
561 lines
13 KiB

// FIXME(thaJeztah): remove once we are a module; the go:build directive prevents go from downgrading language version to go1.16:
//go:build go1.21
package loader
import (
func fullExampleConfig(workingDir, homeDir string) *types.Config {
return &types.Config{
Version: "3.13",
Services: services(workingDir, homeDir),
Networks: networks(),
Volumes: volumes(),
Configs: configs(workingDir),
Secrets: secrets(workingDir),
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-foo": "bar",
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-nested": map[string]any{
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz",
func services(workingDir, homeDir string) []types.ServiceConfig {
return []types.ServiceConfig{
Name: "foo",
Build: types.BuildConfig{
Context: "./dir",
Dockerfile: "Dockerfile",
Args: map[string]*string{"foo": strPtr("bar")},
Target: "foo",
Network: "foo",
CacheFrom: []string{"foo", "bar"},
ExtraHosts: types.HostsList{
Labels: map[string]string{"FOO": "BAR"},
CapAdd: []string{"ALL"},
CapDrop: []string{"NET_ADMIN", "SYS_ADMIN"},
CgroupParent: "m-executor-abcd",
Command: []string{"bundle", "exec", "thin", "-p", "3000"},
Configs: []types.ServiceConfigObjConfig{
Source: "config1",
Source: "config2",
Target: "/my_config",
UID: "103",
GID: "103",
Mode: uint32Ptr(0o440),
ContainerName: "my-web-container",
DependsOn: []string{"db", "redis"},
Deploy: types.DeployConfig{
Mode: "replicated",
Replicas: uint64Ptr(6),
Labels: map[string]string{"FOO": "BAR"},
RollbackConfig: &types.UpdateConfig{
Parallelism: uint64Ptr(3),
Delay: types.Duration(10 * time.Second),
FailureAction: "continue",
Monitor: types.Duration(60 * time.Second),
MaxFailureRatio: 0.3,
Order: "start-first",
UpdateConfig: &types.UpdateConfig{
Parallelism: uint64Ptr(3),
Delay: types.Duration(10 * time.Second),
FailureAction: "continue",
Monitor: types.Duration(60 * time.Second),
MaxFailureRatio: 0.3,
Order: "start-first",
Resources: types.Resources{
Limits: &types.ResourceLimit{
NanoCPUs: "0.001",
MemoryBytes: 50 * 1024 * 1024,
Pids: 100,
Reservations: &types.Resource{
NanoCPUs: "0.0001",
MemoryBytes: 20 * 1024 * 1024,
GenericResources: []types.GenericResource{
DiscreteResourceSpec: &types.DiscreteGenericResource{
Kind: "gpu",
Value: 2,
DiscreteResourceSpec: &types.DiscreteGenericResource{
Kind: "ssd",
Value: 1,
RestartPolicy: &types.RestartPolicy{
Condition: "on-failure",
Delay: durationPtr(5 * time.Second),
MaxAttempts: uint64Ptr(3),
Window: durationPtr(2 * time.Minute),
Placement: types.Placement{
Constraints: []string{"node=foo"},
MaxReplicas: uint64(5),
Preferences: []types.PlacementPreferences{
Spread: "",
EndpointMode: "dnsrr",
Devices: []string{"/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0"},
DNS: []string{"", ""},
DNSSearch: []string{"", ""},
DomainName: "",
Entrypoint: []string{"/code/", "-p", "3000"},
Environment: map[string]*string{
"FOO": strPtr("foo_from_env_file"),
"BAR": strPtr("bar_from_env_file_2"),
"BAZ": strPtr("baz_from_service_def"),
"QUX": strPtr("qux_from_environment"),
EnvFile: []string{
Expose: []string{"3000", "8000"},
ExternalLinks: []string{
ExtraHosts: []string{
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-foo": "bar",
HealthCheck: &types.HealthCheckConfig{
Test: types.HealthCheckTest([]string{"CMD-SHELL", "echo \"hello world\""}),
Interval: durationPtr(10 * time.Second),
Timeout: durationPtr(1 * time.Second),
Retries: uint64Ptr(5),
StartPeriod: durationPtr(15 * time.Second),
StartInterval: durationPtr(1 * time.Second),
Hostname: "foo",
Image: "redis",
Ipc: "host",
Labels: map[string]string{
"com.example.description": "Accounting webapp",
"com.example.number": "42",
"com.example.empty-label": "",
Links: []string{
Logging: &types.LoggingConfig{
Driver: "syslog",
Options: map[string]string{
"syslog-address": "tcp://",
MacAddress: "02:42:ac:11:65:43",
NetworkMode: "container:0cfeab0f748b9a743dc3da582046357c6ef497631c1a016d28d2bf9b4f899f7b",
Networks: map[string]*types.ServiceNetworkConfig{
"some-network": {
Aliases: []string{"alias1", "alias3"},
Ipv4Address: "",
Ipv6Address: "",
DriverOpts: map[string]string{
"driveropt1": "optval1",
"driveropt2": "optval2",
"other-network": {
Ipv4Address: "",
Ipv6Address: "2001:3984:3989::10",
"other-other-network": nil,
Pid: "host",
Ports: []types.ServicePortConfig{
// "3000",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3000,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3001,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3002,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3003,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3004,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 3005,
Protocol: "tcp",
// "8000:8000",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 8000,
Published: 8000,
Protocol: "tcp",
// "9090-9091:8080-8081",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 8080,
Published: 9090,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 8081,
Published: 9091,
Protocol: "tcp",
// "49100:22",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 22,
Published: 49100,
Protocol: "tcp",
// "",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 8001,
Published: 8001,
Protocol: "tcp",
// "",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5000,
