//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "sharedInterface.h" #include "soundenvelope.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "IEffects.h" #include "isaverestore.h" #include "saverestore_utlvector.h" #include "gamestringpool.h" #include "igamesystem.h" #include "utlpriorityqueue.h" #include "mempool.h" #include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h" #include "tier0/vprof.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static ConVar soundpatch_captionlength( "soundpatch_captionlength", "2.0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "How long looping soundpatch captions should display for." ); // Envelope // This is a class that controls a ramp for a sound (pitch / volume / etc) class CSoundEnvelope { public: DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); CSoundEnvelope() { m_current = 0.0f; m_target = 0.0f; m_rate = 0.0f; m_forceupdate = false; } void SetTarget( float target, float deltaTime ); void SetValue( float value ); bool ShouldUpdate( void ); void Update( float time ); inline float Value( void ) { return m_current; } private: float m_current; float m_target; float m_rate; bool m_forceupdate; }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( CSoundEnvelope ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_current, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_target, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_rate, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_forceupdate, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Set the new target value for this ramp. Reach this target in deltaTime // seconds from now // Input : target - new target value // deltaTime - time to reach target //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundEnvelope::SetTarget( float target, float deltaTime ) { float deltaValue = target - m_current; if ( deltaValue && deltaTime > 0 ) { m_target = target; m_rate = MAX( 0.1, fabs(deltaValue / deltaTime) ); } else { if ( target != m_current ) { m_forceupdate = true; } SetValue( target ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Instantaneously set the value of this ramp // Input : value - new value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundEnvelope::SetValue( float value ) { if ( m_target != value ) { m_forceupdate = true; } m_current = m_target = value; m_rate = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Check to see if I need to update this envelope // Output : Returns true if this envelope is changing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CSoundEnvelope::ShouldUpdate( void ) { if ( m_forceupdate ) { m_forceupdate = false; return true; } if ( m_current != m_target ) { return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Update the envelope for the current frame time // Input : time - amount of time that has passed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundEnvelope::Update( float deltaTime ) { m_current = Approach( m_target, m_current, m_rate * deltaTime ); } class CCopyRecipientFilter : public IRecipientFilter { public: DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); CCopyRecipientFilter() : m_Flags(0) {} void Init( IRecipientFilter *pSrc ) { m_Flags = FLAG_ACTIVE; if ( pSrc->IsReliable() ) { m_Flags |= FLAG_RELIABLE; } if ( pSrc->IsInitMessage() ) { m_Flags |= FLAG_INIT_MESSAGE; } for ( int i = 0; i < pSrc->GetRecipientCount(); i++ ) { int index = pSrc->GetRecipientIndex( i ); if ( index >= 0 ) m_Recipients.AddToTail( index ); } } bool IsActive() const { return (m_Flags & FLAG_ACTIVE) != 0; } virtual bool IsReliable( void ) const { return (m_Flags & FLAG_RELIABLE) != 0; } virtual int GetRecipientCount( void ) const { return m_Recipients.Count(); } virtual int GetRecipientIndex( int slot ) const { return m_Recipients[ slot ]; } virtual bool IsInitMessage( void ) const { return (m_Flags & FLAG_INIT_MESSAGE) != 0; } virtual bool AddRecipient( CBasePlayer *player ) { Assert( player ); int index = player->entindex(); if ( index < 0 ) return false; // Already in list if ( m_Recipients.Find( index ) != m_Recipients.InvalidIndex() ) return false; m_Recipients.AddToTail( index ); return true; } private: enum { FLAG_ACTIVE = 0x1, FLAG_RELIABLE = 0x2, FLAG_INIT_MESSAGE = 0x4, }; int m_Flags; CUtlVector< int > m_Recipients; }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( CCopyRecipientFilter ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_Flags, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_UTLVECTOR( m_Recipients, FIELD_INTEGER ), END_DATADESC() #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" // This is the a basic sound controller, a "patch" // It has envelopes for pitch and volume and can manage state changes to those class CSoundPatch { public: DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); static int g_SoundPatchCount; CSoundPatch() { g_SoundPatchCount++; m_iszSoundName = NULL_STRING; m_iszSoundScriptName = NULL_STRING; m_flCloseCaptionDuration = soundpatch_captionlength.GetFloat(); m_soundOrigin.Init(); m_soundEntityIndex = -1; m_guid = -1; } ~CSoundPatch() { g_SoundPatchCount--; } void Init( IRecipientFilter *pFilter, CBaseEntity *pEnt, int channel, const char *pSoundName, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, const Vector *pSoundOrigin, float scriptVolume = 1.0f ); void ChangePitch( float pitchTarget, float deltaTime ); void ChangeVolume( float volumeTarget, float deltaTime ); void FadeOut( float deltaTime, bool destroyOnFadeout ); float GetPitch( void ); float GetVolume( void ); string_t GetName() { return m_iszSoundName; }; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL int GetGuid() { return m_guid; }; float GetElapsedTime( void ); bool IsStillPlaying( void ); #endif string_t GetScriptName() { return m_iszSoundScriptName; } // UNDONE: Don't call this, use the controller to shut down void Shutdown( void ); bool Update( float time, float deltaTime ); void Reset( void ); void StartSound( float flStartTime = 0 ); void ResumeSound( void ); int IsPlaying( void ) { return m_isPlaying; } float GetShutdownTime( void ) const { return m_shutdownTime; } // TERROR: debugging void AddPlayerPost( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); void SetCloseCaptionDuration( float flDuration ) { m_flCloseCaptionDuration = flDuration; } void SetBaseFlags( int iFlags ) { m_baseFlags = iFlags; } // Returns the ent index int EntIndex() const; private: // SoundPatches take volumes between 0 & 1, and use that to multiply the sounds.txt specified volume. // This function is an internal method of accessing the real volume passed into the engine (i.e. post multiply) float GetVolumeForEngine( void ); private: CSoundEnvelope m_pitch; CSoundEnvelope m_volume; int m_guid; soundlevel_t m_soundlevel; float m_shutdownTime; string_t m_iszSoundName; string_t m_iszSoundScriptName; EHANDLE m_hEnt; int m_entityChannel; int m_soundEntityIndex; Vector m_soundOrigin; int m_flags; int m_baseFlags; int m_isPlaying; float m_flScriptVolume; // Volume for this sound in sounds.txt CCopyRecipientFilter m_Filter; float m_flCloseCaptionDuration; #ifdef _DEBUG // Used to get the classname of the entity associated with the sound string_t m_iszClassName; #endif DECLARE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR(CSoundPatch); }; #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" int CSoundPatch::g_SoundPatchCount = 0; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL CON_COMMAND( cl_report_soundpatch, "reports client-side sound patch count" ) #else CON_COMMAND( report_soundpatch, "reports sound patch count" ) #endif { Msg("Current sound patches: %d\n", CSoundPatch::g_SoundPatchCount ); } DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR( CSoundPatch, 64, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_FAST ); BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( CSoundPatch ) DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_pitch ), DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_volume ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_soundlevel, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_shutdownTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iszSoundName, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iszSoundScriptName, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hEnt, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_entityChannel, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flags, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_baseFlags, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_isPlaying, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flScriptVolume, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_Filter ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flCloseCaptionDuration, FIELD_FLOAT ), // Not saved, it's debug only // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iszClassName, FIELD_STRING ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Setup the patch // Input : nEntIndex - index of the edict that owns the sound channel // channel - This is a sound channel (CHAN_ITEM, CHAN_STATIC) // *pSoundName - sound script string name // attenuation - attenuation of this sound (not animated) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::Init( IRecipientFilter *pFilter, CBaseEntity *pEnt, int channel, const char *pSoundName, soundlevel_t soundlevel, const Vector *pSoundOrigin , float scriptVolume) { m_hEnt = pEnt; if ( pEnt ) { m_soundEntityIndex = pEnt->entindex(); } m_entityChannel = channel; // Get the volume from the script CSoundParameters params; if ( !Q_stristr( pSoundName, ".wav" ) && !Q_stristr( pSoundName, ".mp3" ) && CBaseEntity::GetParametersForSound( pSoundName, params, NULL ) ) { m_flScriptVolume = params.volume; // This has to be the actual .wav because rndwave would cause a bunch of new .wavs to play... bad... // e.g., when you pitch