#include "g_local.h" #include "m_player.h" void ShowCloseFriend_f (edict_t *ent); //WF24 S ST // JDB: Define variables for lowlight vision effect 4/4/98 #define LLV_R 0.7 #define LLV_G 0.0 #define LLV_B 0.0 #define LLV_A 0.7 int bubble =0; int YDirection; int RDirection; int PDirection; float lava_blend =0.5; int lava = 0; int guncamx=0; int guncamy=0; int guncamz=0; //WF24 E ST edict_t *current_player; gclient_t *current_client; static vec3_t forward, right, up; float xyspeed; float bobmove; int bobcycle; // odd cycles are right foot going forward float bobfracsin; // sin(bobfrac*M_PI) //WF34 START //Gas COlors float GasR[9] = { 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.4, 0.34 }; float GasG[9] = { 0.7, 0.1, 0.9, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7 }; float GasB[9] = { 0.1, 0.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.54, 0.68, 0.2, 0.3, 0.94 }; //WF34 END /* =============== SV_CalcRoll =============== */ float SV_CalcRoll (vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity) { float sign; float side; float value; side = DotProduct (velocity, right); sign = side < 0 ? -1 : 1; side = fabs(side); value = sv_rollangle->value; if (side < sv_rollspeed->value) side = side * value / sv_rollspeed->value; else side = value; return side*sign; } /* =============== P_DamageFeedback Handles color blends and view kicks =============== */ void P_DamageFeedback (edict_t *player) { gclient_t *client; float side; float realcount, count, kick; vec3_t v; int r, l; static vec3_t power_color = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; static vec3_t acolor = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; static vec3_t bcolor = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; client = player->client; // flash the backgrounds behind the status numbers client->ps.stats[STAT_FLASHES] = 0; if (client->damage_blood) client->ps.stats[STAT_FLASHES] |= 1; if (client->damage_armor && !(player->flags & FL_GODMODE) && (client->invincible_framenum <= level.framenum)) client->ps.stats[STAT_FLASHES] |= 2; // total points of damage shot at the player this frame count = (client->damage_blood + client->damage_armor + client->damage_parmor); if (count == 0) return; // didn't take any damage // start a pain animation if still in the player model if (client->pers.feign ==0) if (client->anim_priority < ANIM_PAIN && player->s.modelindex == 255) { static int i; client->anim_priority = ANIM_PAIN; if (client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { player->s.frame = FRAME_crpain1-1; client->anim_end = FRAME_crpain4; } else { i = (i+1)%3; switch (i) { case 0: player->s.frame = FRAME_pain101-1; client->anim_end = FRAME_pain104; break; case 1: player->s.frame = FRAME_pain201-1; client->anim_end = FRAME_pain204; break; case 2: player->s.frame = FRAME_pain301-1; client->anim_end = FRAME_pain304; break; } } } realcount = count; if (count < 10) count = 10; // always make a visible effect // play an apropriate pain sound if ((level.time > player->pain_debounce_time) && !(player->flags & FL_GODMODE) && (client->invincible_framenum <= level.framenum)) { r = 1 + (rand()&1); player->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 0.7; if (player->health < 25) l = 25; else if (player->health < 50) l = 50; else if (player->health < 75) l = 75; else l = 100; gi.sound (player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex(va("*pain%i_%i.wav", l, r)), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); } // the total alpha of the blend is always proportional to count if (client->damage_alpha < 0) client->damage_alpha = 0; client->damage_alpha += count*0.01; if (client->damage_alpha < 0.2) client->damage_alpha = 0.2; if (client->damage_alpha > 0.6) client->damage_alpha = 0.6; // don't go too saturated // the color of the blend will vary based on how much was absorbed // by different armors VectorClear (v); if (client->damage_parmor) VectorMA (v, (float)client->damage_parmor/realcount, power_color, v); if (client->damage_armor) VectorMA (v, (float)client->damage_armor/realcount, acolor, v); if (client->damage_blood) VectorMA (v, (float)client->damage_blood/realcount, bcolor, v); VectorCopy (v, client->damage_blend); // // calculate view angle kicks // kick = abs(client->damage_knockback); if (kick && player->health > 0) // kick of 0 means no view adjust at all { kick = kick * 100 / player->health; if (kick < count*0.5) kick = count*0.5; if (kick > 50) kick = 50; VectorSubtract (client->damage_from, player->s.origin, v); VectorNormalize (v); side = DotProduct (v, right); client->v_dmg_roll = kick*side*0.3; side = -DotProduct (v, forward); client->v_dmg_pitch = kick*side*0.3; client->v_dmg_time = level.time + DAMAGE_TIME; } // // clear totals // client->damage_blood = 0; client->damage_armor = 0; client->damage_parmor = 0; client->damage_knockback = 0; } /* =============== SV_CalcViewOffset Auto pitching on slopes? fall from 128: 400 = 160000 fall from 256: 580 = 336400 fall from 384: 720 = 518400 fall from 512: 800 = 640000 fall from 640: 960 = damage = deltavelocity*deltavelocity * 0.0001 =============== */ void SV_CalcViewOffset (edict_t *ent) { float *angles; float bob; float ratio; float delta; vec3_t v; //WF24 S ST edict_t *Bub; vec3_t offset; trace_t tr; //WF24 E ST //=================================== // base angles angles = ent->client->ps.kick_angles; // if dead, fix the angle and don't add any kick if (ent->deadflag) { VectorClear (angles); ent->client->ps.viewangles[ROLL] = 40; ent->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH] = -15; ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] = ent->client->killer_yaw; } else { // add angles based on weapon kick VectorCopy (ent->client->kick_angles, angles); // add angles based on damage kick ratio = (ent->client->v_dmg_time - level.time) / DAMAGE_TIME; if (ratio < 0) { ratio = 0; ent->client->v_dmg_pitch = 0; ent->client->v_dmg_roll = 0; } angles[PITCH] += ratio * ent->client->v_dmg_pitch; angles[ROLL] += ratio * ent->client->v_dmg_roll; // add pitch based on fall kick ratio = (ent->client->fall_time - level.time) / FALL_TIME; if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0; angles[PITCH] += ratio * ent->client->fall_value; // add angles based on velocity delta = DotProduct (ent->velocity, forward); angles[PITCH] += delta*run_pitch->value; delta = DotProduct (ent->velocity, right); angles[ROLL] += delta*run_roll->value; // add angles based on bob delta = bobfracsin * bob_pitch->value * xyspeed; if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) delta *= 6; // crouching angles[PITCH] += delta; delta = bobfracsin * bob_roll->value * xyspeed; if (ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) delta *= 6; // crouching if (bobcycle & 1) delta = -delta; angles[ROLL] += delta; //WF24 S STWF - Concusion grenade //add angles based on drunk if (ent->DrunkTime > level.time) { bubble = bubble + 1; if (bubble == 10) { Bub = G_Spawn(); Bub->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; Bub->clipmask = MASK_SHOT; Bub->solid = SOLID_NOT; VectorClear (Bub->mins); VectorClear (Bub->maxs); VectorSet (Bub->velocity,0,0,10); Bub->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex ("sprites/s_bubble.sp2"); Bub->nextthink = level.time + 2; Bub->think = G_FreeEdict; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin,Bub->s.origin); gi.linkentity(Bub); bubble = 0; } ent->client->ps.rdflags |= RDF_UNDERWATER; if(YDirection) ent->DizzyYaw += random()*6; else ent->DizzyYaw -= random()*6; if(PDirection) ent->DizzyPitch += random()*5; else ent->DizzyPitch -= random()*5; if(RDirection) ent->DizzyRoll += random()*3; else ent->DizzyRoll -= random()*3; if (ent->DizzyYaw < -35) YDirection = 1; if (ent->DizzyYaw > 35) YDirection = 0; if (ent->DizzyPitch < -25) PDirection = 1; if (ent->DizzyPitch > 25) PDirection = 0; if (ent->DizzyRoll < -25) RDirection = 1; if (ent->DizzyRoll > 25) RDirection = 0; angles[YAW] += ent->DizzyYaw; angles[PITCH] += ent->DizzyPitch; angles[ROLL] += ent->DizzyRoll; } //WF24 E ST } //WF34 START if (ent->client->Gas_Time>level.time) { angles[YAW] += ent->client->GasViewOffset[YAW]; angles[PITCH] += ent->client->GasViewOffset[PITCH]; angles[ROLL] += ent->client->GasViewOffset[ROLL]; } //WF34 END //=================================== // base origin VectorClear (v); // add view height v[2] += ent->viewheight; // add fall height ratio = (ent->client->fall_time - level.time) / FALL_TIME; if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0; v[2] -= ratio * ent->client->fall_value * 0.4; // add bob height bob = bobfracsin * xyspeed * bob_up->value; if (bob > 6) bob = 6; //gi.DebugGraph (bob *2, 255); v[2] += bob; // add kick offset VectorAdd (v, ent->client->kick_origin, v); // absolutely bound offsets // so the view can never be