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2024-08-29 20:15:33 -04:00
use String::CRC32;
BEGIN {use File::Basename; push @INC, dirname($0); }
require "valve_perl_helpers.pl";
sub WriteHelperVar
local( $name ) = shift;
local( $min ) = shift;
local( $max ) = shift;
local( $varname ) = "m_n" . $name;
local( $boolname ) = "m_b" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "private:\n";
push @outputHeader, "\tint $varname;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
push @outputHeader, "\tbool $boolname;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif\n";
push @outputHeader, "public:\n";
# int version of set function
push @outputHeader, "\tvoid Set" . $name . "( int i )\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
if ( $min != $max )
push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( i >= $min && i <= $max );\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$varname = i;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = true;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
# bool version of set function
push @outputHeader, "\tvoid Set" . $name . "( bool i )\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
if ( $min != $max )
# push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( i >= $min && i <= $max );\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$varname = i ? 1 : 0;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = true;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
sub WriteStaticBoolExpression
local( $prefix ) = shift;
local( $operator ) = shift;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); $i++ )
if( $i )
push @outputHeader, " $operator ";
local( $name ) = @staticDefineNames[$i];
local( $boolname ) = "m_b" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "$prefix$boolname";
push @outputHeader, ";\n";
sub WriteDynamicBoolExpression
local( $prefix ) = shift;
local( $operator ) = shift;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
if( $i )
push @outputHeader, " $operator ";
local( $name ) = @dynamicDefineNames[$i];
local( $boolname ) = "m_b" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "$prefix$boolname";
push @outputHeader, ";\n";
sub WriteDynamicHelperClasses
local( $basename ) = $fxc_filename;
$basename =~ s/\.fxc//i;
$basename =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local( $classname ) = $basename . "_Dynamic_Index";
push @outputHeader, "class $classname\n";
push @outputHeader, "{\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
$name = $dynamicDefineNames[$i];
$min = $dynamicDefineMin[$i];
$max = $dynamicDefineMax[$i];
&WriteHelperVar( $name, $min, $max );
push @outputHeader, "public:\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t$classname()\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
$min = $dynamicDefineMin[$i];
$max = $dynamicDefineMax[$i];
local( $name ) = @dynamicDefineNames[$i];
local( $boolname ) = "m_b" . $name;
local( $varname ) = "m_n" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
if ( $min != $max )
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = false;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = true;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif // _DEBUG\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$varname = 0;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
push @outputHeader, "\tint GetIndex()\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t// Asserts to make sure that we aren't using any skipped combinations.\n";
foreach $skip (@perlskipcodeindividual)
$skip =~ s/\$/m_n/g;
# push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( !( $skip ) );\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t// Asserts to make sure that we are setting all of the combination vars.\n";
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
if( scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ) > 0 )
push @outputHeader, "\t\tbool bAllDynamicVarsDefined = ";
WriteDynamicBoolExpression( "", "&&" );
if( scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ) > 0 )
push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( bAllDynamicVarsDefined );\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif // _DEBUG\n";
if( $spewCombos && scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ) )
push @outputHeader, &CreateCCodeToSpewDynamicCombo();
push @outputHeader, "\t\treturn ";
local( $scale ) = 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
local( $name ) = @dynamicDefineNames[$i];
local( $varname ) = "m_n" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "( $scale * $varname ) + ";
$scale *= $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1;
push @outputHeader, "0;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
push @outputHeader, "};\n";
sub WriteStaticHelperClasses
local( $basename ) = $fxc_filename;
$basename =~ s/\.fxc//i;
