
559 lines
17 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package docker.swarmkit.v1;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "";
// Control defines the RPC methods for controlling a cluster.
service Control {
rpc GetNode(GetNodeRequest) returns (GetNodeResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc ListNodes(ListNodesRequest) returns (ListNodesResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc UpdateNode(UpdateNodeRequest) returns (UpdateNodeResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc RemoveNode(RemoveNodeRequest) returns (RemoveNodeResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc GetTask(GetTaskRequest) returns (GetTaskResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc ListTasks(ListTasksRequest) returns (ListTasksResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc RemoveTask(RemoveTaskRequest) returns (RemoveTaskResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (GetServiceResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc CreateService(CreateServiceRequest) returns (CreateServiceResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc UpdateService(UpdateServiceRequest) returns (UpdateServiceResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc RemoveService(RemoveServiceRequest) returns (RemoveServiceResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc GetNetwork(GetNetworkRequest) returns (GetNetworkResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc ListNetworks(ListNetworksRequest) returns (ListNetworksResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc CreateNetwork(CreateNetworkRequest) returns (CreateNetworkResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest) returns (RemoveNetworkResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc GetCluster(GetClusterRequest) returns (GetClusterResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc ListClusters(ListClustersRequest) returns (ListClustersResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
rpc UpdateCluster(UpdateClusterRequest) returns (UpdateClusterResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// --- secret APIs ---
// GetSecret returns a `GetSecretResponse` with a `Secret` with the same
// id as `GetSecretRequest.SecretID`
// - Returns `NotFound` if the Secret with the given id is not found.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `GetSecretRequest.SecretID` is empty.
// - Returns an error if getting fails.
rpc GetSecret(GetSecretRequest) returns (GetSecretResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// UpdateSecret returns a `UpdateSecretResponse` with a `Secret` with the same
// id as `GetSecretRequest.SecretID`
// - Returns `NotFound` if the Secret with the given id is not found.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `GetSecretRequest.SecretID` is empty.
// - Returns an error if updating fails.
rpc UpdateSecret(UpdateSecretRequest) returns (UpdateSecretResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// ListSecrets returns a `ListSecretResponse` with a list of all non-internal `Secret`s being
// managed, or all secrets matching any name in `ListSecretsRequest.Names`, any
// name prefix in `ListSecretsRequest.NamePrefixes`, any id in
// `ListSecretsRequest.SecretIDs`, or any id prefix in `ListSecretsRequest.IDPrefixes`.
// - Returns an error if listing fails.
rpc ListSecrets(ListSecretsRequest) returns (ListSecretsResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// CreateSecret creates and return a `CreateSecretResponse` with a `Secret` based
// on the provided `CreateSecretRequest.SecretSpec`.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `CreateSecretRequest.SecretSpec` is malformed,
// or if the secret data is too long or contains invalid characters.
// - Returns an error if the creation fails.
rpc CreateSecret(CreateSecretRequest) returns (CreateSecretResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// RemoveSecret removes the secret referenced by `RemoveSecretRequest.ID`.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if `RemoveSecretRequest.ID` is empty.
// - Returns `NotFound` if the a secret named `RemoveSecretRequest.ID` is not found.
// - Returns an error if the deletion fails.
rpc RemoveSecret(RemoveSecretRequest) returns (RemoveSecretResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// --- config APIs ---
// GetConfig returns a `GetConfigResponse` with a `Config` with the same
// id as `GetConfigRequest.ConfigID`
// - Returns `NotFound` if the Config with the given id is not found.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `GetConfigRequest.ConfigID` is empty.
// - Returns an error if getting fails.
rpc GetConfig(GetConfigRequest) returns (GetConfigResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// UpdateConfig returns a `UpdateConfigResponse` with a `Config` with the same
// id as `GetConfigRequest.ConfigID`
// - Returns `NotFound` if the Config with the given id is not found.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `GetConfigRequest.ConfigID` is empty.
// - Returns an error if updating fails.
rpc UpdateConfig(UpdateConfigRequest) returns (UpdateConfigResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// ListConfigs returns a `ListConfigResponse` with a list of `Config`s being
// managed, or all configs matching any name in `ListConfigsRequest.Names`, any
// name prefix in `ListConfigsRequest.NamePrefixes`, any id in
// `ListConfigsRequest.ConfigIDs`, or any id prefix in `ListConfigsRequest.IDPrefixes`.
