//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #if !defined( IGAMEMOVEMENT_H ) #define IGAMEMOVEMENT_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "mathlib/vector.h" #include "interface.h" #include "imovehelper.h" #include "const.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name of the class implementing the game movement. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define INTERFACENAME_GAMEMOVEMENT "GameMovement001" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IMoveHelper; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Encapsulated input parameters to player movement. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMoveData { public: bool m_bFirstRunOfFunctions : 1; bool m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer : 1; bool m_bNoAirControl : 1; EntityHandle_t m_nPlayerHandle; // edict index on server, client entity handle on client int m_nImpulseCommand; // Impulse command issued. QAngle m_vecViewAngles; // Command view angles (local space) QAngle m_vecAbsViewAngles; // Command view angles (world space) int m_nButtons; // Attack buttons. int m_nOldButtons; // From host_client->oldbuttons; float m_flForwardMove; float m_flSideMove; float m_flUpMove; float m_flMaxSpeed; float m_flClientMaxSpeed; // Variables from the player edict (sv_player) or entvars on the client. // These are copied in here before calling and copied out after calling. Vector m_vecVelocity; // edict::velocity // Current movement direction. QAngle m_vecAngles; // edict::angles QAngle m_vecOldAngles; // Output only float m_outStepHeight; // how much you climbed this move Vector m_outWishVel; // This is where you tried Vector m_outJumpVel; // This is your jump velocity // Movement constraints (radius 0 means no constraint) Vector m_vecConstraintCenter; float m_flConstraintRadius; float m_flConstraintWidth; float m_flConstraintSpeedFactor; bool m_bConstraintPastRadius; ///< If no, do no constraining past Radius. If yes, cap them to SpeedFactor past radius void SetAbsOrigin( const Vector &vec ); const Vector &GetAbsOrigin() const; private: Vector m_vecAbsOrigin; // edict::origin }; inline const Vector &CMoveData::GetAbsOrigin() const { return m_vecAbsOrigin; } #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) && defined( _DEBUG ) // We only ever want this code path on the server side in a debug build // and you have to uncomment the code below and rebuild to have the test operate. //#define PLAYER_GETTING_STUCK_TESTING #endif #if !defined( PLAYER_GETTING_STUCK_TESTING ) // This is implemented with a more exhaustive test in gamemovement.cpp. We check if the origin being requested is // inside solid, which it never should be inline void CMoveData::SetAbsOrigin( const Vector &vec ) { m_vecAbsOrigin = vec; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The basic player movement interface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class IGameMovement { public: virtual ~IGameMovement( void ) {} // Process the current movement command virtual void ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMove ) = 0; virtual void Reset( void ) = 0; virtual void StartTrackPredictionErrors( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) = 0; virtual void FinishTrackPredictionErrors( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) = 0; virtual void DiffPrint( char const *fmt, ... ) = 0; // Allows other parts of the engine to find out the normal and ducked player bbox sizes virtual Vector const& GetPlayerMins( bool ducked ) const = 0; virtual Vector const& GetPlayerMaxs( bool ducked ) const = 0; virtual Vector const& GetPlayerViewOffset( bool ducked ) const = 0; virtual bool IsMovingPlayerStuck( void ) const = 0; virtual CBasePlayer *GetMovingPlayer( void ) const = 0; virtual void UnblockPusher( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pPusher ) = 0; virtual void SetupMovementBounds( CMoveData *pMove ) = 0; }; #endif // IGAMEMOVEMENT_H