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2024-03-10 20:27:00 -04:00
// Torque Game Engine
// Copyright (c) 2001 GarageGames.Com
// Portions Copyright (c) 2001 by Sierra Online, Inc.
// This script function is called before a client connection
// is accepted. Returning "" will accept the connection,
// anything else will be sent back as an error to the client.
// All the connect args are passed also to onConnectRequest
function GameConnection::onConnectRequest( %client, %netAddress, %name )
echo("Connect request from: " @ %netAddress);
if($Server::PlayerCount >= $pref::Server::MaxPlayers)
return "";
// This script function is the first called on a client accept
function GameConnection::onConnect( %client, %name )
// Send down the connection error info, the client is
// responsible for displaying this message if a connection
// error occures.
// Send mission information to the client
sendLoadInfoToClient( %client );
// Simulated client lag for testing...
// %client.setSimulatedNetParams(0.1, 30);
// if hosting this server, set this client to superAdmin
if (%client.getAddress() $= "local") {
%client.isAdmin = true;
%client.isSuperAdmin = true;
// Get the client's unique id:
// %authInfo = %client.getAuthInfo();
// %client.guid = getField( %authInfo, 3 );
%client.guid = 0;
addToServerGuidList( %client.guid );
// Set admin status
%client.isAdmin = false;
%client.isSuperAdmin = false;
// Save client preferences on the connection object for later use.
%client.gender = "Male";
%client.armor = "Light";
%client.race = "Human"; = addTaggedString( "base" );
%client.score = 0;
$instantGroup = ServerGroup;
$instantGroup = MissionCleanup;
echo("CADD: " @ %client @ " " @ %client.getAddress());
// Inform the client of all the other clients
%count = ClientGroup.getCount();
for (%cl = 0; %cl < %count; %cl++) {
%other = ClientGroup.getObject(%cl);
if ((%other != %client)) {
// These should be "silent" versions of these messages...
messageClient(%client, 'MsgClientJoin', "",
// Inform the client we've joined up
'MsgClientJoin', "",
// Inform all the other clients of the new guy
messageAllExcept(%client, -1, 'MsgClientJoin', "",
// If the mission is running, go ahead download it to the client
if ($missionRunning)
// A player's name could be obtained from the auth server, but for
// now we use the one passed from the client.
// %realName = getField( %authInfo, 0 );
function GameConnection::setPlayerName(%client,%name)
%client.sendGuid = 0;
// Minimum length requirements
%name = stripTrailingSpaces( strToPlayerName( %name ) );
if ( strlen( %name ) < 3 )
%name = "Poser";
// Make sure the alias is unique, we'll hit something eventually
if (!isNameUnique(%name))
%isUnique = false;
for (%suffix = 1; !%isUnique; %suffix++) {
%nameTry = %name @ "." @ %suffix;
%isUnique = isNameUnique(%nameTry);
%name = %nameTry;
// Tag the name with the "smurf" color:
%client.nameBase = %name; = addTaggedString("\cp\c8" @ %name @ "\co");
function isNameUnique(%name)
%count = ClientGroup.getCount();
for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ )
%test = ClientGroup.getObject( %i );
%rawName = stripChars( detag( getTaggedString( ) ), "\cp\co\c6\c7\c8\c9" );
if ( strcmp( %name, %rawName ) == 0 )
return false;
return true;
// This function is called when a client drops for any reason
function GameConnection::onDrop(%client, %reason)
removeFromServerGuidList( %client.guid );
messageAllExcept(%client, -1, 'MsgClientDrop', '\c1%1 has left the game.',, %client);
echo("CDROP: " @ %client @ " " @ %client.getAddress());
// Reset the server if everyone has left the game
if( $Server::PlayerCount == 0 && $Server::Dedicated)
schedule(0, 0, "resetServerDefaults");
function GameConnection::startMission(%this)
// Inform the client the mission starting
commandToClient(%this, 'MissionStart', $missionSequence);
function GameConnection::endMission(%this)
// Inform the client the mission is done
commandToClient(%this, 'MissionEnd', $missionSequence);
// Sync the clock on the client.
function GameConnection::syncClock(%client, %time)
commandToClient(%client, 'syncClock', %time);
// Update all the clients with the new score
function GameConnection::incScore(%this,%delta)
%this.score += %delta;
messageAll('MsgClientScoreChanged', "", %this.score, %this);