//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: An entity that creates NPCs in the game. There are two types of NPC // makers -- one which creates NPCs using a template NPC, and one which // creates an NPC via a classname. // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" #include "entityapi.h" #include "entityoutput.h" #include "ai_basenpc.h" #include "monstermaker.h" #include "TemplateEntities.h" #include "ndebugoverlay.h" #include "mapentities.h" #include "IEffects.h" #include "props.h" #include "vscript_server.h" #include "point_template.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static void DispatchActivate( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { bool bAsyncAnims = mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, false ); pEntity->Activate(); mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, bAsyncAnims ); } ConVar ai_inhibit_spawners( "ai_inhibit_spawners", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( info_npc_spawn_destination, CNPCSpawnDestination ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CNPCSpawnDestination ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_ReuseDelay, FIELD_FLOAT, "ReuseDelay" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_RenameNPC,FIELD_STRING, "RenameNPC" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_TimeNextAvailable, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnSpawnNPC, "OnSpawnNPC" ), END_DATADESC() //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- CNPCSpawnDestination::CNPCSpawnDestination() { // Available right away, the first time. m_TimeNextAvailable = gpGlobals->curtime; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CNPCSpawnDestination::IsAvailable() { if( m_TimeNextAvailable > gpGlobals->curtime ) { return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CNPCSpawnDestination::OnSpawnedNPC( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC ) { // Rename the NPC if( m_RenameNPC != NULL_STRING ) { pNPC->SetName( m_RenameNPC ); } m_OnSpawnNPC.FireOutput( pNPC, this ); m_TimeNextAvailable = gpGlobals->curtime + m_ReuseDelay; } //------------------------------------- BEGIN_DATADESC( CBaseNPCMaker ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nMaxNumNPCs, FIELD_INTEGER, "MaxNPCCount" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nMaxLiveChildren, FIELD_INTEGER, "MaxLiveChildren" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flSpawnFrequency, FIELD_FLOAT, "SpawnFrequency" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bDisabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "StartDisabled" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nHullCheckMode, FIELD_INTEGER, "HullCheckMode" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nLiveChildren, FIELD_INTEGER ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Spawn", InputSpawnNPC ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Enable", InputEnable ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Toggle", InputToggle ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetMaxChildren", InputSetMaxChildren ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "AddMaxChildren", InputAddMaxChildren ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetMaxLiveChildren", InputSetMaxLiveChildren ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "SetSpawnFrequency", InputSetSpawnFrequency ), // Outputs DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnAllSpawned, "OnAllSpawned" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnAllSpawnedDead, "OnAllSpawnedDead" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnAllLiveChildrenDead, "OnAllLiveChildrenDead" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnSpawnNPC, "OnSpawnNPC" ), // Function Pointers DEFINE_THINKFUNC( MakerThink ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hIgnoreEntity, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszIngoreEnt, FIELD_STRING, "IgnoreEntity" ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Spawn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::Spawn( void ) { ScriptInstallPreSpawnHook(); SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); m_nLiveChildren = 0; Precache(); // If I can make an infinite number of NPC, force them to fade if ( m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD ) { m_spawnflags |= SF_NPCMAKER_FADE; } //Start on? if ( m_bDisabled == false ) { SetThink ( &CBaseNPCMaker::MakerThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); } else { //wait to be activated. SetThink ( &CBaseNPCMaker::SUB_DoNothing ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A not-very-robust check to see if a human hull could fit at this location. // used to validate spawn destinations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseNPCMaker::HumanHullFits( const Vector &vecLocation ) { if ( m_nHullCheckMode == HULLCHECK_NONE ) // Pretend like hull always fits when hull checking is disabled return true; trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( vecLocation, vecLocation + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), NAI_Hull::Mins(HULL_HUMAN), NAI_Hull::Maxs(HULL_HUMAN), MASK_NPCSOLID, m_hIgnoreEntity, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns whether or not it is OK to make an NPC at this instant. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseNPCMaker::CanMakeNPC( bool bIgnoreSolidEntities ) { if( ai_inhibit_spawners.GetBool() ) return false; if ( m_nMaxLiveChildren > 0 && m_nLiveChildren >= m_nMaxLiveChildren ) {// not allowed to make a new one yet. Too many live ones out right now. return false; } if ( m_iszIngoreEnt != NULL_STRING ) { m_hIgnoreEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszIngoreEnt ); } Vector mins = GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 34, 34, 0 ); Vector maxs = GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 34, 34, 0 ); maxs.z = GetAbsOrigin().z; // If we care about not hitting solid entities, look for 'em if ( !bIgnoreSolidEntities ) { CBaseEntity *pList[128]; int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pList, 128, mins, maxs, FL_CLIENT|FL_NPC ); if ( count ) { //Iterate through the list and check the results for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { //Don't build on top of another entity if ( pList[i] == NULL ) continue; //If one of the entities is solid, then we may not be able to spawn now if ( ( pList[i]->GetSolidFlags() & FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) == false ) { // Since the outer method doesn't work well around striders on account of their huge bounding box. // Find the ground under me and see if a human hull would fit there. trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 2 ), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 8192 ), NAI_Hull::Mins(HULL_HUMAN), NAI_Hull::Maxs(HULL_HUMAN), MASK_NPCSOLID, m_hIgnoreEntity, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if( !HumanHullFits( tr.endpos + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) ) ) { return false; } } } } } // Do we need to check to see if the player's looking? if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_NPCMAKER_HIDEFROMPLAYER ) ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if ( pPlayer ) { // Only spawn if the player's looking away from me if( pPlayer->FInViewCone( GetAbsOrigin() ) && pPlayer->FVisible( GetAbsOrigin() ) ) { if ( !(pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET) ) return false; DevMsg( 2, "Spawner %s spawning even though seen due to notarget\n", STRING( GetEntityName() ) ); } } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: If this had a finite number of children, return true if they've all // been created. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseNPCMaker::IsDepleted() { if ( (m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD) || m_nMaxNumNPCs > 0 ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Toggle the spawner's state //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::Toggle( void ) { if ( m_bDisabled ) { Enable(); } else { Disable(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Start the spawner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::Enable( void ) { // can't be enabled once depleted if ( IsDepleted() ) return; m_bDisabled = false; SetThink ( &CBaseNPCMaker::MakerThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Stop the spawner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::Disable( void ) { m_bDisabled = true; SetThink ( NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input handler that spawns an NPC. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputSpawnNPC( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if( !IsDepleted() ) { MakeNPC(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input hander that starts the spawner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Enable(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input hander that stops the spawner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Disable(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input hander that toggles the spawner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputToggle( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Toggle(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputSetMaxChildren( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_nMaxNumNPCs = inputdata.value.Int(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputAddMaxChildren( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_nMaxNumNPCs += inputdata.value.Int(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::InputSetMaxLiveChildren( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_nMaxLiveChildren = inputdata.value.Int(); } void CBaseNPCMaker::InputSetSpawnFrequency( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_flSpawnFrequency = inputdata.value.Float(); } LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_maker, CNPCMaker ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CNPCMaker ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszNPCClassname, FIELD_STRING, "NPCType" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_ChildTargetName, FIELD_STRING, "NPCTargetname" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_SquadName, FIELD_STRING, "NPCSquadName" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_spawnEquipment, FIELD_STRING, "additionalequipment" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_strHintGroup, FIELD_STRING, "NPCHintGroup" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_RelationshipString, FIELD_STRING, "Relationship" ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNPCMaker::CNPCMaker( void ) { m_spawnEquipment = NULL_STRING; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Precache the target NPC //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPCMaker::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); const char *pszNPCName = STRING( m_iszNPCClassname ); if ( !pszNPCName || !pszNPCName[0] ) { Warning("npc_maker %s has no specified NPC-to-spawn classname.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); } else { UTIL_PrecacheOther( pszNPCName ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Creates the NPC. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPCMaker::MakeNPC( void ) { if (!CanMakeNPC()) return; CAI_BaseNPC *pent = (CAI_BaseNPC*)CreateEntityByName( STRING(m_iszNPCClassname) ); if ( !pent ) { Warning("NULL Ent in NPCMaker!\n" ); return; } // ------------------------------------------------ // Intialize spawned NPC's relationships // ------------------------------------------------ pent->SetRelationshipString( m_RelationshipString ); m_OnSpawnNPC.Set( pent, pent, this ); pent->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() ); // Strip pitch and roll from the spawner's angles. Pass only yaw to the spawned NPC. QAngle angles = GetAbsAngles(); angles.x = 0.0; angles.z = 0.0; pent->SetAbsAngles( angles ); pent->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND ); if ( m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_FADE ) { pent->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FADE_CORPSE ); } pent->m_spawnEquipment = m_spawnEquipment; pent->SetSquadName( m_SquadName ); pent->SetHintGroup( m_strHintGroup ); ChildPreSpawn( pent ); DispatchSpawn( pent ); pent->SetOwnerEntity( this ); DispatchActivate( pent ); if ( m_ChildTargetName != NULL_STRING ) { // if I have a netname (overloaded), give the child NPC that name as a targetname pent->SetName( m_ChildTargetName ); } ChildPostSpawn( pent ); m_nLiveChildren++;// count this NPC if (!(m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD)) { m_nMaxNumNPCs--; if ( IsDepleted() ) { m_OnAllSpawned.FireOutput( this, this ); // Disable this forever. Don't kill it because it still gets death notices SetThink( NULL ); SetUse( NULL ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pChild - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::ChildPostSpawn( CAI_BaseNPC *pChild ) { // If I'm stuck inside any props, remove them bool bFound = true; while ( bFound ) { trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( pChild->GetAbsOrigin(), pChild->GetAbsOrigin(), pChild->WorldAlignMins(), pChild->WorldAlignMaxs(), MASK_NPCSOLID, pChild, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); //NDebugOverlay::Box( pChild->GetAbsOrigin(), pChild->WorldAlignMins(), pChild->WorldAlignMaxs(), 0, 255, 0, 32, 5.0 ); if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 && tr.m_pEnt ) { if ( FClassnameIs( tr.m_pEnt, "prop_physics" ) ) { // Set to non-solid so this loop doesn't keep finding it tr.m_pEnt->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); UTIL_RemoveImmediate( tr.m_pEnt ); continue; } } bFound = false; } if ( m_hIgnoreEntity != NULL ) { pChild->SetOwnerEntity( m_hIgnoreEntity ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Creates a new NPC every so often. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::MakerThink ( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flSpawnFrequency ); MakeNPC(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pVictim - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseNPCMaker::DeathNotice( CBaseEntity *pVictim ) { // ok, we've gotten the deathnotice from our child, now clear out its owner if we don't want it to fade. m_nLiveChildren--; // If we're here, we're getting erroneous death messages from children we haven't created AssertMsg( m_nLiveChildren >= 0, "npc_maker receiving child death notice but thinks has no children\n" ); if ( m_nLiveChildren <= 0 ) { m_OnAllLiveChildrenDead.FireOutput( this, this ); // See if we've exhausted our supply of NPCs if ( ( (m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD) == false ) && IsDepleted() ) { // Signal that all our children have been spawned and are now dead m_OnAllSpawnedDead.FireOutput( this, this ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Creates new NPCs from a template NPC. The template NPC must be marked // as a template (spawnflag) and does not spawn. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_template_maker, CTemplateNPCMaker ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CTemplateNPCMaker ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateName, FIELD_STRING, "TemplateName" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flRadius, FIELD_FLOAT, "radius" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iszTemplateData, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszDestinationGroup, FIELD_STRING, "DestinationGroup" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_CriterionVisibility, FIELD_INTEGER, "CriterionVisibility" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_CriterionDistance, FIELD_INTEGER, "CriterionDistance" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iMinSpawnDistance, FIELD_INTEGER, "MinSpawnDistance" ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "SpawnNPCInRadius", InputSpawnInRadius ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "SpawnNPCInLine", InputSpawnInLine ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SpawnMultiple", InputSpawnMultiple ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "ChangeDestinationGroup", InputChangeDestinationGroup ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetMinimumSpawnDistance", InputSetMinimumSpawnDistance ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A hook that lets derived NPC makers do special stuff when precaching. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::PrecacheTemplateEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { pEntity->Precache(); } void CTemplateNPCMaker::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache(); if ( !m_iszTemplateData ) { // // This must be the first time we're activated, not a load from save game. // Look up the template in the template database. // if (!m_iszTemplateName) { Warning( "npc_template_maker %s has no template NPC!\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); UTIL_Remove( this ); return; } else { m_iszTemplateData = Templates_FindByTargetName(STRING(m_iszTemplateName)); if ( m_iszTemplateData == NULL_STRING ) { DevWarning( "npc_template_maker %s: template NPC %s not found!\n", STRING(GetEntityName()), STRING(m_iszTemplateName) ); UTIL_Remove( this ); return; } } } Assert( m_iszTemplateData != NULL_STRING ); // If the mapper marked this as "preload", then instance the entity preache stuff and delete the entity //if ( !HasSpawnFlags(SF_NPCMAKER_NOPRELOADMODELS) ) if ( m_iszTemplateData != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, STRING(m_iszTemplateData), NULL ); if ( pEntity != NULL ) { PrecacheTemplateEntity( pEntity ); UTIL_RemoveImmediate( pEntity ); } } } #define MAX_DESTINATION_ENTS 100 CNPCSpawnDestination *CTemplateNPCMaker::FindSpawnDestination() { CNPCSpawnDestination *pDestinations[ MAX_DESTINATION_ENTS ]; CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); int count = 0; if( !pPlayer ) { return NULL; } // Collect all the qualifiying destination ents pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszDestinationGroup ); if( !pEnt ) { DevWarning("Template NPC Spawner (%s) doesn't have any spawn destinations!