
635 lines
19 KiB

package main
import (
pluginmanager ""
cliflags ""
platformsignals ""
func main() {
err := dockerMain(context.Background())
if err != nil && !errdefs.IsCancelled(err) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
func dockerMain(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, cancelNotify := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, platformsignals.TerminationSignals...)
defer cancelNotify()
dockerCli, err := command.NewDockerCli(command.WithBaseContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return err
return runDocker(ctx, dockerCli)
// getExitCode returns the exit-code to use for the given error.
// If err is a [cli.StatusError] and has a StatusCode set, it uses the
// status-code from it, otherwise it returns "1" for any error.
func getExitCode(err error) int {
if err == nil {
return 0
var stErr cli.StatusError
if errors.As(err, &stErr) && stErr.StatusCode != 0 { // FIXME(thaJeztah): StatusCode should never be used with a zero status-code. Check if we do this anywhere.
return stErr.StatusCode
// No status-code provided; all errors should have a non-zero exit code.
return 1
func newDockerCommand(dockerCli *command.DockerCli) *cli.TopLevelCommand {
var (
opts *cliflags.ClientOptions
helpCmd *cobra.Command
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]",
Short: "A self-sufficient runtime for containers",
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
TraverseChildren: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return command.ShowHelp(dockerCli.Err())(cmd, args)
return fmt.Errorf("docker: unknown command: docker %s\n\nRun 'docker --help' for more information", args[0])
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return isSupported(cmd, dockerCli)
Version: fmt.Sprintf("%s, build %s", version.Version, version.GitCommit),
DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
CompletionOptions: cobra.CompletionOptions{
DisableDefaultCmd: false,
HiddenDefaultCmd: true,
DisableDescriptions: true,
opts, helpCmd = cli.SetupRootCommand(cmd)
_ = registerCompletionFuncForGlobalFlags(dockerCli, cmd)
cmd.Flags().BoolP("version", "v", false, "Print version information and quit")
setFlagErrorFunc(dockerCli, cmd)
setupHelpCommand(dockerCli, cmd, helpCmd)
setHelpFunc(dockerCli, cmd)
commands.AddCommands(cmd, dockerCli)
setValidateArgs(dockerCli, cmd)
// flags must be the top-level command flags, not cmd.Flags()
return cli.NewTopLevelCommand(cmd, dockerCli, opts, cmd.Flags())
func setFlagErrorFunc(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
// When invoking `docker stack --nonsense`, we need to make sure FlagErrorFunc return appropriate
// output if the feature is not supported.
// As above cli.SetupRootCommand(cmd) have already setup the FlagErrorFunc, we will add a pre-check before the FlagErrorFunc
// is called.
flagErrorFunc := cmd.FlagErrorFunc()
cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, err error) error {
if err := pluginmanager.AddPluginCommandStubs(dockerCli, cmd.Root()); err != nil {
return err
if err := isSupported(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
return err
if err := hideUnsupportedFeatures(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
return err
return flagErrorFunc(cmd, err)
func setupHelpCommand(dockerCli command.Cli, rootCmd, helpCmd *cobra.Command) {
origRun := helpCmd.Run
origRunE := helpCmd.RunE
helpCmd.Run = nil
helpCmd.RunE = func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
helpcmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, args[0], rootCmd)
if err == nil {
return helpcmd.Run()
if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Errorf("unknown help topic: %v", strings.Join(args, " "))
if origRunE != nil {
return origRunE(c, args)
origRun(c, args)
return nil
func tryRunPluginHelp(dockerCli command.Cli, ccmd *cobra.Command, cargs []string) error {
root := ccmd.Root()
cmd, _, err := root.Traverse(cargs)
if err != nil {
return err
helpcmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, cmd.Name(), root)
if err != nil {
return err
return helpcmd.Run()
func setHelpFunc(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
defaultHelpFunc := cmd.HelpFunc()
cmd.SetHelpFunc(func(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if err := pluginmanager.AddPluginCommandStubs(dockerCli, ccmd.Root()); err != nil {
if len(args) >= 1 {
err := tryRunPluginHelp(dockerCli, ccmd, args)
if err == nil {
if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
if err := isSupported(ccmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
if err := hideUnsupportedFeatures(ccmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
defaultHelpFunc(ccmd, args)
func setValidateArgs(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
// The Args is handled by ValidateArgs in cobra, which does not allows a pre-hook.