$basename =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local( $classname ) = $basename . "_Static_Index";
push @outputHeader, "class $classname\n";
push @outputHeader, "{\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); $i++ )
$name = $staticDefineNames[$i];
$min = $staticDefineMin[$i];
$max = $staticDefineMax[$i];
&WriteHelperVar( $name, $min, $max );
push @outputHeader, "public:\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t$classname()\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); $i++ )
$min = $staticDefineMin[$i];
$max = $staticDefineMax[$i];
local( $name ) = @staticDefineNames[$i];
local( $boolname ) = "m_b" . $name;
local( $varname ) = "m_n" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
if ( $min != $max )
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = false;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$boolname = true;\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif // _DEBUG\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t$varname = 0;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
push @outputHeader, "\tint GetIndex()\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t{\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t// Asserts to make sure that we aren't using any skipped combinations.\n";
foreach $skip (@perlskipcodeindividual)
$skip =~ s/\$/m_n/g;
# push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( !( $skip ) );\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t\t// Asserts to make sure that we are setting all of the combination vars.\n";
push @outputHeader, "#ifdef _DEBUG\n";
if( scalar( @staticDefineNames ) > 0 )
push @outputHeader, "\t\tbool bAllStaticVarsDefined = ";
WriteStaticBoolExpression( "", "&&" );
if( scalar( @staticDefineNames ) > 0 )
push @outputHeader, "\t\tAssert( bAllStaticVarsDefined );\n";
push @outputHeader, "#endif // _DEBUG\n";
if( $spewCombos && scalar( @staticDefineNames ) )
push @outputHeader, &CreateCCodeToSpewStaticCombo();
push @outputHeader, "\t\treturn ";
local( $scale ) = 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
$scale *= $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); $i++ )
local( $name ) = @staticDefineNames[$i];
local( $varname ) = "m_n" . $name;
push @outputHeader, "( $scale * $varname ) + ";
$scale *= $staticDefineMax[$i] - $staticDefineMin[$i] + 1;
push @outputHeader, "0;\n";
push @outputHeader, "\t}\n";
push @outputHeader, "};\n";
sub CreateFuncToSetPerlVars
local( $out ) = "";
$out .= "sub SetPerlVarsFunc\n";
$out .= "{\n";
$out .= " local( \$combo ) = shift;\n";
$out .= " local( \$i );\n";
local( $i );
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); \$i++ )
$out .= " \$$dynamicDefineNames[$i] = \$combo % ";
$out .= ( $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1 ) + $dynamicDefineMin[$i];
$out .= ";\n";
$out .= " \$combo = \$combo / " . ( $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1 ) . ";\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); \$i++ )
$out .= " \$$staticDefineNames[$i] = \$combo % ";
$out .= ( $staticDefineMax[$i] - $staticDefineMin[$i] + 1 ) + $staticDefineMin[$i];
$out .= ";\n";
$out .= " \$combo = \$combo / " . ( $staticDefineMax[$i] - $staticDefineMin[$i] + 1 ) . ";\n";
$out .= "}\n";
# print $out;
eval $out;
# These sections can be interchanged to enable profiling.
#$ShowTimers = 1;
#use Time::HiRes;
#sub SampleTime()
# return Time::HiRes::time();
$ShowTimers = 0;
sub SampleTime() { return 0; }
$total_start_time = SampleTime();
# NOTE: These must match the same values in macros.vsh!
$vPos = "v0";
$vBoneWeights = "v1";
$vBoneIndices = "v2";
$vNormal = "v3";
if( $g_x360 )
$vPosFlex = "v4";
$vNormalFlex = "v13";
$vColor = "v5";
$vSpecular = "v6";
$vTexCoord0 = "v7";
$vTexCoord1 = "v8";
$vTexCoord2 = "v9";
$vTexCoord3 = "v10";
$vTangentS = "v11";
$vTangentT = "v12";
$vUserData = "v14";
sub ReadInputFileWithLineInfo
local( $base_filename ) = shift;
local( *INPUT );
local( @output );
# Look in the stdshaders directory, followed by the current directory.
# (This is for the SDK, since some of its files are under stdshaders).
local( $filename ) = $base_filename;
if ( !-e $filename )
$filename = "$g_SourceDir\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\$base_filename";
if ( !-e $filename )
die "\nvsh_prep.pl ERROR: missing include file: $filename.\n\n";
open INPUT, "<$filename" || die;
local( $line );
local( $linenum ) = 1;
while( $line = <INPUT> )
$line =~ s/\n//g;
local( $postfix ) = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
$postfix .= "; LINEINFO($filename)($linenum)\n";
if( $line =~ m/\#include\s+\"(.*)\"/i )
push @output, &ReadInputFileWithLineInfo( $1 );
push @output, $line . $postfix;
close INPUT;
return @output;
sub ReadInputFileWithoutLineInfo
local( $base_filename ) = shift;
local( *INPUT );
local( @output );