\n", GetDebugName() ); return NULL; } while( pEnt ) { CNPCSpawnDestination *pDestination; pDestination = dynamic_cast (pEnt); if( pDestination && pDestination->IsAvailable() ) { bool fValid = true; Vector vecTest = pDestination->GetAbsOrigin(); if( m_CriterionVisibility != TS_YN_DONT_CARE ) { // Right now View Cone check is omitted intentionally. Vector vecTopOfHull = NAI_Hull::Maxs( HULL_HUMAN ); vecTopOfHull.x = 0; vecTopOfHull.y = 0; bool fVisible = (pPlayer->FVisible( vecTest ) || pPlayer->FVisible( vecTest + vecTopOfHull ) ); if( m_CriterionVisibility == TS_YN_YES ) { if( !fVisible ) fValid = false; } else { if( fVisible ) { if ( !(pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET) ) fValid = false; else DevMsg( 2, "Spawner %s spawning even though seen due to notarget\n", STRING( GetEntityName() ) ); } } } if( fValid ) { pDestinations[ count ] = pDestination; count++; } } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEnt, m_iszDestinationGroup ); } if( count < 1 ) return NULL; // Now find the nearest/farthest based on distance criterion if( m_CriterionDistance == TS_DIST_DONT_CARE ) { // Pretty lame way to pick randomly. Try a few times to find a random // location where a hull can fit. Don't try too many times due to performance // concerns. for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { CNPCSpawnDestination *pRandomDest = pDestinations[ rand() % count ]; if( HumanHullFits( pRandomDest->GetAbsOrigin() ) ) { return pRandomDest; } } return NULL; } else { if( m_CriterionDistance == TS_DIST_NEAREST ) { float flNearest = FLT_MAX; CNPCSpawnDestination *pNearest = NULL; for( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { Vector vecTest = pDestinations[ i ]->GetAbsOrigin(); float flDist = ( vecTest - pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ).Length(); if ( m_iMinSpawnDistance != 0 && m_iMinSpawnDistance > flDist ) continue; if( flDist < flNearest && HumanHullFits( vecTest ) ) { flNearest = flDist; pNearest = pDestinations[ i ]; } } return pNearest; } else { float flFarthest = 0; CNPCSpawnDestination *pFarthest = NULL; for( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { Vector vecTest = pDestinations[ i ]->GetAbsOrigin(); float flDist = ( vecTest - pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ).Length(); if ( m_iMinSpawnDistance != 0 && m_iMinSpawnDistance > flDist ) continue; if( flDist > flFarthest && HumanHullFits( vecTest ) ) { flFarthest = flDist; pFarthest = pDestinations[ i ]; } } return pFarthest; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::MakeNPC( void ) { // If we should be using the radius spawn method instead, do so if ( m_flRadius && HasSpawnFlags(SF_NPCMAKER_ALWAYSUSERADIUS) ) { MakeNPCInRadius(); return; } MakeNPCFromTemplate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAI_BaseNPC *CTemplateNPCMaker::MakeNPCFromTemplate( void ) { if (!CanMakeNPC( ( m_iszDestinationGroup != NULL_STRING ) )) return NULL; CNPCSpawnDestination *pDestination = NULL; if ( m_iszDestinationGroup != NULL_STRING ) { pDestination = FindSpawnDestination(); if ( !pDestination ) { DevMsg( 2, "%s '%s' failed to find a valid spawnpoint in destination group: '%s'\n", GetClassname(), STRING(GetEntityName()), STRING(m_iszDestinationGroup) ); return NULL; } } CAI_BaseNPC *pent = NULL; CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, STRING(m_iszTemplateData), NULL ); if ( pEntity != NULL ) { pent = (CAI_BaseNPC *)pEntity; } if ( !pent ) { Warning("NULL Ent in NPCMaker!\n" ); return NULL; } if ( pDestination ) { pent->SetAbsOrigin( pDestination->GetAbsOrigin() ); // Strip pitch and roll from the spawner's angles. Pass only yaw to the spawned NPC. QAngle angles = pDestination->GetAbsAngles(); angles.x = 0.0; angles.z = 0.0; pent->SetAbsAngles( angles ); pDestination->OnSpawnedNPC( pent ); } else { pent->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() ); // Strip pitch and roll from the spawner's angles. Pass only yaw to the spawned NPC. QAngle angles = GetAbsAngles(); angles.x = 0.0; angles.z = 0.0; pent->SetAbsAngles( angles ); } if ( !ScriptPreInstanceSpawn( &m_ScriptScope, pEntity, m_iszTemplateData ) ) { UTIL_RemoveImmediate( pEntity ); return NULL; } m_OnSpawnNPC.Set( pEntity, pEntity, this ); if ( m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_FADE ) { pent->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FADE_CORPSE ); } pent->RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_TEMPLATE ); if ( ( m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_NO_DROP ) == false ) { pent->RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND ); // don't fall, slam } ChildPreSpawn( pent ); DispatchSpawn( pent ); pent->SetOwnerEntity( this ); DispatchActivate( pent ); ChildPostSpawn( pent ); m_nLiveChildren++;// count this NPC if (!