The project has updated to release v1.3.0. Check out the release notes <ahref="">here</a>.
With this new release comes a new internal library version. This means any newly generated *pb.go files generated with the v1.3.0 library will not be compatible with the old library version (v1.2.1). However, current *pb.go files (generated with v1.2.1) should still work with the new library.
Please make sure you manage your dependencies correctly when upgrading your project. If you are still using v1.2.1 and you update your dependencies, one of which could include a new *pb.go (generated with v1.3.0), you could get a compile time error.
Our upstream repo, golang/protobuf, also had to go through this process in order to update their library version.
Here is a link explaining <ahref="">hermetic builds</a>.
-<ahref="">badoo</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">mesos-go</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">heka</a> - <ahref="">the switch from golang/protobuf to gogo/protobuf when it was still on</a>
-<ahref="">cockroachdb</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">go-ipfs</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">rkive-go</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">srclib</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">cloudfoundry</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">kubernetes</a> - <ahref="">go2idl built on top of gogoprotobuf</a>
-<ahref="">tidb</a> - Communication between <ahref="">tidb</a> and <ahref="">tikv</a>
-<ahref="">protoactor-go</a> - <ahref="">vanity command</a> that also generates actors from service definitions
-<ahref="">containerd</a> - <ahref="">vanity command with custom field names</a> that conforms to the golang convention.
-<ahref="">cortex</a> - <ahref="">sample proto file</a>
-<ahref="">Apache SkyWalking APM</a> - Istio telemetry receiver based on Mixer bypass protocol
-<ahref="">Hyperledger Burrow</a> - a permissioned DLT framework
-<ahref="">IOV Weave</a> - a blockchain framework - <ahref="">sample proto files</a>
Please let us know if you are using gogoprotobuf by posting on our <ahref="!topic/gogoprotobuf/Brw76BxmFpQ">GoogleGroup</a>.
To install it, you must first have Go (at least version 1.6.3 or 1.9 if you are using gRPC) installed (see [](
Latest patch versions of 1.10 and 1.11 are continuously tested.
These binaries allow you to use gogoprotobuf [extensions]( You can also use your own binary.
To generate the code, you also need to set the include path properly.
Customizing the fields of the messages to be the fields that you actually want to use removes the need to copy between the structs you use and structs you use to serialize.
gogoprotobuf also offers more serialization formats and generation of tests and even more methods.
Please visit the [extensions]( page for more documentation.
Install protoc-gen-gogo:
go get
go get
go get
go get
It works the same as golang/protobuf, simply specify the plugin.
See []( for an example of using gRPC with gogoprotobuf and the wider grpc-ecosystem.