# Look in the stdshaders directory, followed by the current directory.
# (This is for the SDK, since some of its files are under stdshaders).
local( $filename ) = $base_filename;
if ( !-e $filename )
$filename = "$g_SourceDir\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\$base_filename";
if ( !-e $filename )
die "\nERROR: missing include file: $filename.\n\n";
open INPUT, "<$filename" || die;
local( $line );
while( $line = <INPUT> )
if( $line =~ m/\#include\s+\"(.*)\"/i )
push @output, &ReadInputFileWithoutLineInfo( $1 );
push @output, $line;
close INPUT;
return @output;
sub IsPerl
local( $line ) = shift;
if( $line =~ m/^\s*sub.*\,/ )
return 0;
if( $line =~ m/^\#include/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#define/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#undef/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#ifdef/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#ifndef/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#else/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#endif/ ||
$line =~ m/^\#error/
return 0;
if( $line =~ m/^\s*if\s*\(/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*else/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*elsif/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*for\s*\(/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*\{/ ||
$line =~ m/^sub\s*/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*\}/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*\&/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*\#/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*\$/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*print/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*return/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*exit/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*die/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*eval/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*local/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*my\s+/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*@/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*alloc\s+/ ||
$line =~ m/^\s*free\s+/
return 1;
return 0;
# translate the output into something that takes us back to the source line
# that we care about in msdev
sub TranslateErrorMessages
local( $origline );
while( $origline = shift )
if( $origline =~ m/(.*)\((\d+)\)\s*:\s*(.*)$/i )
local( $filename ) = $1;
local( $linenum ) = $2;
local( $error ) = $3;
local( *FILE );
open FILE, "<$filename" || die;
local( $i );
local( $line );
for( $i = 1; $i < $linenum; $i++ )
$line = <FILE>;
if( $line =~ m/LINEINFO\((.*)\)\((.*)\)/ )
print "$1\($2\) : $error\n";
my $num = $linenum - 1;
print "$filename\($num\) : original error location\n";
close FILE;
$origline =~ s/successful compile\!.*//gi;
if( !( $origline =~ m/^\s*$/ ) )
# print "WTF: $origline\n";
sub CountInstructions
local( $line );
local( $count ) = 0;
while( $line = shift )
# get rid of comments
$line =~ s/;.*//gi;
$line =~ s/\/\/.*//gi;
# skip the vs1.1 statement
$line =~ s/^\s*vs.*//gi;
# if there's any text left, it's an instruction
if( $line =~ /\S/gi )
return $count;
%compiled = ();
sub UsesRegister
my $registerName = shift;
my $str = shift;
# Cache a compiled RE for each register name. This makes UsesRegister about 2.5x faster.
if ( !$compiled{$registerName} )
$compiled{$registerName} = qr/\b$registerName\b/;
$ret = 0;
if( $str =~ /$compiled{$registerName}/gi )
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
sub PadString
local( $str ) = shift;
local( $desiredLen ) = shift;
local( $len ) = length $str;
while( $len < $desiredLen )
$str .= " ";
return $str;
sub FixupAllocateFree
local( $line ) = shift;
$line =~ s/\&AllocateRegister\s*\(\s*\\(\S+)\s*\)/&AllocateRegister( \\$1, \"\\$1\" )/g;
$line =~ s/\&FreeRegister\s*\(\s*\\(\S+)\s*\)/&FreeRegister( \\$1, \"\\$1\" )/g;
$line =~ s/alloc\s+(\S+)\s*/local( $1 ); &AllocateRegister( \\$1, \"\\$1\" );/g;
$line =~ s/free\s+(\S+)\s*/&FreeRegister( \\$1, \"\\$1\" );/g;
return $line;
sub TranslateDXKeywords
local( $line ) = shift;
$line =~ s/\bENDIF\b/endif/g;
$line =~ s/\bIF\b/if/g;
$line =~ s/\bELSE\b/else/g;
return $line;
# This is used to make the generated pl files all pretty.
sub GetLeadingWhiteSpace
local( $str ) = shift;
if( $str =~ m/^;\S/ || $str =~ m/^; \S/ )
return "";
$str =~ s/^;/ /g; # count a leading ";" as whitespace as far as this is concerned.