// - Returns an error if listing fails.
rpc ListConfigs(ListConfigsRequest) returns (ListConfigsResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// CreateConfig creates and return a `CreateConfigResponse` with a `Config` based
// on the provided `CreateConfigRequest.ConfigSpec`.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if the `CreateConfigRequest.ConfigSpec` is malformed,
// or if the config data is too long or contains invalid characters.
// - Returns an error if the creation fails.
rpc CreateConfig(CreateConfigRequest) returns (CreateConfigResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
// RemoveConfig removes the config referenced by `RemoveConfigRequest.ID`.
// - Returns `InvalidArgument` if `RemoveConfigRequest.ID` is empty.
// - Returns `NotFound` if the a config named `RemoveConfigRequest.ID` is not found.
// - Returns an error if the deletion fails.
rpc RemoveConfig(RemoveConfigRequest) returns (RemoveConfigResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
message GetNodeRequest {
string node_id = 1;
message GetNodeResponse {
Node node = 1;
message ListNodesRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
// Labels refers to engine labels, which are labels set by the user on the
// node and reported back to the managers
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// NodeLabels are labels set on the node object on the managers.
map<string, string> node_labels = 7;
repeated NodeSpec.Membership memberships = 4 [packed=false];
repeated NodeRole roles = 5 [packed=false];
// NamePrefixes matches all objects with the given prefixes
repeated string name_prefixes = 6;
Filters filters = 1;
message ListNodesResponse {
repeated Node nodes = 1;
// UpdateNodeRequest requests an update to the specified node. This may be used
// to request a new availability for a node, such as PAUSE. Invalid updates
// will be denied and cause an error.
message UpdateNodeRequest {
string node_id = 1;
Version node_version = 2;
NodeSpec spec = 3;
message UpdateNodeResponse {
Node node = 1;
// RemoveNodeRequest requests to delete the specified node from store.
message RemoveNodeRequest {
string node_id = 1;
bool force = 2;
message RemoveNodeResponse {
message GetTaskRequest {
string task_id = 1;
message GetTaskResponse {
Task task = 1;
message RemoveTaskRequest {
string task_id = 1;
message RemoveTaskResponse {
message ListTasksRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
repeated string service_ids = 4;
repeated string node_ids = 5;
repeated docker.swarmkit.v1.TaskState desired_states = 6 [packed=false];
// NamePrefixes matches all objects with the given prefixes
repeated string name_prefixes = 7;
repeated string runtimes = 9;
// UpToDate matches tasks that are consistent with the current
// service definition.
// Note: this is intended for internal status reporting rather
// than being exposed to users. It may be removed in the future.
bool up_to_date = 8;
Filters filters = 1;
message ListTasksResponse {
repeated Task tasks = 1;
message CreateServiceRequest {
ServiceSpec spec = 1;
message CreateServiceResponse {
Service service = 1;
message GetServiceRequest {
string service_id = 1;
bool insert_defaults = 2;
message GetServiceResponse {
Service service = 1;
message UpdateServiceRequest {
string service_id = 1;
Version service_version = 2;
ServiceSpec spec = 3;
enum Rollback {
// This is not a rollback. The spec field of the request will
// be honored.
NONE = 0;
// Roll back the service - get spec from the service's
// previous_spec.
// Rollback may be set to PREVIOUS to request a rollback (the service's
// spec will be set to the value of its previous_spec field). In this
// case, the spec field of this request is ignored.
Rollback rollback = 4;
message UpdateServiceResponse {
Service service = 1;
message RemoveServiceRequest {
string service_id = 1;
message RemoveServiceResponse {
message ListServicesRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// NamePrefixes matches all objects with the given prefixes
repeated string name_prefixes = 4;
repeated string runtimes = 5;
Filters filters = 1;
message ListServicesResponse {
repeated Service services = 1;
message CreateNetworkRequest {
NetworkSpec spec = 1;
message CreateNetworkResponse {
Network network = 1;
message GetNetworkRequest {
string name = 1;
string network_id = 2;
message GetNetworkResponse {
Network network = 1;
message RemoveNetworkRequest {
string name = 1;
string network_id = 2;
message RemoveNetworkResponse {}
message ListNetworksRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// NamePrefixes matches all objects with the given prefixes
repeated string name_prefixes = 4;
Filters filters = 1;
message ListNetworksResponse {
repeated Network networks = 1;
message GetClusterRequest {
string cluster_id = 1;
message GetClusterResponse {
Cluster cluster = 1;
message ListClustersRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// NamePrefixes matches all objects with the given prefixes
repeated string name_prefixes = 4;
Filters filters = 1;
message ListClustersResponse {
repeated Cluster clusters = 1;
// KeyRotation tells UpdateCluster what items to rotate
message KeyRotation {
// WorkerJoinToken tells UpdateCluster to rotate the worker secret token.