Published: 5000,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5001,
Published: 5001,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5002,
Published: 5002,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5003,
Published: 5003,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5004,
Published: 5004,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5005,
Published: 5005,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5006,
Published: 5006,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5007,
Published: 5007,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5008,
Published: 5008,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5009,
Published: 5009,
Protocol: "tcp",
Mode: "ingress",
Target: 5010,
Published: 5010,
Protocol: "tcp",
Privileged: true,
ReadOnly: true,
Restart: "always",
Secrets: []types.ServiceSecretConfig{
Source: "secret1",
Source: "secret2",
Target: "my_secret",
UID: "103",
GID: "103",
Mode: uint32Ptr(0o440),
SecurityOpt: []string{
StdinOpen: true,
StopSignal: "SIGUSR1",
StopGracePeriod: durationPtr(20 * time.Second),
Sysctls: map[string]string{
"net.core.somaxconn": "1024",
"net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies": "0",
Tmpfs: []string{"/run", "/tmp"},
Tty: true,
Ulimits: map[string]*types.UlimitsConfig{
"nproc": {
Single: 65535,
"nofile": {
Soft: 20000,
Hard: 40000,
User: "someone",
Volumes: []types.ServiceVolumeConfig{
{Target: "/var/lib/mysql", Type: "volume"},
{Source: "/opt/data", Target: "/var/lib/mysql", Type: "bind"},
{Source: workingDir, Target: "/code", Type: "bind"},
{Source: workingDir + "/static", Target: "/var/www/html", Type: "bind"},
{Source: homeDir + "/configs", Target: "/etc/configs/", Type: "bind", ReadOnly: true},
{Source: "datavolume", Target: "/var/lib/mysql", Type: "volume"},
{Source: workingDir + "/opt", Target: "/opt", Consistency: "cached", Type: "bind"},
{Target: "/opt", Type: "tmpfs", Tmpfs: &types.ServiceVolumeTmpfs{
Size: int64(10000),
{Source: "group:mygroup", Target: "/srv", Type: "cluster"},
WorkingDir: "/code",
func networks() map[string]types.NetworkConfig {
return map[string]types.NetworkConfig{
"some-network": {},
"other-network": {
Driver: "overlay",
DriverOpts: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "1",
Ipam: types.IPAMConfig{
Driver: "overlay",
Config: []*types.IPAMPool{
{Subnet: ""},
{Subnet: "2001:3984:3989::/64"},
Labels: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"external-network": {
Name: "external-network",
External: types.External{External: true},
"other-external-network": {
Name: "my-cool-network",
External: types.External{External: true},
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-foo": "bar",
func volumes() map[string]types.VolumeConfig {
return map[string]types.VolumeConfig{
"some-volume": {},
"other-volume": {
Driver: "flocker",
DriverOpts: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "1",
Labels: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"another-volume": {
Name: "user_specified_name",
Driver: "vsphere",
DriverOpts: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "1",
"external-volume": {
Name: "external-volume",
External: types.External{External: true},
"other-external-volume": {
Name: "my-cool-volume",
External: types.External{External: true},
"external-volume3": {
Name: "this-is-volume3",
External: types.External{External: true},
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-foo": "bar",
"cluster-volume": {
Driver: "my-csi-driver",
Spec: &types.ClusterVolumeSpec{
Group: "mygroup",
AccessMode: &types.AccessMode{
Scope: "single",
Sharing: "none",
BlockVolume: &types.BlockVolume{},
AccessibilityRequirements: &types.TopologyRequirement{
Requisite: []types.Topology{
Segments: types.Mapping{"region": "R1", "zone": "Z1"},
Segments: types.Mapping{"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"},
Preferred: []types.Topology{
Segments: types.Mapping{"region": "R1", "zone": "Z1"},
CapacityRange: &types.CapacityRange{
RequiredBytes: types.UnitBytes(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
LimitBytes: types.UnitBytes(8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
Secrets: []types.VolumeSecret{
{Key: "mycsisecret", Secret: "secret1"},
{Key: "mycsisecret2", Secret: "secret4"},
Availability: "active",
func configs(workingDir string) map[string]types.ConfigObjConfig {
return map[string]types.ConfigObjConfig{
"config1": {
File: workingDir + "/config_data",
Labels: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"config2": {
Name: "my_config",
External: types.External{External: true},
"config3": {
Name: "config3",
External: types.External{External: true},
"config4": {
Name: "foo",
File: workingDir,
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-foo": "bar",
func secrets(workingDir string) map[string]types.SecretConfig {
return map[string]types.SecretConfig{
"secret1": {
File: workingDir + "/secret_data",
Labels: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"secret2": {
Name: "my_secret",
External: types.External{External: true},
"secret3": {
Name: "secret3",
External: types.External{External: true},
"secret4": {
Name: "bar",
File: workingDir,
Extras: map[string]any{
"x-bar": "baz",
"x-foo": "bar",