$str =~ m/^(\s*)/;
return $1;
$g_dx9 = 1;
$g_SourceDir = "..\\..";
while( 1 )
$filename = shift;
if ( $filename =~ m/-source/i )
$g_SourceDir = shift;
elsif( $filename =~ m/-x360/i )
$g_x360 = 1;
$filename =~ s/-----.*$//;
# Get the shader binary version number from a header file.
open FILE, "<$g_SourceDir\\public\\materialsystem\\shader_vcs_version.h" || die;
while( $line = <FILE> )
if( $line =~ m/^\#define\s+SHADER_VCS_VERSION_NUMBER\s+(\d+)\s*$/ )
$shaderVersion = $1;
if( !defined $shaderVersion )
die "couldn't get shader version from shader_vcs_version.h";
close FILE;
if( $g_x360 )
$vshtmp = "vshtmp9_360_tmp";
$vshtmp = "vshtmp9_tmp";
if( !stat $vshtmp )
mkdir $vshtmp, 0777 || die $!;
# suck in all files, including $include files.
@input = &ReadInputFileWithLineInfo( $filename );
sub CalcNumCombos
local( $i, $numCombos );
$numCombos = 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
$numCombos *= $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @staticDefineNames ); $i++ )
$numCombos *= $staticDefineMax[$i] - $staticDefineMin[$i] + 1;
return $numCombos;
sub CalcNumDynamicCombos
local( $i, $numCombos );
$numCombos = 1;
for( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @dynamicDefineNames ); $i++ )
$numCombos *= $dynamicDefineMax[$i] - $dynamicDefineMin[$i] + 1;
return $numCombos;
foreach $_ ( @input )
next if( m/^\s*$/ );
# last if( !m,^//, );
if( m/\s*STATIC\s*\:\s*\"(.*)\"\s+\"(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\"/ )
local( $name, $min, $max );
$name = $1;
$min = $2;
$max = $3;
# print "\"$name\" \"$min..$max\"\n";
if (/\[(.*)\]/)
next if ( ($g_x360) && (!($platforms=~/XBOX/i)) );
next if ( (!$g_x360) && (!($platforms=~/PC/i)) );
push @staticDefineNames, $name;
push @staticDefineMin, $min;
push @staticDefineMax, $max;
elsif( m/\s*DYNAMIC\s*\:\s*\"(.*)\"\s+\"(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\"/ )
local( $name, $min, $max );
$name = $1;
$min = $2;
$max = $3;
if (/\[(.*)\]/)
next if ( ($g_x360) && (!($platforms=~/XBOX/i)) );
next if ( (!$g_x360) && (!($platforms=~/PC/i)) );
# print "\"$name\" \"$min..$max\"\n";
push @dynamicDefineNames, $name;
push @dynamicDefineMin, $min;
push @dynamicDefineMax, $max;
foreach $_ ( @input )
if( m/^\s*\#\s*SKIP\s*\:\s*(.*\S+)\s*\; LINEINFO.*$/ )
$perlskipcode .= "(" . $1 . ")||";
push @perlskipcodeindividual, $1;
if( defined $perlskipcode )
$perlskipcode .= "0";
$perlskipcode =~ s/\n//g;
$perlskipcode = "0";
#print $perlskipcode . "\n";
# Translate the input into a perl program that'll unroll everything and
# substitute variables.
while( $inputLine = shift @input )
$inputLine =~ s/\n//g;
# leave out lines that are only whitespace.
if( $inputLine =~ m/^\s*; LINEINFO.*$/ )
local( $inputLineNoLineNum ) = $inputLine;
$inputLineNoLineNum =~ s/; LINEINFO.*//gi;
if( &IsPerl( $inputLineNoLineNum ) )
$inputLineNoLineNum = &FixupAllocateFree( $inputLineNoLineNum );
push @outputProgram, $inputLineNoLineNum . "\n";
# make asm lines that have quotes in them not barf.
$inputLine =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$inputLine = &TranslateDXKeywords( $inputLine );
push @outputProgram, &GetLeadingWhiteSpace( $inputLine ) . "push \@output, \"" .