// As a result, here we replace the existing Args validation func to a wrapper,
// where the wrapper will check to see if the feature is supported or not.
// The Args validation error will only be returned if the feature is supported.
cli.VisitAll(cmd, func(ccmd *cobra.Command) {
// if there is no tags for a command or any of its parent,
// there is no need to wrap the Args validation.
if !hasTags(ccmd) {
if ccmd.Args == nil {
cmdArgs := ccmd.Args
ccmd.Args = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if err := isSupported(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
return err
return cmdArgs(cmd, args)
func tryPluginRun(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command, subcommand string, envs []string) error {
plugincmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, subcommand, cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
// Establish the plugin socket, adding it to the environment under a
// well-known key if successful.
srv, err := socket.NewPluginServer(nil)
if err == nil {
plugincmd.Env = append(plugincmd.Env, socket.EnvKey+"="+srv.Addr().String())
defer func() {
// Close the server when plugin execution is over, so that in case
// it's still open, any sockets on the filesystem are cleaned up.
_ = srv.Close()
// Set additional environment variables specified by the caller.
plugincmd.Env = append(plugincmd.Env, envs...)
// Background signal handling logic: block on the signals channel, and
// notify the plugin via the PluginServer (or signal) as appropriate.
const exitLimit = 2
tryTerminatePlugin := func(force bool) {
// If stdin is a TTY, the kernel will forward
// signals to the subprocess because the shared
// pgid makes the TTY a controlling terminal.
// The plugin should have it's own copy of this
// termination logic, and exit after 3 retries
// on it's own.
if dockerCli.Out().IsTerminal() {
// Terminate the plugin server, which will
// close all connections with plugin
// subprocesses, and signal them to exit.
// Repeated invocations will result in EINVAL,
// or EBADF; but that is fine for our purposes.
_ = srv.Close()
// force the process to terminate if it hasn't already
if force {
_ = plugincmd.Process.Kill()
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), "got 3 SIGTERM/SIGINTs, forcefully exiting\n")
go func() {
retries := 0
force := false
// catch the first signal through context cancellation
// register subsequent signals
signals := make(chan os.Signal, exitLimit)
signal.Notify(signals, platformsignals.TerminationSignals...)
for range signals {
// If we're still running after 3 interruptions
// (SIGINT/SIGTERM), send a SIGKILL to the plugin as a
// final attempt to terminate, and exit.
if retries >= exitLimit {
force = true
if err := plugincmd.Run(); err != nil {
statusCode := 1
exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
if !ok {
return err
if ws, ok := exitErr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
statusCode = ws.ExitStatus()
return cli.StatusError{
StatusCode: statusCode,
return nil
// forceExitAfter3TerminationSignals waits for the first termination signal
// to be caught and the context to be marked as done, then registers a new
// signal handler for subsequent signals. It forces the process to exit
// after 3 SIGTERM/SIGINT signals.
func forceExitAfter3TerminationSignals(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) {
// wait for the first signal to be caught and the context to be marked as done
// register a new signal handler for subsequent signals
sig := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(sig, platformsignals.TerminationSignals...)