outside the player box //WF24 S ST //Remote Camera View if (ent->client->remotetoggle) { if (ent->remotecam) { VectorSet (v, 0, 0, 0); ent->client->ps.gunframe = 0; ent->client->weaponstate = WEAPON_ACTIVATING; ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = ent->remotecam->camposition[0]*8; ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[1] = ent->remotecam->camposition[1]*8; ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[2] = ent->remotecam->camposition[2]*8; VectorCopy(ent->s.angles,ent->remotecam->s.angles); /*db ent->client->oldplayer->s.frame = ent->s.frame; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin,ent->client->oldplayer->s.origin); VectorCopy(ent->s.angles,ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles); VectorCopy (ent->velocity, ent->client->oldplayer->velocity); ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex = ent->s.modelindex; ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex2 = ent->s.modelindex2; ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex3 = ent->s.modelindex3;*/ VectorCopy (v, ent->client->ps.viewoffset); } } //Normal View else if (ent->client->chasetoggle == 0) { //WF24 E if (v[0] < -14) v[0] = -14; else if (v[0] > 14) v[0] = 14; if (v[1] < -14) v[1] = -14; else if (v[1] > 14) v[1] = 14; if (v[2] < -22) v[2] = -22; else if (v[2] > 30) v[2] = 30; guncamz = 0;//WF24 VectorCopy (v, ent->client->ps.viewoffset); } //WF S //Chase Camera View else { VectorSet(offset,ent->s.origin[0]+forward[0]*-80,ent->s.origin[1]+forward[1]*-80,36+ent->s.origin[2]+forward[2]*-40); tr = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, NULL, NULL, offset, ent, MASK_SHOT); ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = (tr.endpos[0]+forward[0]*10)*8; ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[1] =(tr.endpos[1]+forward[1]*10)*8; ent->client->ps.pmove.origin[2] =(tr.endpos[2]+forward[2]*10)*8; /*db ent->client->oldplayer->s.frame = ent->s.frame; VectorCopy(ent->s.origin,ent->client->oldplayer->s.origin); VectorCopy(ent->s.angles,ent->client->oldplayer->s.angles); VectorCopy (ent->velocity, ent->client->oldplayer->velocity); ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex = ent->s.modelindex; ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex2 = ent->s.modelindex2; ent->client->oldplayer->s.modelindex3 = ent->s.modelindex3;*/ VectorSet (v, 0, 0, 0); VectorCopy (v, ent->client->ps.viewoffset); } } //WF E ST /* ============== SV_CalcGunOffset ============== */ void SV_CalcGunOffset (edict_t *ent) { int i; float delta; // gun angles from bobbing ent->client->ps.gunangles[ROLL] = xyspeed * bobfracsin * 0.005; ent->client->ps.gunangles[YAW] = xyspeed * bobfracsin * 0.01; if (bobcycle & 1) { ent->client->ps.gunangles[ROLL] = -ent->client->ps.gunangles[ROLL]; ent->client->ps.gunangles[YAW] = -ent->client->ps.gunangles[YAW]; } ent->client->ps.gunangles[PITCH] = xyspeed * bobfracsin * 0.005; // gun angles from delta movement for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { delta = ent->client->oldviewangles[i] - ent->client->ps.viewangles[i]; if (delta > 180) delta -= 360; if (delta < -180) delta += 360; if (delta > 45) delta = 45; if (delta < -45) delta = -45; if (i == YAW) ent->client->ps.gunangles[ROLL] += 0.1*delta; ent->client->ps.gunangles[i] += 0.2 * delta; } // gun height VectorClear (ent->client->ps.gunoffset); // ent->ps->gunorigin[2] += bob; // gun_x / gun_y / gun_z are development tools for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { ent->client->ps.gunoffset[i] += forward[i]*(gun_y->value); ent->client->ps.gunoffset[i] += right[i]*gun_x->value; ent->client->ps.gunoffset[i] += up[i]* (-gun_z->value); } } /* ============= SV_AddBlend ============= */ void SV_AddBlend (float r, float g, float b, float a, float *v_blend) { float a2, a3; if (a <= 0) return; a2 = v_blend[3] + (1-v_blend[3])*a; // new total alpha a3 = v_blend[3]/a2; // fraction of color from old v_blend[0] = v_blend[0]*a3 + r*(1-a3); v_blend[1] = v_blend[1]*a3 + g*(1-a3); v_blend[2] = v_blend[2]*a3 + b*(1-a3); v_blend[3] = a2; } /* ============= SV_CalcBlend ============= */ void SV_CalcBlend (edict_t *ent) { int contents; short number;//WF34 vec3_t vieworg; int remaining; ent->client->ps.blend[0] = ent->client->ps.blend[1] = ent->client->ps.blend[2] = ent->client->ps.blend[3] = 0; // add for contents VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->client->ps.viewoffset, vieworg); contents = gi.pointcontents (vieworg); if (contents & (CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_WATER) ) ent->client->ps.rdflags |= RDF_UNDERWATER; else ent->client->ps.rdflags &= ~RDF_UNDERWATER; if (contents & (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_LAVA)) SV_AddBlend (1.