
164 lines
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package trustpinning
import (
// TrustPinConfig represents the configuration under the trust_pinning section of the config file
// This struct represents the preferred way to bootstrap trust for this repository
// This is fully optional. If left at the default, uninitialized value Notary will use TOFU over
// You can use this to provide certificates or a CA to pin to as a root of trust for a GUN.
// These are used with the following precedence:
// 1. Certs
// 2. CA
// 3. TOFUS (TOFU over HTTPS)
// Only one trust pinning option will be used to validate a particular GUN.
type TrustPinConfig struct {
// CA maps a GUN prefix to file paths containing the root CA.
// This file can contain multiple root certificates, bundled in separate PEM blocks.
CA map[string]string
// Certs maps a GUN to a list of certificate IDs
Certs map[string][]string
// DisableTOFU, when true, disables "Trust On First Use" of new key data
// This is false by default, which means new key data will always be trusted the first time it is seen.
DisableTOFU bool
type trustPinChecker struct {
gun data.GUN
config TrustPinConfig
pinnedCAPool *x509.CertPool
pinnedCertIDs []string
// CertChecker is a function type that will be used to check leaf certs against pinned trust
type CertChecker func(leafCert *x509.Certificate, intCerts []*x509.Certificate) bool
// NewTrustPinChecker returns a new certChecker function from a TrustPinConfig for a GUN
func NewTrustPinChecker(trustPinConfig TrustPinConfig, gun data.GUN, firstBootstrap bool) (CertChecker, error) {
t := trustPinChecker{gun: gun, config: trustPinConfig}
// Determine the mode, and if it's even valid
if pinnedCerts, ok := trustPinConfig.Certs[gun.String()]; ok {
logrus.Debugf("trust-pinning using Cert IDs")
t.pinnedCertIDs = pinnedCerts
return t.certsCheck, nil
var ok bool
t.pinnedCertIDs, ok = wildcardMatch(gun, trustPinConfig.Certs)
if ok {
return t.certsCheck, nil
if caFilepath, err := getPinnedCAFilepathByPrefix(gun, trustPinConfig); err == nil {
logrus.Debugf("trust-pinning using root CA bundle at: %s", caFilepath)
// Try to add the CA certs from its bundle file to our certificate store,
// and use it to validate certs in the root.json later
caCerts, err := utils.LoadCertBundleFromFile(caFilepath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load root cert from CA path")
// Now only consider certificates that are direct children from this CA cert chain
caRootPool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, caCert := range caCerts {
if err = utils.ValidateCertificate(caCert, true); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("ignoring root CA certificate with CN %s in bundle: %s", caCert.Subject.CommonName, err)
// If we didn't have any valid CA certs, error out
if len(caRootPool.Subjects()) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid CA certs provided")
t.pinnedCAPool = caRootPool
return t.caCheck, nil
// If TOFUs is disabled and we don't have any previous trusted root data for this GUN, we error out
if trustPinConfig.DisableTOFU && firstBootstrap {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid trust pinning specified")
return t.tofusCheck, nil
func (t trustPinChecker) certsCheck(leafCert *x509.Certificate, intCerts []*x509.Certificate) bool {
// reconstruct the leaf + intermediate cert chain, which is bundled as {leaf, intermediates...},
// in order to get the matching id in the root file
key, err := utils.CertBundleToKey(leafCert, intCerts)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debug("error creating cert bundle: ", err.Error())
return false
return utils.StrSliceContains(t.pinnedCertIDs, key.ID())
func (t trustPinChecker) caCheck(leafCert *x509.Certificate, intCerts []*x509.Certificate) bool {
// Use intermediate certificates included in the root TUF metadata for our validation
caIntPool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, intCert := range intCerts {
// Attempt to find a valid certificate chain from the leaf cert to CA root
// Use this certificate if such a valid chain exists (possibly using intermediates)
var err error
if _, err = leafCert.Verify(x509.VerifyOptions{Roots: t.pinnedCAPool, Intermediates: caIntPool}); err == nil {
return true
logrus.Debugf("unable to find a valid certificate chain from leaf cert to CA root: %s", err)
return false
func (t trustPinChecker) tofusCheck(leafCert *x509.Certificate, intCerts []*x509.Certificate) bool {
return true
// Will return the CA filepath corresponding to the most specific (longest) entry in the map that is still a prefix
// of the provided gun. Returns an error if no entry matches this GUN as a prefix.
func getPinnedCAFilepathByPrefix(gun data.GUN, t TrustPinConfig) (string, error) {
specificGUN := ""
specificCAFilepath := ""
foundCA := false
for gunPrefix, caFilepath := range t.CA {
if strings.HasPrefix(gun.String(), gunPrefix) && len(gunPrefix) >= len(specificGUN) {
specificGUN = gunPrefix
specificCAFilepath = caFilepath
foundCA = true
if !foundCA {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find pinned CA for GUN: %s", gun)
return specificCAFilepath, nil
// wildcardMatch will attempt to match the most specific (longest prefix) wildcarded
// trustpinning option for key IDs. Given the simple globbing and the use of maps,
// it is impossible to have two different prefixes of equal length.
// This logic also solves the issue of Go's randomization of map iteration.
func wildcardMatch(gun data.GUN, certs map[string][]string) ([]string, bool) {
var (
longest = ""
ids []string
for gunPrefix, keyIDs := range certs {
if strings.HasSuffix(gunPrefix, "*") {
if strings.HasPrefix(gun.String(), gunPrefix[:len(gunPrefix)-1]) && len(gunPrefix) > len(longest) {
longest = gunPrefix
ids = keyIDs
return ids, ids != nil