// once we have received a total of 3 signals we force exit the cli
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "\ngot 3 SIGTERM/SIGINTs, forcefully exiting\n")
func runDocker(ctx context.Context, dockerCli *command.DockerCli) error {
tcmd := newDockerCommand(dockerCli)
cmd, args, err := tcmd.HandleGlobalFlags()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := tcmd.Initialize(command.WithEnableGlobalMeterProvider(), command.WithEnableGlobalTracerProvider()); err != nil {
return err
mp := dockerCli.MeterProvider()
if mp, ok := mp.(command.MeterProvider); ok {
defer func() {
if err := mp.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), "Warning: Unexpected OTEL error, metrics may not be flushed")
dockerCli.InstrumentCobraCommands(ctx, cmd)
var envs []string
args, os.Args, envs, err = processAliases(dockerCli, cmd, args, os.Args)
if err != nil {
return err
if cli.HasCompletionArg(args) {
// We add plugin command stubs early only for completion. We don't
// want to add them for normal command execution as it would cause
// a significant performance hit.
err = pluginmanager.AddPluginCommandStubs(dockerCli, cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
var subCommand *cobra.Command
if len(args) > 0 {
ccmd, _, err := cmd.Find(args)
subCommand = ccmd
if err != nil || pluginmanager.IsPluginCommand(ccmd) {
err := tryPluginRun(ctx, dockerCli, cmd, args[0], envs)
if err == nil {
if dockerCli.HooksEnabled() && dockerCli.Out().IsTerminal() && ccmd != nil {
pluginmanager.RunPluginHooks(ctx, dockerCli, cmd, ccmd, args)
return nil
if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
// For plugin not found we fall through to
// cmd.Execute() which deals with reporting
// "command not found" in a consistent way.
return err
// This is a fallback for the case where the command does not exit
// based on context cancellation.
go forceExitAfter3TerminationSignals(ctx, dockerCli.Err())
// We've parsed global args already, so reset args to those
// which remain.
err = cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx)
// If the command is being executed in an interactive terminal
// and hook are enabled, run the plugin hooks.
if dockerCli.HooksEnabled() && dockerCli.Out().IsTerminal() && subCommand != nil {
var errMessage string
if err != nil {
errMessage = err.Error()
pluginmanager.RunCLICommandHooks(ctx, dockerCli, cmd, subCommand, errMessage)
return err
type versionDetails interface {
CurrentVersion() string
ServerInfo() command.ServerInfo
func hideFlagIf(f *pflag.Flag, condition func(string) bool, annotation string) {
if f.Hidden {
var val string
if values, ok := f.Annotations[annotation]; ok {
if len(values) > 0 {
val = values[0]
if condition(val) {
f.Hidden = true
func hideSubcommandIf(subcmd *cobra.Command, condition func(string) bool, annotation string) {
if subcmd.Hidden {
if v, ok := subcmd.Annotations[annotation]; ok {
if condition(v) {
subcmd.Hidden = true
func hideUnsupportedFeatures(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
var (
notExperimental = func(_ string) bool { return !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental }
notOSType = func(v string) bool { return details.ServerInfo().OSType != "" && v != details.ServerInfo().OSType }
notSwarmStatus = func(v string) bool {
s := details.ServerInfo().SwarmStatus
if s == nil {
// engine did not return swarm status header
return false
switch v {
case "manager":
// requires the node to be a manager
return !s.ControlAvailable
case "active":
// requires swarm to be active on the node (e.g. for swarm leave)
// only hide the command if we're sure the node is "inactive"
// for any other status, assume the "leave" command can still
// be used.
