const icondumper2 = require("./icon.js"); const iconjs = icondumper2.readers; const filesystem = require("fs"); const processObj = require("process"); const gltfConstants = { "FLOAT": 5126, "ARRAY_BUFFER": 34962, "LINEAR": 9729, "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR": 9986, "REPEAT": 10497 }; function rgb5a1_rgb8(colour) { let b = ( colour & 0b11111); let g = ((colour >> 5) & 0b11111); let r = ((colour >> 10) & 0b11111); //let a = ( color >> 15 ); let output = new Number(); output |= ((r * 8) << 16); output |= ((g * 8) << 8); output |= ((b * 8) << 0); output *= 256; output += (255); // couldn't do a |= as that converts it to signed, (a+1)*255 return output; } // TODO: support textures :P function imf2gltf(icon = null, filename = "untitled") { if (icon === null) { throw "Missing first argument, of which should be a icondumper2 Intermediate Model Format object."; } if (icon.hasOwnProperty("numberOfShapes") === false) { throw "Expected a icondumper2 Intermediate Model Format object."; } let shapesArray = new Array(icon.numberOfShapes); for (let index = 0; index < icon.numberOfShapes; index++) { shapesArray[index] = new Array(); } let verticesArray = new Array(); let normalsArray = new Array(); let uvArray = new Array(); let colourArray = new Array(); icon.vertices.forEach(function(vertexObject){ for (let index = 0; index < icon.numberOfShapes; index++) { shapesArray[index].push(vertexObject.shapes[index].x); shapesArray[index].push(vertexObject.shapes[index].y); shapesArray[index].push(vertexObject.shapes[index].z); } normalsArray.push(vertexObject.normal.x); normalsArray.push(vertexObject.normal.y); normalsArray.push(vertexObject.normal.z); uvArray.push(vertexObject.uv.u); uvArray.push(vertexObject.uv.v); // gamma correction, glTF clients expect lineari(s|z)ed-sRGB, not sRGB. colourArray.push(Math.pow((vertexObject.color.r/255), 2.2)); colourArray.push(Math.pow((vertexObject.color.g/255), 2.2)); colourArray.push(Math.pow((vertexObject.color.b/255), 2.2)); colourArray.push((vertexObject.color.a > 1) ? (vertexObject.color.a/255): 1); }); shapesArray.forEach(function(arr) { verticesArray = [...verticesArray, ...arr]; }); let outputFloatArray = new Float32Array([...verticesArray, ...normalsArray, ...uvArray, ...colourArray]); // 3[nOS], 3, 2, 4# let gltfOutputArray = new Array(icon.numberOfShapes); for (let index = 0; index < icon.numberOfShapes; index++) { const gltfOutput = new Object(); //setting up GLTF gltfOutput.scene = 0; gltfOutput.scenes = [{"name": filename, "nodes": [0]}]; gltfOutput.nodes = [{"mesh": 0, "name": `${filename}#${index}`, "rotation": [1,0,0,0]}]; gltfOutput.meshes = [{ "name": `Mesh (${filename}#${index})`, "primitives": [{ "attributes": { "POSITION": 0, "NORMAL": 1, "TEXCOORD_0": 2, "COLOR_0": 3, }, "material": 0 }] }]; // no indices because who needs indexing when you're transcoding? gltfOutput.materials = [{ "name": `Material (${filename}#${index})`, "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "baseColorFactor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "metallicFactor": 0.0, "roughnessFactor": 1.0 }, "extensions": { // or else artifacts. "KHR_materials_specular": { "specularFactor": 0, // this value is less respected then sCF, blender/glTF is main example of this. "specularColorFactor": [0, 0, 0] } } }]; gltfOutput.buffers = [{"uri": `${filename}.bin`, "byteLength": outputFloatArray.byteLength}]; gltfOutput.bufferViews = [ { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": (((icon.vertices.length*3)*4)*index), "byteLength": ((icon.vertices.length*3)*4), "target": gltfConstants.ARRAY_BUFFER }, { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": (((icon.vertices.length*3)*4)*icon.numberOfShapes), "byteLength": (normalsArray.length*4), "target": gltfConstants.ARRAY_BUFFER }, { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": ((((icon.vertices.length*3)*4)*icon.numberOfShapes)+(normalsArray.length*4)), "byteLength": (uvArray.length*4), "target": gltfConstants.ARRAY_BUFFER }, { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": (((((icon.vertices.length*3)*4)*icon.numberOfShapes)+(normalsArray.length*4))+(uvArray.length*4)), "byteLength": (colourArray.length*4), "target": gltfConstants.ARRAY_BUFFER } ]; gltfOutput.accessors = [ { "bufferView": 0, "componentType": gltfConstants.FLOAT, "count": icon.vertices.length, "type": "VEC3", "max": [ 4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "min": [-4.0, -4.0, -4.0], "name": "Vertex Position Accessor" }, { "bufferView": 1, "componentType": gltfConstants.FLOAT, "count": icon.vertices.length, "type": "VEC3", "max": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "min": [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], "name": "Normal Accessor" }, { "bufferView": 2, "componentType": gltfConstants.FLOAT, "count": icon.vertices.length, "type": "VEC2", "max": [ 1.0, 1.0], "min": [ 0.0, 0.0], "name": "Texture Coordinate Accessor" }, { "bufferView": 3, "componentType": gltfConstants.FLOAT, "count": icon.vertices.length, "type": "VEC4", "max": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "min": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "name": "Colour