$THIS_VERSION = "1.5"; $SERVER_VERSION = "1.5"; $BUILD_VERSION = 1; $VERSION_MESSAGE = ""; //------------------------------------- function startVersionCheck() { if($pref::checkMOTDAndVersion) { new HTTPObject ( Version ); Version.get("kevinthe.horse:80", "/kevinblast/version.html"); echo("Checking Server Version"); } } //------------------------------------- function Version::onLine(%this, %line) { %cmd = firstWord(%line); %rest = restWords(%line); if (%cmd $= "VERSION") %this.handleVersion(%rest); } //------------------------------------- function Version::handleVersion(%this, %line) { $SERVER_VERSION = firstWord(%line); $VERSION_MESSAGE = restWords(%line); echo("Server Version = " @ $SERVER_VERSION); echo("This Version = " @ $THIS_VERSION); %this.check(); } //------------------------------------- function Version::check() { // only pop-up the notice on the "MainMenuGui" which calls this onWake // just in case we missed it. $content = canvas.getContent().getName(); if (($SERVER_VERSION > $THIS_VERSION) && ($content $= "MainMenuGui") && !$VersionCheckDoneOnce) { $VersionCheckDoneOnce = true; StopDemoTimer(); MOTDGuiText.setText("New Version Available!\n" @ $VERSION_MESSAGE); Canvas.pushDialog(MOTDGui); } }