return s.NodeState == "inactive"
case "":
// some swarm commands, such as "swarm init" and "swarm join"
// are swarm-related, but do not require swarm to be active
return false
// ignore any other value for the "swarm" annotation
return false
versionOlderThan = func(v string) bool { return versions.LessThan(details.CurrentVersion(), v) }
cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
// hide flags not supported by the server
// root command shows all top-level flags
if cmd.Parent() != nil {
if cmds, ok := f.Annotations["top-level"]; ok {
f.Hidden = !findCommand(cmd, cmds)
if f.Hidden {
hideFlagIf(f, notExperimental, "experimental")
hideFlagIf(f, notOSType, "ostype")
hideFlagIf(f, notSwarmStatus, "swarm")
hideFlagIf(f, versionOlderThan, "version")
for _, subcmd := range cmd.Commands() {
hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, notExperimental, "experimental")
hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, notOSType, "ostype")
hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, notSwarmStatus, "swarm")
hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, versionOlderThan, "version")
return nil
// Checks if a command or one of its ancestors is in the list
func findCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, cmds []string) bool {
if cmd == nil {
return false
for _, c := range cmds {
if c == cmd.Name() {
return true
return findCommand(cmd.Parent(), cmds)
func isSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
if err := areSubcommandsSupported(cmd, details); err != nil {
return err
return areFlagsSupported(cmd, details)
func areFlagsSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
errs := []string{}
cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
if !f.Changed || len(f.Annotations) == 0 {
// Important: in the code below, calls to "details.CurrentVersion()" and
// "details.ServerInfo()" are deliberately executed inline to make them
// be executed "lazily". This is to prevent making a connection with the
// daemon to perform a "ping" (even for flags that do not require a
// daemon connection).
// See commit b39739123b845f872549e91be184cc583f5b387c for details.
if _, ok := f.Annotations["version"]; ok && !isVersionSupported(f, details.CurrentVersion()) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(`"--%s" requires API version %s, but the Docker daemon API version is %s`, f.Name, getFlagAnnotation(f, "version"), details.CurrentVersion()))
if _, ok := f.Annotations["ostype"]; ok && !isOSTypeSupported(f, details.ServerInfo().OSType) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(
`"--%s" is only supported on a Docker daemon running on %s, but the Docker daemon is running on %s`,
getFlagAnnotation(f, "ostype"), details.ServerInfo().OSType),
if _, ok := f.Annotations["experimental"]; ok && !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(`"--%s" is only supported on a Docker daemon with experimental features enabled`, f.Name))
// buildkit-specific flags are noop when buildkit is not enabled, so we do not add an error in that case
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))
return nil
// Check recursively so that, e.g., `docker stack ls` returns the same output as `docker stack`
func areSubcommandsSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
// Check recursively so that, e.g., `docker stack ls` returns the same output as `docker stack`
for curr := cmd; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent() {
// Important: in the code below, calls to "details.CurrentVersion()" and
// "details.ServerInfo()" are deliberately executed inline to make them
// be executed "lazily". This is to prevent making a connection with the
// daemon to perform a "ping" (even for commands that do not require a
// daemon connection).
// See commit b39739123b845f872549e91be184cc583f5b387c for details.
if cmdVersion, ok := curr.Annotations["version"]; ok && versions.LessThan(details.CurrentVersion(), cmdVersion) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires API version %s, but the Docker daemon API version is %s", cmd.CommandPath(), cmdVersion, details.CurrentVersion())
if ost, ok := curr.Annotations["ostype"]; ok && details.ServerInfo().OSType != "" && ost != details.ServerInfo().OSType {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is only supported on a Docker daemon running on %s, but the Docker daemon is running on %s", cmd.CommandPath(), ost, details.ServerInfo().OSType)
if _, ok := curr.Annotations["experimental"]; ok && !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is only supported on a Docker daemon with experimental features enabled", cmd.CommandPath())
return nil
func getFlagAnnotation(f *pflag.Flag, annotation string) string {
if value, ok := f.Annotations[annotation]; ok && len(value) == 1 {
return value[0]
return ""
func isVersionSupported(f *pflag.Flag, clientVersion string) bool {
if v := getFlagAnnotation(f, "version"); v != "" {
return versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(clientVersion, v)
return true
func isOSTypeSupported(f *pflag.Flag, osType string) bool {
if v := getFlagAnnotation(f, "ostype"); v != "" && osType != "" {
return osType == v
return true
// hasTags return true if any of the command's parents has tags
func hasTags(cmd *cobra.Command) bool {
for curr := cmd; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent() {
if len(curr.Annotations) > 0 {
return true
return false