bool worker_join_token = 1;
// ManagerJoinToken tells UpdateCluster to rotate the manager secret token.
bool manager_join_token = 2;
// ManagerUnlockKey tells UpdateCluster to rotate the manager unlock key
bool manager_unlock_key = 3;
message UpdateClusterRequest {
// ClusterID is the cluster ID to update.
string cluster_id = 1;
// ClusterVersion is the version of the cluster being updated.
Version cluster_version = 2;
// Spec is the new spec to apply to the cluster.
ClusterSpec spec = 3;
// Rotation contains flags for join token and unlock key rotation
KeyRotation rotation = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message UpdateClusterResponse {
Cluster cluster = 1;
// GetSecretRequest is the request to get a `Secret` object given a secret id.
message GetSecretRequest {
string secret_id = 1;
// GetSecretResponse contains the Secret corresponding to the id in
// `GetSecretRequest`, but the `Secret.Spec.Data` field in each `Secret`
// object should be nil instead of actually containing the secret bytes.
message GetSecretResponse {
Secret secret = 1;
message UpdateSecretRequest {
// SecretID is the secret ID to update.
string secret_id = 1;
// SecretVersion is the version of the secret being updated.
Version secret_version = 2;
// Spec is the new spec to apply to the Secret
// Only some fields are allowed to be updated.
SecretSpec spec = 3;
message UpdateSecretResponse {
Secret secret = 1;
// ListSecretRequest is the request to list all non-internal secrets in the secret store,
// or all secrets filtered by (name or name prefix or id prefix) and labels.
message ListSecretsRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
repeated string name_prefixes = 4;
Filters filters = 1;
// ListSecretResponse contains a list of all the secrets that match the name or
// name prefix filters provided in `ListSecretRequest`. The `Secret.Spec.Data`
// field in each `Secret` object should be nil instead of actually containing
// the secret bytes.
message ListSecretsResponse {
repeated Secret secrets = 1;
// CreateSecretRequest specifies a new secret (it will not update an existing
// secret) to create.
message CreateSecretRequest {
SecretSpec spec = 1;
// CreateSecretResponse contains the newly created `Secret` corresponding to the
// name in `CreateSecretRequest`. The `Secret.Spec.Data` field should be nil instead
// of actually containing the secret bytes.
message CreateSecretResponse {
Secret secret = 1;
// RemoveSecretRequest contains the ID of the secret that should be removed. This
// removes all versions of the secret.
message RemoveSecretRequest {
string secret_id = 1;
// RemoveSecretResponse is an empty object indicating the successful removal of
// a secret.
message RemoveSecretResponse {}
// GetConfigRequest is the request to get a `Config` object given a config id.
message GetConfigRequest {
string config_id = 1;
// GetConfigResponse contains the Config corresponding to the id in
// `GetConfigRequest`.
message GetConfigResponse {
Config config = 1;
message UpdateConfigRequest {
// ConfigID is the config ID to update.
string config_id = 1;
// ConfigVersion is the version of the config being updated.
Version config_version = 2;
// Spec is the new spec to apply to the Config
// Only some fields are allowed to be updated.
ConfigSpec spec = 3;
message UpdateConfigResponse {
Config config = 1;
// ListConfigRequest is the request to list all configs in the config store,
// or all configs filtered by (name or name prefix or id prefix) and labels.
message ListConfigsRequest {
message Filters {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated string id_prefixes = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
repeated string name_prefixes = 4;
Filters filters = 1;
// ListConfigResponse contains a list of all the configs that match the name or
// name prefix filters provided in `ListConfigRequest`.
message ListConfigsResponse {
repeated Config configs = 1;
// CreateConfigRequest specifies a new config (it will not update an existing
// config) to create.
message CreateConfigRequest {
ConfigSpec spec = 1;
// CreateConfigResponse contains the newly created `Config` corresponding to the
// name in `CreateConfigRequest`.
message CreateConfigResponse {
Config config = 1;
// RemoveConfigRequest contains the ID of the config that should be removed. This
// removes all versions of the config.
message RemoveConfigRequest {
string config_id = 1;
// RemoveConfigResponse is an empty object indicating the successful removal of
// a config.
message RemoveConfigResponse {}