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# Eraser Bot chat data
# Thanks to Meanstryk for the additions
# -> http://www.planetquake.com/ramshackle
# Also thanks to Shawn "Benighted1" Lisk for more additions
# -> kclisk@bright.net
# OK, here's the deal. Bot's can say one of the following things:
# 1. Greetings
# When a bot joins a team, or you join a bot's team, they'll usually
# say hi. This depends on what they're doing at the time. If they're
# not in battle, they'll usually give you a nice, warm welcome.
# 2. Insults
# Ahh, the insult. What would Quake be without the old fashioned
# insult. I bot will insult you randomly, depending on the status of
# the game, so this section is divided into a few sub-sections:
# a. The General Insults
# Just your average, all-purpose insult.
# b. Kicking your Ass
# The bot will use these insults when he's beating you,
# so these
# won't make much sense if he's losing.
# c. Losing
# The bot is losing, but has just killed you. A come-
# back is imminent.
# 3. Come-backs
# I personally don't like being told to wipe the floor after I messed up.
# Bots don't take to insults too well either, especially the good ones
# who have an ego to defend.
# 4. TEAMPLAY: Help!
# Some variations on the standard Help me, I'm in trouble! Note that if
# the bot is near an item such as the Rocket-Launcher, or Quad damage,
# they'll add a "Near the Rocket-Launcher!" to the end of the chat line.
# 5. TEAMPLAY: Drop item
# Bot's will let others (on their team) know if they have excess items.
# This provides some variety on they way they let you know.
# 6. TEAMPLAY: Let's Group!
# A bot may decide he's going to coordinate an attack. If so, he will issue
# one of these statements to the rest of his team, following by a location
# specifier, like "I'm near the Rocket-Launcher". He will generally wait a
# few second in that area, and then proceed. Other bot's will try to get to
# the leader Bot in time, and will then follow him around the level.
# Bot's will generally try to garner up a nice supply of weapons and ammo
# before doing this.
# NOTE: where you see a %s, that means a string goes there. All strings
# must appear in the same order for each section.
-- Greetings
I'm back!
Welcome aboard.
Everyone aboard? Let's rock.
'sup bro?
You better not suck.
Wait... what color am I?
What da deallie yo?
Be fruitiful and frag a lot.
Let's get it on!
Who's going to lose to me today?
Anarchists of the world unite!
To the Bat Cave!
Let the show begin.
Anyone up for slapping the criminal element around?
Make 'em say 'ugggggh'!
Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer.
Lets rock and roll!
I love the smell of BFG blasts in the morning!
G'day mate.
Let's see what you can do.
Nice night for a furball!
Eh mon!
Crap, where's a depot!?
I'm feelin' saucy today.
Kick it!
-- Insults (general)
Geez, are you ok?
Ouch, that HAD to hurt!
Who da man!
Yeh punk!
You all banged up!
Can anyone here play this game?
Waiter! Come clean up this mess!
Take my advice, or I'll spank you without pants
Need a band-aid %s?
Hey everyone, %s is a camping whore.
Everyone line up single file... I'll get the railgun.
Sorry %s. This is a NO BREATHING zone.
Hey %s, drop to the console and type KILL.
Damn %s, it should be illegal to suck so bad.
Excuse me while I urinate on your corpse, %s.
Hey %s... found your spleen.
Stick to Duke Nukem %s.
Eww, I stepped on %s's severed ear!
You want some more %s?
That was just a sample %s.
Nice try %s... A for effort.
Thanks for the frag %s.
Just give up %s.
How pathetic.
Wow, what a shot. I rule.
Sorry %s, didn't see you there. :)
That's right... run... wuss....
Why'd ya try to run %s?
Just like a deer in headlights.
Man %s... I pity you. I really do.
Someone ELSE kill %s for a change.
Yeah %s... you're my favorite.
What do you call that shit %s?
Learn from that.
Your corpse made a fine screenshot %s.
I have now been added to %s's shitlist.
You weren't doing anything anyway %s.
Oh get up... you aint hurt! :)
Lovely chalk outline %s.
Next time %s... move.
Stick to observer mode %s.
Love those death animations %s... you too apparently.
Damn %s, you smell just like roast chicken.
I love the sound of crunching bone. :)
Nice pain WAVs %s.
Burn baby burn.
Dude, %s... your skin blows.
Hey everyone, %s wasn't wearing clean underwear!
Instant karma, %s.
24/7, %s
Does your face hurt, %s? Well, its killin' me!
Ooh, thats gotta hurt!
B-b-b-b-Bad to the bone!
Oh my god, they killed %s! You basterds!
Bull's Eye!
I bet that hurt!
Come meet my 2x4.
