workloads scheduled to use
// them, even if they're already published on a Node.
PAUSE = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VolumeAvailabilityPause"];
// Drain causes existing workloads using this volume to be rescheduled,
// causing the volume to be unpublished and removed from nodes.
DRAIN = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VolumeAvailabilityDrain"];
// Availability is the Volume's desired availability. Analogous to Node
// Availability, this allows the user to take volumes offline in order to
// update or delete them.
VolumeAvailability availability = 8;