//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // Information about algorithmic stuff that can occur on both client + server // // In order to reduce network traffic, it's possible to create a algorithms // that will work on both the client and the server and be totally repeatable. // All we need do is to send down initial conditions and let the algorithm // compute the values at various times. Note that this algorithm will be called // at different times with different frequencies on the client and server. // // The trick here is that in order for it to be repeatable, the algorithm either // cannot depend on random numbers, or, if it does, we need to make sure that // the random numbers generated are effectively done at the beginning of time, // so that differences in frame rate on client and server won't matter. It also // is important that the initial state sent across the network is identical // bitwise so that we produce the exact same results. Therefore no compression // should be used in the datatables. // // Note also that each algorithm must have its own random number stream so that // it cannot possibly interact with other code using random numbers that will // be called at various different intervals on the client + server. Use the // CUniformRandomStream class for this. // // There are two types of client-server neutral code: Code that doesn't interact // with player prediction, and code that does. The code that doesn't interact // with player prediction simply has to be able to produce the result f(time) // where time is monotonically increasing. For prediction, we have to produce // the result f(time) where time does *not* monotonically increase (time can be // anywhere between the "current" time and the prior 10 seconds). // // Code that is not used by player prediction can maintain state because later // calls will always compute the value at some future time. This computation can // use random number generation, but with the following restriction: Your code // must generate exactly the same number of random numbers regardless of how // frequently the code is called. // // In specific, this means that all random numbers used must either be computed // at init time, or must be used in an 'event-based form'. Namely, use random // numbers to compute the time at which events occur and the random inputs for // those events. When simulating forward, you must simulate all intervening // time and generate the same number of random numbers. // // For functions planned to be used by player prediction, one method is to use // some sort of stateless computation (where the only states are the initial // state and time). Note that random number generators have state implicit in // the number of calls made to that random number generator, and therefore you // cannot call a random number generator unless you are able to // // 1) Use a random number generator that can return the ith random number, namely: // // float r = random( i ); // i == the ith number in the random sequence // // 2) Be able to accurately know at any given time t how many random numbers // have already been generated (namely, compute the i in part 1 above). // // There is another alternative for code meant to be used by player prediction: // you could just store a history of 'events' from which you could completely // determine the value of f(time). That history would need to be at least 10 // seconds long, which is guaranteed to be longer than the amount of time that // prediction would need. I've written a class which I haven't tested yet (but // will be using soon) called CTimedEventQueue (currently located in // env_wind_shared.h) which I plan to use to solve my problem (getting wind to // blow players). // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "env_wind_shared.h" #include "soundenvelope.h" #include "ieffects.h" #include "engine/ienginesound.h" #include "sharedinterface.h" #include "renderparm.