%s was fragged again everyone!
Step right up to be knocked right down!
Clean up in isle seven...%s's remains in isle seven.
%s's dead, Jim!
Keep the change %s.
Oh, I'm gooood.
%s...there's no reason to act like that!
Anyone got a spachula?
Danger, %s Robinson, danger!
Excuse me, is the circus in town?
%s's loss is my gain!
BOOM, baby!
You move like peanut butter, %s!
-- Insults (kicking ass)
You gonna start playing or what?
Keeping practising, %s
Your in my house now %s!
Ain't nobody stoppin me!
Gun wounds again?
Try strafing sometime %s.
Can I be killed? I'm beginning to wonder.
Next time, make me work for it %s.
Am I a giant or did everyone else shrink?
Why do you people even bother?
Next time %s, don't bother dodging. Why prolong your agony?
What happened %s? >:)
Mental note to self: Find server with better opponents.
Christ people... try playing with a mouse.
Nobody can touch me in this level.
It *hurts* to be this kick-ass! It *hurts*!
I'm like the freaking energizer bunny over here.
Why do they ALWAYS try to run??
Just like cuttin' down weeds.
BANG said the gun, SPLATTER said %s.
Get the hell out of my way!
Play dead %s... good boy.
Step right up to get knocked right down!
That's right, one free asskicking with every purchase.
Did I get your attention %s?
Am I evil? Why, yes I am.
Some people just don't die well.
Hey look, I can chat while running full tilt!
Hey %s, don't hate me just because you suck.
Interception by %s!
He shoots... he SCORES!
You should see a doctor about that %s.
Thank you, come again.
Down boy...
I'm such a bastard. :)
Hope you have death and dismemberment insurance %s.
Boy, I'm gonna send this demo to Meanstryk. :)
Sorry sir, but thank you for playing.
Come on in %s... the slaughter's fine.
Ha! %s smeared like a red crayon!
Hi %s... I'm the enemy.
Making people feel bad feels SO good.
Sorry %s. Time to respawn.
Another one bites the dust.
Someone had better dig a mass grave.
Can't pay the bills, but damnit, this I can do.
What the fuck you think YOU'RE doin' %s?
Come share with me my hurtful thoughts.
Ha! Somedays it really pays to be a bot.
You should stick to Chess %s.
Its frag time. Do you know where you're skill is %s?
Walk into the light, %s!
Oh, I just remembered; %s's boring, and my guns work.
He chose...poorly.
I'm immortal!...So far.
Nothing can stop me now.
I must be butter cause I'm on a roll!
I'm not even working up a sweat, %s!
I'd trash talk, but I'm too tired...*yawn*
%s...I'm your father!
One small frag for me, one big head wound for you!
All too easy.
Come strong or don't come at all!
Damnit %s! You messed my hair up!
-- Insults (losing, coming back)
It's pay-back time!
Elvis has left the building!
Time to change your diaper %s
Who gave %s the nerve to get killed here?
Oops... did I do that? Sorry, man.
Nice spine there %s.
That looks like it's going to stain.
What... a... mess.
In your face bitch... in your face.
Look out man, I'm back in my zone. Watch your ass!
NOW who has the big gun mother-fucker?!?
Oh, no wonder... I had the safety on...
Better run %s... my lag is letting up.
Hey %s... ya shoulda zigged when ya zagged.
Hey nice catch %s!
Look out %s, I'm just getting warmed up.
Looks like there's a new lawman in town, eh %s?
Getting tired there %s?
Okay %s, I have your punk-ass figured.
Killing you appears to be habit forming %s.
How the fuck do you like it %s?
Oooh! That felt so good!
Not such a badass now, eh %s?
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Oh man, you've had it now.
Now THAT is what I'm talkin' about.
Feel that? That's my foot in your ass.
Get used to it %s.
Anyone else hear the theme from Rocky?
Your time's up %s.
Okay, now I start playing for real.
Hurt much?
Remember me %s?
My how the mighty have fallen.
Here's where you get off %s.
Merry Christmas!
This aint no petting zoo, %s.
Ever hear of the golden rule %s?
Your bullying days are over %s.
Now the shoe's on the other foot.
Wanna try for two out of three %s?
That's what I THOUGHT... loser.
Memento Mori.
The man who dies with the most toys still dies!
I'd give you the finger, but you shot them off.
Your meaty skull is beautiful to me, %s.
You all saw him...he had a gun!
I'm not gonna kill ya. Like hell I'm not!
Use the Farse, puke!
Ah...the joy of deathmatch.
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Chill %s.
I'm spittin' on your corpse, %s!
Exit light, enter night %s.
Respect my authoritay!
-- Come-backs
Screw you %s
I'll be back mutha-fucker!