$inputLine . "\\n\";\n";
$outputProgram = join "", @outputProgram;
$filename_base = $filename;
$filename_base =~ s/\.vsh//i;
open DEBUGOUT, ">$vshtmp" . "/$filename_base.pl" || die;
print DEBUGOUT $outputProgram;
# Make a function called OutputProgram()
$bigProg = "sub OutputProgram { " . $outputProgram . "}";
eval( $bigProg );
#print $outputProgram;
#push @finalheader, "// hack to force dependency checking\n";
#push @finalheader, "\#ifdef NEVER\n";
#push @finalheader, "\#include \"" . $filename_base . "\.vsh\"\n";
#push @finalheader, "\#include \"..\\..\\devtools\\bin\\vsh_prep.pl\"\n";
#push @finalheader, "\#endif\n";
%g_TimingBlocks = ();
$main_start_time = SampleTime();
$numCombos = &CalcNumCombos();
$numDynamicCombos = &CalcNumDynamicCombos();
#print "$numCombos total combos\n";
#print "$numDynamicCombos dynamic combos\n";
#print $numCombos / $numDynamicCombos . " static combos\n";
# Write out the C++ helper class for picking shader combos
$fxc_filename = $filename_base;
# Create a subroutine out of $perlskipcode
$perlskipfunc = "sub SkipCombo { return $perlskipcode; }\n";
#print $perlskipfunc;
eval $perlskipfunc;
my $incfilename = "$vshtmp/$filename_base" . ".inc";
# Write the inc file that has indexing helpers, etc.
&WriteFile( $incfilename, join( "", @outputHeader ) );
# Run the output program for all the combinations of bones and lights.
print "$filename_base.vsh\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $numCombos; $i++ )
# print "combo $i\n";
&SetPerlVarsFunc( $i );
local( $compileFailed );
$ret = &SkipCombo;
if( !defined $ret )
die "$@\n";
if( $ret )
# skip this combo!
$compileFailed = 1;
$start = SampleTime();
$g_usesPos = 0;
$g_usesPosFlex = 0;
$g_usesBoneWeights = 0;
$g_usesBoneIndices = 0;
$g_usesNormal = 0;
$g_usesNormalFlex = 0;
$g_usesColor = 0;
$g_usesSpecular = 0;
$g_usesTexCoord0 = 0;
$g_usesTexCoord1 = 0;
$g_usesTexCoord2 = 0;
$g_usesTexCoord3 = 0;
$g_usesTangentS = 0;
$g_usesTangentT = 0;
$g_usesUserData = 0;
undef @output;
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner1"} += SampleTime() - $start;
$eval_start_time = SampleTime();
$eval_total_time += (SampleTime() - $eval_start_time);
$start = SampleTime();
# Strip out comments once so we don't have to do it in all the UsesRegister calls.
@stripped = @output;
$_ =~ s/;.*//gi;
$_ =~ s/\/\/.*//gi;
} @stripped;
my $strippedStr = join( "", @stripped );
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner2"} += SampleTime() - $start;
$start = SampleTime();