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // Test concommand for wind/tree sway. Couldn't think of a better way to put it. // Will move it out of this file when we figure out how the weather control will be implemented. CON_COMMAND( cl_tree_sway_dir, "sets tree sway wind direction and strength" ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); if ( args.ArgC() == 3 ) { Vector windDir; windDir.x = V_atof( args.Arg( 1 ) ); windDir.y = V_atof( args.Arg( 2 ) ); windDir.z = 0; pRenderContext->SetVectorRenderingParameter( VECTOR_RENDERPARM_WIND_DIRECTION, windDir ); } } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // globals //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CUtlLinkedList< CEnvWindShared * > s_windControllers; CEnvWindShared::CEnvWindShared() : m_WindAveQueue(10), m_WindVariationQueue(10) { m_pWindSound = NULL; s_windControllers.AddToTail( this ); } CEnvWindShared::~CEnvWindShared() { if (m_pWindSound) { CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().Shutdown( m_pWindSound ); } s_windControllers.FindAndRemove( this ); } void CEnvWindShared::Init( int nEntIndex, int iRandomSeed, float flTime, int iInitialWindYaw, float flInitialWindSpeed ) { m_iEntIndex = nEntIndex; m_flWindAngleVariation = m_flWindSpeedVariation = 1.0f; m_flStartTime = m_flSimTime = m_flSwitchTime = m_flVariationTime = flTime; m_iWindSeed = iRandomSeed; m_Stream.SetSeed( iRandomSeed ); m_WindVariationStream.SetSeed( iRandomSeed ); m_iWindDir = m_iInitialWindDir = iInitialWindYaw; // Bound it for networking as a postive integer m_iInitialWindDir = (int)( anglemod( m_iInitialWindDir ) ); m_flAveWindSpeed = m_flWindSpeed = m_flInitialWindSpeed = flInitialWindSpeed; /* // Cache in the wind sound... if (!g_pEffects->IsServer()) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); m_pWindSound = controller.SoundCreate( -1, CHAN_STATIC, "EnvWind.Loop", ATTN_NONE ); controller.Play( m_pWindSound, 0.0f, 100 ); } */ // Next time a change happens (which will happen immediately), it'll stop gusting m_bGusting = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Computes wind variation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define WIND_VARIATION_UPDATE_TIME 0.1f void CEnvWindShared::ComputeWindVariation( float flTime ) { // The wind variation is updated every 10th of a second.. while( flTime >= m_flVariationTime ) { m_flWindAngleVariation = m_WindVariationStream.RandomFloat( -10, 10 ); m_flWindSpeedVariation = 1.0 + m_WindVariationStream.RandomFloat( -0.2, 0.2 ); m_flVariationTime += WIND_VARIATION_UPDATE_TIME; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the wind sound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEnvWindShared::UpdateWindSound( float flTotalWindSpeed ) { if (!g_pEffects->IsServer()) { float flDuration = random->RandomFloat( 1.0f, 2.0f ); CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); // FIXME: Tweak with these numbers float flNormalizedWindSpeed = flTotalWindSpeed / 150.0f; if (flNormalizedWindSpeed > 1.0f) flNormalizedWindSpeed = 1.0f; float flPitch = 120 * Bias( flNormalizedWindSpeed, 0.3f ) + 100; float flVolume = 0.3f * Bias( flNormalizedWindSpeed, 0.3f ) + 0.7f; controller.SoundChangePitch( m_pWindSound, flPitch, flDuration ); controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pWindSound, flVolume, flDuration ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the swaying of trees //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TREE_SWAY_UPDATE_TIME 2.0f void CEnvWindShared::UpdateTreeSway( float flTime ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL while( flTime >= m_flSwayTime ) { // Since the wind is constantly changing, but we need smooth values, we cache them off here. m_PrevSwayVector = m_CurrentSwayVector; m_CurrentSwayVector = m_currentWindVector; m_flSwayTime += TREE_SWAY_UPDATE_TIME; } // Update vertex shader float flPercentage = ( 1 - ( ( m_flSwayTime - flTime ) / TREE_SWAY_UPDATE_TIME ) ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); // Dividing by 2 helps the numbers the shader is expecting stay in line with other expected game values. Vector vecWind = Lerp( flPercentage, m_PrevSwayVector, m_CurrentSwayVector ) / 2; pRenderContext->SetVectorRenderingParameter( VECTOR_RENDERPARM_WIND_DIRECTION, vecWind ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the wind speed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define WIND_ACCELERATION 150.0f // wind speed can accelerate this many units per second #define WIND_DECELERATION 15.0f // wind speed can decelerate this many units per second float CEnvWindShared::WindThink( float flTime ) { // NOTE: This algorithm can be client-server neutal because we're using // the random number generator to generate *time* at which the wind changes. // We therefore need to structure the algorithm so that no matter the // frequency of calls to this function we produce the same wind speeds... ComputeWindVariation( flTime ); // Update Tree Sway