
483 lines
12 KiB

Eraser Bot source code - by Ryan Feltrin, Added to by Acrid-
This file is Copyright(c) 1998, Ryan Feltrin, All Rights Reserved.
All other files are Copyright(c) Id Software, Inc.
Please see liscense.txt in the source directory for the copyright
information regarding those files belonging to Id Software, Inc.
Should you decide to release a modified version of Eraser, you MUST
include the following text (minus the BEGIN and END lines) in the
documentation for your modification.
--- BEGIN ---
The Eraser Bot is a product of Ryan Feltrin, and is available from
the Eraser Bot homepage, at http://impact.frag.com.
This program is a modification of the Eraser Bot, and is therefore
in NO WAY supported by Ryan Feltrin.
This program MUST NOT be sold in ANY form. If you have paid for
this product, you should contact Ryan Feltrin immediately, via
the Eraser Bot homepage.
--- END ---
You will find p_trail.c has not been included with the Eraser
source code release. This is NOT an error. I am unable to
distribute this file because it contains code that is bound by
legal documents, and signed by myself, never to be released
to the public. Sorry guys, but law is law.
I have therefore include the compiled version of these files
in .obj form in the src\Release and src\Debug directories.
So while you cannot edit and debug code within these files,
you can still compile this source as-is. Although these will only
work in MSVC v5.0, linux versions can be made available upon
NOTE: When compiling this source, you will get a warning
message from the compiler, regarding the missing p_trail.c
file. Just ignore it, it will still compile fine.
I, Ryan Feltrin/Acrid-, hold no responsibility for any harm caused by the
use of this source code. I also am NOT willing to provide any form
of help or support for this source code. It is provided as-is,
as a service by me, with no documentation, other then the comments
contained within the code. If you have any queries, I suggest you
visit the "official" Eraser source web-board, at
http://www.telefragged.com/epidemic/. I will stop by there from
time to time, to answer questions and help with any problems that
may arise.
Otherwise, have fun, and I look forward to seeing what can be done
with this.
-Ryan Feltrin
/* bot_spawn.c */
#include "g_local.h"
#include "m_player.h"
#include "bot_procs.h"
///Q2 Camera Begin
#include "camclient.h"
///Q2 Camera End
#include "stdlog.h"
qboolean ClientConnect (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo, qboolean loadgame);
// BEGIN: SABIN code
edict_t *bot_GetLastFreeClient (void)
edict_t *bot;
int i;
for (i = maxclients->value; i > 0; i--)
bot = g_edicts + i + 1;
if (!bot->inuse)
if (bot->inuse)
bot = NULL;
return bot;
// END: SABIN code
void respawn_bot (edict_t *self)
if (level.intermissiontime)
self->s.event = EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT;
self->last_goal = NULL;
self->enemy = self->goalentity = self->movetarget = NULL;
self->viewheight = 22;
// reset weapon to blaster
self->last_fire = level.time + 0.2;
self->fire_interval = FIRE_INTERVAL_BLASTER;
self->bot_fire = botBlaster;
self->bored_suicide_time = -1;
self->checkstuck_time = level.time;
self->last_reached_trail = level.time + 1;
self->client->killer_yaw = 0; // chaingun wind-up
self->avoid_ent = NULL;
self->flagpath_goal = NULL;
self->last_move_nocloser = level.time;
// go for it
// Find an available edict, and initialize some default values
edict_t *G_SpawnBot ()
edict_t *bot;
if (!deathmatch->value)
return NULL;
if ((!bot_calc_nodes->value) && !loaded_trail_flag)
my_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "Route-table not found!\n");
return NULL;
last_bot_spawn = level.time;
// bot = G_Spawn();
bot = bot_GetLastFreeClient();
if (!bot)
gi.dprintf("No client spots available!\n");
return NULL;
// bot->bot_client = gi.TagMalloc (sizeof(struct gclient_s), TAG_GAME);
bot->bot_stats = gi.TagMalloc (sizeof(bot_stats_t), TAG_GAME);
if (!bot->bot_stats)
gi.dprintf("Could not allocate Bot Stats!\n");
return NULL;
bot->classname = "player";
bot->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
bot->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
//K2:Begin//fixme remove
bot->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
VectorSet (bot->mins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet (bot->maxs, 16, 16, 32);
bot->health = bot->max_health = 100;
bot->mass = 200;
bot->gravity = 1;
bot->last_goal = NULL;
bot->pain = bot_pain;
bot->die = bot_die;
bot->monsterinfo.stand = bot_run; //bot_stand;
bot->monsterinfo.walk = bot_run; //bot_walk;
bot->monsterinfo.run = bot_run;
bot->monsterinfo.attack = bot_run;
bot->monsterinfo.melee = NULL;
bot->monsterinfo.sight = NULL;
bot->monsterinfo.scale = MODEL_SCALE;
bot->enemy = bot->goalentity = bot->movetarget = NULL;
players[num_players++] = bot;
bot->last_fire = level.time + 0.2;
bot->fire_interval = FIRE_INTERVAL_BLASTER;
bot->bot_fire = botBlaster;
bot->bored_suicide_time = -1;
bot->checkstuck_time = level.time;
bot->viewheight = 22;
bot->yaw_speed = 50; // turn at yaw_speed degrees per FRAME
bot->last_reached_trail = level.time + 1;
bot->avoid_ent = NULL;
bot->last_move_nocloser = level.time;
return bot;
// Perform the ClientBegin() and ClientBeginDeathmatch() functions in one routine, that is bot-specific
edict_t *spawn_bot (char *botname)
edict_t *bot, *chat;
bot_info_t *botdata=NULL;
//fixme debugger char skin[256];
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
vec3_t spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
char WFclass[256];