(m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD)) { m_nMaxNumNPCs--; if ( IsDepleted() ) { m_OnAllSpawned.FireOutput( this, this ); // Disable this forever. Don't kill it because it still gets death notices SetThink( NULL ); SetUse( NULL ); } } ScriptPostSpawn( &m_ScriptScope, &pEntity, 1 ); return pent; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::MakeNPCInLine( void ) { if (!CanMakeNPC(true)) return; CAI_BaseNPC *pent = NULL; CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, STRING(m_iszTemplateData), NULL ); if ( pEntity != NULL ) { pent = (CAI_BaseNPC *)pEntity; } if ( !pent ) { Warning("NULL Ent in NPCMaker!\n" ); return; } m_OnSpawnNPC.Set( pEntity, pEntity, this ); PlaceNPCInLine( pent ); pent->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND ); pent->RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_TEMPLATE ); ChildPreSpawn( pent ); DispatchSpawn( pent ); pent->SetOwnerEntity( this ); DispatchActivate( pent ); ChildPostSpawn( pent ); m_nLiveChildren++;// count this NPC if (!(m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD)) { m_nMaxNumNPCs--; if ( IsDepleted() ) { m_OnAllSpawned.FireOutput( this, this ); // Disable this forever. Don't kill it because it still gets death notices SetThink( NULL ); SetUse( NULL ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTemplateNPCMaker::PlaceNPCInLine( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC ) { Vector vecPlace; Vector vecLine; GetVectors( &vecLine, NULL, NULL ); // invert this, line up NPC's BEHIND the maker. vecLine *= -1; trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 8192 ), MASK_SHOT, pNPC, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); vecPlace = tr.endpos; float flStepSize = pNPC->GetHullWidth(); // Try 10 times to place this npc. for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { UTIL_TraceHull( vecPlace, vecPlace + Vector( 0, 0, 10 ), pNPC->GetHullMins(), pNPC->GetHullMaxs(), MASK_SHOT, pNPC, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) { pNPC->SetAbsOrigin( tr.endpos ); return true; } vecPlace += vecLine * flStepSize; } DevMsg("**Failed to place NPC in line!\n"); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Place NPC somewhere on the perimeter of my radius. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::MakeNPCInRadius( void ) { if ( !CanMakeNPC(true)) return; CAI_BaseNPC *pent = NULL; CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, STRING(m_iszTemplateData), NULL ); if ( pEntity != NULL ) { pent = (CAI_BaseNPC *)pEntity; } if ( !pent ) { Warning("NULL Ent in NPCMaker!\n" ); return; } if ( !PlaceNPCInRadius( pent ) ) { // Failed to place the NPC. Abort UTIL_RemoveImmediate( pent ); return; } m_OnSpawnNPC.Set( pEntity, pEntity, this ); pent->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND ); pent->RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_TEMPLATE ); ChildPreSpawn( pent ); DispatchSpawn( pent ); pent->SetOwnerEntity( this ); DispatchActivate( pent ); ChildPostSpawn( pent ); m_nLiveChildren++;// count this NPC if (!(m_spawnflags & SF_NPCMAKER_INF_CHILD)) { m_nMaxNumNPCs--; if ( IsDepleted() ) { m_OnAllSpawned.FireOutput( this, this ); // Disable this forever. Don't kill it because it still gets death notices SetThink( NULL ); SetUse( NULL ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Find a place to spawn an npc within my radius. // Right now this function tries to place them on the perimeter of radius. // Output : false if we couldn't find a spot! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTemplateNPCMaker::PlaceNPCInRadius( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC ) { Vector vPos; if ( CAI_BaseNPC::FindSpotForNPCInRadius( &vPos, GetAbsOrigin(), pNPC, m_flRadius ) ) { pNPC->SetAbsOrigin( vPos ); return true; } DevMsg("**Failed to place NPC in radius!\n"); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::MakeMultipleNPCS( int nNPCs ) { bool bInRadius = ( m_iszDestinationGroup == NULL_STRING && m_flRadius > 0.1 ); while ( nNPCs-- ) { if ( !bInRadius ) { MakeNPC(); } else { MakeNPCInRadius(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::InputSpawnMultiple( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { MakeMultipleNPCS( inputdata.value.Int() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::InputChangeDestinationGroup( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_iszDestinationGroup = inputdata.value.StringID(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTemplateNPCMaker::InputSetMinimumSpawnDistance( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_iMinSpawnDistance = inputdata.value.Int(); }