UpdateTreeSway( flTime ); while (true) { // First, simulate up to the next switch time... float flTimeToSwitch = m_flSwitchTime - m_flSimTime; float flMaxDeltaTime = flTime - m_flSimTime; bool bGotToSwitchTime = (flMaxDeltaTime > flTimeToSwitch); float flSimDeltaTime = bGotToSwitchTime ? flTimeToSwitch : flMaxDeltaTime; // Now that we've chosen // either ramp up, or sleep till change bool bReachedSteadyState = true; if ( m_flAveWindSpeed > m_flWindSpeed ) { m_flWindSpeed += WIND_ACCELERATION * flSimDeltaTime; if (m_flWindSpeed > m_flAveWindSpeed) m_flWindSpeed = m_flAveWindSpeed; else bReachedSteadyState = false; } else if ( m_flAveWindSpeed < m_flWindSpeed ) { m_flWindSpeed -= WIND_DECELERATION * flSimDeltaTime; if (m_flWindSpeed < m_flAveWindSpeed) m_flWindSpeed = m_flAveWindSpeed; else bReachedSteadyState = false; } // Update the sim time // If we didn't get to a switch point, then we're done simulating for now if (!bGotToSwitchTime) { m_flSimTime = flTime; // We're about to exit, let's set the wind velocity... QAngle vecWindAngle( 0, m_iWindDir + m_flWindAngleVariation, 0 ); AngleVectors( vecWindAngle, &m_currentWindVector ); float flTotalWindSpeed = m_flWindSpeed * m_flWindSpeedVariation; m_currentWindVector *= flTotalWindSpeed; // If we reached a steady state, we don't need to be called until the switch time // Otherwise, we should be called immediately // FIXME: If we ever call this from prediction, we'll need // to only update the sound if it's a new time // Or, we'll need to update the sound elsewhere. // Update the sound.... // UpdateWindSound( flTotalWindSpeed ); // Always immediately call, the wind is forever varying return ( flTime + 0.01f ); } m_flSimTime = m_flSwitchTime; // Switch gusting state.. if( m_bGusting ) { // wind is gusting, so return to normal wind m_flAveWindSpeed = m_Stream.RandomInt( m_iMinWind, m_iMaxWind ); // set up for another gust later m_bGusting = false; m_flSwitchTime += m_flMinGustDelay + m_Stream.RandomFloat( 0, m_flMaxGustDelay ); #ifndef CLIENT_DLL m_OnGustEnd.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); #endif } else { // time for a gust. m_flAveWindSpeed = m_Stream.RandomInt( m_iMinGust, m_iMaxGust ); // change wind direction, maybe a lot m_iWindDir = anglemod( m_iWindDir + m_Stream.RandomInt(-m_iGustDirChange, m_iGustDirChange) ); // set up to stop the gust in a short while m_bGusting = true; #ifndef CLIENT_DLL m_OnGustStart.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); #endif // !!!HACKHACK - gust duration tied to the length of a particular wave file m_flSwitchTime += m_flGustDuration; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method to reset wind speed.. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ResetWindspeed() { FOR_EACH_LL( s_windControllers, it ) { s_windControllers[it]->m_currentWindVector.Init( 0, 0, 0 ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetWindspeedAtTime was never finished to actually take time in to consideration. We don't need // features that aren't written, but we do need to have multiple wind controllers on a map, so // we need to find the one that is affecting the given location and return its speed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector GetWindspeedAtLocation( const Vector &location ) { FOR_EACH_LL( s_windControllers, it ) { CEnvWindShared *thisWindController = s_windControllers[it]; float distance = (thisWindController->m_location - location).Length(); if( distance < thisWindController->m_windRadius ) { // This location is within our area of influence, so return our computer wind vector return thisWindController->m_currentWindVector; } } FOR_EACH_LL( s_windControllers, it ) { CEnvWindShared *thisWindController = s_windControllers[it]; if( thisWindController->m_windRadius == -1.0f ) { // We do a second search for a global controller so you don't have to worry about order in the list. return thisWindController->m_currentWindVector; } } return Vector(0,0,0);// No wind } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method to sample the windspeed at a particular time //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GetWindspeedAtTime( float flTime, Vector &vecVelocity ) { // For now, ignore history and time.. fix later when we use wind to affect // client-side prediction if ( s_windControllers.Count() == 0 ) { vecVelocity.Init( 0, 0, 0 ); } else { VectorCopy( s_windControllers[ s_windControllers.Head() ]->m_currentWindVector, vecVelocity ); } }