# Have to make another pass through after we know which v registers are used. . yuck.
$g_usesPos = &UsesRegister( $vPos, $strippedStr );
if( $g_x360 )
$g_usesPosFlex = &UsesRegister( $vPosFlex, $strippedStr );
$g_usesNormalFlex = &UsesRegister( $vNormalFlex, $strippedStr );
$g_usesBoneWeights = &UsesRegister( $vBoneWeights, $strippedStr );
$g_usesBoneIndices = &UsesRegister( $vBoneIndices, $strippedStr );
$g_usesNormal = &UsesRegister( $vNormal, $strippedStr );
$g_usesColor = &UsesRegister( $vColor, $strippedStr );
$g_usesSpecular = &UsesRegister( $vSpecular, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTexCoord0 = &UsesRegister( $vTexCoord0, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTexCoord1 = &UsesRegister( $vTexCoord1, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTexCoord2 = &UsesRegister( $vTexCoord2, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTexCoord3 = &UsesRegister( $vTexCoord3, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTangentS = &UsesRegister( $vTangentS, $strippedStr );
$g_usesTangentT = &UsesRegister( $vTangentT, $strippedStr );
$g_usesUserData = &UsesRegister( $vUserData, $strippedStr );
undef @output;
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner2"} += SampleTime() - $start;
$eval_start_time = SampleTime();
# Running OutputProgram generates $outfilename
$eval_total_time += (SampleTime() - $eval_start_time);
$start = SampleTime();
for( $j = 0; $j < scalar( @output ); $j++ )
# remove whitespace from the beginning of each line.
$output[$j] =~ s/^\s+//;
# remove LINEINFO from empty lines.
$output[$j] =~ s/^; LINEINFO.*//;
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner3"} += SampleTime() - $start;
$start = SampleTime();
$outfilename_base = $filename_base . "_" . $i;
# $outfilename is the name of the file generated from executing the perl code
# for this shader. This file is generated once per combo.
# We will assemble this shader with vsa.exe.
$outfilename = "$vshtmp\\" . $outfilename_base . ".tmp";
# $outhdrfilename = "$vshtmp\\" . $outfilename_base . ".h";
# unlink $outhdrfilename;
open OUTPUT, ">$outfilename" || die;
print OUTPUT @output;
close OUTPUT;
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner4"} += SampleTime() - $start;
$start = SampleTime();
local( $instructionCount ) = &CountInstructions( @output );
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner5"} += SampleTime() - $start;
local( $debug );
$debug = 1;
# for( $debug = 1; $debug >= 0; $debug-- )
# assemble the vertex shader
unlink "shader$i.o";
if( $g_x360 )
$vsa = "..\\..\\x360xdk\\bin\\win32\\vsa";
$vsa = "..\\..\\dx9sdk\\utilities\\vsa";
$vsadebug = "$vsa /nologo /Foshader$i.o $outfilename";
$vsanodebug = "$vsa /nologo /Foshader$i.o $outfilename";
$vsa_start_time = SampleTime();
if( $debug )
# print $vsadebug . "\n";
@vsaoutput = `$vsadebug 2>&1`;
# print @vsaoutput;
@vsaoutput = `$vsanodebug 2>&1`;
$vsa_total_time += SampleTime() - $vsa_start_time;
$start = SampleTime();
&TranslateErrorMessages( @vsaoutput );
$g_TimingBlocks{"inner6"} += SampleTime() - $start;
push @finalheader, @hdr;
$main_total_time = SampleTime() - $main_start_time;
# stick info about the shaders at the end of the inc file.
push @finalheader, "static PrecompiledShaderByteCode_t $filename_base" . "_vertex_shaders[] = {\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $numCombos; $i++ )
$outfilename_base = $filename_base . "_" . $i;
push @finalheader, "{ $outfilename_base, sizeof( $outfilename_base ) },\n";
push @finalheader, "};\n";
push @finalheader, "struct $filename_base" . "_VertexShader_t : public PrecompiledShader_t\n";
push @finalheader, "{\n";
push @finalheader, "\t$filename_base" . "_VertexShader_t()\n";
push @finalheader, "\t{\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tm_nFlags = 0;\n";
$flags = 0;
#push @finalheader, "\t\tppVertexShaders = $filename_base" . "_vertex_shaders;\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tm_pByteCode = $filename_base" . "_vertex_shaders;\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tm_pName = \"$filename_base\";\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tm_nShaderCount = " . ( $maxNumBones + 1 ) * $totalFogCombos * $totalLightCombos . ";\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tm_nDynamicCombos = m_nShaderCount;\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\tGetShaderDLL()->InsertPrecompiledShader( PRECOMPILED_VERTEX_SHADER, this );\n";
push @finalheader, "\t}\n";
push @finalheader, "\tvirtual const PrecompiledShaderByteCode_t &GetByteCode( int shaderID )\n";
push @finalheader, "\t{\n";
push @finalheader, "\t\treturn m_pByteCode[shaderID];\n";
push @finalheader, "\t}\n";
push @finalheader, "};\n";
push @finalheader, "static $filename_base" . "_VertexShader_t $filename_base" . "_VertexShaderInstance;\n";