if (!(botdata = GetBotData(botname)))
gi.dprintf("Unable to find bot, or no bots left\n");
return NULL;
bot = G_SpawnBot();
if (!bot)
gi.dprintf("Unable to spawn bot: cannot create entity\n");
return NULL;
bot->bot_client = true;
bot->client = &game.clients[bot-g_edicts-1];
memset(bot->client, 0, sizeof(*(bot->client)));
// copy the stats across from the bot config
bot->botdata = botdata;
strcpy(WFclass, botdata->wfclass);
// BEGIN: SABIN code
// initialise userinfo
memset (userinfo, 0, sizeof(userinfo));
// add bot's name/skin/hand to userinfo
Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "name", botdata->name);
Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "WFclass", botdata->wfclass);
Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "hand", "2"); // bot is center handed for now
// END: SABIN code
///Q2 Camera Begin
///Q2 Camera End
//set respawn protection time
bot->client->protecttime = level.time + RESPAWN_PROTECT_TIME;
// bot->client->pers.player_class = bot->client->pers.next_player_class;
if (strcmp("1", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 1;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 1;}
else if (strcmp("2", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 2;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 2;}
else if (strcmp("3", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 3;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 3;}
else if (strcmp("4", WFclass) == 0)
{bot->client->pers.player_class = 4;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 4;}
else if (strcmp("5", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 5;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 5;}
else if (strcmp("6", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 6;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 6;}
else if (strcmp("7", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 7;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 7;}
else if (strcmp("8", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 8;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 8;}
else if (strcmp("9", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 9;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 9;}
else if (strcmp("10", WFclass) == 0)
{ bot->client->pers.player_class = 10;
bot->client->pers.next_player_class = 10;}
ClientConnect (bot, userinfo, false);
if (ctf->value)
my_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s joined the %s team.\n",
bot->client->pers.netname, CTFTeamName(bot->client->resp.ctf_team));
sl_LogPlayerTeamChange( &gi,
SelectSpawnPoint (bot, spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
// botDebugPrint("SPAWN_BOT %s (ACRID)\n",userinfo);
VectorCopy(spawn_origin, bot->s.origin);
// bot->s.origin[2] += 1; // make sure off ground
VectorCopy(spawn_angles, bot->s.angles);
bot->client->killer_yaw = 0; // chaingun wind-up
// clear playerstate values
memset (&bot->client->ps, 0, sizeof(bot->client->ps));
bot->client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = bot->s.origin[0]*8;
bot->client->ps.pmove.origin[1] = bot->s.origin[1]*8;
bot->client->ps.pmove.origin[2] = bot->s.origin[2]*8;
bot->client->ps.fov = 90;
// send effect
gi.WriteByte (svc_muzzleflash);
gi.WriteShort (bot-g_edicts);
gi.WriteByte (MZ_LOGIN);
gi.multicast (bot->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS);
// copy the bot stats
memcpy(bot->bot_stats, &(botdata->bot_stats), sizeof(bot_stats_t));
// set starting skill level
bot->skill_level = skill->value;
// bot->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex(model);
bot->s.skinnum = bot-g_edicts - 1;
bot->s.modelindex = 255;
bot->s.modelindex2 = 255;
// botDebugPrint("SPAWN_BOT (ACRID)\n");
bot->client->buttons = bot->s.modelindex;
bot->client->oldbuttons = bot->s.skinnum;
bot->map = G_CopyString(botdata->name);
strcpy(bot->client->pers.netname, botdata->name);
my_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s entered the game", bot->client->pers.netname);
// set visible model vwep with 3.20
if (view_weapons->value && (bot->s.modelindex2 == 255) && bot_show_connect_info->value)
my_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, " (no view weapon)");
my_bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
// generic bot stuff
if (!KillBox (bot))
{ // could't spawn in?
gi.linkentity (bot);
bot->viewheight = 22;
bot->inuse = true;
// go for it
if (random() < 0.3)
// spawn the greetings thinker
chat = G_Spawn();
chat->owner = bot;
chat->think = BotGreeting;
chat->nextthink = level.time + 1.5 + random();
bot->wf_team = bot->client->resp.ctf_team;
//K2 botcam acrid
return bot;
extern int num_clients;
//K2:Added for camera..must add player back to players array
void botAddPlayer(edict_t *self)
players[num_players] = self;
void botRemovePlayer(edict_t *self)
int i;
self->health = 0; // so other bots stop looking for us
// remove the client from the players array
for (i=0; i<num_players; i++)
if (players[i] == self)
if (i == num_players) // didn't find them
gi.dprintf("WARNING: Unable to remove player from player[] array, problems will arise.\n");
for (; i<num_players; i++)
players[i-1] = players[i];
players[i] = NULL;
// remove from team list
if (self->client->team)
self->client->team = NULL;
self->client->resp.ctf_team = CTF_NOTEAM;
if (self->bot_client)
// tell all other bots not to look for this bot anymore
for (i=0; i<num_players; i++)
if (players[i]->enemy == self)
players[i]->enemy = players[i]->goalentity = NULL;
void botDisconnect(edict_t *self)
{ // disconnects a bot from the game
self->bot_client = false;
self->bot_stats = NULL;