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.6, ent->client->ps.blend); else if (contents & CONTENTS_SLIME) SV_AddBlend (0.0, 0.1, 0.05, 0.6, ent->client->ps.blend); else if (contents & CONTENTS_WATER) SV_AddBlend (0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, ent->client->ps.blend); //WF24 S ST - screen turns orange if on fire if(ent->Flames) SV_AddBlend (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4, ent->client->ps.blend); //ST //WF - Flash grenade //Are we done with flash yet? if (ent->client->blindTime > 0) { float alpha = ent->client->blindTime / ent->client->blindBase; if (alpha > 1) alpha = 1; SV_AddBlend (1, 1, 1, alpha, ent->client->ps.blend); ent->client->blindTime -= 1; } //WF34 START //WF //WF Disguise Stuff if(ent->disguiseshots>2) SV_AddBlend (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3, ent->client->ps.blend); else if (ent->disguiseshots==2) SV_AddBlend (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3, ent->client->ps.blend); else if (ent->disguiseshots==1) SV_AddBlend (0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, ent->client->ps.blend); // NEW CODE: cloaked - darken vision if (ent->client->cloaking && (ent->svflags & SVF_NOCLIENT)) SV_AddBlend (-1, -1, -1, 0.3, ent->client->ps.blend); // add for powerups if (ent->client->quad_framenum > level.framenum) { remaining = ent->client->quad_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining == 30) // beginning to fade gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/damage2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) SV_AddBlend (0, 0, 1, 0.08, ent->client->ps.blend); } //WF24 S ST else if (ent->client->kamikaze_framenum > level.framenum) { remaining = ent->client->kamikaze_framenum - level.framenum; ent->client->kamikaze_timeleft = remaining; // if (remaining == 20) // gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/protect2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4)) SV_AddBlend (0, 0, 1, 0.08, ent->client->ps.blend); } //WF24 E ST else if (ent->client->invincible_framenum > level.framenum) { remaining = ent->client->invincible_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining == 30) // beginning to fade gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/protect2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) SV_AddBlend (1, 1, 0, 0.08, ent->client->ps.blend); } else if (ent->client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum) { remaining = ent->client->enviro_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining == 30) // beginning to fade gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/airout.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) SV_AddBlend (0, 1, 0, 0.08, ent->client->ps.blend); } else if (ent->client->breather_framenum > level.framenum) { remaining = ent->client->breather_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining == 30) // beginning to fade gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/airout.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) SV_AddBlend (0.4, 1, 0.4, 0.04, ent->client->ps.blend); } // add for damage if (ent->client->damage_alpha > 0) SV_AddBlend (ent->client->damage_blend[0],ent->client->damage_blend[1] ,ent->client->damage_blend[2], ent->client->damage_alpha, ent->client->ps.blend); if (ent->client->bonus_alpha > 0) SV_AddBlend (0.85, 0.7, 0.3, ent->client->bonus_alpha, ent->client->ps.blend); //WF34 START if (ent->client->Gas_Time>level.time) { if(ent->client->Gas_Delayclient->Gas_Delay=(float)((int)(1000*random())%25)/10+level.time; number=(int)(random()*10)%9; ent->client->GasR=GasR[number]; ent->client->GasG=GasG[number]; ent->client->GasB=GasB[number]; ent->client->GasViewOffset[0]=(float)((int)(random()*1000)%400-200)/10; ent->client->GasViewOffset[1]=(float)((int)(random()*1000)%400-200)/10; ent->client->GasViewOffset[2]=(float)((int)(random()*1000)%400-200)/10; ent->client->GasFOV=(int)(random()*1000)%100+41; } ent->client->ps.fov=ent->client->GasFOV; if (ent->client->Gas_Timeclient->ps.fov=90; SV_AddBlend (ent->client->GasR, ent->client->GasG, ent->client->GasB, 0.65, ent->client->ps.blend); } //WF34 END // drop the damage value ent->client->damage_alpha -= 0.06; if (ent->client->damage_alpha < 0) ent->client->damage_alpha = 0; // drop the bonus value ent->client->bonus_alpha -= 0.1; if (ent->client->bonus_alpha < 0) ent->client->bonus_alpha = 0; } /* ================= P_FallingDamage ================= */ void P_FallingDamage (edict_t *ent) { float delta; int damage; vec3_t dir; if (ent->s.modelindex != 255) return; // not in the player model if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) return; if ((ent->client->oldvelocity[2] < 0) && (ent->velocity[2] > ent->client->oldvelocity[2]) && (!ent->groundentity)) { delta = ent->client->oldvelocity[2]; } else { if (!ent->groundentity) return; delta = ent->velocity[2] - ent->client->oldvelocity[2]; } delta = delta*delta * 0.0001; // TeT The game stopped them cold, don't take damage for it if (ent->cantmove) { return; } // TeT The jet pack can cause massive velocity changes if (Jet_Active(ent)) { return; } //ZOID // never take damage if just release grapple or on grapple if (level.time - ent->client->ctf_grapplereleasetime <= FRAMETIME * 2 || (ent->client->ctf_grapple && ent->client->ctf_grapplestate > CTF_GRAPPLE_STATE_FLY)) return; //ZOID // never take falling damage if completely underwater if (ent->waterlevel == 3) return; if (ent->waterlevel == 2) delta *= 0.25; if (ent->waterlevel == 1) delta *= 0.5; if (delta < 1) return; if (delta < 15) { ent->s.event = EV_FOOTSTEP; return; } ent->client->fall_value = delta*0.5; if (ent->client->fall_value > 40) ent->client->fall_value = 40; ent->client->fall_time = level.time + FALL_TIME; if (delta > 30) { if (ent->health > 0) { if (delta >= 55) ent->s.event = EV_FALLFAR; else ent->s.event = EV_FALL; } ent->pain_debounce_time = level.time; // no normal pain sound damage = (delta-30)/2; if (damage < 1) damage = 1; VectorSet (dir, 0, 0, 1); if (!deathmatch->value || !((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_FALLING) ) T_Damage (ent, world, world, dir, ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, damage, 0, 0, MOD_FALLING); } else { ent->s.event = EV_FALLSHORT; return; } } /* ============= P_WorldEffects ============= */ void P_WorldEffects (void) { qboolean breather; qboolean envirosuit; int waterlevel, old_waterlevel; //ERASER ADDED || (CURRENT if ((current_player->movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) || (current_player->health <= 0)) { current_player->air_finished = level.time + 12; // don't need air return; } //Give air time if frozen 4/99 Acrid if (current_player->frozen) current_player->air_finished = level.time + 6; waterlevel = current_player->waterlevel; old_waterlevel = current_client->old_waterlevel; current_client->old_waterlevel = waterlevel; breather = current_client->breather_framenum > level.framenum; envirosuit = current_client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum; if (current_client->player_items & ITEM_REBREATHER) breather = 1;//WF34 2 LINES // // if just entered a water volume, play a sound // if (!old_waterlevel && waterlevel) { PlayerNoise(current_player, current_player->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); if (current_player->watertype & CONTENTS_LAVA) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/lava_in.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (current_player->watertype & CONTENTS_SLIME) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_in.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (current_player->watertype & CONTENTS_WATER) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_in.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); current_player->flags |= FL_INWATER; // clear damage_debounce, so the pain sound will play immediately current_player->damage_debounce_time = level.time - 1; } // // if just completely exited a water volume, play a sound // if (old_waterlevel && ! waterlevel) { PlayerNoise(current_player, current_player->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_out.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); current_player->flags &= ~FL_INWATER; } // // check for head just going under water // if (old_waterlevel != 3 && waterlevel == 3) { gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_BODY, gi.soundindex("player/watr_un.