
118 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//WF - New variables for edict structure
int homing_lock; //0 = not locked, 1 = locked
edict_t *lasersight; //pointer to laser sight
edict_t *decoy; //Pointer to decoy
edict_t *creator; //Who created this (used by decoy)
edict_t *missile; //pointer to laser sight
int wf_team; //team of player,decoy, whatever
qboolean noteamdamage; //True if same team can't damage entity
//Used for item limits
int grenade_index; //if set, this is an index into the active_grenades array
int special_index; //if set, this is an index into the active_special array
//Used by map entities
int bonustype;
int bonusvalue;
edict_t *orig_map_entity; //points to the spawned map flag return map entity, rather
//than the one created in wf_flagcap.c
//Turret data - Imp was here
float turrettime;
float turretdie;
int turretammo;
//int turretsoundcountdown; //Countdown to when next sound is played
vec3_t targetdir;
vec3_t orig_angles;
int disguised;
int FrameShot;
int disguising;
float disguisetime;
int disguisingteam;
int disguisedteam;
int disguiseshots;
//sentry stuff
edict_t *selectedsentry;
edict_t *standowner;
//Means of Death for this entity
int mod;
int superslow;
int lame; //reduce speed if they were shot in the leg
int nospeed;
float sentrydelay;
int CanFloat;
float FloatTime;
int HitTopOfWater;
int GoneDown;
//a different flame thrower
Flame_Info flameinfo;
int SniperDamage;
int disease;
edict_t *diseased_by;
edict_t *alarm1;
edict_t *alarm2;
edict_t *alarm3;
float PlasmaDelay;
int Flames;
float PlayerSnipingZoom;
edict_t *sentry;
int ShotNumber;
edict_t *remotecam;//the remote camera
edict_t *remote;
edict_t *supply;
float DrunkTime;
int cantmove; //Set if entity should be frozen
int Slower; //for slow grenade and tranquilizer
float DizzyYaw;
float DizzyPitch;
float DizzyRoll;
vec3_t LockedPosition;
vec3_t camposition; //Camera viewpoint
int menutime;
edict_t *orb;
int kick;
// freezer code
char oldskin[60];
qboolean frozen;
qboolean frozenbody;
int frozentime;
//WF ACRID 3/99
//Unused items
int snipe;
int boots;
int ViewPoint; //1 is back 0 is normal
int ClassSpeed;
int TeamNumber;
int HaveFlag;
int OnTurret;
int ShootingTurret;
int LaserOrbs;
int FireDamage;
int LaserBomb;
int ClassNumber;
int max_armor;//JR 2/20/98
edict_t *searchlight;//JR 2/23/98
edict_t *turret1;//JR 2/25/98
edict_t *turret2;
edict_t *cable;
edict_t *satellite;
usercmd_t *cmd;
//SBOF: Chasecam variables
int chasedist1;
int chasedist2;
vec3_t sndvelocity;
float delay2; // used for second timer