shift it would start a different wav instead. m_iszSoundScriptName = AllocPooledString( pSoundName ); pSoundName = params.soundname; m_soundlevel = params.soundlevel; // TERROR: if we say we want CHAN_USER_BASE + N, we mean it! if ( m_entityChannel < CHAN_USER_BASE ) { m_entityChannel = params.channel; } } else { m_iszSoundScriptName = AllocPooledString( pSoundName ); m_flScriptVolume = scriptVolume; m_soundlevel = soundlevel; } m_iszSoundName = AllocPooledString( pSoundName ); m_volume.SetValue( 0 ); m_pitch.SetValue( 0 ); m_isPlaying = false; m_shutdownTime = 0; m_Filter.Init( pFilter ); m_baseFlags = 0; if( pSoundOrigin ) { m_soundOrigin.x = pSoundOrigin->x; m_soundOrigin.y = pSoundOrigin->y; m_soundOrigin.z = pSoundOrigin->z; } #ifdef _DEBUG if ( pEnt ) { m_iszClassName = AllocPooledString( pEnt->GetClassname() ); } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Ramps the pitch to a new value // Input : pitchTarget - new value // deltaTime - seconds to reach the value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::ChangePitch( float pitchTarget, float deltaTime ) { m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_PITCH; m_pitch.SetTarget( pitchTarget, deltaTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Ramps the volume to a new value // Input : volumeTarget - new volume // deltaTime - seconds to reach the new volume //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::ChangeVolume( float volumeTarget, float deltaTime ) { m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL; if ( volumeTarget > 1.0 ) volumeTarget = 1.0; m_volume.SetTarget( volumeTarget, deltaTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Fade volume to zero AND SHUT DOWN THIS SOUND // Input : deltaTime - seconds before done/shutdown //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::FadeOut( float deltaTime, bool destroyOnFadeout ) { ChangeVolume( 0, deltaTime ); if ( !destroyOnFadeout ) { m_shutdownTime = g_pEffects->Time() + deltaTime; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the sound's current pitch //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundPatch::GetPitch( void ) { return m_pitch.Value(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the sound's current volume //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundPatch::GetVolume( void ) { return m_volume.Value(); } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the playing status of the sound // Returns: Sounds playing status from the engine //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CSoundPatch::IsStillPlaying( void ) { return enginesound->IsSoundStillPlaying(m_guid); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the sound's current elapsed time // Returns: Time in seconds //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundPatch::GetElapsedTime( void ) { // convert to seconds return enginesound->GetElapsedTimeByGuid(m_guid) * 0.01; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the ent index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CSoundPatch::EntIndex() const { Assert( !m_hEnt.IsValid() || m_hEnt.Get() ); return m_hEnt.Get() ? m_hEnt->entindex() : -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: SoundPatches take volumes between 0 & 1, and use that to multiply the sounds.txt specified volume. // This function is an internal method of accessing the real volume passed into the engine (i.e. post multiply) // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundPatch::GetVolumeForEngine( void ) { return ( m_flScriptVolume * m_volume.Value() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Stop the sound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::Shutdown( void ) { // Msg( "Removing sound %s\n", m_pszSoundName ); if ( m_isPlaying ) { int entIndex = -1; if ( m_hEnt.Get() ) { entIndex = EntIndex(); } else { // may have deleted the entity after starting the sound, but before stopping the sound, try the saved index // this will handle that case so a sound patch doesn't get stuck on entIndex = m_soundEntityIndex; } Assert( entIndex >= 0 ); // BUGBUG: Don't crash in release mode if ( entIndex >= 0 ) { CBaseEntity::StopSound( entIndex, m_entityChannel, STRING( m_iszSoundName ) ); } m_isPlaying = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Update all envelopes and send appropriate data to the client // Input : time - new global clock // deltaTime - amount of time that has passed // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CSoundPatch::Update( float time, float deltaTime ) { VPROF( "CSoundPatch::Update" ); if ( m_shutdownTime && time > m_shutdownTime ) { Shutdown(); return false; } if ( EntIndex() < 0 ) { // FIXME: The pointer to this soundpatch is probably leaked since no entity is around to clean it up (ywb) DevWarning( "CSoundPatch::Update: Removing CSoundPatch (%s) with NULL EHandle\n", STRING(m_iszSoundName) ); return false; } if ( m_pitch.ShouldUpdate() ) { m_pitch.Update( deltaTime ); m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_PITCH; } else { m_flags &= ~SND_CHANGE_PITCH; } if ( m_volume.ShouldUpdate() ) { m_volume.Update( deltaTime ); m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL; } else { m_flags &= ~SND_CHANGE_VOL; } // if ( m_flags && m_Filter.IsActive() ) if ( m_flags ) { // SoundPatches take volumes between 0 & 1, and use that to multiply the sounds.txt specified volume. // Because of this, we need to always set the SND_CHANGE_VOL flag when we emit sound, or it'll use the scriptfile's instead. m_flags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL; EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = m_entityChannel; ep.m_pSoundName = STRING(m_iszSoundName); ep.m_flVolume = GetVolumeForEngine(); ep.m_SoundLevel = m_soundlevel; ep.m_nFlags = m_flags; ep.m_nPitch = (int)m_pitch.Value(); // only pass the position if it's coming from the world if( EntIndex() == 0 ) ep.m_pOrigin = &m_soundOrigin; CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), ep ); m_flags = 0; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sound is going to start playing again, clear any shutdown time //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::Reset( void ) { m_shutdownTime = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Start playing the sound - send updates to the client //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::StartSound( float flStartTime ) { // Msg( "Start sound %s\n", m_pszSoundName ); m_flags = 0; if ( m_Filter.IsActive() ) { EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = m_entityChannel; ep.m_pSoundName = STRING(m_iszSoundName); ep.m_flVolume = GetVolumeForEngine(); ep.m_SoundLevel = m_soundlevel; // only pass the position if it's coming from the world if( EntIndex() == 0 ) ep.m_pOrigin = &m_soundOrigin; if ( V_stristr( STRING(m_iszSoundName), "music" ) ) { ep.m_nFlags = m_baseFlags; } else { ep.m_nFlags = (SND_CHANGE_VOL | m_baseFlags); } ep.m_nPitch = (int)m_pitch.Value(); ep.m_bEmitCloseCaption = false; if ( flStartTime ) { ep.m_flSoundTime = flStartTime; } //#ifdef CLIENT_DLL #ifdef ___NOT if ( V_stristr( STRING(m_iszSoundName), "music" ) ) { // Don't play synchronously - we'll get it with the volume adjustments //engine->ClientCmd( VarArgs("play %s\n", ep.m_pSoundName) ); } else #endif { CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), ep ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL m_guid = enginesound->GetGuidForLastSoundEmitted(); #endif } CBaseEntity::EmitCloseCaption( m_Filter, EntIndex(), STRING( m_iszSoundScriptName ), ep.m_UtlVecSoundOrigin, m_flCloseCaptionDuration, true ); } m_isPlaying = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: resumes playing the sound on restore //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::ResumeSound( void ) { if ( IsPlaying() && m_Filter.IsActive() ) { if ( EntIndex() >= 0 ) { EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = m_entityChannel; ep.m_pSoundName = STRING(m_iszSoundName); ep.m_flVolume = GetVolumeForEngine(); ep.m_SoundLevel = m_soundlevel; ep.m_nFlags = (SND_CHANGE_VOL | SND_CHANGE_PITCH | m_baseFlags); ep.m_nPitch = (int)m_pitch.Value(); // only pass the position if it's coming from the world if( EntIndex() == 0 ) ep.m_pOrigin = &m_soundOrigin; CBaseEntity::EmitSound( m_Filter, EntIndex(), ep ); } else { // FIXME: Lost the entity on restore. It might have been suppressed by the save/restore system. // This will probably leak the sound patch since there's no one to delete it, but the next // call to CSoundPatch::Update should at least remove it from the list of sound patches. DevWarning( "CSoundPatch::ResumeSound: Lost EHAndle on restore - destroy the sound patch in your entity's StopLoopingSounds! (%s)\n", STRING( m_iszSoundName ) ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A new player's entered the game. See if we need to restart our sound. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundPatch::AddPlayerPost( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { if ( m_Filter.IsActive() && m_Filter.AddRecipient(pPlayer) ) { // Alrighty, he's new. We need to restart our sound just to him. // Create a new filter just to him. CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer ); EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = m_entityChannel; ep.m_pSoundName = STRING(m_iszSoundName); ep.m_flVolume = GetVolumeForEngine(); ep.m_SoundLevel = m_soundlevel; ep.m_nFlags = (SND_CHANGE_VOL | m_baseFlags); ep.m_nPitch = (int)m_pitch.Value(); // only pass the position if it's coming from the world if( EntIndex() == 0 ) ep.m_pOrigin = &m_soundOrigin; CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, EntIndex(), ep ); } } // This is an entry in the command queue. It's used to queue up various pitch and volume changes // so you can define an envelope without writing timing code in an entity. Existing queued commands // can be deleted