Accessor" } ]; gltfOutput.asset = {"version": "2.0", "generator": `icondumper2/${icondumper2.version}`} gltfOutput.extensionsUsed = ["KHR_materials_specular"]; gltfOutputArray[index] = (gltfOutput); } return {objects: gltfOutputArray, buffer: outputFloatArray}; } function loadAndConvertIcon(inputData, attemptedFilename = "-") { if (inputData.hasOwnProperty("numberOfShapes") === false) { throw "Expected a icondumper2 Intermediate Model Format object."; } const filename = encodeURIComponent(attemptedFilename).replaceAll(/\%[0-9A-F]{2,2}/g, "").replaceAll(".", "_"); const glTF_output = imf2gltf(inputData, filename); for (let index = 0; index < (inputData.numberOfShapes); index++) { (require("fs")).writeFileSync(`${filename}_${index}.gltf`, new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(glTF_output.objects[index]))); console.log(`Saved shape ${filename}#${index} as "${filename}_${index}.gltf".`); } (require("fs")).writeFileSync(`${filename}.bin`, glTF_output.buffer); console.log(`Saved glTF buffer as "${filename}.bin".\n`); } // can anything de-dupe this code somehow? (index.js) console.log(`icon.js version ${icondumper2.version}, 2023 (c) yellows111`); switch(processObj.argv[2]) { case "psu": { let inputFile = filesystem.readFileSync(processObj.argv[3] ? processObj.argv[3] : "file.psu"); const parsed = iconjs.readEmsPsuFile(inputFile.buffer.slice(inputFile.byteOffset, inputFile.byteOffset + inputFile.byteLength)); const PS2D = iconjs.readPS2D(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory]["icon.sys"].data); loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.n].data), PS2D.filenames.n); if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.c) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.c].data), PS2D.filenames.c); } if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.d) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.d].data), PS2D.filenames.d); } break; } case "psv": { let inputFile = filesystem.readFileSync(processObj.argv[3] ? processObj.argv[3] : "file.psv"); const parsed = iconjs.readPsvFile(inputFile.buffer.slice(inputFile.byteOffset, inputFile.byteOffset + inputFile.byteLength)); const PS2D = iconjs.readPS2D(parsed["icon.sys"]); //i should probably make PSV readers more like the others, but why should I? It's giving me shortcuts to what I want. loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed.icons.n), PS2D.filenames.n) if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.c) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed.icons.c), PS2D.filenames.c) } if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.d) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed.icons.d), PS2D.filenames.d) } break; } case "sps": case "xps": { let inputFile = filesystem.readFileSync(processObj.argv[3] ? processObj.argv[3] : "file.sps"); const parsed = iconjs.readSharkXPortSxpsFile(inputFile.buffer.slice(inputFile.byteOffset, inputFile.byteOffset + inputFile.byteLength)); const PS2D = iconjs.readPS2D(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory]["icon.sys"].data); loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.n].data), PS2D.filenames.n); if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.c) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.c].data), PS2D.filenames.c); } if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.d) { loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(parsed[parsed.rootDirectory][PS2D.filenames.d].data), PS2D.filenames.d); } break; } case "sys": { let inputFile = filesystem.readFileSync(processObj.argv[3] ? processObj.argv[3] : "icon.sys"); const PS2D = iconjs.readPS2D(inputFile.buffer.slice(inputFile.byteOffset, inputFile.byteOffset + inputFile.byteLength)); let getFile = filesystem.readFileSync(PS2D.filenames.n); loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(getFile.buffer.slice(getFile.byteOffset, getFile.byteOffset + getFile.byteLength)), PS2D.filenames.n); if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.c) { let getFile = filesystem.readFileSync(PS2D.filenames.c); loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(getFile.buffer.slice(getFile.byteOffset, getFile.byteOffset + getFile.byteLength)), PS2D.filenames.c); } if(PS2D.filenames.n !== PS2D.filenames.d) { let getFile = filesystem.readFileSync(PS2D.filenames.d); loadAndConvertIcon(iconjs.readIconFile(getFile.buffer.slice(getFile.byteOffset, getFile.byteOffset + getFile.byteLength)), PS2D.filenames.d); } break; } default: { //Template literal goes here. console.log( `${(processObj.argv.length > 2) ? "Unknown argument: "+processObj.argv[2]+"\n\n": ""}icondumper2 node.js client (glTF exporter version) subcommands: psu: Read a EMS Memory Adapter export file. psv: Read a PS3 export file. sps: Read a SharkPort export file. xps: Read a X-Port export file. sys: Read a icon.sys (964 bytes) file, and attempt to read icon files from the current directory. ` ); // end of template processObj.exit(1); } } processObj.exit(0);