# Write the final header file with the compiled vertex shader programs.
$finalheadername = "$vshtmp\\" . $filename_base . ".inc";
#print "writing $finalheadername\n";
#open FINALHEADER, ">$finalheadername" || die;
#print FINALHEADER @finalheader;
&MakeDirHier( "shaders/vsh" );
my $vcsName = "";
if( $g_x360 )
$vcsName = $filename_base . ".360.vcs";
$vcsName = $filename_base . ".vcs";
open COMPILEDSHADER, ">shaders/vsh/$vcsName" || die;
# Write out the part of the header that we know. . we'll write the rest after writing the object code.
# Pack arguments
my $sInt = "i";
my $uInt = "I";
if ( $g_x360 )
# Change arguments to "big endian long"
$sInt = "N";
$uInt = "N";
my $undecoratedinput = join "", &ReadInputFileWithoutLineInfo( $filename );
#print STDERR "undecoratedinput: $undecoratedinput\n";
my $crc = crc32( $undecoratedinput );
#print STDERR "crc for $filename: $crc\n";
# version
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, 4;
# totalCombos
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, $numCombos;
# dynamic combos
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, $numDynamicCombos;
# flags
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $uInt, $flags;
# centroid mask
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $uInt, 0;
# reference size
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $uInt, 0;
# crc32 of the source code
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $uInt, $crc;
my $beginningOfDir = tell COMPILEDSHADER;
# Write out a blank directionary. . we'll fill it in later.
for( $i = 0; $i < $numCombos; $i++ )
# offset from beginning of file.
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, 0;
# size
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, 0;
my $startByteCode = tell COMPILEDSHADER;
my @byteCodeStart;
my @byteCodeSize;
# Write out the shader object code.
for( $shaderCombo = 0; $shaderCombo < $numCombos; $shaderCombo++ )
my $filename = "shader$shaderCombo\.o";
my $filesize = (stat $filename)[7];
$byteCodeStart[$shaderCombo] = tell COMPILEDSHADER;
$byteCodeSize[$shaderCombo] = $filesize;
open SHADERBYTECODE, "<$filename" || die;
my $bin;
my $numread = read SHADERBYTECODE, $bin, $filesize;
# print "filename: $filename numread: $numread filesize: $filesize\n";
unlink $filename;
# Seek back to the directory and write it out.
seek COMPILEDSHADER, $beginningOfDir, 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < $numCombos; $i++ )
# offset from beginning of file.
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, $byteCodeStart[$i];
# size
print COMPILEDSHADER pack $sInt, $byteCodeSize[$i];
$total_time = SampleTime() - $total_start_time;
if ( $ShowTimers )
print "\n\n";
print sprintf( "Main loop time : %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $main_total_time, 100*$main_total_time / $total_time );
print sprintf( "Inner1 time : %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $inner1_total_time, 100*$inner1_total_time / $total_time );
print sprintf( "VSA time : %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $vsa_total_time, 100*$vsa_total_time / $total_time );
print sprintf( "eval() time : %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $eval_total_time, 100*$eval_total_time / $total_time );
print sprintf( "UsesRegister time: %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $usesr_total_time, 100*$usesr_total_time / $total_time );
foreach $key ( keys %g_TimingBlocks )
print sprintf( "$key time: %0.4f sec, (%0.2f%%)\n", $g_TimingBlocks{$key}, 100*$g_TimingBlocks{$key} / $total_time );
print sprintf( "Total time : %0.4f sec\n", $total_time );