I ain't even started yet.
Make the most of it %s.
Yeh? Well fuck you asshole!
Ahh, piss off!
Yadda yadda...
Wipe the shuga from yer chin, %s
Don't make me come over there %s.
Okay %s, you and me, after school.
Why do you have to be such an asshole?
Skin that smokewagon! Bring it on bitch!
One of these days I'm gonna catch your ass typing.
From now on %s, you're my bitch. Bend over.
My boot. %'s ass. Perfect fit.
Fuck off.
Bite me.
You aint shit!
Talk your shit over here %s.
I got somethin' for your ass %s.
I'll be your huckleberry.
You gonna do something other than talk?
You talkin' to me?
You don't want none of this %s.
This isn't IRC. Less talk and more play.
You're so full of shit %s.
Okay %s, let's dance.
Come learn to die.
Shut up %s.
Shut the FUCK up.
Damned phonejack.
I had TIME to kill, now I have SOMEONE to kill.
Don't let your mouth overload your ass %s.
You best hush %s.
I aint playin' with you %s.
Come on %s. Let's go! You afraid?
You're such a lamer %s.
%s --you whore.
What? You think you can play now?
You don't want none of this %s.
Someone needs to get laid.
I'll have my way with your mom after I kill her %s!
%s seems to care; about what, I have no idea.
The answer is cold in my hand, %s.
I ain't gonna waste my hate on you, %s.
I'll see you in hell %s.
I do not want this...
Ahh, shiiit.
Its all a conspiricy!
My God, are you still talking!?
Its not my fault- my gamma correction is screwy!
Next time %s...next time.
Bull! It was freindly fire!
Well aren't you full of piss and vinegar.
By this time, my lungs were aching for air.
You'd better bite down on a BFG and pray for lock jaw, %s.
My keyboard's missing a few keys.
Does the phrase, 'Nut Case' mean anything to you, %s?
You need to grow up, %s!
I'm going to use you for a raft next time we meet, %s!
I think a retreat is in order...
-- TEAMPLAY: Help!
Ahh!! Under heavy fire near the %s!! Heeelp!!!
I need backup at the %s!!
Backup requested, near the %s!
I'm seeing my life flash before my eyes by the %s!
Charlie is all over the %s.
All are invited to the %s. Enemy already in attendance.
Bring mop and bucket to %s. I'm about to splatter messily.
A little help here? I'm at the %s.
Visit the %s. See enemy is natural habitat.
Outnumbered. Dying. By %s.
The %s area is in a world of hurt, and so am I.
The enemy has control of the %s area. Recover.
Experiencing substanial pain near the %s.
Hating life by the %s.
I'm about to become a stain near the %s.
Enemy seems to want %s very badly.
Heavy resistance near the %s.
Come help me out over at the %s before I soil myself.
Aaarrggh! %s Death... the horror... the horror
zzzt- help! zzt...over zzzt-fizz %s!
The Man is opressin' me by the %s!
Get busy child! I'm by the %s.
Damnit, they're all over me by the %s!
-- TEAMPLAY: Drop Item (not implemented yet)
Hey guys, need a %s? I'm near the %s!
I have a %s to spare, near the %s!
I've just dropped a %s, near the %s!
Free %s! It's by the %s.
Anyone want a %s? Come to the %s.
There's a %s available by the %s.
Come get the %s over by the %s.
Be advised: %s available near %s.
How'd I get so many %ss? Anyone want one? I'm by the %s.
There's a %s by the %s. Come get it before enemy does.
Someone come get this %s by the %s.
I don't need this %s; anyone want it? By %s.
Surplus %s avaiable near %s.
There's a %s in the open over here near the %s.
Anyone want a %s? I already have one. It's near the %s.
I'm dropping a %s near the %s.
Shiny new %s, hardly used, available near %s.
Grab this %s someone, near the %s.
Prevent enemy from getting the %s near the %s.
Dropped %s near %s.
-- TEAMPLAY: Let's Group!
Calling all units! Group at the %s!
Attack formation at the %s!
Calling all squadron members to the %s!
Hey guys, I'm over at the %s!
Come protect the %s!
Everyone get your asses over to the %s!
Meeting at %s. Attendance mandatory.
Forming attack group at %s.
Regroup at the %s.
Preparing attack run near %s.
Fall back to %s.
Proceed to %s and await further instruction.
Gather near %s.
Everyone join me at the %s.
Meet me at the %s. Forming attack party.
Let's get our shit together people. Group at %s.
Launching attack run from the %s.
Everyone avilable please report to the %s.
Everyone...attack from the %s!
Our next organized attack will be from the %s. Hurry!
Group by the %s.