
653 lines
16 KiB

The Weapons Factory -
Decoy Mod
Original code by Gregg Reno
/* NOTE - Now that eraser bots are in the code, decoys do not work as they used to.
They will no longer be active players, but rather just animated models.
They will not pursue or shoot.
#include "g_local.h"
#include "m_player.h"
#include "wf_classmgr.h"
qboolean IsCyborg (edict_t *ent);
static int sound_idle;
static int sound_sight1;
static int sound_sight2;
static int sound_pain;
static int sound_death;
static int sound_on;
edict_t *SV_TestEntityPosition (edict_t *ent);
DecoyFit - see if the decoy will fit where the player is
creating it.
-taken from m_move.c, M_CheckBottom function
qboolean DecoyFit (edict_t *ent, edict_t *owner)
// vec3_t mins, maxs, start, stop;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
trace_t trace;
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, mins);
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->maxs, maxs);
//See if the mins,maxs or origin are in something solid
if (gi.pointcontents (mins) == CONTENTS_SOLID) return false;
if (gi.pointcontents (maxs) == CONTENTS_SOLID) return false;
if (gi.pointcontents (ent->s.origin) == CONTENTS_SOLID) return false;
//Trace line from these two points to see if anything is in-between
trace = gi.trace(mins, ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, maxs, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID );
if (trace.fraction != 1.0) // 1.0 = nothing in between
return false;
//Trace line from decoy origin to owner origin to see if anything is in-between
trace = gi.trace(ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, ent->s.origin, owner->s.origin, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID );
if (trace.fraction != 1.0) // 1.0 = nothing in between
return false;
if (SV_TestEntityPosition (ent))
return false;
return true;
void Decoy_Think(edict_t *self)
if (self->s.frame < DECOY_FIRST_FRAME)
self->s.frame = DECOY_FIRST_FRAME;
else if (self->s.frame > DECOY_LAST_FRAME)
self->s.frame = DECOY_FIRST_FRAME;
self->nextthink = level.time + 0.1;
// STAND frames
void decoy_idle (edict_t *self)
if (random() > 0.8)
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_idle, 1, ATTN_IDLE, 0);
void decoy_stand (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_stand1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_stand1 = {FRAME_stand01, FRAME_stand40, decoy_frames_stand1, decoy_stand};
void decoy_stand (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_stand1;
// TAUNT frames
void decoy_taunt (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_taunt1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_taunt1 = {FRAME_taunt01, FRAME_taunt17, decoy_frames_taunt1, decoy_taunt};
void decoy_taunt (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_taunt1;
// Flipoff frames
void decoy_flip (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_flip1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_flip1 = {FRAME_flip01, FRAME_flip12, decoy_frames_flip1, decoy_flip};
void decoy_flip (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_flip1;
// Salute frames
void decoy_salute (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_salute1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_salute1 = {FRAME_salute01, FRAME_salute11, decoy_frames_salute1, decoy_salute};
void decoy_salute (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_salute1;
// Wave frames
void decoy_wave (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_wave1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_wave1 = {FRAME_wave01, FRAME_wave11, decoy_frames_wave1, decoy_wave};
void decoy_wave (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_wave1;
// Point frames
void decoy_point (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_point1 [] =
ai_stand, 0, decoy_idle,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL,
ai_stand, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_point1 = {FRAME_point01, FRAME_point12, decoy_frames_point1, decoy_point};
void decoy_point (edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_point1;
// RUN frames
void decoy_run (edict_t *self);
mframe_t decoy_frames_run [] =
ai_run, 10, NULL,
ai_run, 11, NULL,
ai_run, 11, NULL,
ai_run, 16, NULL,
ai_run, 10, NULL,
ai_run, 15, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_run = {FRAME_run1, FRAME_run6, decoy_frames_run, decoy_run};
void decoy_run (edict_t *self)
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_stand1;
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_run;
