//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Torque Game Engine // // Copyright (c) 2001 GarageGames.Com // Portions Copyright (c) 2001 by Sierra Online, Inc. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Console onEditorRender functions: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions: // - renderSphere([pos], [radius], ); // - renderCircle([pos], [normal], [radius], ); // - renderTriangle([pnt], [pnt], [pnt]); // - renderLine([start], [end], ); // // Variables: // - consoleFrameColor - line prims are rendered with this // - consoleFillColor // - consoleSphereLevel - level of polyhedron subdivision // - consoleCircleSegments // - consoleLineWidth //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SpawnSphere::onEditorRender(%this, %editor, %selected, %expanded) { if(%selected $= "true") { %editor.consoleFrameColor = "255 0 0"; %editor.consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0"; %editor.renderSphere(%this.getWorldBoxCenter(), %this.radius, 1); } } function AudioEmitter::onEditorRender(%this, %editor, %selected, %expanded) { if(%selected $= "true" && %this.is3D && !%this.useProfileDescription) { %editor.consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0"; %editor.consoleFrameColor = "255 0 0"; %editor.renderSphere(%this.getTransform(), %this.minDistance, 1); %editor.consoleFrameColor = "0 0 255"; %editor.renderSphere(%this.getTransform(), %this.maxDistance, 1); } } //function Item::onEditorRender(%this, %editor, %selected, %expanded) //{ // if(%this.getDataBlock().getName() $= "MineDeployed") // { // %editor.consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0"; // %editor.consoleFrameColor = "255 0 0"; // %editor.renderSphere(%this.getWorldBoxCenter(), 6, 1); // } //}