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); } // // check for head just coming out of water // if (old_waterlevel == 3 && waterlevel != 3) { if (current_player->air_finished < level.time) { // gasp for air gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("player/gasp1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); PlayerNoise(current_player, current_player->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); } else if (current_player->air_finished < level.time + 11) { // just break surface gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("player/gasp2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); } } // // check for drowning // if (waterlevel == 3) { // breather or envirosuit give air if (breather || envirosuit) { current_player->air_finished = level.time + 10; if (((int)(current_client->breather_framenum - level.framenum) % 25) == 0) { if (!current_client->breather_sound) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_AUTO, gi.soundindex("player/u_breath1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_AUTO, gi.soundindex("player/u_breath2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); current_client->breather_sound ^= 1; PlayerNoise(current_player, current_player->s.origin, PNOISE_SELF); //FIXME: release a bubble? } } // if out of air, start drowning if (current_player->air_finished < level.time) { // drown! if (current_player->client->next_drown_time < level.time && current_player->health > 0) { current_player->client->next_drown_time = level.time + 1; // take more damage the longer underwater current_player->dmg += 2; if (current_player->dmg > 15) current_player->dmg = 15; // play a gurp sound instead of a normal pain sound if (current_player->health <= current_player->dmg) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("player/drown1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (rand()&1) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("*gurp1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("*gurp2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); current_player->pain_debounce_time = level.time; T_Damage (current_player, world, world, vec3_origin, current_player->s.origin, vec3_origin, current_player->dmg, 0, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_WATER); } } } else { current_player->air_finished = level.time + 12; current_player->dmg = 2; } // // check for sizzle damage // if (waterlevel && (current_player->watertype&(CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME)) ) { if (current_player->watertype & CONTENTS_LAVA) { if (current_player->health > 0 && current_player->pain_debounce_time <= level.time && current_client->invincible_framenum < level.framenum) { if (rand()&1) gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("player/burn1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else gi.sound (current_player, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex("player/burn2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); current_player->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 1; } if (envirosuit) // take 1/3 damage with envirosuit T_Damage (current_player, world, world, vec3_origin, current_player->s.origin, vec3_origin, 1*waterlevel, 0, 0, MOD_LAVA); else T_Damage (current_player, world, world, vec3_origin, current_player->s.origin, vec3_origin, 3*waterlevel, 0, 0, MOD_LAVA); } if (current_player->watertype & CONTENTS_SLIME) { if (!envirosuit) { // no damage from slime with envirosuit T_Damage (current_player, world, world, vec3_origin, current_player->s.origin, vec3_origin, 1*waterlevel, 0, 0, MOD_SLIME); } } } } /* =============== G_SetClientEffects =============== */ void G_SetClientEffects (edict_t *ent) { int pa_type; int remaining; if (ent->health > 0) { ent->s.effects = 0; ent->s.renderfx = 0; }//acrid3 to stop skipped freeze effect on dead bodies if (ent->health <= 0 || level.intermissiontime) return; if (ent->powerarmor_time > level.time) { pa_type = PowerArmorType (ent); if (pa_type == POWER_ARMOR_SCREEN) { ent->s.effects |= EF_POWERSCREEN; } else if (pa_type == POWER_ARMOR_SHIELD) { ent->s.effects |= EF_COLOR_SHELL; ent->s.renderfx |= RF_SHELL_GREEN; } } //ZOID CTFEffects(ent); //ZOID //WF24 S //Add effects for respawn protection if (ent->client->protecttime > level.time) ent->s.effects |= EF_TELEPORTER; //set it else ent->s.effects &= ~EF_TELEPORTER; //clear it //WF24 E if (ent->client->quad_framenum > level.framenum //ZOID && (level.framenum & 8) //ZOID ) { remaining = ent->client->quad_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) ent->s.effects |= EF_QUAD; } if (ent->client->invincible_framenum > level.framenum //ZOID && (level.framenum & 8) //ZOID ) { remaining = ent->client->invincible_framenum - level.framenum; if (remaining > 30 || (remaining & 4) ) ent->s.effects |= EF_PENT; } // show cheaters!!! if (ent->flags & FL_GODMODE) { ent->s.effects |= EF_COLOR_SHELL; ent->s.renderfx |= (RF_SHELL_RED|RF_SHELL_GREEN|RF_SHELL_BLUE); } if (ent->disease) ent->s.effects |= EF_FLIES;//WF34 2 LINES //acrid 3/99 if (ent->frozen)//white shell { ent->client->ps.rdflags |= RDF_UNDERWATER; ent->s.effects |= EF_COLOR_SHELL; ent->s.renderfx |= (RF_SHELL_RED|RF_SHELL_GREEN|RF_SHELL_BLUE); SV_AddBlend (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.6, ent->client->ps.blend); } } /* =============== G_SetClientEvent =============== */ void G_SetClientEvent (edict_t *ent) { if (ent->s.event) return; if ( ent->groundentity && xyspeed > 225) { if ( (int)(current_client->bobtime+bobmove) != bobcycle ) ent->s.event = EV_FOOTSTEP; } } /* =============== G_SetClientSound =============== */ void G_SetClientSound (edict_t *ent) { char *weap; if (ent->client->resp.game_helpchanged != game.helpchanged) { ent->client->resp.game_helpchanged = game.helpchanged; ent->client->resp.helpchanged = 1; } // help beep (no more than three times) if (ent->client->resp.helpchanged && ent->client->resp.helpchanged <= 3 && !(level.framenum&63) ) { ent->client->resp.helpchanged++; gi.sound (ent, CHAN_VOICE, gi.soundindex ("misc/pc_up.wav"), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0); } if (ent->client->pers.weapon) weap = ent->client->pers.weapon->classname; else weap = ""; if (ent->waterlevel && (ent->watertype&(CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME)) ) ent->s.sound = snd_fry; else if (strcmp(weap, "weapon_railgun") == 0) ent->s.sound = gi.soundindex("weapons/rg_hum.wav"); else if (strcmp(weap, "weapon_bfg") == 0) ent->s.sound = gi.soundindex("weapons/bfg_hum.wav"); else if (ent->client->weapon_sound) ent->s.sound = ent->client->weapon_sound; else ent->s.sound = 0; } //WF24 S void decoy_stand (edict_t *self); //WF24 E /* =============== G_SetClientFrame =============== */ void G_SetClientFrame (edict_t *ent) { gclient_t *client; qboolean duck, run; if( ent->frozen ) //acrid3 might not be needed return; if (ent->s.modelindex != 255) return; // not in the player model client = ent->client; if (client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) duck = true; else duck = false; if (xyspeed) run = true; else run = false; if (client->pers.feign) { if (ent->s.frame < client->anim_end) { ent->s.frame++; } return; } // check for stand/duck and stop/go transitions if (duck != client->anim_duck && client->anim_priority < ANIM_DEATH) goto newanim; if (run != client->anim_run && client->anim_priority == ANIM_BASIC) goto newanim; if (!ent->groundentity && client->anim_priority <= ANIM_WAVE) goto newanim; if (ent->s.frame < client->anim_end) { // continue an animation ent->s.frame++; return; } if (client->pers.feign) return; if (client->anim_priority == ANIM_DEATH) return; // stay there if (client->anim_priority == ANIM_JUMP) { if (!ent->groundentity) return; // stay there ent->client->anim_priority = ANIM_WAVE; ent->s.frame = FRAME_jump3; ent->client->anim_end = FRAME_jump6; return; } newanim: // return to either a running or standing frame client->anim_priority = ANIM_BASIC; client->anim_duck = duck; client->anim_run = run; if (!ent->groundentity) { //ZOID: if on grapple, don't go into jump frame, go into standing //frame if (client->ctf_grapple) { ent->s.frame = FRAME_stand01; client->anim_end = FRAME_stand40; } else { //ZOID client->anim_priority = ANIM_JUMP; if (ent->s.frame != FRAME_jump2) ent->s.frame = FRAME_jump1; client->anim_end = FRAME_jump2; } } else if (run) { // running if (duck) { ent->s.frame = FRAME_crwalk1; client->anim_end = FRAME_crwalk6; } else { ent->s.frame = FRAME_run1; client->anim_end = FRAME_run6; } } else { // standing if (duck) { ent->s.frame = FRAME_crstnd01; client->anim_end = FRAME_crstnd19; } else { ent->s.frame = FRAME_stand01; client->anim_end = FRAME_stand40; //WF24 S - put decoy back to standing if (ent->decoy) decoy_stand(ent->decoy); //WF24 E } } } /* ================= ClientEndServerFrame Called for each