// PAIN frames
mframe_t decoy_frames_pain1 [] =
ai_move, -3, NULL,
ai_move, 4, NULL,
ai_move, 1, NULL,
ai_move, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_pain1 = {FRAME_pain101, FRAME_pain104, decoy_frames_pain1, decoy_run};
void decoy_pain (edict_t *self, edict_t *other, float kick, int damage)
if (level.time < self->pain_debounce_time)
self->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 3;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_pain, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_pain1;
// ATTACK frames
void decoy_fire (edict_t *self, int flash_number)
vec3_t start;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
vec3_t aim;
vec3_t dir;
vec3_t end;
float r, u;
int flash_index;
flash_index = shotgun_flash[flash_number];
AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
G_ProjectSource (self->s.origin, monster_flash_offset[flash_index], forward, right, start);
if (flash_number == 5 || flash_number == 6)
VectorCopy (forward, aim);
VectorCopy (self->enemy->s.origin, end);
end[2] += self->enemy->viewheight;
VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
vectoangles (aim, dir);
AngleVectors (dir, forward, right, up);
r = crandom()*1000;
u = crandom()*500;
VectorMA (start, 8192, forward, end);
VectorMA (end, r, right, end);
VectorMA (end, u, up, end);
VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
VectorNormalize (aim);
monster_fire_shotgun (self, start, aim, 2, 1, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_VSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_COUNT, flash_index, MOD_SHOTGUN);
// Fire weapon
void decoy_fire1 (edict_t *self)
decoy_fire (self, 0);
mframe_t decoy_frames_attack1 [] =
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, decoy_fire1,
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, NULL,
ai_charge, 0, NULL
mmove_t decoy_move_attack1 = {FRAME_attack1, FRAME_attack8, decoy_frames_attack1, decoy_run};
void decoy_attack(edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.currentmove = &decoy_move_attack1;
// SIGHT frames
void decoy_sight(edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
if (random() < 0.5)
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_sight1, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_sight2, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
// DEATH sequence
void decoy_die (edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point)
// int n;
if (self->deadflag == DEAD_DEAD)
// regular death
self->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
self->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_death, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
//do a BFG kind of explosion where the decoy was
gi.WriteByte (svc_temp_entity);
gi.WriteByte (TE_BFG_EXPLOSION);
gi.WritePosition (self->s.origin);
gi.multicast (self->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS);
//Clear pointer of owner
self->creator->decoy = NULL;
//Remove entity instead of playing death sequence
G_FreeEdict (self);
qboolean spawn_decoy (edict_t *owner)
edict_t *self;
vec3_t forward;
char modelname[64];
char weaponname[64];
int classnum;
self = G_Spawn();
// Place decoy 100 units forward of our position
AngleVectors(owner->client->v_angle, forward, NULL, NULL);
VectorMA(owner->s.origin, 100, forward, self->s.origin);
//set the team
self->wf_team = owner->client->resp.ctf_team;
//Use same model and skin as the person creating decoy
self->model = owner->model;
classnum = owner->client->pers.player_class;
sprintf(modelname, "wfactory/models/decoys/%s/tris.md2", classinfo[classnum].model_name);
sprintf(weaponname, "players/%s/weapon.md2",classinfo[classnum].model_name);
self->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex (modelname);
self->s.modelindex2 = gi.modelindex (weaponname);
self->s.skinnum = classinfo[classnum].decoyskin;
self->s.frame = DECOY_FIRST_FRAME;
self->think = Decoy_Think;
self->nextthink = level.time + 0.1;
//Set the skin color
//red team skin number is 1 higher than blue
if (self->wf_team == CTF_TEAM1) //team 1 is red
//test stuff for other decoy settings
if ((int)wfflags->value & WF_TMP3)
self->s.skinnum = 0; //team 2 is blue
self->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex ("wfactory/models/decoys/crakhor/tris.md2");
self->s.modelindex2 = gi.modelindex ("players/crakhor/weapon.md2");
self->s.effects = 0;
self->s.frame = 0;
self->classname = "decoy";
self->monsterinfo.scale = MODEL_SCALE;
VectorSet (self->mins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet (self->maxs, 16, 16, 32);