later if the envelope changes dynamically. #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" struct SoundCommand_t { SoundCommand_t( void ) { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); } SoundCommand_t( CSoundPatch *pSound, float executeTime, soundcommands_t command, float deltaTime, float value ) : m_pPatch(pSound), m_time(executeTime), m_deltaTime(deltaTime), m_command(command), m_value(value) {} CSoundPatch *m_pPatch; float m_time; float m_deltaTime; soundcommands_t m_command; float m_value; SoundCommand_t *m_pNext; DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); DECLARE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR(SoundCommand_t); }; #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR( SoundCommand_t, 32, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_FAST ); BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( SoundCommand_t ) // NOTE: This doesn't need to be saved, sound commands are saved right after the patch // they are associated with // DEFINE_FIELD( m_pPatch, FIELD_????? ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_time, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_deltaTime, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_command, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_value, FIELD_FLOAT ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_pNext, FIELD_????? ) END_DATADESC() typedef SoundCommand_t *SOUNDCOMMANDPTR; bool SoundCommandLessFunc( const SOUNDCOMMANDPTR &lhs, const SOUNDCOMMANDPTR &rhs ) { // NOTE: A greater time means "less" priority return ( lhs->m_time > rhs->m_time ); } // This implements the sound controller class CSoundControllerImp : public CSoundEnvelopeController, public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // internal functions, private to this file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: CSoundControllerImp( void ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( "CSoundControllerImp" ) { m_commandList.SetLessFunc( SoundCommandLessFunc ); } void ProcessCommand( SoundCommand_t *pCmd ); void RemoveFromList( CSoundPatch *pSound ); void SaveSoundPatch( CSoundPatch *pSound, ISave *pSave ); void RestoreSoundPatch( CSoundPatch **ppSound, IRestore *pRestore ); virtual void OnRestore(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // external interface functions (from CSoundEnvelopeController) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: // Start this sound playing, or reset if already playing with new volume/pitch void Play( CSoundPatch *pSound, float volume, float pitch, float flStartTime = 0 ); void CommandAdd( CSoundPatch *pSound, float executeDeltaTime, soundcommands_t command, float commandTime, float commandValue ); void SystemReset( void ); void SystemUpdate( void ); void CommandClear( CSoundPatch *pSound ); void Shutdown( CSoundPatch *pSound ); CSoundPatch *SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, const char *pSoundName ); CSoundPatch *SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, float attenuation, float scriptVolume = 1.0f ); CSoundPatch *SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, float attenuation, const Vector *pSoundOrigin, float scriptVolume = 1.0f ); CSoundPatch *SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, soundlevel_t soundlevel ); CSoundPatch *SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, const EmitSound_t &es ); void SoundDestroy( CSoundPatch *pSound ); void SoundChangePitch( CSoundPatch *pSound, float pitchTarget, float deltaTime ); void SoundChangeVolume( CSoundPatch *pSound, float volumeTarget, float deltaTime ); void SoundFadeOut( CSoundPatch *pSound, float deltaTime, bool destroyOnFadeout ); float SoundGetPitch( CSoundPatch *pSound ); float SoundGetVolume( CSoundPatch *pSound ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL float SoundGetElapsedTime( CSoundPatch *pSound ); bool SoundIsStillPlaying( CSoundPatch *pSound ); int SoundGetGuid( CSoundPatch *pSound ); #endif string_t SoundGetName( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetName(); } string_t SoundGetScriptName( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetScriptName(); } void SoundSetCloseCaptionDuration( CSoundPatch *pSound, float flDuration ) { pSound->SetCloseCaptionDuration(flDuration); } float SoundPlayEnvelope( CSoundPatch *pSound, soundcommands_t soundCommand, envelopePoint_t *points, int numPoints ); float SoundPlayEnvelope( CSoundPatch *pSound, soundcommands_t soundCommand, envelopeDescription_t *envelope ); void CheckLoopingSoundsForPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); // Inserts the command into the list, sorted by time void CommandInsert( SoundCommand_t *pCommand ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // CAutoClientSystem virtual void Update( float frametime ) { SystemUpdate(); } #else virtual void PreClientUpdate() { SystemUpdate(); } #endif virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity() { SystemReset(); } private: CUtlVector m_soundList; CUtlPriorityQueue m_commandList; float m_flLastTime; }; // Execute a command from the list // currently only 3 commands // UNDONE: Add start command? void CSoundControllerImp::ProcessCommand( SoundCommand_t *pCmd ) { switch( pCmd->m_command ) { case SOUNDCTRL_CHANGE_VOLUME: pCmd->m_pPatch->ChangeVolume( pCmd->m_value, pCmd->m_deltaTime ); break; case SOUNDCTRL_CHANGE_PITCH: pCmd->m_pPatch->ChangePitch( pCmd->m_value, pCmd->m_deltaTime ); break; case SOUNDCTRL_STOP: pCmd->m_pPatch->Shutdown(); break; case SOUNDCTRL_DESTROY: RemoveFromList( pCmd->m_pPatch ); delete pCmd->m_pPatch; pCmd->m_pPatch = NULL; break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Remove this sound from the sound list & shutdown (not in external interface) // Input : *pSound - patch to remove //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::RemoveFromList( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { m_soundList.FindAndRemove( pSound ); pSound->Shutdown(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start this sound playing, or reset if already playing with new volume/pitch //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::Play( CSoundPatch *pSound, float volume, float pitch, float flStartTime ) { // reset the vars pSound->Reset(); pSound->ChangeVolume( volume, 0 ); pSound->ChangePitch( pitch, 0 ); if ( pSound->IsPlaying() ) { // remove any previous commands in the queue CommandClear( pSound ); } else { m_soundList.AddToTail( pSound ); pSound->StartSound( flStartTime ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inserts the command into the list, sorted by time //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::CommandInsert( SoundCommand_t *pCommand ) { m_commandList.Insert( pCommand ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: puts a command into the queue // Input : *pSound - patch this command affects // executeDeltaTime - relative time to execute this command // command - command to execute (SOUNDCTRL_*) // commandTime - commands have 2 parameters, a time and a value // value - // Output : void //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::CommandAdd( CSoundPatch *pSound, float executeDeltaTime, soundcommands_t command, float commandTime, float commandValue ) { SoundCommand_t *pCommand = new SoundCommand_t( pSound, g_pEffects->Time() + executeDeltaTime, command, commandTime, commandValue ); CommandInsert( pCommand ); } // Reset the whole system (level change, etc.) void CSoundControllerImp::SystemReset( void ) { for ( int i = m_soundList.Count()-1; i >=0; i-- ) { CSoundPatch *pNode = m_soundList[i]; // shutdown all active sounds pNode->Shutdown(); } // clear the list m_soundList.Purge(); // clear the command queue m_commandList.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Update the active sounds, dequeue any events and move the ramps //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::SystemUpdate( void ) { VPROF( "CSoundControllerImp::SystemUpdate" ); float time = g_pEffects->Time(); float deltaTime = time - m_flLastTime; // handle clock resets if ( deltaTime < 0 ) deltaTime = 0; m_flLastTime = time; { VPROF( "CSoundControllerImp::SystemUpdate:processcommandlist" ); while ( m_commandList.Count() ) { SoundCommand_t *pCmd = m_commandList.ElementAtHead(); // Commands are sorted by time. // process any that should occur by the current time if ( time >= pCmd->m_time ) { m_commandList.RemoveAtHead(); ProcessCommand( pCmd ); delete pCmd; } else { break; } } } // NOTE: Because this loop goes from the end to the beginning // we can fast remove inside it without breaking the indexing { VPROF( "CSoundControllerImp::SystemUpdate:removesounds" ); for ( int i = m_soundList.Count()-1; i >=0; i-- ) { CSoundPatch *pNode = m_soundList[i]; if ( !pNode->Update( time, deltaTime ) ) { pNode->Reset(); m_soundList.FastRemove( i ); } } } } // Remove any envelope commands from the list (dynamically changing envelope) void CSoundControllerImp::CommandClear( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { for ( int i = m_commandList.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { SoundCommand_t *pCmd = m_commandList.Element( i ); if ( pCmd->m_pPatch == pSound ) { m_commandList.RemoveAt(i); delete pCmd; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saves the sound patch + associated commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::SaveSoundPatch( CSoundPatch *pSoundPatch, ISave *pSave ) { int i; // Write out the sound patch pSave->StartBlock(); pSave->WriteAll( pSoundPatch ); pSave->EndBlock(); // Count the number of commands that refer to the sound patch int nCount = 0; for ( i = m_commandList.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { SoundCommand_t *pCmd = m_commandList.Element( i ); if ( pCmd->m_pPatch == pSoundPatch ) { nCount++; } } // Write out the number of commands, followed by each command itself pSave->StartBlock(); pSave->WriteInt( &nCount ); for ( i = m_commandList.