player at the end of the server frame and right after spawning ================= */ void ClientEndServerFrame (edict_t *ent) { float bobtime; int i; edict_t *e;//ERASER current_player = ent; current_client = ent->client; // // If the origin or velocity have changed since ClientThink(), // update the pmove values. This will happen when the client // is pushed by a bmodel or kicked by an explosion. // // If it wasn't updated here, the view position would lag a frame // behind the body position when pushed -- "sinking into plats" // for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { current_client->ps.pmove.origin[i] = ent->s.origin[i]*8.0; current_client->ps.pmove.velocity[i] = ent->velocity[i]*8.0; } // // If the end of unit layout is displayed, don't give // the player any normal movement attributes // if (level.intermissiontime) { // FIXME: add view drifting here? current_client->ps.blend[3] = 0; current_client->ps.fov = 90; G_SetStats (ent); return; } AngleVectors (ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, up); // burn from lava, etc P_WorldEffects (); // // set model angles from view angles so other things in // the world can tell which direction you are looking // if (ent->client->v_angle[PITCH] > 180) ent->s.angles[PITCH] = (-360 + ent->client->v_angle[PITCH])/3; else ent->s.angles[PITCH] = ent->client->v_angle[PITCH]/3; ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->client->v_angle[YAW]; ent->s.angles[ROLL] = 0; ent->s.angles[ROLL] = SV_CalcRoll (ent->s.angles, ent->velocity)*4; // // calculate speed and cycle to be used for // all cyclic walking effects // xyspeed = sqrt(ent->velocity[0]*ent->velocity[0] + ent->velocity[1]*ent->velocity[1]); if (xyspeed < 5) { bobmove = 0; current_client->bobtime = 0; // start at beginning of cycle again } else if (ent->groundentity) { // so bobbing only cycles when on ground if (xyspeed > 210) bobmove = 0.25; else if (xyspeed > 100) bobmove = 0.125; else bobmove = 0.0625; } bobtime = (current_client->bobtime += bobmove); if (current_client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) bobtime *= 4; bobcycle = (int)bobtime; bobfracsin = fabs(sin(bobtime*M_PI)); // detect hitting the floor P_FallingDamage (ent); // apply all the damage taken this frame P_DamageFeedback (ent); // determine the view offsets SV_CalcViewOffset (ent); // determine the gun offsets SV_CalcGunOffset (ent); // determine the full screen color blend // must be after viewoffset, so eye contents can be // accurately determined // FIXME: with client prediction, the contents // should be determined by the client SV_CalcBlend (ent); //ZOID if (!ent->client->chase_target) //ZOID G_SetStats (ent); //ZOID //FIXME ACRID WF24 USES THIS //update chasecam follower stats // for (i = 1; i <= maxclients->value; i++) { // edict_t *e = g_edicts + i; //FIXME ACRID WF24 USES THIS // ERASER START, use player list for (i=0; iinuse || e->client->chase_target != ent)//crash here was changing maps continue; memcpy(e->client->ps.stats, ent->client->ps.stats, sizeof(ent->client->ps.stats)); e->client->ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] = 1; break; } //ZOID G_SetClientEvent (ent); G_SetClientEffects (ent); G_SetClientSound (ent); G_SetClientFrame (ent); //See if there are any friends in the area ShowCloseFriend_f (ent); VectorCopy (ent->velocity, ent->client->oldvelocity); VectorCopy (ent->client->ps.viewangles, ent->client->oldviewangles); // clear weapon kicks VectorClear (ent->client->kick_origin); VectorClear (ent->client->kick_angles); //WF24 S - SCANNER // if (ent->client->showscores && !(level.framenum & 31) )//NORMAL LINE // if (((ent->client->showscores || ent->client->pers.scanner_active) && deathmatch->value && // !(level.framenum & SCANNER_UPDATE_FREQ)) || (ent->client->pers.scanner_active & 2)) if ( ((ent->client->showscores) && !(level.framenum & 31)) || ((ent->client->pers.scanner_active) && !(level.framenum & 7)) ) //WF34 2 LINES //WF24 E { //ZOID if (ent->client->menu) { //WF CO PMenu_Update(ent);//NORMAL LINE WF24 USES BELOW SECTION ent->menutime++;//JR Added this so it updates less since it was always updating not good if(ent->menutime>85)//WF34 WAS 55 { PMenu_Update(ent); ent->menutime = 0; } } else //ZOID DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (ent, ent->enemy); gi.unicast (ent, false); //WF24 S - scanner ent->client->pers.scanner_active &= ~2; //WF24 E } }