self->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
self->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
self->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
self->mass = 100;
self->pain = decoy_pain;
self->die = decoy_die;
self->monsterinfo.stand = decoy_stand;
self->monsterinfo.walk = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.run = decoy_run;
self->monsterinfo.dodge = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.attack = decoy_attack;
self->monsterinfo.melee = NULL;
self->monsterinfo.sight = decoy_sight;
//Dont attack anything to start with
//self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY;
//Stay in one spot or pursue depending on wfflag setting
if ((int)wfflags->value & WF_DECOY_PURSUE)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags = 0;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= AI_STAND_GROUND;
self->monsterinfo.sight = decoy_sight;
//newdecoy for proxies etc if think ever gets fixed remove this
self->svflags |= SVF_MONSTER;
self->s.renderfx |= RF_FRAMELERP;
self->max_health = self->health;
//Set up sounds
sound_idle = gi.soundindex ("soldier/solidle1.wav");
sound_sight1 = gi.soundindex ("soldier/solsght1.wav");
sound_sight2 = gi.soundindex ("soldier/solsrch1.wav");
sound_pain = gi.soundindex ("soldier/solpain1.wav");
//Set up on/off sounds
if (IsFemale (owner))
sound_death = gi.soundindex ("fdecoyof.wav");
sound_on = gi.soundindex ("fdecoyon.wav");
else if (IsCyborg (owner))
sound_death = gi.soundindex ("cdecoyof.wav");
sound_on = gi.soundindex ("cdecoyon.wav");
sound_death = gi.soundindex ("mdecoyof.wav");
sound_on = gi.soundindex ("mdecoyon.wav");
//Temporary - replease sounds with ones from Q2
//sound_death = gi.soundindex ("misc/keyuse.wav");
//sound_on = gi.soundindex ("soldier/solatck1.wav");
self->health = 30;
self->max_health = 30;
self->gib_health = -30;
if (wfdebug)
//self->health = 200;
//self->max_health = 200;
// Face the decoy the same direction as player
self->s.angles[PITCH] = owner->s.angles[PITCH];
self->s.angles[YAW] = owner->s.angles[YAW];
self->s.angles[ROLL] = owner->s.angles[ROLL];
// See if the decoy will fit
if (DecoyFit(self, owner) == false)
safe_cprintf (owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Decoy won't fit. Try aiming a little higher.\n");
return false;
//Link two entities together
owner->decoy = self; //for the owner, this is a pointer to the decoy
self->creator = owner; //for the decoy, this is a pointer to the owner
gi.linkentity (self);
// First animation sequence
self->monsterinfo.stand (self);
//Let monster code control this decoy
//walkmonster_start (self);
//Play the startup sound
gi.sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sound_on, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
//Reduce cell count
if (! ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_INFINITE_AMMO ) )
owner->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Cells"))] -= DECOY_CELLS;
return true;
// SP_Decoy - Handle DECOY command
void SP_Decoy(edict_t *self) {
//See if we should decoy turn it on or off
char *string;
int turnon;
if ((int)wfflags->value & WF_NO_DECOYS)
safe_cprintf (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, Decoys are DISABLED on this server.\n");
if (Q_stricmp ( string, "on") == 0)
turnon = true;
else if (Q_stricmp ( string, "off") == 0)
turnon = false;
else { //toggle status
if (self->decoy) turnon = false;
else turnon = true;
//gi.dprintf("Decoy on = %d, decoy ent = %d\n", turnon, self->decoy);
//If they want to turn it on and it's already on, return
if ( (turnon == true) && (self->decoy) ) return;
//If they want to turn it off and it's already off, return
if ( (turnon == false) && !(self->decoy) ) return;
//Remove decoy if it exists
if ( self->decoy ) {
gi.sound (self->decoy, CHAN_VOICE, sound_death, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
self->decoy = NULL;
safe_cprintf (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Decoy destroyed.\n");
//Cant create decoy in observer/spectator mode
if (self->solid == SOLID_NOT)
safe_cprintf(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Can't create decoy in spectator mode (nice try!).\n");
//Create decoy if you have enough cells
if (self->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Cells"))] < DECOY_CELLS)
safe_cprintf(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough cells for decoy.\n");
if (spawn_decoy(self))
safe_cprintf (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Decoy created.\n");