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { SoundCommand_t *pCmd = m_commandList.Element( i ); if ( pCmd->m_pPatch == pSoundPatch ) { pSave->StartBlock(); pSave->WriteAll( pCmd ); pSave->EndBlock(); } } pSave->EndBlock(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Restores the sound patch + associated commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::RestoreSoundPatch( CSoundPatch **ppSoundPatch, IRestore *pRestore ) { CSoundPatch *pPatch = new CSoundPatch; // read the sound patch data from the memory block pRestore->StartBlock(); bool bOk = ( pRestore->ReadAll( pPatch ) != 0 ); pRestore->EndBlock(); bOk = (bOk && pPatch->IsPlaying()) ? true : false; if (bOk) { m_soundList.AddToTail( pPatch ); } // Count the number of commands that refer to the sound patch pRestore->StartBlock(); if ( bOk ) { int nCount; pRestore->ReadInt( &nCount ); while ( --nCount >= 0 ) { SoundCommand_t *pCommand = new SoundCommand_t; pRestore->StartBlock(); if ( pRestore->ReadAll( pCommand ) ) { pCommand->m_pPatch = pPatch; CommandInsert( pCommand ); } pRestore->EndBlock(); } } pRestore->EndBlock(); *ppSoundPatch = pPatch; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: immediately stop playing this sound // Input : *pSound - Patch to shut down //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::Shutdown( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { if ( !pSound ) return; pSound->Shutdown(); CommandClear( pSound ); RemoveFromList( pSound ); } CSoundPatch *CSoundControllerImp::SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, const char *pSoundName ) { CSoundPatch *pSound = new CSoundPatch; // FIXME: This is done so we don't have to futz with the public interface EHANDLE hEnt = (nEntIndex != -1) ? g_pEntityList->GetNetworkableHandle( nEntIndex ) : NULL; pSound->Init( &filter, hEnt.Get(), CHAN_AUTO, pSoundName, SNDLVL_NORM, NULL ); return pSound; } CSoundPatch *CSoundControllerImp::SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, float attenuation, float scriptVolume ) { CSoundPatch *pSound = new CSoundPatch; EHANDLE hEnt = (nEntIndex != -1) ? g_pEntityList->GetNetworkableHandle( nEntIndex ) : NULL; pSound->Init( &filter, hEnt.Get(), channel, pSoundName, ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( attenuation ), NULL, scriptVolume ); return pSound; } CSoundPatch *CSoundControllerImp::SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, float attenuation, const Vector *pSoundOrigin, float scriptVolume ) { CSoundPatch *pSound = new CSoundPatch; EHANDLE hEnt = (nEntIndex != -1) ? g_pEntityList->GetNetworkableHandle( nEntIndex ) : NULL; pSound->Init( &filter, hEnt.Get(), channel, pSoundName, ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( attenuation ), pSoundOrigin, scriptVolume ); return pSound; } CSoundPatch *CSoundControllerImp::SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, int channel, const char *pSoundName, soundlevel_t soundlevel ) { CSoundPatch *pSound = new CSoundPatch; EHANDLE hEnt = (nEntIndex != -1) ? g_pEntityList->GetNetworkableHandle( nEntIndex ) : NULL; pSound->Init( &filter, hEnt.Get(), channel, pSoundName, soundlevel, NULL ); return pSound; } CSoundPatch *CSoundControllerImp::SoundCreate( IRecipientFilter& filter, int nEntIndex, const EmitSound_t &es ) { CSoundPatch *pSound = new CSoundPatch; // FIXME: This is done so we don't have to futz with the public interface EHANDLE hEnt = (nEntIndex != -1) ? g_pEntityList->GetNetworkableHandle( nEntIndex ) : NULL; pSound->Init( &filter, hEnt.Get(), es.m_nChannel, es.m_pSoundName, es.m_SoundLevel, es.m_pOrigin ); pSound->ChangeVolume( es.m_flVolume, 0 ); pSound->ChangePitch( es.m_nPitch, 0 ); if ( es.m_nFlags & SND_SHOULDPAUSE ) { pSound->SetBaseFlags( SND_SHOULDPAUSE ); } return pSound; } void CSoundControllerImp::SoundDestroy( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { if ( !pSound ) return; Shutdown( pSound ); delete pSound; } void CSoundControllerImp::SoundChangePitch( CSoundPatch *pSound, float pitchTarget, float deltaTime ) { pSound->ChangePitch( pitchTarget, deltaTime ); } void CSoundControllerImp::SoundChangeVolume( CSoundPatch *pSound, float volumeTarget, float deltaTime ) { pSound->ChangeVolume( volumeTarget, deltaTime ); } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL int CSoundControllerImp::SoundGetGuid( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetGuid(); } float CSoundControllerImp::SoundGetElapsedTime( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetElapsedTime(); } bool CSoundControllerImp::SoundIsStillPlaying( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->IsStillPlaying(); } #endif float CSoundControllerImp::SoundGetPitch( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetPitch(); } float CSoundControllerImp::SoundGetVolume( CSoundPatch *pSound ) { return pSound->GetVolume(); } void CSoundControllerImp::SoundFadeOut( CSoundPatch *pSound, float deltaTime, bool destroyOnFadeout ) { if ( destroyOnFadeout && (deltaTime == 0.0f) ) { SoundDestroy( pSound ); return; } pSound->FadeOut( deltaTime, destroyOnFadeout ); if ( destroyOnFadeout ) { CommandAdd( pSound, deltaTime, SOUNDCTRL_DESTROY, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Queue a list of envelope points into a sound patch's event list // Input : *pSound - The sound patch to be operated on // soundCommand - Type of operation the envelope describes // *points - List of enevelope points // numPoints - Number of points provided // Output : float - Returns the total duration of the envelope //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundControllerImp::SoundPlayEnvelope( CSoundPatch *pSound, soundcommands_t soundCommand, envelopePoint_t *points, int numPoints ) { float amplitude = 0.0f; float duration = 0.0f; float totalDuration = 0.0f; Assert( points ); // Clear out all previously acting commands CommandClear( pSound ); // Evaluate and queue all points for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) { // See if we're keeping our last amplitude for this new point if ( ( points[i].amplitudeMin != -1.0f ) || ( points[i].amplitudeMax != -1.0f ) ) { amplitude = random->RandomFloat( points[i].amplitudeMin, points[i].amplitudeMax ); } else if ( i == 0 ) { // Can't do this on the first entry Msg( "Invalid starting amplitude value in envelope! (Cannot be -1)\n" ); } // See if we're keeping our last duration for this new point if ( ( points[i].durationMin != -1.0f ) || ( points[i].durationMax != -1.0f ) ) { duration = random->RandomFloat( points[i].durationMin, points[i].durationMax ); //duration = points[i].durationMin; } else if ( i == 0 ) { // Can't do this on the first entry Msg( "Invalid starting duration value in envelope! (Cannot be -1)\n" ); } // Queue the command CommandAdd( pSound, totalDuration, soundCommand, duration, amplitude ); // Tack this command's duration onto the running duration totalDuration += duration; } return totalDuration; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Queue a list of envelope points into a sound patch's event list // Input : *pSound - The sound patch to be operated on // soundCommand - Type of operation the envelope describes // *envelope - The envelope description to be queued // Output : float - Returns the total duration of the envelope //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CSoundControllerImp::SoundPlayEnvelope( CSoundPatch *pSound, soundcommands_t soundCommand, envelopeDescription_t *envelope ) { return SoundPlayEnvelope( pSound, soundCommand, envelope->pPoints, envelope->nNumPoints ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Looping sounds are often started in entity spawn/activate functions. // In singleplayer, the player's not ready to receive sounds then, so restart // and SoundPatches that are active and have no receivers. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::CheckLoopingSoundsForPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { for ( int i = m_soundList.Count()-1; i >=0; i-- ) { CSoundPatch *pNode = m_soundList[i]; pNode->AddPlayerPost( pPlayer ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Resumes saved soundpatches //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundControllerImp::OnRestore() { for ( int i = m_soundList.Count()-1; i >=0; i-- ) { CSoundPatch *pNode = m_soundList[i]; if ( pNode && pNode->IsPlaying() ) { pNode->ResumeSound(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Singleton accessors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CSoundControllerImp g_Controller; CSoundEnvelopeController &CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController( void ) { return g_Controller; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Queues up sound patches to save/load //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CSoundPatchSaveRestoreOps : public CClassPtrSaveRestoreOps { public: virtual void Save( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, ISave *pSave ) { pSave->StartBlock(); int nSoundPatchCount = fieldInfo.pTypeDesc->fieldSize; CSoundPatch **ppSoundPatch = (CSoundPatch**)fieldInfo.pField; while ( --nSoundPatchCount >= 0 ) { // Write out commands associated with this sound patch g_Controller.SaveSoundPatch( *ppSoundPatch, pSave ); ++ppSoundPatch; } pSave->EndBlock(); } virtual void Restore( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, IRestore *pRestore ) { pRestore->StartBlock(); int nSoundPatchCount = fieldInfo.pTypeDesc->fieldSize; CSoundPatch **ppSoundPatch = (CSoundPatch**)fieldInfo.pField; while ( --nSoundPatchCount >= 0 ) { // Write out commands associated with this sound patch g_Controller.RestoreSoundPatch( ppSoundPatch, pRestore ); ++ppSoundPatch; } pRestore->EndBlock(); } }; static CSoundPatchSaveRestoreOps s_SoundPatchSaveRestoreOps; ISaveRestoreOps *GetSoundSaveRestoreOps( ) { return &s_SoundPatchSaveRestoreOps; }